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Latest revision as of 12:09, 15 April 2020

I would have words with thee!
Date of Scene: 14 April 2020
Location: Upper East Side
Synopsis: Karla tries to save the day, Thor hits her with a hammer.
Cast of Characters: Karla Sofen, Thor

Karla Sofen has posed:
New York City, one of the largest cities of the world, and incidentally with more powered people per square meter than anywhere else in the world. That also means the heists that often happen get an hero or two to attend. Not this time around though!

The heist had all the ingredients to go perfect. They were dressed as security officers, knocked out the original guards and were on their way out of town to count on their loot when tragedy occured. They forgot the GPS on the trucks, and that they were going way off the intended destination, so police was sent to intercept, which then led to a shootout.

Unfortunately to everyone this shootout is occuring quite close to where Dr. Sofen's office is. And that just cannot be, specially since her personal assistant, Deanna, is out there on the street. And she certainly doesn't want to go find a new one. It took her a while to train this girl.

So with a sigh she approaches her window, opens it, already her outfit starting to morph towards the yellow and white that marks her as Moonstone. A brief moment as she revels in the power and freedom it brings her but then she is off, flying down towards the shootout going on, aimed towards that security truck.

Thor has posed:
    The tableau that greets her is rife with danger, for the crowd and those involved, if not her. For the police have taken cover behind their vehicles, hunkered down as they endure the blaze of fire from the faux security guards. There is the steady crack-crack-crack of weapons fire, a shotgun kachinking at times as slug rounds are sent into the backs of the squad cars.
    Meanwhile in cover the police officers are calling on the radio, screaming for help even as they're being peppered with rounds from the cover of that armored vehicle and the men in the bullet proof vests of the security company.
    At a glance it is madness.
    And then when Moonstone floats down toward it, it only gains yet more of a surreal feel to it.
    The man with the shotgun, wearing his black hat turns and ratchets the shotgun again and without a thought as to who she is or what she can do... fires several rounds straight at her.

Karla Sofen has posed:
For all the powers and toughness that Moonstone has there is still that danger about being shot, bullets able to pierce her even if other types of impact may not harm her. But luckily enough Moonstone is the type that's fast enough to dodge bullets, even if shot out of a shotgun, specially it's a more unskilled opponent like these guards.

Which means she spins and weaves while flying at high speed, a smug grin upon her expression. The last shot from that shotgun is shot point blank, just as she lands in front of him, a moment when she turns insubstancial to harmlessly let the pellets go past her and then she moves in. No mercy, that much can be read on those icy blue eyes. She sinks a fist into the man's ribs, enough to crack them, perhaps enough to put him in hospital for a few months as well. She lets the man fall off her fist and allows her gaze to wander towards the rest of the faux security guards, those eyes promising further violence.

She starts her approach, like an unstoppable force of violence that is coming to claim these men's lives, each step measured and firm in that elegance that she never skips.

Thor has posed:
    The man's eyes go wide as that fist crushes through his internal organs, leaving him with a look of agony as he coughs up a small spatter of blood, then falls and hits the ground with a heavy ooomph, curling up in a fetal position and coughing several more times. A small touch of drama that is lost in the mayhem as the other false guards turn on her.
    The revolver in the hands of another security guard kicks several times as he sends a few rounds Moonstone's way, the weapon bucking and roaring. He screams something in what sounds like Russian to one of the other men who replies frantically.
    It's then that a burly giant of a man dressed in ill-fitting unifrom roars and runs at Karla, emerging from the side of the parked van, brandishing a heavy baton that he swings with an intense scream of murderous intent.

Karla Sofen has posed:
There -is- police present, so simply erasing these false guards out of existence with her blasts is something that Moonstone considers would be ill-taken. And besides, no need to bring more heat upon her that she has already. Afterall these are just thugs ... So instead of slicing the man apart with a laser beam she focuses on that gun. Stepping out of the way and sending in a blast to burn the weapon out of his hand, along with charring the guy's hand. But that's a small price to pay, right?

Good grief, sometimes she feels she is getting soft with age. But maybe they will just surrend---

And then she feels that baton that hits her shoulder, not enough to stagger her but she feels the impact. So she turns in a blur, one hand reaching up to capture the man's throat, squeezing, not enough to kill but lifting him out of the ground. "You dare hit me?" she says in that arrogant manner of hers. "Maybe I shouldn't be so lenient with you anymore." she murmurs, squeezing the man's neck a bit tighter.

Thor has posed:
    It's in that moment that the man's eyes widen and he suddenly realizes what a mistake he's made, that moment when he feels inhumanly powerful fingers tighten upon the flesh of his neck and start to squeeze... when the man realizes all of the regrets he has about his suddenly wasted life...
    It's that moment when a voice lashes the air, loud and deep as strong words are hurled her way, demanding with an authority that might well be intimidating.
    "Unhand that man, villain! Turn and face the might of Thor if you be any kind of warrior."
    And that is likely when she may notice the man himself, floating there in the air some six feet off the ground with hammer in hand. That long red cape billowing around him like some great wing around his shoulders. Dark blue eyes narrow as there's a single crackle of thunder behind him from clouds that might well have darkened in the last few moments.
    "I should have known you could not keep from your ways, Moonstone."

Karla Sofen has posed:
Could Moonstone squish the life out of this man? Quite easily.., did she want to do it though? Jury was still out on it. For now she'd be content with the man going unconscious, limp on her hand. Which one can suppose it may also pass as being dead depending on how good people's senses are.

And then the intimidating voice. Calling her a villain ... So much for doing good deeds. A glance is given over her shoulder to the figure. Thor, sure. "Seems like you can't keep out of yours either, Thor." judgemental prick or so she thinks! She tosses the man aside as if it was barely anything she was holding on her hands, letting him roll over and finally be still near a tire of the van they were assaulting.

She was already pissed that she had been hit by that guy, and now comes another hero to 'save the day', so she turns to look up at the floating figure, a rather unfriendly look to her expression, posture continuing aggressive, those hands to her sides, curled into fists, legs slightly apart as if steadying herself.

Thor has posed:
    Landing with a light step, the tall man sets his hammer spinning, knowing how volatile and dangerous Moonstone can be, so he squints across the way at her, hand pointing as he throws first words at her, "You will rue the day you chose to fall back into your old patterns."
    And then even as one of the police officers starts to run up towards him, shouting something or other, the hammer is let fly straight at Moonstone with a resonant /whom/ of motion as it slices through the air.
    Only then the cop's words becoming clear, "Wait, she was helping!"

Karla Sofen has posed:
"Old patterns? Listen here you ..." But then that hammer is flying, a cop is shouting, confusion. And if she was in a more clear state of mind, not as angry, she might had simply slipped unsubstantial to let the hammer go through. Yet as things are what she can do is lift her arms, crossing them in front of her just as the hammer slices unerringly towards her chest.

She takes it with a grit of her teeth, sensing very well that impact against her, not enough to break her arms but leaving them trembling with the force of it just as she is tossed off the ground and thrown back through some of the police barriers in place, skidding across the asphalt.

But she then starts getting up to her feet, slowly, but a glow is beginning to form on her hand, preparing one of her deadly blasts to be sent towards the Asgardian ... The hand extends and then she shoots, a laser beam trailing towards the God, she letting out a shout.

Thor has posed:
    "What say you?" The voice is heard even as Thor turns to the side, the older police officer skidding to a halt beside the Asgardian even as the man repeats.
    "She was helping! The security guards are crooks!" Which has the tall man in the black and silver armor turn abruptly as the hammer leaps back towards his hand, smacking with a heavy impact into his palm and a faint /whom/ heard with the movement.
    Only for him to focus again on Moonstone as she seemingly emerges from the dust cloud around her from the impact of Mjolnir, one of her beams /slicing/ across the distance to him. There's only a bare instant, as her beam vaporizes asphalt and metal, lancing up from the ground and toward the two men. Only Thor turns, grasping the police officer and holding him to his chest as he turns his back on Moonstone... and perhaps on some level she'll be pleased when that beam blasts into his back, sizzling flesh and burning the fabric of that cloak.

Karla Sofen has posed:
When the beam apparently hits Thor on the back it brings a smug smile out of her, indeed a level of satisfaction to Moonstone, both in getting back at the man and also indulging on some violence she often likes to do. She lifts off the ground gracefully, debris and dust still falling off her body as she begins to float back towards the scene, somewhat above for now, her hand still pointed towards Thor.

As for the fake security guards they seem to have chosen to stop shooting, perhaps looking for an opportunity to run off when someone isn't looking.

"Turning your back to the fight doesn't seem like a good strategy." She calls out, now gaining more control of her voice and emotions, chin slightly lifted. Yes, it doesn't seem as if she noticed the officer she almost hit with her blast out of rage.

Thor has posed:
    "Get clear," Thor tells the police officer even as the tall man scowls, turning around and shooting a glare at Moonstone, his expression grim and it seems likely that he would utterly enjoy throwing Mjolnir at her all over again, but then instead shifts his attention to the remaining three security guards who had, indeed, been looking as if they were trying to sneak away.
    "You there! Surrender, lest you test my wroth."
    Sharp words, that apparently seem to register as Thor hefts Mjolnir up and seems to threaten them. For in the next instant their firearms are dropped and knowing the routine... the robbers put their hands on their heads and go to their knees.
    Which allows him to round on Karla as he growls, "Moonstone! I would have words with thee."

Karla Sofen has posed:
When the robbers get down to their knees Moonstone lets out a thoughtful mmm. Maybe it'd do her well to get a hammer one day, or a sword, to threaten people with. So she doesn't get whacked from behind by some stray thug! She continues hovering, one leg slightly curled up, the other fully extended, clear blue gaze then going towards Thor and the fleeing officer. Ah, so that was what happened. No regrets on her expression though.

The growl snaps her back to the Asgardian, her lips curling to a near snarl, showing teeth, but at least she doesn't actually vocalize it. "Now you want to have words." a snort offered but then she appears to acquiesce to the demand, dipping her head just so and starting to fly up. Not fast enough that she gets out of sight, but apparently aimed to the top of a building.

Thor has posed:
    As the rest of the police officers dart in and start to take the robbers in hand, Thor nods to them, his expression grim as he looks from face to face to face, then surveys the debris. A small wince mars his features as he reaches a hand to his back and feels the tenderness there, the burn still a bright red upon his now bared flesh, the cape having been split asunder.
    As she starts to float up he answers her finally, "Indeed." And with that he sets Mjolnir spinning, the weapon making a whuppa-whuppa-whuppa sound just before he casts it forward and he leaps into the air.
    It's a quick rush of movement, a jaunt as he takes flight, then once she sets down he will set down with her, landing light upon the rooftop and then slinging the hammer at his side, perhaps as a sign of peace.

Karla Sofen has posed:
As they float up to that rooftop Moonstone doesn't exactly set her feet on the ground, continuing up in the air just a touch above it. She brings her arms up and folds them across her waist, the suit tight across her form. An expecting look to her. Is she looking for some kind of apology? Well, not getting hammered again would be a start. Yet when the man lowers the hammer she seems to accept that as it is. A sign of peace.

It translates to a more relaxing of her posture, feet finally touching the ground and she finally speaks. "And what words would you have with me, Thor Odinson?" her chin lifts slightly so she can look at the man squarely in the eyes.

Thor has posed:
    The Thunderer stands there before her, with her floating a little taller than himself, his eyes lifted to meet her gaze and his head tilted to the side curiously. His lips purse for a moment, brow furrowing as he looks down, then back up and he says sharply.
    "You shot me with your beam of light!" Accusing, his tone severe and perhaps edged as he points at her with one hand.
    But then he takes a breath, tightness as he clamps down in the roil of his anger and annoyance. His brow knits together as he looks away, hen looks back at her. "Yet I gave you cause. I apologize, Moonstone." A pause as he frowns, then he murmurs, "I presumed much and thought you had fallen to your old ways. The mistake was mine, and so I ask for your forgiveness."

Karla Sofen has posed:
Being accused of shooting Thor with her powers makes her sniff briefly, the corner of her mouth curling up a touch, "It was only one beam. There were more where that came from." almost as if she is telling the God of Thunder that she was rather magnanimous in having but shot him once. Yes, there seems to be some annoyance in her too, specifically at having had her actions misunderstood.

Though when the man begins to speak of forgiveness she presses her lips to a line, considering him. Sure, she could play the victim card now, or otherwise do all those mind-games that have been second nature to her ever since she remembers. Instead she dips her head just so. "I accept your request for forgiveness." she speaks in a less angry manner even if her tone does remain even. "Though I suppose I did make you a favor. It looks better without the cape." she tells him, perhaps trying to inject some kind of levity to the situation.

Thor has posed:
    As she counters with that comment, his sour expression seems to tell her something about him not exactly being a slouch in that department. But those words aren't given voice, instead he shifts his stance a little, feet shuffling as he murmurs, "Yes, well."
    And then he looks away only to look back suspiciously when she starts to speak. But then she accepts his apology and he seems surprised, but then nods once gruffly before he shifts his weight to the other foot. "Thank you," He says.
    And then she goes after the cape and he snorts, "In your opinion, perhaps. In mine the cape looks perfectly fine. Thank you." The last two words enunciated a little more strongly.
    That said he rests his hands on his hips, then nods once. Sharply. "Well then."
    Another pause. "I should be going."

Karla Sofen has posed:
"Yes, because men know so much of fashion." But now Moonstone seems to mostly be rattling his chain. Old habits die hard! Though at least it's mostly harmless. Maybe. Still, it did feel good to her to get out again, in her suit. Doing something. So at least her spirits are a bit high, along with her adrenaline. Because yes, that damn hammer hits hard. Which does remind her... "Good swing with that hammer.." she admits, lifting her chin slightly, settling down on the edge of that building.

When the man voices his farewells what he gets in return is a slight nod of her head. It appears as if she will be silent, maybe just before the man starts to swing that hammer to leave off towards another destination. Though then she voices. "Why do you help them?" curious.

Thor has posed:
    Turning to look at her, he voices a sentiment that she might not be able to wrap her mind around. Yet to him, it is utterly self-evident, as if there was nothing else in the world for him.
    And she can likely get that feeling from him when he turns those handsome features and looks at her, smiles a little as his lip curves up. Those bright eyes twinkle as he murmurs as if she asked him why the sky was blue.
    His response?
    "Because that's what heroes do."
    And with that he turns, the hammer whirling through its range of motion with that whir as it gains power. And then suddenly he is off into the air once again, hurtling across the sky.