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Latest revision as of 09:48, 2 June 2023

Reluctant Queens and Powerful Allies
Date of Scene: 10 March 2023
Location: Cafeteria and Bar
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Raven Darkholme

Lorna Dane has posed:
    It's been a hell of a month. Hell of a year so far. Lorna has tried to move back to New York in order to further herself away from the role of monarch, while trying to also prepair herself for such a role in the future. She's had a few ideas pass through her head about what she should be striving for, and who she wants to take over certain key roles, but that's all mostly remained a secret. But today. This night. Lorna finds herself in a bar with a hand wrapped around a glass with some brown liquid filling a small portion of it and she takes a deep breath while trying to keep herself calm about the emotions wanting to explode out of her head.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Keeping track of the monarch of Genosha was one of the many things Raven did, even if the monarch of Genosha didn't really know it was always happening. Sometimes to protect the ones you care about, you have to go above and beyond the usual accepted forms of observation. Would the president of the United States go somewhere without the Secret Service? Hell no, and neither did Lorna, even if she didn't know about it.

The report that Her Royal Majesty has come into bar came from three different departments; Asteroid Security, Sascha Nikolaev behind the bar, and of course the hidden Royal Secret Service, which right now was one mutant who could turn invisible at will.

Raven finished up the last bit of paper work she had for several bank accounts in Sweden, then headed to the bar. Upon entering, she glanced around the room with a smile, dressed in a while tailored suit with a shirt that was way too low cut, then headed toward the bar.

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna leans back, straightening her shoulders and spine with a small pop as she lifts the glass to her lips and takes a shallow pull from it. "Glad to see you're still here." Lorna replies to an unasked question and unspoken greeting from Raven. "And as brusque as ever." She says with a look down to the on display cleavage with a twinge of jealousy washing across her slightly buzzed face.

    Centering her eyes back up onto Mystique, Lorna takes a deep breath as the glass bottom touches wood again, "Go ahead." She says exhaling and lowering her shoulders back down into a weakened position, almost apologetic and vulnerable, "Admonish me again. Tell me I'm such an awful leader."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Just as Raven reaches the bar, Sascha is setting a glass of whiskey with cherry grenadine and ice on it. The cobalt mutant settles herself onto the stool beside Lorna, right leg crossing over the left as she smoothly picks up the glass and uses the straw to stir it a touch.

"You managed to choose a time to visit that I'm not assisting Mister da Costa," she offers, then takes a small sip of her drink and returning the glass to the surface of the bar.

"Am I your keeper?" she asks plainly, the answer being yes but Lorna didn't know that. "Am I your mother?" The answer to that was thankfully no, everyone knew what happened with Raven's children. "It's not my place to tell you what to do or when to do it. I can only hope that you will accept what is, and move on to what will be with grace."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "I thought you were." Lorna says, twisting on her stool so her legs are pointed towards Raven, but she's doubled over onto the bar with her elbows hanging on and she's nursing at the air in the glass.

    "It's not your place to tell me what to do or when to do it? I'm pretty sure it is, it's not your place to makes sure I do those things however. Or ... wait." She lifts her finger and spins her upper half while pointing at Raven, one elbow still on the bar, "You are tired of me not listening to ... anyone, so you're just appeasing me, aren't you?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
One brow slightly lifts on Raven's forehead, the only change in the other wise neutral expression on her face.

"Lorna, I will never go tired of repeating myself over and over again," she responds smoothly, calmly, almost as if she means it but there is something in the tone that reflects that every word just spoken was a lie.

"Of course I have nothing better to do than remind you that the safety, well being, and livelihoods of thousands of mutants in Genosha rely on what you are willing to do and of course the things you refuse to do," the tone remained, even though her expression showed no emotion. Lifting the glass for another sip, she stirred the ice around as she continued.

"I just /love/ worrying about that many mutants and what will happen to them, so of course I'm attempting to appease you in every way." Now her yellow eyes settle right on Lorna's eyes. "And if you believe any of that, than perhaps you are drunk and should sleep it off."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna looks back to her drink at the very notion of being called drunk, as if that little glass would hold the answers to the questions rattling around in her brain, but the glass remains silent in the same way she doesn't.

    "And if I /Don't/ believe any of what you said... You'll tell me that I should... get off my ass, get off---" She pauses to look around and remember where she is, "---this asteroid and get back to Genosha and actually lead... Yeah?"