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Latest revision as of 12:09, 15 April 2020

BoP: Singing Canaries and Sparrows
Date of Scene: 14 April 2020
Location: Josie's Bar
Synopsis: Carrie and Dinah visit Zatanna after one of her shows to discuss the Birds of Prey, Zatanna gives her the run down and passes Dinah on to Oracle.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Carrie Kelley, Dinah Lance

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Josie's bar may be a let down from a three show a night set in Vegas, but for Zatanna, this is the type of place that she cut her teeth on after her father's passing. So she booked the place and put up on Instagram that she was throwing a pop-up show in the early evening. And she literally meant pop up show. The whole act had been based on the popular childhood stories found with pull-tab and pop up books, and she is finishing the show with a flourish as she appears back on stage in a flash of purple and pink smoke. "And the handome knight rescued his damsel, and the two of them... well, lets just say that the relationship only lasted about six months." There's a saucy wink at that, and a bow as she finishes her act to a decent amount of applause and gathers her things to head backstage and relax to unwind before heading home.

While the bar isn't terribly packed, it's more busy than it usually is, but Carrie would have been given access backstage if she had contacted Zatanna to let her know that she was there.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Once the show ends Carrie rises from the seat she'd taken to see what this whole popup show was about. There were two reasons for it of course--One, wanting to see just what it was Zee did at her shows--And two, to help introduce a Dinah to her. With a little nudge of her head toward the backstage she heads for that way leading Dinah there. Only once in the back halls where it was quieter does she bother speaking.

"She knows I'm popping in, so we should be able to get back here just fine," she assures with a grin. "Easier than getting in the door at least." Then again she did have a fake ID. Don't ask how. It helped sometimes for investigations. Reaching the door she knocks, calling out, "Better be decent Zee! Or at least dressed!" Before nudging the door open to enter.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance is along with Carrie, as much for the distraction as anything else. The blonde is in her 'florist' attire, which means comfy jeans over biker boots, a black T-shirt with the Superman logo in red splashed across the chest. And a black leather jacket. She rises with Carrie's nudge, falling into step beside the younger redhead. "Yeah, we won't talk about you getting past the bouncers. Plausible deniability, and all that."

Dinah follows along, glancing both ways along the hall out of habit while Carrie knocks on the door. Hands stuffed into her jacket pockets, she's relaxed. Confident. "Not sure how much of that show was fake, but your friend is good."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'm decent!" Zatanna calls out as the door is opened. She has her jacket off, but she is still in her stage costume with the button up shirt, leotard corset and fishnets. "Hey Carrie!" she offers a grin and gestures. "Want a coconut water? I'd offer wine, but..." she knows someone's underage. She may also might be teasing the redhead a little as she pushes up from her seat. "Did you enjoy the show?" she asks as she approaches, a hug and airkiss for Carrie.

And then her attention is turning to the blonde with her and the magician offers a beautifical smile. "Hi." she offers in greeting as she holds out her hand in introduction. "I'm Zatanna."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins at Dinah only to offer a helpless shrug at mention of the bouncers. It was true enough. "Hey I was good, I only had a Red Bull," she points out with a chuckle. Then Zatanna is offering her the most noxious of waters earning her tongue sticking out at the older woman. "I'm on the wagon, but thank you." The hug is returned before she steps to the side to let the other two meet each other.

"Zee, this is Dinah. Friend of the family for, oh, ages. She'd be perfect for our little project."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance lingers just inside the doorway as greetings are exchanged, blue eyed gaze wandering the room. Then the magician. "Fishnets. That's a nice look." she offers with just a twitch of a smile. Thumbing towards Carrie, then, she nods. "Yeah, she wanted more than ONE of those caffiene monsters, but I had to keep her in line."

Accepting Zee's offered hand, Dinah's grip is firm and her nails are short. "Dinah Lance, and it's a pleasure. My mom was the first Black Canary."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Been rocking fishnets since I was twelve." Zatanna laughs. "Dad said that sweatpants just don't work on stage." There's a wink at that, as she returns the shake of Dinah's hand. Her own is soft, professional, well-manicured. She's not a girl that punches people. When Dinah mentions Carrie having more than one energy drink, she laughs lightly. "You should see her when she's had too much sugar in her coffee."

But then Carrie mentions the project, and Dinah mentions her mother, and Zatanna's brows loft. "My father worked with her a few times. Giovanni Zatara." she explains, but she gestures. "Let me find us a little someplace more intimate to talk?" she suggests as she walks over to the door of the broom closet in the room. She opens it, there's the supplies and toilet, then she closes the door. "A little too cozy." She taps on the door three times and announces, "Tahc etavirp a evah ot Tsercwodahs ta yduts ym ot latrop a nepo."

Opening the door again, this time it leads into a well-appointed and Victorian looking study with bookshelves covered in old tomes, and a few comfortable sitting places. "Please feel free." she offers as she steps through to take a seat.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley holds up her hands in mock protest when they come at her about the caffiene. She can only shrug, really, with a guilty-as-charged grin "Hey now, I work late nights usually. Got to stay awake somehow don't I?" Though really she probably ought to cut back. Nah.

When the portal is opened she steps through giving a small shake of her head. "That is one trick I could use SO often to get around. You know, if I could." Which she likely can't. Finding a chair she plops down to stretch her legs out with a little rotation of her ankles, and her arms stretching out above her head too.

"Like I said, old family ties, yadda yadda. Dinah kicks ass."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Both of Dinah's brows lift when Zee opens the portal, her head tilting as well. "Okay, you've impressed me." she offers softly. "I started wearing fishnets a bit later than twelve, but mostly because mom didn't want her sweet little girl following in her footsteps."

She steps inside after Carrie, looking around and finding a comfortable seat. "Mom was the first Black Canary; I'm the current one." A small smile at Carrie's assessment, then she adds. "Carrie can vouch for my skills. I also have a meta-power to go along with my fighting ability."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'm sure it was offered to Bruce before, Carrie. You know how that probably went." Zatanna offers, a shake of her head in amusement as she settles into her seat and folds her legs underneath her into the lotus position after closing the door with a wave of her hand to give the trio some privacy. When Dinah starts on about her powers, the magician considers a moment and then holds up her hand. "Alright. First thing to know. Most of the women in the Birds? Their superpower is being a woman." A wink over at Carrie at that.

"There's only a few of us that have actual, bonified powers. The Birds were started to be a small group of street-level girls that wanted to help each other out. I was added when Oracle needed magical assistance with something. And as Carrie probably told you, I'm the only one with a public persona. We don't expect you to introduce yourself in both of your identities to anyone. I appreciate that you did for me. But I won't tell anyone else unless you specifically allow it." she explains.

"If Carrie's vouching for you, I'm more than willing to take her word for it. How much have you told her so far?" she asks Carrie.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley finishes her stretch which earns only a few pops from her back, and she sits resisting the urge to tuck her legs beneath her. Shoes on furniture was typically frowned on in her household after all. Even if it was just by Alfred. A deep breath drawn, and let out, has her settling in looking marginally more awake than she was by the end of the show. Sitting too long just felt like time to sleep during the day.

"Not terribly a lot. That we're a group getting together again, more based on cooperation and communication. Obviously you can still do solo stuff but working together when we can to deal with problems our own way instead of... You know. 'I am Batman.'"

Rolling her eyes toward the ceiling she can't help but grin just a tad. "And yeah, our identities can be secret. I'm going by Sparrow these days to work with it. A lot of the new recruits we've been speaking to don't know my real identity, either. In this case it's just... Well. We kind of alredy knew."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance settles into an armchair, stretching her legs out and crossing them at the ankles. Fingers lace together, tented before her as the women talk. "I know OF your father from reading through some of mom's old notes, Zatanna, so I'm comfortable sharing my identity with you." A pause, then she turns towards Carrie as well. "And Carrie and I have worked out at Ted Grant's gym..." A smile, then she adds. "... even though we still need to have that sparring match."

"Right now I patrol the streets of Gotham at night. I've got a motorcycle to get around, but I'm not afraid to scrape my knuckles if the occasion requires it."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Nodding towards Carrie, Zatanna chuckles. "He does say that a lot." she opines with an amused smile, then her mouth makes a gentle 'o' shape. "Sparrow? You graduate from Robin Academy? I like the name, though. Sparrow's can be pretty agressive birds, and you avoided the pop-culture trap of 'Mockingjay'. I give it a solid B. For Batman." Then she's turning her attention to Dinah, brows knitting together in thought as she listens to her.

"I probably should train more with physical stuff. I mean, Princess Diana gave me the basics on the Amazonian training, and I do that, because it's amazing on the stomach and glutes, but the only person I usually want to punch is John." And she'll leave that there; Carrie will know what she means.

"Alright, so like Carrie said. The big. The huge. The thing is the communications. She's right, you want to have a solo thing, you're more than welcome to it. We all have lives and all that. But if you need help, don't be afraid to ask. Need help with a project or a patrol? That's what we're here for. Like Carrie said, I swear Oracle should just make you a recruiter, that we work best as a group because we know each other well enough to find strengths to help out. Are you willing to do that?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley snorts faintly. "Graduated years ago, just kept the name out of nostalgia," she opines with a little crinkle of her nose. It fades back to a smile as she adds, "Besides he always treated me like a Spare RO-bin anyway." Of course there was a bit of a pun to the name as well as it just being a new name in general. She had been a Robin after all. Plays on words were manditory almost.

Mention of John just gets a vehement nod from her along with a thumbs up of apparent agreement there. Or at least approval of it. She certainly wouldn't begrudge anyone wanting to punch Constantine if only to get that often smarmy look off his face.

"Eh, could maybe. She's better at finding people than me though."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance listens, and she nods. "Keep working the local stuff, but be available to help others with the big stuff. Yeah, I'm good with that." she replies. "I, um, might need some help setting up whatever sort of communication gizmos you guys use. I'm sorta techno-incompetent with anything more complicated than your basic flip-phone."

Dinah smiles, then, looking the magician over once more. "And if you ever want some self-defense basics, Zatanna, just let me know. I can show you a few things that won't even muss your hair or chip a nail."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There's a low groan from Zatanna. "Pun penality, it's now a C." she informs Carrie with a smirk as she folds her hands in front of her, and the magician adds, "She's good at finding them, you're good at reeling them in." she points out to the redhead. "I'm just extra sugar in your energy drink at this point."

"So full disclosure. I have a few basic defense techniques, and while I'd totally learn more... most people don't mess with a girl that can literally turn you into a newt and wait for you to get better." she points out and then smiles. "I may watch at some point though, and maybe suggest it to Ghost Spider. She's been looking for others to visit with outside the Manor."

"Then I suppose we're in agreement then?" she asks Carrie, as she unlaces her fingers to prepare to make with the magic. "Alright, do you have a phone?" she asks Dinah. "Don't worry, my spyware is purely magical and one time use only."

"Also, you should know. I am a card-carrying member of the Justice League. And while we're not exactly Superfriending it up at the moment... if you ever need to be in contact with one of them, let me know, I can get the message out."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley can't resist a rather lazy grin at the response to her pun. Ah, yes, her work here was done. It was one of those little pleasures in life. She does nod though in apparent agreement with what's said. "Oracle's got the hookup on all things techie, and can get you set up on that front. I'm not shabby myself on it," she assures Dinah. When Zatanna inquires about agreement she gives another thumbs up. "Totally okay here."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance reaches into her jacket pocket, drawing out... yes... a flip-phone. She holds it up with a weak smile, waggling it a little. "See? Wasn't kidding." she replies. "And I was -contacted- by the Justice League a little while ago, right before everything just sort of went quiet."

She shifts a little, the jacket parting with a gesture towards the red-on-black Superman shirt. Memorial shirt, that is. "I think under other circumstances we'd be meeting 'back at the Hall of Justice' or something, but that's another conversation."

Dinah looks to Carrie, lifting a brow. "If you can get the tech, I'd love that. And I definitely appreciate the help with the hook-up."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Wow. That's so late 90s right there. I feel like I should have a Zach Morris poster on my wall." Zatanna just shakes her head at the flip-phone, and holds out her hand. "May I?" she asks.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Sure, Dinah, not a problem. We might start with getting you a new phone," Carrie reasons after seeing the phone that does come out. "They do still make flip phones but they have so many more uses now, too. Military or comercial grade as well so no accidental breakage from say, several punches." She's already running through ideas in her head considering. "Not to mention an ear piece for comms. Very useful."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Some people are quite attached to their phones, but then again Dinah clearly isn't one to keep her whole life stored digitally. She passes the dumb-phone over without hesitation. "Sure thing." she replies to Zee. Then Carrie mentions ear piece comms and Dinah perks up. "You mean I wouldn't have to open this up to make a call...?"

Oh, sweet Dinah. Sweet, simple Dinah.

"Yeah, that'd be cool, Carrie. Definitely talk with this Oracle-person for me. That would be great."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
When she gets the phone in her hand, Zatanna chuckles a little. "Yes, Oracle can get you a new phone. But if you want to use old reliable here..." She waves her hand over the phone and releases it, the phone floating between her hands as her whole frame lights up in a soft purple as her eyes blow with cyan light. "Elcaro htiw tcatnoc nepo ot enohp siht etadpu."

The phone glows brightly for a moment, and when Zatanna takes it and hands it back to Dinah, there's a new app. Wait? She has apps? Someone may have updated Dinah's phone to not be so dumb. "Get a good Bluetooth ear-piece for her, and she should be set." Zatanna offers to Carrie. "Oracle will contact you when she adds you to the group."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Oh yeah, you can even listen to music through your phone these days with earbuds," Carrie informs Dinah teasingly. Though she knew the woman did enjoy her music. When Zatanna whammies the phone she gives another tip of her chin in it's direction. "That'll probably still be good awhile. We'll get you the accessories you need for it to use hands-free even," she assures.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance accepts the phone gingerly upon her palm, as if expecting it to transform into a Decepticon or something. She opens it carefully, brows lifting at the changes on the display. Still staring at it, she pokes a couple buttons tentatively. "Bluefinger. Got it." she replies, biting her lower lip and poking at the phone again.

Carrie has her work cut out for her.

"And yeah, thanks a lot, Zee." she replies, looking up again. "If you ever want a self-defense lesson, I work out at Grant's Gym. Or you can find me at Sherwood Florist in Gotham."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'll keep that in mind!" Zatanna offers with a grin, then gestures to Carrie. "Now be sure to get her home before curfew." she teases and gestures to the door, opening it up - back into the bar once again. "You two go on ahead, I'm already home."