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Latest revision as of 09:51, 2 June 2023

A Trip to the Zoo
Date of Scene: 11 February 2023
Location: Central Park Zoo
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Karolina Dean, Beroe Kazinski

Karolina Dean has posed:
It's an unseasonably warm afternoon in New York. Early February and it's already nearly fifty degrees with the bright sun shining overhead. A lovely day for a trip to the Central Park Zoo, and a lovely day for a first date. How wholesome.

Karolina is waiting by the front gates near Fifth Avenue. She already paid for admission for two online because she's just like that. She waits for her companion, scrolling through her phone idly, her blonde hair almost seeming to glow in the sun.

She's dressed comfortably in skinny jeans, sneakers and a sweatshirt, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail to keep it out of her face.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
A bus pulls up to the road designed just for such a thing. It's convenient that the Zoo is one of the larger public places, and very prized, having its own bus stop that's pretty easy to get in and out of. When the bus doors open, there's a few regular folks coming out, a couple families, and then courteously waiting, and going down the steps slowly, is a bunny girl with a great big smile on her face.

Beroe has curled purple hair with a silvery shine to it, two big white floppy bunny ears on her head, likely from some headband piece but well hidden under her hair. And then a cutesy white tee, along with a white skirt with a shimmery quality, and then some thigh high stockings that are basically see-through but add to her ensemble, thankfully she's got white colored flats for the extra walking.

Once she sees Karolina though, she skips over, landing with a hop onto both of her feet, "So fantastically amazing to see you again!" She is so energized, it's nearly close to a scream/squeal.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina sees the bunny ears first. She has a good inkling of who it is, but as the crowd from the bus starts to spread out, it becomes apparent that she is correct. She laughs as Beroe skips on over, the enthusiasm contagious.

"It's good to see you too! I hope the zoo is okay, I kind of had a hard time deciding what to do, but this is always fun!"

She gives the other girl a look over. "Cute ears. I suppose it is the year of the rabbit, after all."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Is it?!" Beroe gasps and reaches up to swat at one of her own ears, and then smiles big, "I would be lying if I said that I had known that." She giggles, and then looks around a bit at all the people, and then turns her attention back to Karolina, "You are always so attractive. The quintessential model of a woman. I just want to take pictures of you all day, but that'd be creepy, but I'd still do it!"

She then nods a few times, "The zoo is great. I was going to buy tickets online, but then I didn't know if you were going to already buy your ticket, and then I was like, Oh NO, what if we BOTH bought tickets? And I got a bit distraught, and then I simply decided, I'd do it at the gate. Is there much of a line yet?" She peers, attempting to see beyond the gates that are in the way, smiling again, eyes going to Karolina, "Is it okay if we, hook elbows, or hold hands? I love soft connections like that. But don't want to press."

Karolina Dean has posed:
Lina giggles again at the ear thwap. Whatever anyone can say about Beroe, she is quite good at exuding the maximum amount of cute from herself and everything she does. It's an endearing thing. It reminds her a bit of Molly, except Molly is clueless about it. Which makes it cuter in a more innocent way. "I mean, I don't mind getting my picture taken, but maybe not all day."

The blonde holds up her phone and wiggles it. "I bought tickets for us already, so no worries." What's the use of sitting on a frankly absurd amount of money if you can't use it for others?

To answer the other question, she just steps closer to Beroe and offers her arm. "Shall we?"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Taking one quick step up to Lina, Beroe wraps her mostly bare arm around the other woman's sweatshirt enclosed arm, and pulls up close to walk with her. "Thank you, so much, you are so thoughtful! Buying the tickets in advance, being early. Absolutely wonderful." Genuine, her words may sound exaggerated, but she is smiling big, touching her eyes, looking right over at Lina, genuine tone, she just values these things a great deal.

"Let's go. I wanna see the kitties! Oooh, maybe they'll chase me?" She giggles slightly as she starts moving along, "What are your favorite animals?" And she reaches to the side, pulls her phone from one of her 'pockets' and then does a quick selfie with you both in it, her practically cuddled up on your shoulder/arm, then tucking it back away.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina laughs a bit at Beroe's incredible enthusiasm and praise, though it stops when she realizes it's not hyperbole for effect. Her expression shifts through several stages, eventually landing on bashful gratitude. "It's no trouble. Really! What good is money if you don't care for others with it?"

This little moment doesn't last too long, as Beroe exclaims she wants to see the kitties. This can be arranged! She starts to lead them through the park, pausing to beam up at the camera for the very cute selfie. "I like ... I mean, I like all animals enough to not eat them. But I think my favorites are, like, Red Pandas. They're so cute!"

The path moves north, circling around the central area where the sea lions are kept, wrapping around and moving past the Tropic Zone building. Another bit nort and then east brings the two to the winding path around the snow monkeys and then to the snow leopards.

Sadly, they're not doing much but snoozing and being -really- cute.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
As they walk, Beroe is just holding on, not pulling or tugging, but staying rather close the entire time. She isn't shivering or the like, either, despite her outfit, just like at the beach during the wintery weather. "Plenty of people have money, but they do not help others with it, or make things easier, better. You did. That's just sweet, and I doubt it was because it was 'me' but just how YOU are. Thoughtful, nice, super kind, even the idea of being a vegan, it's a lot of work and effort to make sure you aren't causing unnecessary harm."

Beroe shakes her head a little bit, "You are practically an angel." And then she listens to the animals, "I loooooooove Pandas." Her face practically melts into a wide-eyed enthused, cutesy look, like she just saw a baby kitten kiss a baby panda, all while there was a bubbly instagram filter over it. That kind of cute response!

Once they do arrive by the snow leopards, Beroe let's go of Karolina and moves to the glass, as close as she can get, while staying quiet, and biting her lower lip so as to not make a sound, hands on the glass, basking in the cuteness of the sleeping kitties.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina can't help but blush at the praise. Nothing being said is wrong, but Lina is bashful about compliments sometimes. Especially ones that aren't just super basic. She's quiet for a bit, mulling over some thoughts. "Things that happened to me when I was younger made me realize that... That power and everything that comes with it should be for others. Being selfish just destroys you in the end."

Awfully grave for a first date there, Karolina.

They reach the snow leopards, and Breroe's reaction just makes her smile. That right there is adorable. Snow Leopards are pretty cute, too. So floofy with absurdly long tails. She moves closer, not quite pressing against the glass, but right next to Beroe otherwise, brushing against her absently. "They are just the cutest things, aren't they? Hard to imagine they're actually incredibly good predators."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Pulling back from the glass a little, Beroe turns some to look over at Karolina, offering a big happy smile, even her eyes closing some as she does it, just to open up a bit so she can look at the blonde. "See, right there. Thoughtful, kind. I won't lie, I try and be vegan, but I can't manage. I have sponsors, and followers, who gift me things and I just ... I can't waste what shows up. I try and make sure all the clothing companies are animal cruelty free, same with the makeup, though it's hard to know for sure." She offers a little quirk of her mouth to the side.

She offers a little shrug, like she's trying to not step too far into a pit, "A lot of predators are super cute. I think I like predators the most, in nature. Weasels, Ferrets, Cats, Wolves, something about being 'chased' just gets me super excited."

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina nods once as Beroe pulls away and speaks. "It is hard. Luckily, New York is a good city for all kinds of food, but I had to learn to cook and shop and ... well, we never had to do that stuff when I was a kid. My parents were that rich." She pauses, sighing. "I guess I am still that rich, but I try not to think about it. I keep giving money away to charities, but it seems like that number never goes down."


She listens, tilting her head slightly. She's also trying to figure out if that's innuendo or entendre. "Huh. I kinda like to chase, but I'm kinda built for it." She steps a bit closer to the other girl, and gives a bit of a shifty look around. Leaning down, she whispers. "Can you keep a secret? You've shown off your gifts, but I haven't shared mine."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Listening to Karolina talk about the options, Beroe nods her head, bringing her hands behind her back and having one hand grip the wrist of the other, making her a bit smaller as she lightly rocks back and forth making her skirt flutter just a bit with the motion, "Someday, I'll be rich, I hope. Then I can do more to give back than just fight crime, and save people."

"Oh, you do do you? That's great! I'm more the bunny, than the leopard." She grins, but then, her eyes open wide and she oooohs, "A secret? Of course. Cross my heart and hope to die." She even does the motion, criss crossing with the tip of her finger over her heart.

Karolina Dean has posed:
"You don't need money to save people. All you need is a good heart, a kind word and a hand extended in kindness." Superpowers -help- sometimes, but they're not necessary. "Just caring about others is saving the world one person at a time."

Lina files away the Bunny Fact away for later. She reaches down to take Beroe's hand and, looking a little nervous says, "Follow me."

She leads the other girl away from the snow leopards, navigating the crowd with some actual skill. Her eyes flicker around, hunting for a place. Coming near the Tropical Zone, she ducks betweem the bigger building and a smaller one, going around the back. It's just a little square of concrete back here, bordered by a covered chain link fence on two sides, the big building and a pathway leading behind that has no one on it at present.

Karolina lets Beroe's hand go and looks a little nervous. "Just...Don't think any differently of me when you see, okay?"

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"It helps." Beroe teases about the money comment, and soon enough she's got her hand taken, and she's being pulled along. Well, her hand is taken and she's not exactly being dragged, but there are some surprising turns here and there where Beroe thought she was going right but then went left. Dramatically, giggling, or waving her free arm a bit, like she is off balance in a comical way, lots of extra energy in this woman.

Finally they arrive to a place, and tucked away, Beroe kind of looks around and then back to Karolina smiling, "I will not promise that. I WILL promise that I will like you even more, for sharing with me something that is private. That's a gift, one I'll care for, and hold dear to my heart."

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina catches her breath, mostly out of nerves rather than anything else. She takes another look around before she closes her eyes. She knows this isn't a great idea, but she trusts Beroe. She kind of likes her, too. She's bubbly and charming and refreshing to be around. So this isn't a bad idea. It can't be.

"Hold out your hand."

Lina waits a second for the other girl to do so before she lifts her right hand, pushing her sleeve up a bit. A medical alert bracelet rests there. She undoes it, pulling it away. Her skin seems to flicker oddly as she reaches over and deposits it in Beroe's hand. She looks the other girl in the eyes, lets go of the metal and steps away.

The change is almost instant, her body changing from a pretty blonde in a sweatshirt and jeans into a rainbow entity in sweatshirt and jeans. Her hair seems to rise on it's own, scintilating and flamelike. Her feet leave the ground, letting her hover an inch or so off the ground. Her voice doesn't change, though.

"This ... This is the real me."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The nervousness of Karolina gets a big smile from Beroe, just trying to be encouraging to the other woman, "Don't worry, just be you." She holds out her hand and she watches the whole process happen. The bracelet going into her hand, and then watches as Karolina takes a few steps backwards, unsure at all with what's going on.

Beroe does take a look at the medical bracelet though, before smiling, and looking back to the blonde woman. Who suddenly goes all rainbowy, "Wow! You are like a Superhero pride flag. That's so amazing!" She squeals and comes prancing over, like a movie cheerleader running to grab her pom-poms, but Beroe raises both of her hands up, and offers a cheer, "You GO Girl!" Then she looks around, and quiets down, repeating it in a stage whisper, "You go girl."

With a big grin she giggles, "I thought you were going to say you are a diabetic. This is way better!" She doesn't at all seem even surprised by the transformation, just happy, joyous, smiling Beroe. "I WISH I could fly, that would be amazing, you get to sore like the birds! I'm so jealous!"

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina smiles. It's a bit hard to see with the glow. Her body language says happy, though. "I'm ... so glad. I think this would freak some people out, so I'm worried and that's why I wear that. And so I can function without glowing all the time."

She looks up at the sun, feeling the rays empower her, feeding into her like a hearty meal mixed with peace.

"Would you... Would you like to go on a flight? I can carry you."

Her scintilating colors somehow look nervous, but hopeful.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The glowing doesn't at all bother Beroe. She is smiling, big, happily, and even watching the swirling colors of lights, like its mesmerizing. Not wanting to lose the bracelet, she opens a quick portal and puts it on her night stand back at home, "I can get you that at any point, just let me know, I just don't want to lose it."

Then there's a question. THE QUESTION. "What?!" Beroe's eyes get big, wide, and she comes pouncing forward and running up to the rainbow colored woman and grins big, "Yes, please! The faster the better! I've never flown before, I've fallen, and been caught a few times, but never taken off from the ground. This is going to be so FUN!"

Then she's looking to Karolina, then to herself, and then back, "Do I hop up, and you carry me? Do you just hold my hand? How does this work?" Eager, very eager to get some flight time in.