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Latest revision as of 09:52, 2 June 2023

Fantastic Friends!
Date of Scene: 24 January 2023
Location: Lobby - Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Jennifer Walters, Johnny Storm

Franklin Richards has posed:
This fine day Franklin in down in the Loby this actually busy day as he leans on the greeting desk just chatting with one of the men that have security on his shirt. He wore the same ol Fantastic Four Merch, though doesn't have the heavy coat, or hat on. His shirt today is Reed, though the pants and shoes both just have a 4 on them. Him and the security are just chatting how it is to have the shop back open after everything was closed. Nothing serious just small talk as they are just chatting nothing serious about it at all.

It is mid-day and still cold outside this winter in New York. The people are just visitors, but thankfully no-one identifies Franklin, and just passes him off for some big fan.. Most finding him 'kinda wierd' as they do what they can to activly ignore him. Franklin looks at the Gift shop.. "So if anyone steals something you going to call us down." he says though low as the Guard seems to be the only one that knows him though he only laughs at the idea. "No sir.. we would call the police." though Franklin just sighs with a "Don't call me sir."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Frankie!" a loud, booming voice calls in delight. Jennifer has arrived! She had decided to stop by the plaza to see if Reed could install an upgraded radio in her '59 Cadillac just to see what she would end up with, but the sight of Franklin had caused her to stop.

    Walking up to him she grins, "How's my favorite nephew doing? I haven't seen you in a while."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm flies down from above, landing just outside the building in full flame, a trail of fire rising up into the sky before it falls apart, leaving a shimmering trail of heat like a stripe in the air. "Flame off!" he says. He doesn't have to, nobody's watching, but it's kind of habit after all these years.

Wearing his FF uniform, he walks in the front door and sees Jen and Franklin. He gives an appropriate wolf-whistle at the Jade Giantess, "Jen, he may be an insanely powerful supermutant, but he's still only a boy. Being this close to you is going to give him a nosebleed."

Franklin Richards has posed:
As Franklin was hiding in the crowd he looks over at who just called him out though he maybe frowning he smiles as he realises who it is, and nods an excuse me to the security guard heading over her way. Of course now there were those taking photos as aperently since Franklin was as rare to see as Valeria quite a bit want a shot of him. "Aunt Jen!" as he looks up at her with a large smile. "Don't let Val know that.. I fear what she would do to me!" and grins a bit as he is obviously kidding she wouldn't go that far he hopped. "I have been busy, Super Humans, robots, and riots... it has kept me quite busy!" he quickly summerises.

Thankfully this is when Johnny steps in, and all the attention Franklin gets is totally taken away by Johnny, though Franklin figured he could take the heat. He chuckles at his comment, and just nods to Jen.. "That is why she is my favorate.. Sorry Johnny." though he grins at her. "Though calling me out like that.. might have to deduct points." and smiles as he can't help it with his joke.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Johnny!" Jen greets with just as much enthusiasm as she did with Franklin. She goes up to him and traps his head to give him a gamma-powered noogie (not too hard, though) as way of greeting. "Haven't seen //you// in a while either. How you been?"

    She scowls at Franklin. "Deduct points? How many am I at, then? Do I get a card if I get to a certain threshold?" She shakes her head. "Still... super humans, robots and riots. Sounds like a typical day for one of us."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm winces at the noogie, "Ouch, woman, not too hard, you'll knuckle my brains!" he says.

"No need to feel called out, kid. She-Hulk makes men faint on a daily basis. None of us are immune. None of us are safe. Even the gay guys, cause she's just that fabulous."

To Jen, he adds, "Doing pretty well. Did some hanging out over at the Justice League - I'm a reservist but things have been quiet around here lately, so that and teaching at Happy Harbor keep me busy."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin is still chuckling as he watches Uncle Johnny get a noogie though he shakes his head. "Don't worry your still number one though Johnny is moving up quickly. If he stops giving me bad advice!" and chuckles a bit teasing Johnny just a little bit. "And yea it would, but how much can you know before it isn't plausable deniability." grinning at Jennifer this time. "Been helping X-Folk kinda off and on. and maybe later.." he looks around at the people. "I will tell you about the Mercanery later.." and smiles as that would not be something he is sharing here on the ground floor.

Franklin nods, to Johnny as he chuckles a bit at his comment. "Yea thankfully not much Fantastic Four stuff. as that means you know who is on a vacation.." he stops for a moment looking down then looks up "Oh! I talked with an acient evil!" he grins "Didn't want to give me a name though. We had a nice conversation about... well stuff." he gives a nervious chuckle at that as he didn't want to eplain too much about that.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    Jennifer snorts. "You? //Teach?// What, exactly, are you qualified to teach for?" She's just teasing, really. Good old-fashioned ribbing.

    She scowls a bit at Franklin, though. "Conversation with ancient evils? That's... that's not necessarily a good thing, Frankie. C'mon. Let's go inside to talk about it. People are gawking."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm frowns at Franklin, "You know you're not supposed to talk to ancient evil without your Mom's explicit permission. Do you want me to get in trouble? I'm meant to watch out for you!"

He sticks his tongue out at Jen, "I teach business, marketing and social media. I don't have as many Instagram followers as you, it's true but I just don't look as good in a bikini."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin actually didn't know Johnny tought either, but he smiles a bit as Jennifer already got him for it. Though he shrugs a bit he waves a hand, "After you.." though he looks at the security guy he was talking to earlier. "I think we got this one." and grins with a nod as the guy just shakes his head at Franklin. "This way you still have your key right." he asks casually but he eyes her when he asks for just a moment. In his head he had just delt with something that could change shapes so it was just a quick trial to see if she answered correctly not wanting to alarm anyone if it wasn't.... yet.

Franklin smiles to himself as dealing with Gotham has turned him paranoid so that makes him chuckle a bit. "If it helps any Johnny it took the shape of mother.. Though black and white not blue and black. And Don't worry Uncle this one you couldn't of stopped." he notes in response. He is quiet for the rest of the way thinking if he should bring up the fist-fights, or space.. though didn't want to worry them so only smiles as he would follow and get on the elevator quiet thinking. He feels a little bad about it, but isn't sure how much he should say.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
    "Business, marketing and social media," Jennifer muses as they walk past security into the building itself. "Yeah, I can see how you're qualified for that. I'm just surprised they're teaching that to kids these days. Useful skills to have in this day and age."
    "There's no way I'd ever lose my key," she tells Franklin. "How would I be able to visit you and Val? Or Ben, the big lug. Or Reed or Sue?" She just grins at Johnny as she teasingly leaves him out. Once they're good and inside the building, heading up to the top floors her tone turns serious. "Now. Tell me more about this ancient evil, and how worried I should be."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm follows along, "I don't know how to tell you this, Franklin, but telling me that this ancient evil was something I couldn't handle doesn't re-assure me. I'm starting to think your sister is the responsible one. Think about that for a second," he says.

Johnny runs just a little bit ahead to the elevator doors, keeping them open with his arm while the other two get on, then joining them. "You can visit me, too, Jen. You don't have to be intimidated. I put my costume on one billion unstable molecules at a time just like everybody else."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods as she has the proper response, "Good to hear Aunt.." he says thinking about how to answer her questions. "I doubt it is dangerous to you directly." he starts slowly.. "Either way it has been around a long time, and if it hasn't directly moved yet I doubt it will." he nods, to Johnny "The only reason I think it wouldn't work is because my power didn't work." he notes looking at Johnny with a raised eyebrow as that does not happen often. "Maybe it wasn't fully there enough, but it held things.. the sand I threw at it stuck to the clothing." he stops thinking about it again as he shakes his head at that.

He holds his hands up.. "Look.. I don't want to pull down your visit Aunt Jen.. You know these kind of people they are all bark unless you give them power. So please let us see how you are doing!" though he does finish looking at Johnny.. "And this was not my sister." he says very serious as he says a bit to himself. "And it wasn't me."