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Latest revision as of 09:54, 2 June 2023

Extra Pickles, Please
Date of Scene: 03 January 2023
Location: Mel's Roadside Diner
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Nia Nal, Franklin Richards

Nia Nal has posed:
It's mid-afternoon, and Nia has taken up a booth to herself. She's dressed in a cute, grey/pink pantsuit, and her long hair is pulled back into a simple bun. She's wearing glasses as she taps away at a laptop, a number of photos and files scattered about her beside her coffee. A lany6ard dangles around her neck stating 'NIA NAL, DAILY PLANET'.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Walking into this Mid-Afternoon is Franklin Richards, though one might not spot him unless they have an eye for it. He wears a black, and blue hat with a hoodie pulled over it, and black relaxed pants that follow the pattern. Yes, he is head to toe dressed in Fantastic Four swag though with the hoodie closed and hat on unless someone see's his face isn't really worried abut being spoted.

Moving up to the bar with seats infront of it he just takes one not really paying attention his face over a small watch on his arm. He is waving a finger over it back and forth at quick speed, as he doesn't say anything to the people around him.

He only looks up when the waitress stops to ask him about a drink. Which his only answer is.. "Coffee.. Black.. Please." and is back to doing what he was doing.

Nia Nal has posed:
The entrance brings a brief glance from Nia, but not much more then that. She isn't expecting to see a super-celebrity, so doesn't look to closely. Instead, when the waitress finishes setting the black coffee in front of the young man, she makes her way over to Nia.

"Afternoon, dear. You gonna be wantin' some food to go with the coffee? I think I can fit a plate in here with all this stuff o' yours," she jokes idly. Nia grins softly and nods, tucking an escaped locke of hair behind her ear. "Ooooh, yes, please. Cheeseburger and fries. Extra pickles on the burger? Awesome, thanks!"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Looking up from his watch he slowly takes a sip of the hot coffee infront of him with a bit of a smile. It was acidic and strong just like he liked it though he could make this at home he thinks they burn it.. just a little to make it taste differently here. He chuckles to himself, and actually looks around at the people in the Cafe as he didn't get out often enough anymore, between the Family, and his trips to Gotham he realizes he has been busier then normal.

Franklin slowly drift looks over everyone, even Nia or the both depending on his angle, though of course he doesn't reconize her or anything. He hears orders, and watches as he sips slowly wondering if he should order something. Mom still cooks them dinner at night if they are around so he could swing home for food, but sometimes it is nice to spoil yourself on diner food. He stands from his chair, starting to walk towards the boths as well thinking perhaps he should find a more confortable seat.

Nia Nal has posed:
The movement catches Nia's eye as the waitress moves off with her order. "Big F4 fan?," she asks with a small smile. She sips her coffee again and sits back in her seat in her booth, watching the young man curiously. She closes a few of her folders and stacks them, making room for her food when it eventually comes.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin is walking by, and stops turning slightly at the person talking to him. He has a warm smile on his face, and coffee in his hands as he takes the moment to stop, and adress the question. Obviously looking at you as he is right there if you know Franklin, as he is a totally public person, he is perefctly reconizable. The reality-warping, card carryin member of the Fantastic Four. He nods in agreement, "One could say I am a bit biased." and chuckles a bit lightly. He looks ahead, and sees some open seats then back, at the general folders pushed aside.

A small grin crosses his face, but he shakes his head. "But I don't mean to disturb your lunch, but name is Franklin.. Franklin Richards, and you do not look like you are from around here." of ocourse he means New York. There is a feel, a look of New Yorkers, and looking at Nia he wonders though she would pick it up if in the city for too long.

Nia Nal has posed:
"Franklin? Like...the son of...oh, wow. That's interesting."

She chuckles and shakes her head, then. "Metropolis by way of California," she explains. She gestures to the spot across from her at her booth, then. "Take a load off if you want to. No pressure. I'm Nia," she adds.

Franklin Richards has posed:
He tilts his head at her as she reconises him, though he keeps that warm smile on his face. "Wow.. Metropolis..." he takes the offered seat across from her putting his coffee on the table. He does glance over at the waitress, and points to the cup when he gets eye contact with a smile, and is sure when she gets time he will get more. "Well Miss Nia, what are you doing all the way out here? They aren't trying to sell moon rocks again are they." and chuckles a bit just joking about that as the metropolis connection.

He sits back and relaxes actually for once, not really worry about Doom busting through the window of some Diner was kinda nice. "And yes.. Only Franklin I know to be honest. Most go by Frank, Frankie it seems."

Nia Nal has posed:
"Not that I know of," she replies with a small grin. "No, I'm reporting on a small science convention going on in town. I don't exactly get front page stories." She chuckles good-naturedly and takes another sip of her coffee. "man, what's it like growing up in a public Super Family like that? Must be stressful as hell."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods, and looks at her again, "Oh science! I will have to get a copy when you are done." he notes and nods waving a finger over his watch without really looking quickly. "Well I am sure you keep at it you might be. Though you have some hard competition from what I hear." he shrugs a bit not really sure about who is who of course, but everyone has heard of the biggest reporter of Metropolis.. even him. He slowly takes another sip with a grin, you almost get him to spill at the stressfull part. "Yes.. Yes, it can be, but no-one really looks at F4 fans around here. And it is free merchandising acording to Johnny." and gives a wave towards his current clothes. "But I love it, and I don't want to take my family for granet even a single day." and then nods as that was the honest answer though maybe worded in a public statement format.