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Latest revision as of 09:57, 2 June 2023

Feed the Birds
Date of Scene: 27 October 2022
Location: E04 - Empty Dorm - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Dawn Granger, Hank Hall

Dawn Granger has posed:
There was always some joking about Hank's cooking and he had, in fact, managed one great meal. On the other hand, Dawn had plenty of experience on her own and one thing she prided herself on was breakfast. Having snuck out while Hank was still sleeping, she headed downstairs, made breakfast, and brought it all back up on a tray. As she balances it with careful grace and opens the door to head back inside, she hopes she's managed to catch Hank before he's awake. It's always nice to have a surprise breakfast.

Hank Hall has posed:
Once Hank is out, Hank is out. While it is not impossible to wake him, if let unattended Hank would absorb all of the sleeping time that he could get. So without an alarm set, it is easy for Dawn to sneak out and back with breakfast. Certainly, it is a good surprise, and a great start to Hank's first day off since going back to work once Dawn returned. So when she returns, she finds him happily snoozing away, still.

Dawn Granger has posed:

Setting the tray down on the coffee table, Dawn leaves it there so that there's no accidental disturbing of it as Hank wakes up. She's always an extra two steps ahead. Sitting down on the edge of the bed closest to Hank, scooting herself into a spot next to him, she brings a hand up to pet his hair.

"I'd let you sleep all day, but then your breakfast would get cold," she says, a gentle attempt to wake him.

Hank Hall has posed:
Probably a good plan on any given day. Although today, in particular, the rousing of Hank does not cause any sort of catastrophe. There is a soft sigh from between his lips as Dawn's fingers run along his hair, and then a soft murmuring of her name. Not quite awake yet, but getting there. And sensing what is already there.

His lips slowly turn to a smile at her words. "That would suck," he says, as wakefulness slowly appears. He opens his eyes, turning to look at her. "Hey."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Mmhm, it'd be a pain to have to go down to the kitchen to reheat it," Dawn says, fingers still tracing through his hair before she leans down to kiss him briefly. "I wasn't sure what you might want, so I just sort of got a little bit of everything that way I'll know what you like for next time." That, of course, is because there's absolutely going to be a next time.

Hank Hall has posed:
"Wouldn't want to trouble you, of course," replies Hank, laughing softly. "I'd rather eat cold breakfast than have you do that." He starts to shift a bit to look up at Dawn a bit more clearly as his eyes open. He arches an eyebrow, clearly catching the implication of her words. "Meats. Meats are good." He sniffs and nods. "Bacon is always a good start."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn affectionately continues her soft touch on his head, releasing him only so she can head over to get the tray. "It's not troubling me, it's allowing me to surprise you with something sweet," she replies, offering him a warm smile as she picks up the tray of food. "You're in luck, I guessed you might be into that. I've got bacon and sausage, eggs, hashbrowns, toast, coffee, and some fruit. I figured that was enough of a spread, because I wasn't particularly feeling like making pancakes on top of all of that."

She reaches over him to set the tray next to him towards the middle of the bed where it has less of a chance to be knocked or spilled off the edge.

Hank Hall has posed:
As Dawn slips away, Hank slides back on the bed, sitting up straight and watching her. "I feel like you know me pretty well at this point, and can probably accurately predict what I'm gonna want for breakfast." He glances at the plate with a laugh, and nods. "Which seems like, you also went for big breakfast. Which is great." He shifts again to accommodate the tray. "And good call there. I don't have much of a care for pancakes. Why bother, right?"

He looks over at her as the food is presented to him. "Lemme guess. You already ate an hour ago, and then made all of this stuff for me."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"You know me well too. However, I did have a light breakfast that way I could pick off your plate if I cared to without being overstuffed," Dawn seems pleased at her choice of food and the presentation when Hank reacts to it. "Plus I didn't want to feel a little weird staring at you while you ate."

Hank Hall has posed:
Hank nods slowly in approval. "Mi plate, su plate," he says. "You know," he adds, reaching out to snag a piece of bacon and stuffing it into his mouth. "There are some who would say that the sharing from plates is one of the deepest forms of intimacy and partnership you can find in a couple." He turns and looks at her, chewing, and thinks. "You could also just stare at me. That is totally ok."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn's careful to make sure she doesn't tip anything as she moves from the other side of the bed to sit next to Hank. Listening to what he says, she takes a small piece of the fruit on the plate. She'll leave the meat to him. "You know, I think that's true. People get protective over their food, so if they're sharing it you know they really like you. You /clearly/ like me." She does laugh. "But I won't just stare at you, I feel like that would be a little strange."

Hank Hall has posed:
Shimmying a little bit on the bed to make some room for Dawn, Hank continues to dig into the breakfast plate. He glances up at her and grins. "I'd be insane to not share with you, regardless of how much I liked you." He nudges her with an elbow. "Stare if you want. It's flattering." He stuffs a piece of sausage into his mouth and he laughs a bit as he chews.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn pops the piece of fruit in her mouth, chewing it before speaking again. "Mm, I guess there's a line between staring if you love and admire someone and staring because you're creepy. I do like looking at you in general, though. Sets me at ease. You're also pretty easy on the eyes."

Hank Hall has posed:
Peering at Dawn for a moment, Hank arches an eyebrow. "Can't you be both?" Then he just laughs, nudging her again. "We're both pretty easy on the eyes, though. So nothing special about me."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn laughs, leaning against him a bit more. "I'm sorry, I just heard you say there was nothing special about you. I'll have to disagree because you don't see yourself through my eyes. There is plenty special about you, even if maybe not everyone else sees it. You're tricky like that."

Hank Hall has posed:
Leaning his head against Dawn's, Hank chuckles as he continues to feed himself. "I suppose that is true," he replies, pausing for a moment in the breakfast. "I could say the same about you. So we should just accept that whatever we say to each other works, and move on, right?" He laughs.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Oh, you're just using that as an excuse to compliment me and keep me from denying it," Dawn teases. "But it's true. Accepting it is important. Even saying it is important, because expressing how much someone means to you in detail is a way to show that love and affection. I'm sure you think I'm pretty, but sometimes it's nice to hear you call me that." She presses a small kiss to his cheek, since it's not too hard to reach the way she's sitting.

Hank Hall has posed:
"Bingo." Hank reaches over to boop Dawn on the noise with his forefinger. Unfortunately it's the one he has been using to eat the bacon, so it leaves a tiny bit of grease in its wake. "I think you are pretty, but also brave, and kind, and smart, and generous, and..." He grins. "I could go all day, Dawn, is what I am saying."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn reaches up to wipe the greasy spot on her nose with a finger, though she doesn't seem annoyed by it, more amused. "You start doing that and I'll start telling you how wonderful you are and we'll see if you can sit through all of that. Also, I think you'd probably murder me with your sweetness if you spent all day doing nothing but complimenting me."

Hank Hall has posed:
"If it's coming out of your mouth, I could sit through _that_ all day, too." Hank seems amused by her belief that he could tire of that. "I can take praise, remember. That's a Dawn thing." He grins at that suggestion. "It wouldn't be a bad way to spend a day though, right?"

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn plants a kiss on his cheek. "Clearly I'm not very good at exploiting your own weaknesses. It wouldn't be bad, but I think I'd be terribly red for most of the day because it'd be flattering and also I wouldn't know how to take it. Honestly, though, spending any day with you is nice, so I'd deal."

Hank Hall has posed:
"That's because I don't have any weaknesses, Dawn," replies Hank, with a grin. Maybe arrogance is one, though. He takes a moment to look at her, and his grin broadens. "I dunno, spending all day with you _and_ having you be red all day...nothing sounding bad there."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"I'm pretty sure /I'm/ your weakness, but I don't know that I quite know how to exploit that," Dawn says with a laugh, nudging him gently. "Complimenting me and making me blush sounds absolutely unfair. I'd have to have a way to get you back."

Hank Hall has posed:
There is a long moment where Hank just kind of stares at her. As if somehow her words cut a lot deeper than he expected. "Yeah," he says, adding a bit of a laugh once she laughs and nudges him. The smile returns. "Not my fault you don't know how to weaponize yourself."

Dawn Granger has posed:
The pause is enough to alert Dawn to her misstep in speech, or at least his reaction to what she said. She leans her head in against his shoulder, snaking an arm around him as she rests close. She's not quite sure what to say, but she's aware it hit him. She offers him a warm smile. "In any case, if you /did/ spend an entire day complimenting me, I'd probably find some way to survive it, even if I'm sure there are better ways for us to enjoy a day."

Hank Hall has posed:
Somehow, the non-verbal response, just the way that Dawn leans against him, not really acknowledging the words at all, seems to be the best approach for the moment. Hank sighs softly, and whatever deep thoughts he had about that comment give way to her smile. He nods slowly, narrowing his eyes at her. A challenge. "Name one."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn gives him a small squeeze, nuzzling a little into his shoulder. "Breakfast in bed and affectionate cuddles is a pretty good start if you ask me. I'm sure I could come up with other activities that would interest you. I'm a fan of giving you a great day off. You deserve it."