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Latest revision as of 09:57, 2 June 2023

All in the Family
Date of Scene: 17 October 2022
Location: City of Atlantis
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Namor, Namora

Namor has posed:
Things were commencing well at the Starport which left Namor time to focus on other things. Which today involved not doing any work. He had no appearnces required. No meetings. He had chosen today specifically to not receive people with concerns. Today was a day of leisure.

Which meant he was working. Though, he wasn't in the palace. Instead he had gone to visit a botanical garden, which had been created for people to enjoy the flora of underworld and surface, in a series of temperature controlled domes. This allowed for underwater plants to be in water filled while those of the surface were air filled. For many Atlanteans, to see the surface plants required water-suits, which were provided. But today, the gardens were closed. Except to Namor. And those close to him, who would be allowed in as well.

He was sitting in the air filled section upon a bench, a few scrolls in hand as he read them while surrounded by the lovely English style garden in this area.

Namora has posed:
One of the two other people in the world able to transition between water and air without suffocating in either medium floats above the dome then descends to the airlock of the closed garden. Closed to all but to family. The door beeps after Namora punches in the code and admits her to lock. The water is sucked away and a light goes on over head admitting her into the raw air.

Eyes closed against the sudden transition to air, the tall woman stands dripping, waiting to adjust to the relative dryness of the air. Once ready she wanders down a path toward the center of the dome, stopping to smell a peach colored rose, caressing the petals before moving on.

No effort is made on her part to hide her arrival, yet she doesn't announce herself either. Namor will either want her there or not and she will know when she sees his face. A few more steps and only a low stand of baby's breath separate them.

Namor has posed:
He's been there a while. Completely dry at this point. Even his hair seems to be but that is the blessing of having it cut short. Being a little distant, Namor didn't hear the airlock open.

As she moved closer, he did pick up on a faint something. A sound or a shifting of the air. He glanced that direction, seeing a glimpse of something through the foliage. Likely a someone. Though he couldn't tell who, just that hint of color that was likely clothing or the pigentation of her arm.

He allowed the scroll to close and set it to the side. If they were in here, they had to be one of only a few people. He'd be able to hear the sound of the water-suits so this was someone who could breathe air. Thus he wasn't too concerned though he was curious. "Hello? Someone there?"

Namora has posed:
Her black suit of special armored material has already stopped dripping though rivulets of water still sluice down the plunging neckline. Namora smooths back a lock of blond hair still clinging to the side of the golden band across her forehead, holding back her long hair.

Lips pursed in a secret smile, she hesitates a moment, wondering whether to prolong the mystery or to jump out in an attempt to scare him - an old childhood game between them.

She opts for adulthood, dull but one never knows Namor's moods these days. Best to allow him his dignity.

"Yes, someone is there," she replies stepping around the tall stand of flowers with an anticipatory smile lighting her vivid blue eyes.

Namor has posed:
It is true. He tends to be quite moody and often seems annoyed. Admittedly, that has gotten worse in the years he's been King. And she might realize it is the stress as the more stressed he gets, the less polite. Yet, he never complained. Never gave voice to the difficulties. He had chosen to lead. He would accept the negatives that went with that gracefully.

She was one of those few people who could get an easy smile from him. "I suppose I should have asked who instead," he said with a little chuckle. "It is good to see you. I hope you have been well?" It was a well wishing statement and a question rolled up into one.

Namora has posed:
Ever mindful of the burden he carries, even between family she respects the courtesies and dips her head to him, foregoing a land-bound curtsey or the more elaborate bow used in formal occasions. Head raised, she beams a smile at her cousin, "I -have- been well."

She approaches to sit next to him, and after a quick critical survey of his face in an effort to gauge his mood, "Been visiting here and there, watching over an injured whale that escaped a drag net. Popped over to the Starport." She glances sideways at him again, before adding, "How have -you- been, Namor?

Namor has posed:
Admittedly, he looks a little tired. Just that slight darkness under the eyes that indicates he hasn't been getting enough sleep perhaps.

And when she mentions that Starport, there is that moment where distaste shows on his face. A moment later it was gone, easily missed if she wasn't paying attention.

"Facing challenges. As seems to be the usual." He had resumed his own seat on the bench, quickly moving scrolls and papers out of the way so she had more room. They were set aside on the ground next to the bench for now.

"The Starport has already had an incident. Though not publicized." Since alien assassinations were not something they wanted the population concerned about. "I chose to add more armaments, though outside the port itself. Thus, not under the combined control of multiple nations." Because Namor was cautious like that. Or a control freak who liked his toys to be his and his alone. Either way! "It should deter others from such acts."

He considered but finally chose to admit. "The whispers in the shadows of Atlantis are increasing. Those who believe Arthur is the rightful King."

Namora has posed:
Namor's skin has always bruised easily under his eyes, she knows the signs of his sleeplessness. Younger the two of them would roam together all night spying on ship movements or wandering the coastline. The grimace at the mention of the Starport is noted, Namora had tested the waters around the subject and caught his feelings.

"I read the surface papers about an explosion over the Atlantic. Was that what that was? An assassination? Who was it?"

She puts aside his mention of rumors concerning Arthur and keeps their accidental meeting to herself for the moment.

Namor has posed:
Namor dropped his gaze, turning his head to the side as well then glancing off to the many flowers filling the area. It added that slightly sweet scent to the air but the filters kept it from getting overwhelming in the enclosed dome. A drawn in breath then he looked back to her with a terse nod.

"Indeed. It seems there is some infighting amongst an alien race called the Shi'ar. I do not have all the details. But it seems they assassinated one of their own on the Starport. Though the one who pulled the trigger, as the saying goes, was caught...their accomplices returned to their spaceship to attempt escape. They managed to do so, despite the Wakandan shields backed with some of our most powerful generators. I believe they were pursued by othere, not associated with the Starport. And that led to the explosion."

Namora has posed:
Hence Namor's headstrong reaction, committing valuable Atlantean resources to the project. She keeps her thoughts on the project to herself. It would be too easy for him to misread her intent and label her disloyal with the current mood in the Kingdom.

"I see! The Starport barely built and already we get a close up view of its dangers." She reacts with an exaggerated widening of her eyes and a head shake for the foibles of aliens and surface dwellers.

"What kind of weapons are you building, Namor? Adding tentatively, "Perhaps, the people fear being taxed to pay for them?"