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Latest revision as of 06:19, 16 April 2020

A Quiet Night In
Date of Scene: 16 April 2020
Location: 5C - Clint Barton's Loft
Synopsis: After a battle with AIM, Clint and Wanda go to Brooklyn for a little time off. Clint gives Wanda a gift.
Cast of Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Rather than teleport back, a Quinjet quietly dropped down above Clint's apartment building, and a pair dropped down from the plane to the roof, supported by a glow of red power. Soon Wanda and Clint were down inside the building and into his loft apartment.

"I know they are bad guys and so not really into being considerate. But really, attacking on Tax Day? Do you know how many people were frantically trying to file at the last minute when their internet went down thanks to an attempted AIM heist?" she asks. "It's one thing to be evil, another to be thoughtless," she says with a soft laugh, not really believing what she's saying but just making light conversation. "You get the shower first, I'll start some tea," she tells Clint. "Or do you need a beer tonight?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint has his arm bandaged where one of the Bee Keepers energy beams left a burn mark. One more scar for the collection most likely but all the same he seems in a boyant enough mood. "Right? That's just disrespectful. Plus at the end there we had to keep the AIM guys safe from the crowds of pissed of internet users while SHIELD hauled them away."

Which was part of the reason that they ended up taking a quinjet home. They had to hop onboard like the last helo out of Saigon. He shakes his head and grins, "Definitely one of our weirder missions."

At the question of tea or beer, he opens his mouth to say beer but stops short, "Actually tea would be perfect, and sure, I'll grab first shower if we're dead set on showering solo," he teases lightly. Post mission like this, solo was probably the wiser choice but it doesn't stop him from waggling his brows suggestively at the idea.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda lets out a warm laugh and says, "Joint showers can happen after you get that arm taken care of," she tells him, moving past Clint behind him, fingers brushing over the backs of his shoulders on her way past. "Don't use all the hot water," she says. Not like the building is going to run out at this time of night.

Wanda has a smile on her face as she heads over to the kitchen to begin boiling water. She opens up the fridge and checks the contents. A container is pulled out and looked at speculatively. The top pulled off a little, a sniff given of the contents and a wince. Those go in the garbage. Another passes muster though and she puts some leftover Chinese in the microwave for Clint, turning it on once she hears the shower stop so it'll be hot when he comes out.

By then the water is boiling and she sets the teabags in the pot to steep. Wanda ruffles her fingers through her hair, looking forward to getting out of her costume too.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Fiiiiine," Clint says, settling for a brief kiss, before heading up the stairs to the upper loft and shower, tossing down bits of costume as he does to tease.

Once in the bathroom he tends to his wound, checking the strip of angry red flesh in the mirror. The scanners on the jet said that AIM hadn't put anything nasty in their beams, so he should be fine, but the SHIELD techs would go over the weapons to be sure all the same. He showers then, stepping out to bandage his wound before getting dressed in a hoodie and sweats before going downstairs, the wofting smell of Chinese leftovers hitting his nose on the way down.

"If that's the Chinese from the other night, I think I love you," not that he didn't already. He vaults over the railing of the stairs to land softly on the floor. He comes over to her then, kissing her on the lips again, "You're amazing," he tells her, with a grin as he parts his lips from hers. "And the shower is all yours," he says with a nod towards upstairs.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"It is," Wanda says. "And you do," she adds, smiling to him as he alights on the lower floor and gives her the kiss. "And I am," she agrees after, laughing warmly and touching Clint's cheek with her fingers before heading on up to use the shower herself.

Two things might be noted during Wanda's shower. One, she sings in the shower. Two, she also dances in the shower, though that only would get noted if someone was there to watch. But Clint has likely already discovered these two facts long ago.

This time it was a song by Jewel. That one that was her big breakout. Wanda doesn't do a bad job with it, but Jewel won't be losing royalty checks to a Scarlet Witch cover anytime soon. Before long, the shower is done and Wanda's has dried off and changed into some evening attire. Which in this case means some shorts and a t-shirt rather than something lacy. "So what is on the agenda for this evening?" she asks as she emerges and heads down the stairs.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint smiles at the food and waiting tea while Wanda makes her way up to the shower, there was something so appealing about how Wanda took time for the little things. It wasn't just tea, it was tea and food, it wasn't just hanging out on a stormy night, it was hanging out with candles. It was a level of detail that Clint didn't often delve into in his personal life, but something he was warming to since being with Wanda. He supposed it came from a life of reigning in chaos, a certain level of focus and control was to be expected, where Clint felt his way through much of his life.

He liked the balance of the two.

Though right now his feelings took him upstairs, not to bust in on Wanda's shower, but to sneak up to his bedroom, pausing by the bathroom door to smile at Wanda's singing, before he went and collected a little box from under his bed and crept back downstairs, moving quickly and quietly.

Once downstairs a kitchen knife is slid into the tape holding the box together, and a burgundy mug is produced, one with a very special photo on the side.

Setting down the mug, he fills it and the other with tea, then takes it and the food over to the sofa and sets it down on the old coffee table.

He makes it just in time as Wanda comes down in that t-shirt and shorts, he smiles and stares a little, perhaps just as much as he would have if she'd come down in something lacy.

"Well, definitely some tea, and definitely some cuddling, the rest is open to negotiation," he says with a grin. "C'mon over," he says, sitting down on the couch and grabbing the /other/ mug of tea, leaving the one he unboxed on the tray for Wanda.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff walks over to Clint, humming the Jewel song, and adding a little, "who will, say-ay-ave your soul?" and giving a little shimmy dance thing that is probably reminiscent of what she was dancing in the shower. Her hair is still damp, the auburn tresses falling about her shoulders loosely as she moves over to join Clint.

The man's lingering gaze is noted, and from her growing smile, appreciated. "Tea and cuddling, I think that's a winning combination," she says as she settles into the sofa next to Clint. "Maybe a movie or that TV show about the two guys who dig in people's garages for old antiques?" she asks. Wanda may have a history degree and know most languages on the planet, but she's bad with the names of shows until she's been watching them for awhile.

Wanda reaches over to pick up the mug that is left for her. "Oh, that's a pretty color," she says of the burgundy, not remembering seeing that mug before. She turns it to hold it by the handle, and that's when she sees the photo on the side of the mug. The Transian woman stops what she was doing as she looks at, eyes wide with surprise, and her mouth dropping partway open. "That's...." she says.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint staring at Wanda doesn't stop when she sings and dances like that. He grins fondly shifting over a bit to make room for Wanda to sit next to him and when she does, he puts his arm around her should uncaring that her damp hair was making his sleeve damp as well. "American Pikers," he supplies about the antiques guys. "And sure, that could be fun," it was good background TV, something you could watch while you chatted about other things, occasionally stopping when they find something particularly interesting.

He doesn't turn the TV on yet though, not when Wanda begins to examine the mug waiting for the moment when she sees the picture, the one she'd showed him all the way back on Valentine's Day, the one with Wanda, Pietro and their mother, sitting on a van.

Visual: https://i.imgur.com/5fLNvvf.jpg

He smiles when she sees it, reaching over to put a hand on her arm, "I scanned it with my SHIELD phone one time when you were in the shower and had it made a couple weeks ago," he explains. "You said you needed a mug for the mansion and I thought, warm drink, warm memories," he offers a grin then as he adds, a little self-consciously. "Wasn't sure if it hits the right note, so if not, no hard feelings, I have my eye on a couple other options."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff looks at the picture on the mug as Clint explains how it got there. Her lips continue to hang slightly open and she just look at it, and looks at it. Finally she lifts up her head from it to gaze over to Clint. Wanda's expression is a conduit for showing her emotions. So warm and beautiful, just as she's feeling inside right now. In her soft accent, she says slowly, "It... hit the right note, Clint..."

Wanda looks down to the mug again, touching the picture with a finger and then setting the burgundy cup down on the coffee table as she turns more towards Clint and wraps her arms around him. "I have... the best, boyfriend. Ever," she tells him with a happy sigh, holding him tightly for a few long moments before finally letting him go.

Wanda picks the mug back up. In a more nonchalant tone, Wanda adds, "And if he ever learns how amazing you are, then I'll really be in trouble." She gives him a soft, beautiful smile and then takes a sip of her tea. "I have to show Pietro," she says, getting up to go get her phone, returning with it to take a picture and then snuggling back in against Clint as she sends the photo off to him.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint's smile is one of relief and absolute pleasure as he finds the mug had the effect he'd been hoping for.

He returns the hug warmly pulling her close to his chest before kissing Wanda's cheek just as he lets her go and smiles at her. "Nah, I'm only keeping pace with you," he says with a wink. "Best girlfriend needs the best boyfriend, right?" he deflects good naturedly, still smiling at Wanda's reaction to the gift.

He laughs when she sends Pietro a picture, "And here I was worried about how he'd take a picture of him as a kid roaming around on your mug," he says. "I think he's pretty happy with us thinking he never was a kid," he jokes. "Like he sprang from your dad's head smug and surly," he says with warm teasing for Wanda's brother.

He shakes his head gently, with a warm smile before he settles back fully into the moment. "Really glad you like it, just thought it'd be nice to have that picture there while you're relaxing, bring back good memories."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda leans over against Clint, resting her head on his shoulder while carefully holding the mug, her eyes on it as much as on her archer boyfriend. "He was different when he was younger," she says. "Different around our parents. Or, well, ok maybe there was a lot of the same Pietro in him. But he had to grow up fast with a sister to take care of, and himself still just a boy," Wanda says.

She turns to Clint, smiling and offering his lips a tender little peck. "This is so thoughtful though," she says warmly. Wanda takes a sip from the mug. "A wonderful choice of color too," she says, running a finger around the rim of the burgundy ceramic.

"I think the chances of another shower tonight are WAY up now," she tells him in a teasing voice, her head snuggling down against his shoulder. She reaches over to check his bandage over his wound though. "Do you want me to heal this?" she asks him softly. "DOes it hurt much?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Shifting so Wanda has easy access to his shoulder he leans his head against hers when she rests her head there. "I can understand that, how growing up fast can change a person, it was like that with me and Barney," he rarely mentions his brother, indeed half the time he makes it sound like he was an only child. "We didn't really get to be kids, our parents were horrible so we had to grow up fast and look out for each other because they sure as hell weren't going to do it." Yes, there's a bit of anger there for his long dead parents, but its muted by the tenderness of the moment. "I guess it was the same for you two on the road." He kisses her head then, a bit of comfort amidst dark topics as he tries to brighten things a little. "But it's good we turned out alright. Even Pietro. I need to remember more often how he took care of you." It softened his opinion of the grumpy speedster.

"Glad you like it," Clint says, before nodding about the colour, "Seemed like you," he says. "Actually saw someone did an Etsy mug of you, one of those cute little mini drawings of you in your costume, and it was that colour. When I saw it I thought, that's the colour, it feels comforting, warm, like you."

As for the wound he looks like it. "Feels like I burnt my arm on the stove," he explains about how it feels, but put some cream on it when I bandaged it up. As for the healing? There's a moment of consideration before he shakes his head. "Nah, not for something like this, need to keep taking my licks and letting them heal naturally, well, at least the ones like this, they help keep me sharp. This thing is going to remind me all week I was a little too slow today. It'll make me practice more."

He leans in then and steals a kiss from her lips, "Wouldn't say no to a second shower though," he teases, though he's plenty relaxed down here. No rush.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gives a soft, scoffing sound. "If you were any more sharp I'd get stuck trying to lean against you," she quips in her soft, easy spoken delivery. She returns the kiss warmly, smiling at Clint and reaching up to rest her hand along his cheek.

Another sip of the tea is taken and Wanda gives a small grin. "Steve is so not touching this mug," she says of the man whose mug she used a few weeks ago. "We'll keep it here, anyway, because this is where you gave it to me," she tells him.

Wanda relaxes against him and closes her eyes for a few moments. "I really enjoy these downtimes we get. Spending them together," she tells him. Wanda reaches her hand over to Clint's to twine her fingers with his. "You were really good out there today," she says of the fight against AIM. "I still don't know how you got that arrow around the corner. Ricochet it? Or do you have arrows you can make curve in the air?" she asks.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint relaxes into the touch of his cheek, then settles back to regard her as she makes her decision about the mug. "Sounds good," he says about where she chose to keep it. "If that means you're going to be over her more, then I better give you permission to help decorate," he looks around at the mostly bare walls and boxes. "Gotta admit the place needs some love." And he had to admit he'd become a fan of her aesthetic.

He wraps his arm around her a little tighter as she snuggles in close and closes her eyes. "Me too," he says. "They feel like like little vacations away from everything else, they really help when the crazy starts getting too deep."

Eagerly twining his fingers with his he says, "A mix of both, I can do it without a trick arrow, most of the time, but then I built the boomerang arrows, just for that, and mostly because I wanted to see if I could. You'd think an arrow that comes back to you wouldn't be much use, but it's been surprisingly handy."