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Latest revision as of 10:06, 2 June 2023

Not Quite Shakespeare in the Park
Date of Scene: 14 July 2022
Location: <text>
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: M'gann M'orzz, Tabitha Smith

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    People in strange attire shouting things in funny accents is nothing new in Central Park. Shakespeare in the Park has been a fixture for almost seventy years. And really that could be said to be a valid description for many places in New York including Times Square.

    Today however is a bit different, first off the language sounds more like someone who is choking on a Shakespearian English dictionary or perhaps heard it once and made up their own version that sounds right in their head but is decidedly not. Second the young woman is dressed in what looks like a very good attempt at Asgardian attire seemingly modeled after Thor, but there's one catch. It's the hammer, that's no Mjolnir it's a Home Depot sledgehammer.

    "Unhandeth yon maiden!" Thor Girl shouts swooping out of the sky and throwing the hammer, the sledge impacting the ground with enough force to knock a would be purse snatcher and the woman whose purse he was trying to snatch, both, to the ground, the impact showering both of them with a spray of dirt as Thor Girl lands nearby. "Giveth up! Thou canst win!" The girl in the 'Thor' outfit shouts at the mugger as she strides towards him. Though as she holds out her hand to receive it, the sledgehammer does in fact fly into it just like Thor's hammer. Some weird shit is definitely going on in the park today.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's some arguments that most of what Tabitha smith wears could be strange but she will argue the point down to loud most often. Beat up old red denim jeans, rips all over like she'd been fighting wolves. Hints of fishnet stockins peeking again st the holes while a yellow ringer style cropped tee covers her upper half. Pink at the collar hem and sleeves wih a faded BOOM! printed on the front stands out in the same pink. Black chucks, a spinky black leather belt and choker at her waist and neck cinched securly while some red framed cate eye glasses with yellow frams keep her wildly grown and shaggy mane of blonde hair.

It's the accent and the volume of the voice that gets Tabby attention before she tries to follow the sound. So a run she breaks into, skidding around a corner and having to hop and balance herself to come to a stop when she sees what seems like cosplay but actual pwers behind it.

"Oooookay, so I'd probably stop all that and give it up yo!" she calls to the mugger and looks more than a little confused but hey, not like she hasn't done weird team ups in the past. "Assuming this is a mugging and not just weird super power date night. If that's the case y'all go right ahead and I'll see myself off." she states.

It's probably just as weird that some random and louldly dressed blonde woman is calling out everyone with not so much as a flicker of power.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    The sledgehammer is pointed in the direction of the mugger and the Asgardian looking young woman is about to shout something else when Tabby's words reach her and she just kind of stops and looks in her direction, momentarily distracted "Power date?" She asks curiously apparently completely unfamiliar with the term. It takes her a moment amidst her surprise to remember her accent. "I am-eth not sure-eth what thou speaketh of." It's almost like she thinks putting eth on the end of words makes them Asgardian.

    The mugger is either very brave or very stupid, as instead of running when he has the chance he instead takes the opportunity to lunge at 'Thor Girl' like he means to punch her in the back of the head. "Mind your own business you dumb bitch, god just listening to you makes my head ache!"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
When the mugger voices his disapproval of "Thor-Girl's" accent Tabby just rolls her blue eyes behind her glasses and just flicks a finger at the man and with that a small little glowing ball flies from her digit and directs itself with a little spiral motion mid air towards the man and the back of his head.


It's a little one but it's loud and bright. Enough to knock the man out while Tabby plugs her ears and clenches her eyes shut. Not a flashbang but there's enough force to knock him out. And maybe singe off any hair on the back of his skull.

"Yeah, not a date I guess." Tabby states and grins.

"So like folks from the other eight realms don't actually speak like that you know. Costume looks great though. But definitely too many eths." she points out with cheerful and actually constructive criticism. "Nice control on the Tee Kay too!" she further adds with a smile to match the complimenary tone.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    Sometimes the smallest actions have unforeseen outsized effects. Such is the case with Tabby's small ball of plasma. The way the 'mugger' reacts is well not human. That is unless humans were built with air breaks as he changes direction mid-lunge, reversing course away from the explosion and still comes away with a chunk missing from the arm her held up to shield himself from the explosion. The wound is weird too, melty and dripping white goo rather than any sort of blood.

    Thor Girl for her part also recoils from the explosion in decidedly un-Asgardian fashion, luckily she has the advantage of distance compared to the man who had it flicked at him and manages to escape unscathed. Neither participant though seems at all fond of fire or intense heat though.

    "What was that?!" Thor Girl calls in Tabbi's direction, accent momentarily forgotten again. But then she sees the mugger's state and her eyes widen.

    "Couldn't just leave well enough alone eh?" The mugger, clutching his wounded arm, rounds on Tabby. "You're going to regret interfering!" His eyes glow a baleful red as waves of psychic pain begin to radiate from him blasting towards Tabby's mind!

    "NO!" The girl, who is almost certainly not actually an Asgardian, shouts. Diving between the mugger and Tabby, M'gann throws out a shield of her own psychic interference potent enough that it nearly enters the visible spectrum as a shimmer in the air as she attempts to shield the well intentioned stranger from the attack.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Some pretty big things get revealed in a very short time. The first being that the mugger is not human. Tabby sort of isn't either. But she's clearly not without defenses.

The White Martian Mugger's telpathic attack has a few moments to inflict it's pain before Thor-Girl intervenes. It's not an easy fight over the blonde's brain but there is a nose bleed and a clear infliction of a migraine even after the shield went up. A mind palace that's more akin to a mind trailer park. The campers and trailers all driving wildly to avoid being hit but while her power is psionic, she's not a telepath.

Bloodshot eyes glare and tabby is very, very much pissed off.

"You. dirty. I'm starting to get tired of asshole telepaths!" she snarls.

And with it, her own power flares. That little glowing ball that blew up in the muggers face. Two more light up, bowling balls sized flames of heated purple plasma in clenched fists. The woman taking up a guard stance like she's ready to throw down.

Extending her fingers and unclenching those fists, the bombs float just in front of her.

"Now you gonna sit your ass down and wait for the cops. Or amd I gonna have to take off some eyebrows!" she says angrily. There's a look over to the Asgardian Cosplayer "Keep that hammer ready and if he runs just deck him as hard as you can." she suggests with a wicked looking expression on her features.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Run. That is clearly on the strange alien mugger's mind as he holds his weird drippy arm. Slightly panicked eyes look between Thor Girl and the one he had thought was a normal human but can apparently hurl exploding balls of flaming pain. It is hard to tell who he is more concerned about, the psychic shield definitely was not expected. For her part Thor Girl is staring at the alien's white drippy arm.

    "You shouldn't be here!" The same words come from both the alien mugger and Thor Girl nearly in unison.

    Eyeing both the bowling ball sized fiery pain spheres and Thor Girl with new trepidation, the strange man seems to decide retreat is better than valor and suddenly just vanishes from sight.

    Thor Girl reacts as quickly as she can but the hammer just winds up buried in a tree as her eyes turn skyward. "He's gone." She says between deep steadying breaths. The previous bravado is gone and she seems even somewhat shaken by the encounter.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The flying telepathic alien dude seeming person and Thorgal's words get a scoffing pfft sound. "The hell. I lived in the city. This is like home!" sure she was technically homless but close enough.

The flaming balls of plasma float and threaten to do a lot of damage before the mugger makes his escape and Tabby with those bloodshot blue eyes from working her psychic defenses and channeling her bio-electricty to make those mini suns can make sure he isn't looking like he's coming back. Mostly by looking around in case the guy circles around. Sucker punches suck.

Eventually though she reabsorbs the energy she ju8st out putted and smiles like she just had the best coffee ever. This lets her see the shaken wannabe Asgardian. "You guys. Weren't saying that to me were you?" she asks and actually sounds very much like she's attempting to reassure and comfort the other girl.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    "Not you, him." Thor Girl says once she calms down a bit, the affected 'Asgardian' accent entirely gone. At this point realizing this is no longer a job for Thor Girl's cosplay hero theatrics, the young heroine's appearance shifts becoming greener and more red head as she returns to the form of Miss Martian. "He was surprised to see me because Green Martians are supposed to have been wiped out. If he's what I think he was though, they're supposed to be gone too."

    M'gann shakes her head and looks over Tabby, "Are you okay? Thanks for the backup. That was some pretty impressive firepower."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The fake accent was pretty telliing that the girl was at least cosplaying with powers. But the shifting into a green skinned younbg woman. That gets a wider eyed look but nothing that might be out there.

Tabby's way too experienced for that kind of stuff as an X-Man.

"Supposed to be? Is this like fact and you're one? Is there other martians you actually are? I figure like, umm. You're shapeshifting or mental projecting this very cute image now?" Tabby starts to ramble as her mind processes possibilities.

She does at least focus when she's complimented. "Thanks. Mutant. Been 'sploding for years now. I'm Tabby. Or Boom-Boom if you want a made up name for when I'm rocking tights and stuff." she offers as an introduction. "Bit headachey but I've been helping deal with asshole telepaths a few weeks now. Everything's kinda loud here and there but I'll deal." The Shadow King making a whole mess of the Astral Plane as the X-Woman undersells it.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    "Supposed to be." M'gann repeats. "The Martian Manhunter and I should be the only two left and what was he doing as a mugger.. maybe he wasn't one just similar powers." She would clearly like for that to be the case. "There was a civil war on Mars literally thousands of years ago. All of the White Martians should be gone."

    She shakes her head and smiles at Tabby, regaining her usual cheer. "When I'm not being Thor Girl, because aren't Asgardians just so cool? I'm M'gann M'orzz or Miss Martian, a pleasure to meet you. Sorry to hear about asshole telepaths. I can try and get rid of the headache if you like, and put up some shields. I happen to be a pretty good telepath myself."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha hmms and ponders a few things. "The shields and defenses I got were taught by some of Earth's best." Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Betsy Braddock and Emma Frost.

"The pain I can deal with. Not my first rodeo, thanks though." she adds appreciatively at least as she stands relaxed with a hand on her hip while she loks around.

"Asgardians are pretty badass. Got to blow up Frost Giants a while back. Awesome. Up there with Amazons for badass. Not as badass as Mutants but I'm allowed to too my own horn!" she adds with a chuckle and a little ego.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    For her part M'gann doesn't seem to have any negative reactions at the mention of mutants, possibly due to not being from Earth and also being green herself. Really it's an odd line some people seem to draw almost arbitrarily between different categories of people with powers.

    "Okay, if you're sure." M'gann looks a bit concerned but lets it go, probably her empathic nature. "Mutants are pretty badass, you're right. At least the ones I've met working with the Outsiders." She grins. "I've never met an Amazon though, but the rumors make them sound really cool. I /did/ get to meet Thor, he was amazing and awesome, which made me want to try being like him."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There is an agreement on the awesomeness of Asgardians. "I know right! Like hanging out inside a heavy metal album. The ones that get all swords and magic stuff." she mimics a sword swipe wioth her hand. "I've also seen the more demony type metal album style landscapes too. But not as fun even if the lady running the place is your ex."

"Amazon's are pretty awesome too. I've trained with them and Wonder WOman and her sisters at the Emassy here in New York. They seem kinda amused when I use my powers to fight and keep up with them. I'm still pretty much human aside from the plasma." she admits and chuckles.

"Outsiders? Kinda fuzzy on that. Know a few mutant friends hang out in Gotham but they teaming up and not telling us?" she asks and hmms. The X-Men are meant to be secret too after all.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    M'gann blinks for a moment at the comment about an Ex who runs demonic hellscapes, but decides it is perhaps better not to ask questions about that one.

    "Yeah, the Outsiders are based in Gotham, we generally do things quietly, prevent bigger threats from becoming an issue for Gotham's more human protectors." A pause. "Is that bad if they are?" Suddenly she's wondering if she might be getting some teammates in trouble. The Outsiders aren't strictly secret, just out of the spotlight and deniable.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby grins and chuckles at the worry that being too clandestine is a bad thing. "Nah it's fine. Sometimes even mutants need to do Black Ops." She does a side gig on X-Force after all with Gabby.

"Last thing ya want sometimes is the public finding out something or other is really out there and a threat and even if it's been stopped. Plus maaaaaybe sometimes you don't need grief cause a solution might be a bit more permanent than some would like." she states and makes a finger gun to the temple gesture.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    "Yeah, sometimes you just have to do what is necessary." M'gann's expression says she doesn't necessarily like it but has definitely been there. "When you can be literally invisible or look like anyone, it's hard not to get drafted into covert missions." Never mind the mind reading. "But it'd be nice if it wasn't necessary."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The blonde mostly human nods herr head. "Yeah, sucks when it comes down to us or them. Kinda feels like leaving a chunk of yourself behind." she admits and folds her arms against her chest.

"The worst thing is. You could do something massively awesome out in the open. Talking like Superman level stuff. You'd think people would think; "Nah fam, I ain't messing with that." but then they go and mess with that like a dumbass. World that hates and fears us. Mutants Aliens. The haves making the Havenots think we're the haves." she states sadly.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    It's a very relatable conversation for a Martian. It has been said in the past the reason Martian Manhunter is not nearly as popular as Superman despite rivaling him in power is his alien appearance. M'gann in turn opted for more human-like red hair even in her 'martian' form but the green skin still draws the occasional stare and whisper.

    "Some people just... it is easy for them to get swept up in groups, to act out if there are others around them doing the same even if they might normally be too afraid to act like that. It's sad how scared people can be of anything that isn't like them, of any power not under their control."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby being a mutant could count people with blue fur, shark or wolf physiology as an optional look and other non standard appearances among friends and family. So being with M'gann doesn't weird her out in the slightest.

"It's usualy led by people in power. Not wanting to lose that cause polotical power seems piddly when you can shoot beams out your eyes or move things with your mind. As if being able to order people to die was nothing to them." she shrugs. Then shudders when she gets her mind in a dark place.

"And I really regret going there. Too bleak." she admits and tries to pull herself and the Martian woman out of any funks. "Those are awesome powers to have. Not as much as being able to rip atoms apart and blow the resulting plasma up but close!" she states and grins a bit more deliberately.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    M'gann smiles as Tabby attempts to bring them back from the brink of bleakness. "There's always hope. Terrible individuals will be terrible on any planet, but as long as there are good people to oppose them and hold them to account there's always hope." Well, it didn't turn out so well for Mars, but Earth can be different right?!

    That is a pretty cool power." M'gann agrees. "Just don't point it at me!" She gives a little laugh. Eventually she remembers the discarded sledgehammer still embedded in a nearby tree and steps over to retrieve it, yanking it free with one hand, demonstrating a not small amount of strength in the process.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The mutant girl with wild blonde hair certainly agrees on teh cool powers. "Super strength got game too. Always liked meeting girls that could twirl me about like a feather!" Tabby points out with maybe a little bit of a flirt in her tone.

The hammer though gets a hmm and a thought when it's retrieved. "I might have an idea, Thor's thingy, Molly or Meow here." No one ever gets Mjolnir right. "Was forged in the heart of like a dying star. Maybe we could do something kinda similar with that baby!" she offers and holds out a hand with maybe something on her mind for the sledge. "You might wanna pop the head off the handle first so I don't wreck the whole thing."