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Latest revision as of 05:08, 7 June 2023

Back from the Future
Date of Scene: 07 June 2023
Location: Fun Land - Amusement Mile
Synopsis: Bart finds his cousin and she gets to meet one of his friends, and his cats.
Cast of Characters: Jenni Ognats, Bart Allen, Gabby Kinney

Jenni Ognats has posed:

It's the last sound Jenni heard before everything went black. As she blinks open her eyes, all she can see is a sight that could only in the most LOOSEST of terms be likened to a kaleidoscope. Frankly, human language doesn't really HAVE words for what she's seeing right now, and she's pretty damn sure that the human mind can't actually RETAIN memories of what's going by.

At least, she HOPES so.

She somehow senses she's flying somehow through this place, but without solid references, she doesn't know where, from, or how fast...but after some timeless time, she feels a resonance...a tug of connection, even if a conceptual one.

Then again, in a place like this, concepts probably have a lot more impact than the things we normally call physics. Now she gets a sense that something is approaching, or she's approaching it...and then with an impactless impact, she strikes some kind of barrier and blacks out in pain.

Meanwhile, in physical reality, there's a space where the air suddenly gets that heavy greasy feeling of a bit too much ozone...little sparks of electricity begin to arc across random bits of metal...and a charge builds up and up...until out of a clear blue sky there's a discharge of lightning...and suddenly a body is flying throuigh the air as if thrown from the lightning stroke itself.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen was out checking out the amusement park. He might want to take Emiko there sometime, so it is good to know what is about and going as Bart is a little less eye catching than zooming around in the white and red. So, he has stopped at a food stall ordering an exceptionally large order with a "Yea they left me to carry it all." But then he feels the charge and blinks. "Thats odd." He says as there is traces of lightning sparks across his form a moment. He looks up and sees the body flying. "Um, I will be back." He says and leaves some money on the counter before stepping away and around a ride, out of eyesight.
     Once no one can see him, he has kicked on the speed, changing mid run, which most can see, but if a speedster is watching, they might laugh as the few hundred yards he is hopping on one foot to change boots. He does a quick calculation on where the person looks like they may land and kicks it into overdrive trying to get there before the other does as he says something over his com. "Guys something odd near the amusement park in Gotham, checking it out at speed, tell Batman sorry."

Jenni Ognats has posed:
As she arcs through the sky on a terminal impact for Earth once more, Jenni comes to, still disoriented from her rather abrupt transition and all the other shakes and rattles she's taken in the last few relative minutes for her. As she flies near the carousel swing (luckily temporarily offline for a quick bit of maintenance), her hand strikes one of the swing chains and she reflexively grabs it. While this DOES manage to slow her down a little bit before the chain gets overstressed and snaps, this adds a curve to her flight path, changing her trajectory somewhat.

Upside? It looks like she's flying towards a bit of parking lot that's unused this time of year.

Downside? Between the sudden bleed off of speed and alteration of flight path, whomever it is hits the ground before they can be intercepted.

Bonus upside? It's immediately obvious that whomever it is isn't as squishy as a standard human, as they're able to convert the impact into a roll that finally slows to a halt against a fence.

After a few moments lying there, the figure shakily starts standing up, speaking in Interlac <Grife. Did anyone get the number of that cruiser? I don't think I've been hit that hard since Validus blindsided me that one time.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen runs up the side of the ferris wheel making sure to swap sides back and forth to not make the thing go all lopsided to get a better view, and seeing where the person diverted, he is down and heading that way. As he is heading there, he is thinking "That color scheme looks familiar." He does not think Xs would be in this time though. So he is zooming in and as he comes around the corner, he is skidding to a halt "Are you ok?" He is asking, not knowing who it is, but hero or villain he is hoping they are not a puddle and he can help them. As it dawns on him who it is, he starts smiling and says "Jenni?" Even Bart can be taken by surprise on a rare occasion

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Something odd in Gotham? Rather than just snark back over the comms Gabby decided to go check it out herself. A little too much excitement in the past few days has left her wired with a large amount of energy she needed to work off somehow. Running around Gotham trying to keep up with speedsters would definitely do that.

Besides, she felt guilty for being absent from Gotham so long in the first place, which is why she'd swung around to the Roost rather than hanging out with her own speedster and sheildster in New York.

As luck would have it she coasts in on her motorcycle just at the time that the individual skids to a halt. Bart still beats her there, by far, but she's jogging behind him waaaay slower than him. "Hey Impulse, what's up? Who's that?"

Jenni Ognats has posed:
As Jenni stands up, she obviously checks herself over, looking for injuries. Aside from the standard scuffs, scrapes, and minor road rash one would expect from a speedster crashing, she's sporting a few marks that tell of some blasts and/or burns in various places. Even beyond the expected impacts, she looks like she's been through the wringer. She winces as she finds a few sore spots here and there, but fortunately, nothing feels broken.

Rebreaking wrongly set bones SUCKS. Potential hazards of having accelerated healing rather than true regeneration.

She's just getting to the point where she's checking out her surroundings when she feels the displaced air of Bart's arrival...and she turns to look at the arrival, she blinks, "...Bart?" There's a beat, then her expression turns to one of joy, "BART!" And with that, she's lunging forward to hug her cousin, <BART! It's so good to see you!> Sadly, however, the only language she really speaks is Interlac...which, despite being enough of a lingua franca even in this time that certain 'main men' speak it...almost nobody on EARTH does. <Wait! If you're here...is this the past?> She steps back and smacks herself in the forehead, <Oh, grife. I'm in the sprocking PAST. Fifty credits says it's the Time Trapper sprocking with me.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen does speak the language, and even knows another who speaks an archaic version of it. He smiles and hugs her back and as she steps back, he says "Yea, your back in my new home time." He tells her. He looks over to Gabby as she comes up and says "Hey , seems is a false alarm, this is my cousin Xs, Xs this is Ga.. Honey Badger." He remembered the code names, "She is from the same time, I am from, but part of a team based there." He looks to his cousin and says "<This is Honey Badger a friend, you have a universal Translater?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ooh great, another speedster? Not that it's bad, just..." Gabby ponders a moment thinking on things with an upward glance at the sky. Nothing else was exploding so that was good. Her attention quickly shifts back to the present time as she pats her sides down feeling through her pockets until she finds and fishes out a couple of energy bars.

The offering of food is held out toward Xs with a grin. Even if she couldn't understand some of what they were blabbing she knew two things: Bart was trustworthy, and speedsters were *always* hungry. "Hi! Nice to meet you."

Jenni Ognats has posed:
The now-named XS pats herself down a bit, checking her Legion belt buckle and in both the pouches at her hips. A frown crosses her face and she shakes her head, <I HAD one mounted on my belt, but it looks like it got fried when the Treadmill exploded.> Her face gets a momentary wierd look as her healing processes, then she sighs and shakes her head, <Ugh. Hangon, this is one of those time periods where there's like a zillion different languages on the planet, right?>

Eyes are rolled at the other speedster, <Why couldn't Gramma Iris have taken you to a SENSIBLE era where they all speak Interlac?> It's not a serious question, and her tone makes it clear she's just grousing to cover her discomfort.

It's at this point that Gabby offers an energy bar, and Jenni's stomach makes it's displeasure with her known. She blinks a few times, then she grabs the offered bar, bites half of it off in one bite and as she chews, she grabs hold of Gabby's hand and says to her (while still chewing), "...saver of the maker of existance are you!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smirks a bit and says "Be right back," He is off and changed to get the food he had ordered for himself. This takes a bit longer than Bart normally takes zooming off, as he has to get the food as Bart, and walk it out of sight before he can zoom back. So the two have a moment alone Bart not thinking that language barrier might be an issue, there is one of those acting before thinking things.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The phrasing takes Gabby a moment to parse through her brain into something understandable. Thankfully she's known quite a few people that talk odd in her time, from Deadpool to ... Probably some others.

"No problem," she offers back with a quick chuckle. "My boyfriend is a speedster, too. I carry a few around all the time." Bart's re-emergence with food earns a nod as well. "Should I bring her to the Roost or do you have a place I can bring her by? There's room on my motorcycle."

Jenni Ognats has posed:
It doesn't take Jenni too long to finish chewing and finish the second half of the offered bar. She listens to Gabby speak...not getting any of the words, but trying to get as much meaning from the tone as she can. Right now, she's a bit at the mercy of time and tide. Soon she's pocketing the trash and looking for where Bart went.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has a large container of faire food. He holds it out to let Jenni pick some of it, and says "Well I need to make sure Rob is ok with bringing her to the roost, but you know where my apartment is? Same building Phoebe lives in. You mind taking her there, while I handle a few things." He looks to Jenni <Eat up, Gabby here can take you to my apartment, you can get some rest there, I was called into work, I will be back in a couple hours,">

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Sure, I can do that," Gabby agrees with a solemn nod. Hooking her thumb over her shoulder back toward the motorcycle she looks to Jenni trying to figure out a good way to get the point across. If Bart hadn't already said so. "Uh..." What was that phrase she'd heard another future person use before? Granted it might not be the same lingo. Darn it. "Let's peel." Maybe that works for 'let's go', she hopes.

Turning away she walks back to the parked bike to swing her leg over. It's not really a speedy looking bike, the Honda Trail was meant more for off and on road. Sporty, but ... Kind of clunky in appearance. The seats were fantastically comfy though!

Jenni Ognats has posed:
Jenni picks a few things out of the box...then a moment of superspeed later, she's holding the box and he's holding the things she picked. After a few moments she grins and offers to switch back if he wants before giving another hug, <It's good to see you again Bart. I'll crash at your place until you get back as long as it's got a 'fresher.>

With that all said, she follows a few steps behind Gabby, where she gives the transport a look that clearly conveys her skepticism that this is an actual vehicle. Still, she's seen them before, so she knows they're a thing in this century, <How did humanity survive to get off this rock with vehicles like this?> She sighs, then tries to figure out how to get on, <At least if this doesn't work I've got a Flight Ring.>

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her, and says "I am going to have to get Nadia to make me one of those." He says in common and then to Gabby "Nothing just a ring she likes to show off." He says with a smile, and eats and then fishes out his spare key and says "Show her how to use it, and make Huginn and Muninn will probably want attention while your there." He looks to Jenni and says <There is all you need, and there are two cats there, they are mine, make sure ya don't let them out, they probably won't try but best to make sure. Also Emiko may stop by she is allowed there." He pulls out his phone to show pictures of the Cats and Emiko

Jenni Ognats has posed:
Jenni nods as she accepts the key, looking over the pictures on Bart's primitive communications device, then says <Everything in this century is so analog. I'll take care of your cats while you're away. Take care!> She turns back, having at some point already finished the food and deposited the waste in a nearby trash bin.

She takes a moment to try and dredge up some remembered English, then shrugs and manages, "We ride?"

And with that, she mounts the bike behind Gabby and lets herself be taken off to Bart's pad.