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Latest revision as of 22:52, 18 April 2020

Knocked Out Again
Date of Scene: 18 April 2020
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Spidey meets quite a few people - a lawyer, a model, and a ninja - when grabbing lunch.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Heather Danielson, Jennifer Walters, Chizue Nakamura

Peter Parker has posed:
"I love to swing-a...in the sun-a and the moon-a in the spring-a...I love to swing-a..."

Spider-Man is feeling really good. He got the job working for Stark, he's got an in for college...and he's hungry, but he can AFFORD it now!

He checks his feeds and sees a food-truck challenge going on in the Village, so he is in like FLYNN. He checks the offerings as he moves. Oven-baked pizza, chili dogs...hey, is Big Jake there?...tacos, Cajun po-boys...all of it sounds delish.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Today's food truck of choice for Heather? Oh that's easy. Angelo's Hero Gyro. Each item on the menu themed after a well known Superhero. There's the Super-Gyro, which is everything on it. Think deluxe pizza, but with a greek Gyro twist. Then there is the Captain Ameri-Gyro, American Cheese, ground beef, basically a cheeseburger on the heavy greek pita type wrap.
    Then there is the Friendly Neighborhood Gyro, which is just kind of the comfort foot type with hot dog bits cut up in it, and spicy mustard with sharp cheddar sprinkled on top. Oh, and warmed to perfect temperature.
    Heather has 3 of those large monstrosities on her plate as she sits at a table near the truck with three bottles of water before her also. She's already halfway through the first of her Gyros, and has some of the mustard on the corner of her mouth (a fact that she isn't aware of yet). As for clothing, it's simple today. White tanktop / sports bra type thing that shows off the trim tummy, light windbreaker over that (now hanging from the chair), and low cut jeans along with stylish sneakers.

Peter Parker has posed:
Well, Spider-Man doesn't just jump into the midst of things. There are lines as such. So, he lands outside the gate to the kiosk area, walking up to the entrance and waving to people.
The guy at the entrance looks at him, then says, "Uhmm...look, Spider-Man, I gotta charge you. Five bucks. It's for charity."
Spider-Man nods, handing him a ten-spot. He can afford this sort of thing now. "No worries." He steps in, looking around, and...

Well, whaddaya know. The Incredible Healing Supermodel. He hadn't seen her since the cut-rate earthbender had opted to trap her between a literal rock and a hard place. And by the look of it, she seems to be saying sayonara to whatever diet plan she follows.

He walks towards her, tilting his head slightly. "Uhm...hey there?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Looking up from her Friendly Neighborhood Gyro. Okay, not so much -from- it, as... she just stuffed the last little bit into her mouth so her cheeks are puffed up like a chipmunk's.. and her eyes go a bit wide. She looks like she wants to say something, but holds up a hand, index finger raised to indicate that she needs a moment.
    Then she chews furiously, finally swallowing her large bite and washing it down. She sounds a little hoarse for a moment as she croaks out a sound... shakes her head, gulps a bit more water, and then says, "Hi! Sorry about that. You have to try one of these..." she says with a gesture to a seat with her. "Though, not sure how you eat with the mask on." she adds. "This is the Friendly Neighborhood Gyro." she says with a beaming grin, that spicy mustard still marring her cheek.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey tilts his head. "They made a dish featuring me? Holy cow." He sat down, then lifted the mask partway to reveal a rather average nose and mouth. At least he has a good dentist. And hey, no pincers or mandibles, so eat your own liver, SpiderStopper420!

"That's...an interesting design." Not something he would have thought of, but hey, his strengths are not in the culinary arts. He waves a hand for the food truck guys to see, then says, "I'll have one of the Friendlies, please." He looks back to Heather. "Jeez, you must be STARVING."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Usually, yah." remarks Heather in her Midwest accent. It's not like she thinks of it as an accent so much as a lack of one. But doesn't everyone thing of their own speech as normal, and everyone else as accented?
    But she grins, and the grin lights up her face. It's not a professional model's smile. It is a grin of pure amusement. "Hey, at least this time I'm not about to get run over when you show up..." A pause as she whips her head over her shoulder to make sure, "Am I?" she asks.
    Meanwhile, Angelo grins and says, "For Spider-Man, the Friendly Neighborhood Gyro would be an honor!" he calls out as he plates one and sets a can of cold coke next to it on the counter.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiles. "Thanks, but I'm paying for it." He gets up to grab the food and pay, because it's for a good cause, then heads back to sit at Heather's table. "No careening trucks or planes right now. But if I sense anything, I'll be the first to let you know." He pauses, then says, "That last situation...I have to ask if that photo shoot turned out okay?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Smirking a bit impishly, Heather Danielson shrugs her bared shoulders, "Well, yes and no. It's not like I -wanted- shots of me being smooshed to be the centerpiece, but I can't argue about the publicity of it. They made for awesome lures for others to look at and even got attention raised for the children's shelter that I was trying to promote there. Plus... any shot that has -you- in it is bound to sell. Funny, I didn't see that one in the Bugle." she offers with a tilt of her head.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shrugs. "I'm sure the editor exec-vetoed it. It's okay, though." He paused, then added, "I did a little research on you. To tell you the truth, I'd never heard of a supermodel that was...well...a SUPERmodel. I have to say it's pretty brave of you."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "What's brave about it?" asks Heather with a lifted brow, "I can't exactly put the genie back in the bottle. I mean I got shot in the heart on camera at a photo shoot in front of about seventy five people. It's not like I can get up, put on a mask and say ... No, that's not me, she'll be okay, but I'm the super duper person."
    She smirks and lifts her next gyro. Before biting into it, she adds. "Though, this is quite a perk. I burn calories like you would not -believe-. Healing tissue uses a ton of energy."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, taking a sip of his Coke before taking a bite of his own namesake creation. "Hey, this is pretty good," he says aftrer he swallows. "I get where you're coming from. But...I dunno, have you thought about doing the crime-fighting stuff with what you can do? I guess maybe I'm biased, but these can be some very game-changing gifts."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Funny you should mention that." offers Heather with a smirk. "My dad told me the same thing. But how did he put it?" She inclines her head, "Some ancient literary quote... all that is required for evil to win, is for good people to do nothing?"
    But then she nods her head, "I live in Metropolis when I'm not traveling for work. So I submitted an application to the Titans. They are in the process of reforming. Plus, I already have a codename."
    She beams and blushes a bit as she adds, "Cameraman on site when my powers emerged called me a Knockout, and the name stuck. I think it's a bit... presumptuous."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man hmms. "Okay, that works. People would probably be calling you that, anyway. Do you have a costume concept? A mask might not be necessary, but you should be immediately recognizable as a heroine if you're doing that kinda stuff."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "See, I don't really like the idea of having just one look. I mean come on... fashion is kinda my thing, right?" asks Heather between bites and gulps of water. "But I do like blue as a color. Goes well with my hair and such." she shrugs, "Plus... I might have a problem similar to the woman... that Walters attorney. Hulkette? No, She-Hulk. My body will survive damage that my costume will end up shredded by. Maybe I should find some super inventor to make me a self-healing costume. But... if we're going that route, maybe it could change its look on demand too!" Yep. She's totally getting excited by the idea of this.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shrugs. "Well, I could try to look up that sort of thing. Maybe a Kevlar weave with carbon fibers, those can take some punishment. I'm working on a new suit, myself." He holds up one arm to show how the suit has been mended and stitched back together. A LOT.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Sure. But... my main concern is an outfit that's not gonna shred and end up getting me on adults only websites every week and a half." mutters Heather as she stuffs the last of her second Frienfly Neighbrhood Gyro into her mouth.
    She doesn't seem all that concerned, but she at least maintains decency when she can. I mean Midwest girl. The only thing she's showing off in her cropped tanktop and jeans is that trim tummy of hers.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters is super athletic today and is jogging/running along the sidewalk, seriously focused as she runs. The green athlete has on her casual stretchy wear and a carries a cute pink, tiny athletic towel in her hand as she jogs past the Food Truck. Jennifer gives it a glance but then squints ahead, determined to stay focused even though she's dying of hunger. She jogs past the Food Truck. She then jogs back to the Food Truck and grumbles at her willpower.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man is about to say something when he spots Miss Walters. Like he could possibly MISS the not-so-jolly green giantess. Right now she looks like she's willing to murder a gyro or two.

He suddenly wonders who would outdo whom in an eating contest. Something to keep in mind for later.

"Miss Walters?" Spidey calls out, waving to her from the table where he sits with Heather "Knockout" Danielson. "Hey there! Would like to introduce you to someone!"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Looking up once more, Heather squeaks, "Did you say Walters?" she asks Spider-Man in a stage whisper before turning her head and swallowing her latest bite as she spots Lean-N-Green. She feels self-conscious now, and reaches for her napkin to wipe at her lips and face. Then she reaches for her water bottle to take a sip. Lastly, she takes a breath and composes herself as only someone trained as a model can. She puts a smile on her face. It's not like she doesn't want to meet She-Hulk. More like she is intimidated by the idea of meeting someone so... well She-Hulk! Come on! It's her! Heather idolizes the woman!

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters puts a hand on the back of her green neck as she waits in line, perhaps reconsidering diving into a Food Truck's offerings. She then turns about and looks relieved to step out of line to find who is calling to her. She smiles at the friendly Spider-Man as she walks over to him and his date, "Hi Spider-Man, good to see you again," she explains and then looks at Heather, "Hi there. Jennifer Walters," she adds, "Lunch time?" she asks.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "Yep. and I think you and Miss Danielson here might have a few things in common. She's an aspiring heroine and she could use some assistance. And not the kind needing an 'Esquire,' either." He takes another chomp of his Friendly Neighborhood Gyro.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Setting down her water bottle, Heather stands up to greet Jennifer as she has been taught is only polite. Her five nine frame is taller than the average woman, but she still seems tiny compared to She-Hulk. I mean come on!
    She offers a hand and keeps the smile in place, "An honor to meet you Ms. Walters." she offers. "I've followed your career for some time now. You've been something of a vicarious role model for a lot of young women, myself included."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters shakes Heather's hand, "Nice to meet you. Miss Danielson?" she says and then nods with a smile as Spider-Man introduces her and Heather adds to the introduction. She smiles a bit wider as she says, "An aspiring heroine? Well it's not all Hulk Smash 24 hours a day, I'll tell you that. The community needs support too," she tells them, "Lately I've been doing more law work than Hulk Smash."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man swallows. "Well, I think she could use some help from someone more powerful than me. Much...much...much...much...MUCH...muchmuchmuch more powerful. Like wardrobe. What does the fashionable two-legged tank wear these days that won't tear like tissue paper?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Snorting in laughter, Heather pauses and then gets all embarrassed by the fact that she just snorted, "Oh god, that was so terrible. I'm sorry!" she states. Mom tried to get that gigglesnort out of her daughter, but failed miserably. "I... I'm so embarrassed." She shakes her head, "But.. Spider-Man is right. If I go out to fight crime, I'm gonna end up having whatever I wear blown right off of me. That'd be terrible. I figure.. you might have ... um, some experience with such situations."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters looks down at herself, "Fashion advice? From me...? The queen of shred?" she asks and then looks at what Heather is wearing, "Well honestly stretchy outfits are my friend," she jokes and then chuckles, "I've changed fabrics recently but sometimes it can't be helped," she says and snickers, fingering her ear, probably wondering why she's giving advice about shredding outfits.

"You actually look familar to me now that I think about it," Jennifer says as she squints amusedly at Heather, "Hmm, guess I'll have to think about it."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sips his Coke. "I've heard of some sources, but they're unconfirmed. So, unfortunately, I'm quite useless here. But I figure, get the word out, sooner or later, someone hearing it will have an answer." He ponders. "Something I would want to add to the personal databsse."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Blushing even more now, Heather... still a teenager, just shakes her head, "I have had some lucky breaks. Mostly involving cameras and bikinis." She shrugs and adds, "But I just need to know if there's some way to avoid having bullets rip my outfit away and giving away -way- too much when stopping a bank robbery or something. The worst part is, I'd need front -and- back. I'm not super bulletproof, I just heal fast enough that it seems that way."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters hmms, "I'll have to ask Tony if he's done with that non-rip fabric but I don't know if it'd be...explosion proof..." she says and smiles awkwardly, "If it makes you feel better, my outfits have been caught on camera more than a few times. Shredded clothes, uhh tattered leotards, the usual," she explains. "I'm not the fastest woman around so it's not like I'm dodging left and right."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey takes another bite, munching before saying, "Well, maybe Tony would know. Besides, I'm sure Stark Industries would profit from another spokemodel, so maybe the arrangement could be...symbiotic."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Inclining her head, Heather Danielson leans in towards Spider-Man, "Do you think that I could do that without him trying to... you know..." she shrugs, "I've heard Mister Stark has more women than underwear." she says, looking back to She-Hulk, "I'm not exactly looking to be some bedpost notch."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters furrows her brow, "Well we can team-up then. He may have forgotten about it so we'll have to go over there and talk to him. He's got that Stark Expo stuff on his plate so he's super busy," she explains to Heather. She looks at her phone, "I'll schedule it it and let you know."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man grins. The food is good, and he might have helped Heather make another step forward, with Jen's help. "Well, I hope you both find something that helps. I'm a little on the squishy side, so my armor is Not Getting Hit." He nods to Jen. "Thanks, Miss Walters."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head hesitantly, Heather looks from She-Hulk to Spider-Man and realizes that she is... well, for lack of a better term, in the company of giants. She just stuffs her hands into her skinny jeans pockets and shrugs her shoulders, "Well, I'm game." she remarks, "Long as I don't have to take some tour of Mister Stark's sauna or whatever." she states. (Desc is wrong. She's wearing skinny jeans, sneakers, and a white tanktop / sports bra / cropped thingee. Windbreaker beside her hanging on a chair. Also, food trucks everywhere! The one the PC's are near is Angelo's Hero Gyros, superhero themed sandwiches. Feel free to make up some of your own if you want! (Super-Gyro, Friendly Neighborhood Gyro, and Captain Ameri-Gyor have been made up already!)

Peter Parker has posed:
After She-Hulk gets up and continues her job, Spidey looks to Heather. "Well, I'd never let that happen. Besides, I think you can probably bench the guy, even IN his armor."

He looks down as an alert pops up on the phone clipped to his belt. He reads it, then smiles. "Well, then...would you like to meet someone else I'm friends with?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Snorting once more. Do unladylike Heather is! More of a tomboy with the figure that is -not- tomboyish. She smiles and shrugs, "Does a duck quack?" she asks. Showing her midwestern roots there. "I mean sure. Long as they're not Yankees fans." she adds in jest, trying to seem cool about it all.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Everyone tends to assume she does Ninja stuff like -all- the time, which is just unfair really. I mean sure she had been fighting sword mutants in an abandoned hotel when she'd gotten the text, but that's totally just a lucky coincidence. Right? She did normal people stuff, like wish a million deaths upon her boss and eat ice cream.

    Theres a sudden burst of brilliant blue smoke on the sidewalk, and when it parts? Well there she is. Casually flipping that short waist length cloak over her shoulder to expose that pouch filled chestplate. Split toed climbing sneakers, leggings with nice chunky knee pads and of course the mask. Today it's a polygonal shibe, rendered in brilliant blue (Because yes it matches the smoke bombs shut up). Swords held low in her off hand as she surveys things.
    "Whats up, heard you needed a real hero to come save everyone foreever? Wheres the fight?"Owari, everyone. The most eloquent ninja ever, clearly.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey jumps. He kinda has to, she didn't trigger his Spider-Sense. But then, she hasn't for awhile.

"Yah!" Spider-Man blurts out, looking at Owari with a wry look. His mask is pulled up to his nose, so he's in Eating Mode. "Oh!...hey, Owari. Meet Knockout." He indicates Heather with an hand held in her direction. "Knockout, meet Owari...the Techno-Ninja." He grins. "Nice to see you could make it."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Don't be so Jumpy, don't worry about the Ninja you see."See, Ninja tips!"Hows it going, you get that rig up and running?"She does lift her left hand to show, well hey she's got a web shooter integrated into her gauntlet thing there. It's decidedly more low profile, but it's hardly difficult tech to recognize. "You know what happens if you mix the fluid with Capsicum right?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey grimaces. "Yeah. Crooks suddenly become a LOT more willing to shoot you on sight." He settles in, then looks up as Heather checks her phone and leaves suddenly. "...Okay. Well, anyway...I met someone recently. In Chinatown. She's...well, she calls herself Lady Shiva. Ever heard of her?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Yes but they can't hit you, which is the important part. I do have a charity thing I'm doing if you wanna help, Looks like I'm going to bring my heroic stuff out of storage and spend a few nights as a hero in New York."She lets that bit float out there, as she finds someplace convient to lean. "It's a thing all the Tokyo heroes do, where we roll back to our vintage costumes or come out of retirement for a few nights to raise cashola for worthy causes. I could use a hand with that, actually."

    She fishes out a canteen from underneath that cloak, before grinding to a halt. "Oh yes, I'm quite familiar with Lady Shiva by reputation. Pretty much every Ninja is. To put it very American? Yeah Spidey she's a bad bitch."And a nod of confirmation. "Proper dangerous, enough that I'm not allowed to fight her one on one."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Well, if I can help out, I will. Anything for a good cause."

He pauses for a moment, then says, "Well...she's in town. And when I mentioned I knew a white-hat ninja, she asked if I could set up an introduction. Not a fight, An introduction. I told her I'd contact the one I knew and check with them first. I made sure not to even let her know your gender, let alone your name."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Spidey, if she's the real deal she could clean both our clocks."Theres a slow roll of the shoulders and a sigh. "Well shit, Sure I'm gonna have to meet her now. This cooks off though and she's working for the Foot or the Hand, well this is gonna get real wild real quick."Theres a pause as she muses. "You have her number or something, I'm going to suppose?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man shook his head. "No. But I know she is based in Chinatown, and I made arrangements for you to contact her. There is a noodle place called the White Dragon in Chinatown. You can leave a message for her there, and she should be able to pick it up quickly. I can also give her your contact info should I see her, myself." He smiles wryly. "She asked for the introduction almost formally, and said, 'You can send them my respects.'"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "She's supposed to be the deadliest assassin of our generation Spidey, I'm a kunoichi. What exactly do you think a formal introduction of an Assassin and a Ninja looks like?"She lowers a gloved hand to delicately tap-tap at the hilt of her swords. "Look I'll go meet with her, because now I'm honor bound. She sent her respects, so It'd be an insult not to."Theres a huff there as she fiddles with the keyboard on her forearm for a moment. "White Dragon in Chinatown, I've got it. Thanks for thinking of me at least."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Phones are annoying. But when your agent calls, you answer. Heather reaches up to pluck the bluetooth out of her ear. That done, she returns to her table where she realizes that she is out of food. That will not do! "Forgive me!" she exclaims as she steps over to Angelo's truck once more, "Let me try a Super-Gyro this time." she suggests as she lays her debit card out for scanning.
    Once she has her food, she steps back towards Spider-Man and... "Is that a blue ninja Gi?" she asks before taking a large bite of her food. Many women get jealous of her ability to eat so much. Some don't but hey...

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nodded. "I referred to you as 'they' or 'them.' Gave no names of any kind. It seemed...RUDE to do so." He sipped his Coke, then looked up as Heather returned. "Hey there. Knockout, I'd like you to meet a friend. Owari, this is Heather Danielson, AKA Knockout. Just starting out in the hero biz, already a force to be reckoned with in the fashion biz."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "There are matters of honor to be concerned with, I'm obliged to accept the invitation once offered."Casually she lifts a hand to her mask, before with a snap of the wrist she exchanges the whole thing out. Still a blue polygonal dog, but this one seems decidedly less serious. Casually tucking that other mask under her chest plate. Then well she can swivel her attention over towards Heather.
    "Knock out, radical name. I approve, but that's gonna be a mighty name to try and live up to."Arms crossing casually behind her back as she rolls on the balls of her feet. "A gi, oh no. Thats some punk level shit, Only the Hand and Foot wear that garbage. Most of us wear a "Kage", and then a bunch of clan specific gear over top of it."Pinching at the clinging skin tight perfect black of the material covering a thigh. She's got some sort of chest rig, cloak and maybe even a softshell uptop. All of it dark enough to make vantablack look like stormtrooper white. "Clan color's black on black, Blue would be Koga."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Not like I chose it." offers Heather as she watches the quick change routine that the Ninja seems to have down to a science. But at the explanation of the coloration, she merely nods, accepting it as fashion truth all the same.
    "So, correct me if I am wrong. Historically, weren't Ninja basically... spies and killers, not superheroes?" But that said, Heather shakes her head, "Oh shit." she mutters as she lifts her hand up to cover her mouth, "Forgive me. Sometimes my mouth runs away before my brain can catch up."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "No-no, you're asking a question it's totally fine."She leans back, like a cool ninja because she is. "Oh we're all Killers, spies, thieves, saboteurs. Not like I haven't done all of those things, and hell I do most of that stuff here in New York. Whats important to understand is that Ninja aren't bandits, we have rules and serve the emperor. Sometimes to protect society and the emperor, you've got to do some nasty stuff. It helps the heroes be heroes too, when they've got somebody around who'll take care of the ugly filth behind closed doors so they can remain in the spotlight and be inspirations to the youth."

    "Most of us are heroes though, just not when we're being Ninjas. I mean most Ninja I know back home have a whole superhero alias and costume and everything that they fight under, I mean I sure did."Theres a little shrug there. "And then orders came down, so the superhero stuff will have to take a back seat. Save for this charity thing I got coming up, gonna get my Tokyo heroine game on in New York for a few nights."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks a little uncomfortable when Owari talks about killing people. Granted, there are extenuating circumstances, and it isn't like it's in cold blood...

But it is something he will always have trouble reconciling. And he likes the idea of Owari killing the really bad people to leave the not-so-bad for guys like him...even less.

So, do what you can to save those you can.

"What do you need help with, O?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding along with the Ninja, Heather seems to be following along. But near the end, she lifts a hand, "Hold the phone. Did you say Charity?" she asks. "I should get in on that. Charity events are something like sixty percent of my life these days. At least until the Titans get back to me about my application."
    She shrugs, "That, and fielding calls about photo shoots and the like. But that's boring these days. If I can help people, I will!"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "About once a year all the heroes back home throw their names in a hat, and then they get put on this list. So like if people donate X-dollars they get Y-hero to revert to their old costume for a few days, It's a big tradition. Me and the Black Queen are still listed as a Duo, So I'm gonna bust out my battle maid outfit and she's getting her broomstick and hat back out for a few days."Theres a shrug there. "We won't be fighting together, as she's front line back home now but I'm not going to stiff her on the costume change."

    "You can help if you want, no problems there. I'm just out've practice when it comes to playing hero games, and everyone's got guns here. So I feel like a little margin of error would be for the best."Theres a shrug there. "Won't be the same without the huge flashy entrances, but I don't expect many folks in America would know the difference."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looks thoughtful. "I have a few irons in the fire. Some things I have made plans for. If you want to help, I won't turn it down. As long as you keep it to the non-lethal measures, everything should work out well." He looked to Heather. "And maybe I can give you a little field experience, as well."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Well, for one... I don't use guns. I mean my daddy taught me to shoot a rifle when I was seven. But aside from that, I don't touch the guns. I.." begins Heather as she shakes her head, "Really, I just get hit a lot, and hit back. Got some basic self defense stuff, but mostly it's super fast healing and super strength that do it for me. So..." She inclines her head, "I can understand making a statement with an entrance for sure. But.. I can try to reach out to some of my contacts in the biz and see if they can be of any aid?" she asks, baby blues swiveling from one of you to the other.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Speaking as a Ninja, I usually suggest a pragmatic approach. I mean I usually carry one when I'm doing Ninja stuff, it's not all Shuriken and swords you know? Sometimes it's shaped charges and a PDW you need, but thats Ninja stuff."Theres a little shrug. "Well I'm Haga, and she loved the stage. So there was always like disembodied hype men, and explosions of cherry blossoms and music and dramatic lighting. It helps to radically reset the situation with an entrance that huge, gets everyone's attention on us right out the gate you know? Exact opposite of Ninja stuff."

    "I'm happy to help Spidey, I just gotta do typical heroic stuff. Tag a few selfies for the association back home, so they can throw it up on the social media and get everyone pumped. It'll be the first time I take a vacation from the Ninja stuff, so It's not like I'm going to line stuff up. I just like a little safety margin, can't afford to let the bad guys see you bleed you know?"Theres a shrug there. "Got to maintain that aura of heroic invincibility."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "Sounds good to me." He looks to Knockout, then smiles wryly before pulling the mask down completely. "I won't ask you to do more than you can, and I won't throw you into anything without making sure you know the score first." He looked around. "I don't have a way to contact you, Knockout. If something comes up, can I try reaching out to you?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Eyes sliding to Spiderman and crinkling as she smiles... more of an urchin grin... Heather chuckles, "Why Spidey, that is such a creative way of asking a girl her number." she adds as she reaches into her back pocket and pulls out her phone. "I gotta say, it's impressive. And I would be -happy- to give you my number, even though I haven't seen your eyes yet. I mean the big white ones on the spandex, sure.."
    She looks to Chizue and asks, "Am I reading too much into this? I bet I am."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "He is not now, nor is he likely to ever be smooth enough for that."She nods casually "He's just lucky we can't see the blush under that mask I'm sure."She exchanges masks for, why does she even have a blue polygonal shiba inu mask where it's winking? Well she totally does, because of course she does. "You can hit me up too if you need of course, Knock out."And with the snap of her fingers she produces a neat little business card she offers over with both hands.

Peter Parker has posed:
Ouch. Harsh. TRUE, yes, but still harsh.

"Welp, I should probably tell Lady Shiva that you're a go for the meet, Owari." He smiles wryly to Heather, but he is indeed glad the mask is down completely. "Knockout, I will keep in touch. And if I hear about any materials that can take a licking and keep on ticking, I'll let you know. In the meantime...I need to go work off this mondo gyro."

Spider-Man gets up from the table and stretches.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "I look forward to getting a call there Spider-Man." (Look! I used the hyphen!). "Maybe someday you'll take me out dancing. I bet with your agility, you'd totally destroy a dance floor." Pause a beat, "In a good way."
    But that said, she grins and looks back to Chizue, "So, about this Charity event. I don't even have a new costume, let alone an old one. Would my bikini from Sports Illustrated count?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Theres a dismissive wave "Hey no, just wear whatever you normally wear. The Bikini would be too much, and I say this as somebody who fought in a school uniform for years. You're not obligated to do anything special, but if nothing else it'll be a chance to buddy up with a rowdy Battle maid."She flashes a peace sign, before exchanging that mask for stoic-shibe and -FWOOSH- ninja smoke.

    Ninja vanish is -actually- a thing, incidentally.