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Latest revision as of 22:52, 18 April 2020

Burger Run!
Date of Scene: 18 April 2020
Location: Burger Joint
Synopsis: Carrie meets Henry McCoy for lunch, and they run into Warren and Dani. Dinosaurs are discussed.
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Warren Worthington, Henry McCoy, Danielle Moonstar

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It wasn't terribly often that Carrie was in New York as opposed to Gotham. So when she found herself with a good deal of time on her hands today after running some errands in the city, she sent a text off to Henry to see if he wanted to make good on that lunch offer. Of course, it didn't have to be as fancy as the Hellfire Club. Burgers were always good and that was apparently somewhere suitably close to where both were at the time, so she heads over to wait.

A table is grabbed and the redhead sits waiting for company to arrive.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren slips into the local burger joint with Danielle coming beside him. Not a common sight here, but hey, sometimes people needed a cheap and easy meal. Or three.

"I am starving, I feel like I haven't eaten in a week, but really it hasn't been that long. Go ahead and order whatever you want too."

Rubbing his hands together, he makes his way to the counter and starts reading over the options. No steak au poivre, but bacon cheeseburgers sounded good. "Yes, hello, I would like three of your bacon giant burgers, two large orders of fries, a chocolate shake... yes, make it a large. Um. Go ahead and throw two of the spicy chicken sandwiches too, add bacon." He rubs his chin, "Add an apple pie too. That'll be it for me, go ahead and add on whatever she's having and keep the rest." He slips out several 20s and slides them over, and stands to the side to wait for Dani to order and his food by pulling out his phone.

Grinning at a text message, he hammers out a quick response and hits send.

Henry McCoy has posed:
And no fancy dresscode! Henry was delighted to hear from Carrie, texting back in the affirmative. Soon enough he was arriving at the Burger Joint - something was familiar about this place, he thought. It wasn't until he stepped inside that he realized this was where Jubilee worked. A chuckle from the man, shaking his head. "Small world."

He glanced over the table, spotting Carrie rather quickly. He does spot Warren and Danielle as well, offering a wave to them before he moves over to join Carrie. "Hello! How are you? Hopefully I did not keep you waiting too long?"

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
For Dani's sake, it was honestly a relief that it wasn't some high-end steakhouse or one of those 'secret' pop-ups that one has to learn about from this or that celebrity's Twitter or YouTube channel. She's able to fit right in wearing just an oversized sweater belted with her turquoise-studded belt over jeans. Mind, alongside Warren she likely looks a lot more slovenly than she would next to just about anyone else.

Not that Danielle Moonstar could care less.

With a sidelong look of 'are you serious' for the man's order, she gives a small shake of her head and leans in with a: "Bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a coke." Beat. "Medium." Might as well be a kid's meal next to the 'dinner for three' that Warren just ordered for himself. She does spot Hank's wave and lifts a hand to offer one of her own, sleeve sliding further up her arm as she does.

"Are you seriously going to eat all that?" she asks, sotto voice, of the man she arrived with.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley doesn't really miss the winged fellow that comes in. It was hard not to notice him, and she did recall seeing someone similarily winged at the Hellfire club in passing. That earns the slightest arch of her eyebrow along with a bemused smile as it was, indeed, a small world. Apparently moreso when the figure of Hank appears and offers a wave to the pair as well.

She's hardly dressed up either as she's wearing a pair of slacks, heels, and a blouse with the sleeves rolled halfway up her forearms. It was all perfectly fashionable; something one might see in an office setting. Except for the fact that she had the top buttons loose so she wasn't getting choked by the neckline. When Hank steps over she rises from her seat with a chuckle.

"Not long at all. It took me a few minutes to find parking to begin with," she explains. "It's good to see you again, Henry. Shall we go order? And," she adds with a further grin, "I'm taking it you're familiar with them as well. I think I've seen him around before but never had a chance to say hello."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren slides the phone into his pocket, gives Hank a nod and watches his friend go and sit with someone before looking back to Dani and shrugging. "Yes. People are going to hate me forever if this gets out there too much, but I don't store fat and flying takes a lot more energy than people might think. I wasn't kidding when I said I was hungry, I flew in from staying the night in my place in the City this morning and I didn't have a breakfast." He rubs his chin. "And I'll have to fly back to the city for Stark's shindig later, so you know. Gotta refuel." He grins and then nods towards Hank and Carrie. "We can go join them once the food is ready here in a few minutes."

He glances back down at his phone and types out another text. "Hey do you think a black shirt goes with a velvet blazer better than a white shirt? I'm mixed, they both offer different contrasts, but white would go better with a tie I think and I'm not sure about doing the tie thing for a night club reopening. Maybe I'll go with the black shirt." He glances over at her. "Are you going to be going to it? Everyone should, it should be a lot of fun!"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank is dressed in a comfortable t-shirt and cargo shorts - no need to cover up completely. As he's about to sit down, he stops. "Ah, yes. Order." The man grins sheepishly. "Sorry about that. Glad you weren't waiting, then." A smile, motioning towards the counter.

"I am familiar with both, yes. Warren is quite the public figure nowadays." The man grins, nodding to Carrie. "And Danielle is a wonderful young woman." Yep! No way he's outting anyone.
As they draw closer to the other pair and the counter, he smiles. "Warren, Danielle - please allow me to introduce Miss Carrie Keley. Carrie, please allow me to introduce Miss Danielle Moonstar and Mister Warren Worthington." Beast smiles.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"If people hate you for being yourself, fuck them," Danielle notes mildly as they move off to the side to wawit for their food. Leave it to the girl who grew up on a reservation away from 'white people' to have a decidedly firm take on such things. "Also? Warren? Never skip breakfast. Most important meal of the day."

She blinks once, twice, as he asks her advice on what to wear to a club opening and offers a very eloquent "Uh." There's suddenly a shake of her head. "No tie." Guys hate ties, right? That's all she has to go off of, there. Then when he asks if she's going, she just laughs: "You know I don't go to things like that. And what would I wear? This?" She spreads her arms as if to show the outfit she's in.

As Hank approaches, she smiles for the man and dips her head in a nod to Carrie. "Pleasure to meet you."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Yeah, it's not quite the sit-down sort of restaraunt," Carrie admits with a little chuckle as Hank recalls he would have to order. There's no malice behind it at least, or at least that's not her intention. When he leads her over to introduce her to the others she dips her head toward them with a friendly smile. "Hi, nice to meet you both."

It's here she grows momentarily awkward not quite knowing what to do or say. Even socialiates have that issue on occasion. "I was just meeting up with Henry to catch up some." Glancing toward him she offers, "I can go order while you chat with your friends if you like? It's no problem."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren laughs, "I woke up late. Phones are terrible devices combined with a bottle of alcohol." He says, nodding sagely at this deep wisdom of the ages. "And yeah, probably wouldn't fit in with that at the Hellfire Club, they're very strict about dress code and all, unless it's an event that's purposefully not about attire, such as the Oktoberfest in April thing they just had not too long ago." He shrugs, "The Dungeon nightclub is reopening after some nutjob attacked it."

And that's when Carrie and Hank are coming up. "Hey Hank." He nods to Carrie. "Yeah, Carrie Kelley, member of the Hellfire Club right? I think I've seen you there once or twice." He reaches into his pocket and slips out a few bills. "Here you go, my treat for both of you. Any friend of Hank's is a friend of mine."

Henry McCoy has posed:
If there is a look on Hank's face, it's clearly one that should be facepalmed. He didn't just offer money to the adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne?! The audacity! Henry just chuckles, shaking his head to Warren. "Actually, this is my treat - I offered Miss Kelley lunch for her gracious act of allowing me to escort her into the VIP section of the Hellfire Club." He grins, in salvage mode!

A grin to Carrie, and a shake of his head. "I am sure we could all get a table? If you'd like?" He has no idea what he's doing here, clearly outside of his social element in this aspect.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
If someone were able to feel shamed into being poor... well, it's not Dani. She stopped being able to feel that before she left elementary school. She just watches the money be passed around like random slips of paper as if it were just that before glancing up at Warren with a shrug. "I don't know why you go to such things to begin with. What's the lure of loud music and people pressed so close you can barely move anyway?"

Then, a beat later, she adds: "Did you break your phone? Why are they dangerous combined with alcohol?" It's not that she's naive, it's more that there's a different wavelength being operated on here.

Shoving her hands into her pockets, Dani looks towards the kitchen of the joint with a sort of hopeful expression. As if sitting with food would be less awkward than standing around waiting for it. In this moment, she and Hank are kin, perhaps.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Going from slightly awkward uncertain social moment to being offered money. This was new, and leaves Carrie looking completely confused for more than a few moments. At least until she breaks out into a quick laugh before she manages to clap her hand over her mouth to stifle it. "A table's good, Henry," she agrees with a nod while reaching out with her other hand to lightly pat Warren's. "Thank you, but we'll manage. And yes I'm a member there, though I've only recently started to attend events. I was trying to focus on college a bit before having too much fun," she explains with a grin.

In an attempt of her own to salvage things, and noticing Dani's glances to the counter, she offers, "I hear they make excellent milkshakes here. It's almost warm enough I think I can convince myself to get one. Along with a bacon cheeseburger, and glass of water," she suggests with a tip of her head to the order taker.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"I hear you, I took some time away from the Club to focus on college myself. Though college parties were pretty fun too, so it didn't feel like I missed too much." He grins a little at Carrie and then says to Dani, "They're a lot of fun with the music and the groovin'" Warren dances a little in place to show off just how fun it can be. That's when an employee puts the tray down near by and says, "Here's your order, sir and ma'am." He turns and nods, "Thanks!" Picking up the tray he turns back to the others. "We can go grab a table and wait for you both?"

"And no, my phone isn't broken." He tells Dani as they walk to a nearby table. "I mean that I drink and look at Twitter or Instagram until the early hours of the morning, and it impacts my sleep schedule." He nods for her to settle down at the table as he puts the tray down between them, picking up one of his fries and starting to go to town.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Whew, things have been patched. Maybe they weren't even bumpy? Henry nods. "A... well, a double bacon cheeseburger, large order of fries, and a large chocolate milkshake." Yes, he could eat more, but he's trying to look civilized!

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry glances to Dani, smiling. "People watching there is quite interesting - the way individuals interact in the club is quite... well, fascinating." He grins. "Even if you just relax at a table and watch, I found the experience to be wonderful." He pays for the meals for Carrie and himself. "Shall we?" He motions to the table."

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"Just college is hard enough," Danielle says in a wry voice. The talk of someone who is taking classes just to take them and probably because she's expected to do so (or feels expected to do so). There's a shrug for Hank in the passing as the two groups begin to (temporarily) split. "Seems like it'd be hard to hear yourself think, to me."
The employee earns a grimace when she's called ma'am and Dani follows Warren to a table, staring at him. "I like Instagram as much as the next person," or maybe not, considering, "but why? Sleep is important. I like sleep." She plunks down and reaches for one of the numerous burgers on the stack -- since they got the same -- and starts to unwrap it.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley nods in agreement while she snags a few bunches of napkins, and other assorted items that may be necessary for such a meal in case there weren't enough at the table. She wasn't quite as bad as Bruce where she required a knife and fork for a hamburger at least. "That works for me." There's a small pause as they cross over to join the other two before she asks, "By the way... Not to pry, but what happened to your arm?" It was hard to miss that bandage or the fact that it was a rather fresh one which meant a newer injury. "Is everything all right?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
To Dani, Warren simply nods as he has a mouth full of french fries. He swallows them down with the help of his shake and says, "Sleep -is- good, but sometimes you find a video and then another video and another. Same with pictures. You go down the rabbit hole. Next thing you know it's like 4 AM and you gotta be at a meeting at 8." He turns and nods to Hank and Carrie. "Yeah, Hank, how -did- you hurt yourself? I hope that the injury wasn't too bad and that it heals quickly." He unwraps one of his bacon cheeseburgers and takes a big ol' bite of it and looks straight at the Doc.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast looks to his arm, hrming. "Oh! That." He rubs it self-conciously. "Bitten by a dinosaur. Would you believe that?" He says, honestly. "Got a good taste of me, apparently. Just some stitches, thankfully - no terrible mauling." A grin from the Doctor. "And yes, clubs can get very overwhelming if ... yes." A nod. "I tend to only be able to manage it for a short while."

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"I... guess." Considering Dani doesn't even have a Twitter account, it might explain why this particular problem doesn't really affect her. Also the whole 'can't yet legally drink' issue. She stuffs a few fries in her mouth and if some come from Warren's pile? Well, he got plenty of food. She does look over to Hank as the bandage is brought up, eyes dropping to his arm.

"I saw the news about that." She frowns. "Did it happen at the school?" A sidelong look at Warren and there's almost a touch of suspicion in those brown eyes. "Is it spreading, then? All the more reason, I'd think, to avoid crowded places. You never know who is going to turn into a dinosaur or gorilla."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"This is why the internet is bad and you need some down time before bed," Carrie suggests matter-of-fact in a way that makes it obvious she's probably had this conversation or a similar one with someone before. She just rattles it off toward Warren without really thinking about it as she sits down to join them. The small stack of napkins she'd gathered are handed out all around, again, a habit she does without thinking about it. Just as she's reaching to pluck her own burger and drinks off the tray Hank has he explains the dinosaur part.

"Okay. I saw the news, but..." Here she hesitates with a clear expression of debate. "I hadn't heard anything further. I'm guessing it's not as isolated an event as I was hoping. So did you..." She glances at his arm with a frown, then tips her head away again. "Ah. Is everyone all right? What happened exactly?"

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren stops mid-bite of his tasty burger to stare at Hank and the words that have just come out of his mouth. Then he pulls the burger away and looks at the others. "So this dinosaur and gorilla stuff is happening more and more? Damn, I thought it might have just been a few cases, maybe something weird happened, but if it's happening more and more we should probably investigate it a bit more. Think you can work your science magic Doc?" He asks to Hank, not really wanting to push him on his injuries any further than the others might.

And so he takes that bite of his burger and a second. He makes a sound to indicate that he thinks it's good and leans back to chew and swallow to look at Carrie and her matter-of-fact suggestions. "I wonder how wide-spread this dino thing is anyway, maybe someone with some skill at computers can design some thing to monitor social media to see if patterns emerge or something." He shrugs. "I saw something on an episode of NCIS once, so it's got to be real right?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
He'd started unwrapping his burger. "More indeed. A few of the people at the school have been affected, yes. One of them bit me, while I was trying to restrain her. I thought she was starting to have a seizure, not turn into a raptor." He offers, to all listening. A bite is taken of the burger, Hank sorting through things.

"I definitely need to do more research. The people affected seemed to keep their mental capacity, and in most instances, any gifts they had before." He mentions, hrming a bit. "I need to break down what is causing it and why it is not affecting everyone." A shake of his head. "Sorry, Carrie - I wasn't intending to speak at length about the whole situation, but I do need to sort it out. If if is magic, it will require someone with a more varied bit of experience." A wry smile.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
Dani does not seem to disagree, in the least, about the negative effects of the internet and even nods along with Carrie's assessment. She eats a few more fries before washing them down with her soda. Tilting her head, she listens to Hank as he explains what happened. "Huh. I haven't run into anyone effected..." But then, when she isn't commuting between college and Xavier's, she's usually off in the woods.

"...If they're retaining their gifts, it does sound like it might be magic." The ease at which she speaks of this does likely mean, for Carrie's sake, that Dani is at least 'in' on things if not one of those souls herself. She chews at her lower lip as she picks up her burger. A few more bites are then taken and she chews in an introspective way. Yes, it can be done. It mostly involves looking off into the middle distance. "I wonder if I can get a feel off of someone it happened to, to find out how."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The slight turn of the conversation doesn't really seem to bother Carrie at all. When Hank makes that remark she gives a little shake of her head, and gingerly pats his arm trying not to hurt it at all. "Nonsense. If you can't talk about things that are important in your life, then what can you talk about? Besides, this sounds like it's something that's growing into a larger problem." A small frown comes from her at the constant mention of gifts... Though perhaps not for the reason they may think.

A quick, reassuring smile is given after a moment of thought and she snags a few of her own fries with a chuckle. "Don't worry about offending me or anything. I live in a city where a guy dresses up as a bat and runs around with kids in tights to fight crime. Usually against a homocidal clown. Once you get used to that, everything seems possible."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren just cannot help himself. He puts on his best Aussie voice. "That's right, but they never attack the same place twice. They were testing the fences, systematically. They remember." Then he looks around the table. "Jurassic Park! Anyway, sorry that you got bit Hank, that has to suck, but more importantly I hope that whoever was affected is okay too. Must be terrifying to go through a change like that." He frowns. "I hope it doesn't happen to any of us. Or others around here." And he's looking at the others in the burger joint while munching on his 2nd burger.

Dani's comment catches his attention and he blinks. "Magic? Ugh, how are we going to out-science magic?" Then Carrie mentions a homicidal clown and he blinks. "Like Pennywise?"

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
Well, that's fascinating. People dressing up in costumes: that much Dani is familiar with. Fighting crime is also wholly above board. It's the 'homocidal clown' bit that piques her curiosity. She's polishing off her burger and rolling her eyes at Warren's terrible Aussie accent when he fills in what she can't. Pennywise.

"Does he drag kids into sewers? Is that why this bat-guy runs around with kids to fight him? Are they used as bait?" She casts a sidelong look to Warren. What is it with dudes using kids to fight? Ahem. Back to Carrie. "It seems a... different kind of weird than magic, but... at the same time, people turning into gorillas and dinosaurs is a whole different weird than that."

Dani leans back, gathering up her soda as she does so. "It's a strange, strange world and I, for one, hope to keep my body. I happen to like it."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"No, not Pennywise. I think the might have gotten the idea from him from the Joker though," Carrie reasons with a slow nod. "Or maybe the other one came before. I don't know. Nah, he's just insane and likes to do prank themed crimes. He's really very vicious and has killed a lot of people over the years. Keeps escaping from the mental institution though." Carrie shakes her head with a faint frown. "That's Gotham though. We're our own type of weird out there."

The more pressing topic at hand has her give a thoughtful hum while she takes a long sip off of her shake. "However it's happening, it does sound like it's just a physical change of the body as opposed to a complete transformation. Brain is intact if they can think and talk, right?" She reasons with a small shrug. "Magic is quite a large possibility. Or maybe it is science, just at a level that we're not familiar with." A faint grin comes as she adds, "The only scientist here had to step out after all."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren shakes his head at Dani, "You can't take me -that- seriously, come on." Then he's looking at Carrie and nodding. "I've heard Gotham is pretty wild, but if a killer psycho clown keeps escaping the local asylum, maybe the city should invest some money in improving security at this asylum. Otherwise at some point the city becomes as responsible for the deaths of people as this Joker." He finishes off his fries and leans back. "I should go visit Gotham and Metropolis some time in the near future, it's been a while. People might think I only like to spend time in New York."

His phone buzzes and he looks down at it. "Speaking of, I'm going to have to fly to New York this evening. Few things to get ready for and all that. Never a dull moment, eh?"

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"Hank is the best scientist I know," Dani agrees, glancing toward the door where the big man departed. "I'm sure he'll figure something out. He's probably got a dozen theories as it is."

She does blink mildly at Warren and offers: "I'll take you however I please." Unfortunately, when it comes to Dani, her deadpan means that it's hard to tell if she's made a mistaken slip of the tongue or a purposeful joke. Instead she gathers up the rest of her fries and sets to finishing them as Warren speaks to needing to depart and there's an apologetic glance to Carrie. "That's my cue," she says, "if I don't want to walk back."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts both hands to just point at Warren in an off-sides gesture when he mentions updating infrastructure. "That. Oh my god Gotham is so old fashioned and the government is a freaking joke... We donate all the *time* and who knows where the money goes?" She sighs in exasperation letting her hands fall back to the table again. When he looks at his phone, and Dani mentions leaving she nods with an understanding grin. "Completely understand. It was great when I finally got my own car instead of relying on my brothers or Alfred." Ah the perks of being rich.

"Take care," she offers the pair. "It was nice meeting you. Maybe we'll run into each other again sometime."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Um, phrasing?" Warren says with a quick look to Dani.

To them both he says, "Well maybe you all will elect a new mayor or something soon who can help clean things up maybe. Either way, I look forward to running into you again, Carrie and it was nice meeting you. If you hear anything about dinosaurs down your part, give me a call or call Hank." He slips a hand into a pocket and pulls out a business card. "Here's my number, and I can relay anything to Hank." He smiles and starts putting food wrappers onto the tray. "Man, this place hit the spot."

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"Cars require jobs." And Dani has everything she needs plus a full (to her) schedule. Why bother with a job? She starts dropping trash onto the tray so the whole thing can be easily dumped, finishing off her soda as she does so. There's an up-nod for Carrie. "I'm sure. Hank's a good guy, so if he vouches for you- I'm happy to call you friend, as well." Dani's easy.

When Warren gives her that look, Dani just offers him a smirk.

"I sure hope it hit the spot," she tells birdman, getting to her feet and reaching for the tray. He bought it, she can at least schlep it to the bin. "You ate enough to feed half my hometown." Yep, she's gonna give him shit for at least a week. There's another nod for Carrie. "Nice meeting you.."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley takes the card to tuck away in her pocket with a chuckle. "I've got Henry's number already as well. I will though. If this thing starts spreading then we need to share what information we can," she reasons as she starts to tidy up her own area as well. She'd take some of that burger to go having only finished half of it though. It was rather large.

A nod is given to them both and she offers out, "Take care," before heading out as well.