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Latest revision as of 15:33, 18 July 2023

A Kind Deed Indeed
Date of Scene: 17 July 2023
Location: Meridian - Mississippi
Synopsis: Franklin takes it upon himself to play big damn hero. He finds himself in Cody Collins' hospital room, and attempts to wake the young man up from a decade long nap!
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Rogue
Tinyplot: The Ohio Mutant Conspiracy

Franklin Richards has posed:
Many people had seen the report given by the grieving mother, and Franklin was among them. It didn't take him long to realize that they were talking about Rogue. They had covered the incident in great detail, although it seemed that they didn't appreciate her recent surge in popularity. Franklin felt conflicted, wanting to be angry at someone going after a friend, even if Rogue was unaware of it. However, the grief of the mother prevented him from harboring those negative emotions, leaving him unsure of what to do. But soon enough, a smile crossed his face, and with a determined fist hitting his palm, he exclaimed, "I've got it!"

The more challenging part lay ahead: finding the exact location and time of the incident. While it wasn't exactly a well-kept secret after some time had passed, narrowing down the details would require some effort. Franklin began his search by using facial recognition software on the mother's image. Although she didn't have a criminal record, he discovered that she had appeared on various news stations. Collecting news article numbers, he made a trip to the local library now he knew which one he needed to go to.

In the small town of Meridian, Franklin located the news articles, relying on old-school microfilm to track down the relevant information. Combining this with a current Google Maps image of the area, he utilized his ability to fold space and instantly transported himself there. Choosing to arrive at night, in an area where he was just another ordinary-looking young man, he blended in seamlessly. Surprisingly, there weren't many hospitals in the vicinity, given the town's small size. Franklin had employed his powers to unlock the library door and made his way inside, using the library's computers to hack into the hospital's systems as well and search for his target. Armed with the name and location, he delved into the hospital's records to determine where the injured man was being kept until he regained consciousness.

Standing up from the computer, Franklin ensured that everything was turned off and locked the library door behind him as he exited. Donning a dark hoodie and jeans, he walked quietly towards the hospital, a grin on his face. He could already hear the distant sound of sirens, triggered by the library's silent alarm, but he had vanished before they arrived. He walked with a sense of tranquility, keeping his gaze low, allowing the authorities to handle the situation as they saw fit. After all, he doubted anyone would find the events of this night particularly strange once he accomplished what he had come here to do.

Rogue has posed:
While buried in his research, Franklin would've come across a number of details that hadn't been in the initial social media video that started him on this journey. He'd come to find out that the mother's name was Judy Collins, and the husband / father was James Collins. James Collins had unfortunately committed suicide 5 years ago, his body had been found inside his truck parked at a nearby lake shore. He'd apparently had a suicide note with him, declaring the reason for this ending of his own life to be grief stricken from the condition his son had been left in, but further information would yield he had a pre-existing drinking problem, and had also recently been fired from his job at a chemical plant.

Judy, however, was a clean slate, a good mother who had been at her boy's side this entire time. The community had publicly urged her to let go of Cody though, with many calling for her to take him off of life support, while others were not only encouraging her to hold on, but also supplying her with the funds to keep him on said life support.

Meridian was a mixed bag of opinions, personalities, and people... like any other place in the country, or the world for that matter.

Franklin would also find that Cody was being cared for at Anderson Regional Hospital, staying on the third floor of one of the hospital's care wings, a wing dedicated to recovery from bad injuries... usually inhabited by military vets.

It was also well past visitor hours, and when Franklin would arrive he'd find most of the building quiet, mostly dark and seemingly winding down for the night.

The summer air was hot and humid at a balmy 89 degrees, though the humidity seemed to make it much worse. Police sirens could be heard off in the distance, but otherwise the town seemed to be running along as per-usual.

From outside, Franklin would see only a single medical attendee inside the hospital wing's lobby through double sliding glass doors.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin let out a sigh, feeling uneasy about using his powers on ordinary people. However, since window rooms weren't typically assigned to comatose patients, Franklin had no choice but to enter through the front door. He knew that this approach would leave a trail, similar to what happened at the library, in case someone knowledgeable enough with computers investigated it. Though Franklin doubted that possibility, he reminded himself not to underestimate the ingenuity of ordinary individuals who could surprise you when least expected. His hacking skills relied on computer know-how rather than superpowers, and he respected the capabilities of ordinary people.

As Franklin walked in, he kept his hoodie down, hoping to appear inconspicuous. The only reasonable explanation for his presence would be if he needed assistance, as there was no one else around to ask. A concerned woman approached him, asking if he needed help. With a calm smile, Franklin assured her that he had injured his arm and requested the necessary paperwork to fill out. This interaction would allow her to generally identify him later, but Franklin had to handle the situation delicately to ensure she remained available for further assistance.

Utilizing his telepathy, Franklin didn't have much control, but as soon as the woman turned to retrieve the papers, he continued walking forward and slipped into an unlocked room. The lady, momentarily unfocused, now stood by the desk, wondering, "What was I looking for again?" After a brief pause, she would look up and say, "I'm sorry, what were you looking..." only to find an empty room, shaking her head in confusion. Was it just her imagination, or had he left? After searching around for a bit and returning somewhat perplexed, Franklin had successfully moved past her.

With a slight smile, Franklin found himself in the cool, sanitized atmosphere of the hospital. The familiar scent brought back memories of his previous trip with Miss Crowe. Now dressed in white attire he had found in a supply closet, he appeared a bit young to be a doctor. Nonetheless, he hoped that his new appearance would provide sufficient cover as he stowed away his other clothes in the closet.

Observing that the coast was clear, Franklin made his way towards the elevator. For the time being, he decided to head to the third floor, aware that he would be visible to the cameras. He made an effort to look down or away, avoiding direct shots of his face. Occasionally, he would pretend to wipe off nonexistent sweat, protecting his face in case anyone paid too much attention. His goal was to reach the third floor directly, attempting to minimize notice from others by proceeding with purpose and avoiding unnecessary interactions along the way.

Rogue has posed:
When the lift doors spread open on the third floor, Franklin is greeted by the view of an old man waddling down the hallway clutching a walker with a bag hanging from a pole on it that sways side to side to the motion of the movement. Otherwise the hallway is dimly lit at this hour of night, and the reception desk is vacated of any hospital employee.

Franklin would not have too much trouble finding the room occupant directory where he'd see 'Collins, C' in room 3E.

The third floor seemed quiet though, and not too terribly hard to sneak in to either, but how often did a hospital have an 'intruder' like this anyway?

There are sounds of tvs on in some of the rooms that Franklin will pass beside, and even a few with their doors open. Coming out of 3B is the sound of a woman talking to someone, and it quickly comes clear that she's likely the medically trained receptionist for this floor talking to one of the patients who likely called her via a nurse call button.

When he reaches 3E, though, he'll find the door is closed but not locked. Should he test it, he'll find that the room is mostly dimly lit with only one lamp on in the corner, and a radio playing some soft music on a rock station.

The sound of the vents and air conditioning fills up the rest of the background ambience of the hallway, and the room itself...

But there in the room's only medical bed rests the young man from the social media feed. He's laying on his back, with a bunch of flowers and cards resting new and fresh on the table beside his bed. Apparently the social media viral video had gotten the young Cody a new round of support from local supporters.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin, usually focused on his mission, takes a brief pause from going directly to the targeted room. He notices an old man struggling with his walker down the hallway and decides to help him. Aware that this act could potentially get him in trouble, Franklin smiles warmly and assists the man, whispering, "You know, you're not supposed to be out this late. Let's keep this our little secret, okay?" He winks at the old man and adds, "And thank you for your service." With that, he quickly separates himself from the man to avoid any further inquiries.

Moving quietly past the other rooms, Franklin aims to attract minimal attention as he heads directly to room 3E. He tries the door, carefully opening it. Peering inside, he has to make a quick decision to enter despite any potential risks, swiftly shutting the door behind him. He thought he heard the lady walking back out, but he dismisses it as paranoia. Drawing the curtains closed, Franklin turns his attention to the person lying in the bed. Chuckling softly, he whispers, "So all this fuss is over you, huh? You're a very lucky person."

Franklin waves his hand over the comatose man's body, causing a blue light to emanate. Observing the response, he mutters, "Oh, that isn't good," and proceeds to examine the paperwork. Letting out a sigh, Franklin realizes he will need to block others from entering, as the process he is about to initiate will be loud.

First, he locks the door and wedges a chair under the handle for added security. Surveying the room, he says, "Sorry, friend, but you won't be needing this," as he takes the top blanket and covers the window that leads back to the main hallway. He hangs it from the existing curtains to ensure privacy and hopes it will be enough.

Checking his work, Franklin rubs his hands together, blue sparks falling to the ground and extinguishing. He murmurs to himself, "Well, the only way to do this is to get started. You better be super happy, my friend, even though you'll never hear this." He chuckles softly as the blue sparks intensify, turning into bolts of blue lightning that shoot through the room. Machines whir and sputter, producing sparks, while others, including life-support systems, abruptly cease functioning. Although this outcome is anticipated, Franklin acknowledges the pain his actions will cause as he places his hands on the man lying in the bed. He utters, "Sorry, but this is going to hurt."

As Franklin reaches out to transfer his own energy into the comatose person, something extraordinary occurs. The air around him starts to waver, the very fabric of reality bending to accommodate this unprecedented act. Normally, one cannot simply infuse another person with energy and replace their life force with cosmic energy. However, Franklin doesn't abide by conventional rules. He harnesses the unique abilities at his disposal to ensure the success of this endeavor, determined to bring this person back.

With each passing moment, Franklin's energy merges with that of the comatose individual, intertwining and harmonizing in an ethereal dance. The cosmic energy flows through his fingertips, imbuing the person with renewed vitality. The room flickers as the boundaries of reality adjust to accommodate this extraordinary transference.

Franklin remains focused, channeling his immense power with precision and care. He bends and molds the rules that govern existence, bending them to his will in order to accomplish what seems impossible. This act of replenishing life with cosmic energy is a testament to his extraordinary abilities and unwavering determination.

In this remarkable moment, Franklin stands as a conduit, the bridge between the realms of life and the cosmic. The profound energy exchange continues, as he harnesses his unique capabilities to breathe new life into the comatose individual.

Rogue has posed:
It isn't but a half a minute in to Franklin's 'work' here tonight that the nurse on duty is rushing back to her desk to see what the alarm is that is going off, and which room it's going off in. She looks up then to see strange light coming from the cracks in the door and window that looks in to the room, a unusual covering placed over the window. The nurse curses under her breath, and presses an alarm to the security team that patrols the Hospital grounds.

A moment later, and she's at the door to the room, her hand testing the handle, attempting to push the door open. It's stuck. she curses again, wiggles the handle more and tries to put more of her lithe frame in to the door to force it open.

All she gets is a little more of a crack though, and the ability to hear some of the noises going on inside the room. She sees more of the blue light filtering out too, illuminating the shadows covering her face.

"What in the hell..." The nurse gasps out.

Inside the room, Franklin has a daunting task ahead of him here. The first person to ever fall victim to Rogue's touch, even if it happened completely accidentally those 9 years ago. Cody's mind was basically not there anymore, he was essentially a husk with his memories wiped away, his 'soul' taken from his body and put in to the girl who did this to him all those years back.

But Franklin is no joke, his powers unlike most in this world, and within minutes of starting this seemingly magical mission, the young man starts to breathe on his own, his chest rising and falling, his body's muscles flexing and trying to move on their own accord. It doesn't take too long, actually, to ressurrect this poor man from whatever dark hole he'd been cast down, but the impact on Franklin would be great too, damn near life-threatening in and of itself!

But it happens, all the same, Cody's blue eyes snap open, and his lips part as he cries out in shock and awe at the power of life filling his every fiber once more!

Out in the hallway, the nurse is pounding a hand against the door, as the elevator doors open at the opposite end of the 3rd floor hallway, with two security guards stepping out... seeing the nurse at 3E's doorway, they begin to rush beneath the spotlights illuminating the hallway in the ceiling above, rushing to support her!

Franklin Richards has posed:
Falling back, Franklin wipes what he initially assumes to be spittle from his mouth, only to discover that it's red. Realizing he has overexerted himself once again, he hears the sound of approaching footsteps. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Franklin quickly reaches into his pocket and retrieves a small digital camera. With a sense of urgency, he snaps a quick photo of Cody, who is now in a state of panic but alive. Wiping away the sweat, Franklin looks at him, then towards the door, giving Cody a small smile. "Listen, you may find yourself with powers. But don't use them... Using up that energy will bring you back to where you were." Franklin coughs, producing a bit more blood, inwardly aware of the damage he has caused himself. He sighs, knowing he only has about a minute before security arrives and he needs to leave.

Standing up, Franklin removes the blanket from the window, smiling. "Would you like to see a trick?" he asks Cody, who appears confused yet awake. In one fluid motion, Franklin throws the blanket over himself, saying, "Now, please." As the blanket drops to the ground, Franklin vanishes just as security bursts through the door.

Blinking, Franklin finds himself in his home lab, staring at the teleporter his father had constructed. Franklin had programmed the AI to respond to his commands, and the trick he had mentioned involved utilizing technology rather than his powers. Franklin stumbles off the platform and makes his way to his room. Before retiring, he sends an email to Rogue, attaching the image he had taken of Cody. Using his sister's security measures to conceal the source of the email, Franklin ensures that it would be challenging for anyone to trace it back to him. Although adept with computers, he knows that his sister's expertise significantly reduces the chances of being tracked. With a smile, Franklin heads to bed, intending to rest for a while, following in the footsteps of Odin, who also enjoyed his slumber.

Rogue has posed:
It's not but a second after Franklin vanishes under the blanket that the door is shoved open, the chair used to wedge it sent flying across the floor. The two security guards come rushing in to the room, and instantly search around it visually panicked.

The nurse comes in behind the men, her eyes on Cody, and upon seeing him sitting upright in bed, her hands flash up to her mouth to cover it and her nose.

She stares with utter confusion, shock and awe much like Cody stares back upon she and the guards.

The nurse rushes toward his bedside then, as the guards move toward the window to peer past the blinds out in to the parking area...

It's within the hour that the same parking area is filled with the flashing lights of police cars, a local News Channel van, and the form of Judy Collins rushing past all the people blocking her from getting inside with the urgency of a mother knowing her boy is once again awake, after nearly a full decade without him, after losing her husband, after her whole life had been turned upside down.

As for Rogue? She doesn't have her phone one, she's been off social media and the internet for a few days now, completely lost inside her own world, and her own problems that have arisen in the recent week gone by...