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Latest revision as of 07:39, 19 April 2020

Lakeside Training
Date of Scene: 18 April 2020
Location: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: Megan comes across David practicing her self defense, he shows her a couple of moves, and she does the same.
Cast of Characters: David Alleyne, Megan Gwynn

David Alleyne has posed:
There's a few people that know the nature of David's powers and how they work. Most of the time, Prodigy tends to keep to himself, a bit abashed at the idea of taking someone's skill and doing it better than them. Which is why he chose to go to the lakeside to get in some practice and exercise. Dressed in a pair of sweats, sneakers, and using a bare patch of grass near the lake, he's going through a few exercises at the moment.

He's currently going through a series of punches and kicks of various skills he's picked up from years of training - and exposure to others. A spin kick to a thrust, fusing akidio to taekwondo, and a good old-fashioned right cross. It feels weird to him, and he's getting more and more used to things he's picked up on.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn steps into the lake area, stretching her arms and breathing the fresh air. Ahhh, this is the life, so peaceful and refreshing..It takes her a moment or two to realize she's not alone and she steps towards David, eyes wide with wonder as she watches his perfectly flawless technique, wishing she was half as good.

David Alleyne has posed:
It takes a few moments for David to realize he's not alone - it's when Megan enters his space, and suddenly he feels the introduction of Megan's skills to his own. He blinks a few times before turning around to find the source. Seeing the young fairy mutant and there's a long pause. She's pretty and it amazingly awesome with those wings and for a moment, he wishes he had a more 'visible' mutation, before he shakes his head. "Hey!" he greets.

"Did you want to join me? It's a nice day out, decided it was better to be out here than all couped up in the house. Who knows, tomorrow it may be snowing again." he admits with a little laugh.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles cheerfully, waving, "Hii! It's David right? I've seen you in some of my classes..you're pretty badass! I wish I could fight half as well.." she nods and steps towards him, "What were you doing just now? Looked like a really cool dance routine but with fists." she giggles.

David Alleyne has posed:
"Right, and you're Megan, right? It's nice to finally meet you in person!" he responds, but when she mentions she was watching, his cheeks darken, and he rubs the back of his head. "I was just practicing some things I picked up. If I don't practice, I start to forgetr things." he explains. Reaching up to rub the back of his head and chuckles nervously. David considers for a moment and he makes a decision finally.

"When I'm around someone, I learn what skills they know. And the longer I'm around them, the more I can retain when they leave. Like, right now, I can pick up on what you know about using a spellbook to cast some basic spells, and this is the first time I realized that magic's real and that's pretty amazing. But it's a creepy power, I know. People don't like me knowing what they know, so I tend not to say much about it. But the longer I'm around someone, the easier it is for me to commit what they show me to memory. I just get a little boost."

Then he pauses, and glances down. "I'm totally overexplaining."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, "Wow you know all that just by me standing here?" eyes widen in wonder, "That's like, totally amazing!" she giggles and nods, "Yeah, magic is real, so are fairies! Isn't that cool? Ooh, so you could cast magic too? I wish I could learn more, but mostly I need to learn to better defend myself. It's pretty embarrassing, calling yourself a superhero and needing to be rescued from punks!"

David Alleyne has posed:
"No, I don't think I could cast anything. I mean, just because I know the moves, that doesn't mean I have the innate ability like you do." David responds, grinning and shaking his head as he considers her. "Well, there's one standing in front of me, so I totally believe in you." He's not very good at this. But when Megan starts talking about being harassed and such, he reaches out and touches her arm for a moment.

"There's a lot of teachers around that can help with that." he starts to say as he withdraws his hand. "I take it you can't do an illusion... I don't think you should have to do that, you're great as you are. And I'm digging a hole to China at this rate." he admits with a laugh. "I can try to show you a thing or two, some basic techniques, but I'm not like Logan."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "Yeah, Mister Logan's a good teacher, guess I'm just not a great student...And he's kinda scary so I don't often go to his extra training sessions!" she smirks and shakes her head, "Well no, not really...I can make people hallucate though, that's kinda fun.." she grins impishly, "I've no idea what my victims see, but it's enough of a deterrent usually.." she nods brightly, "I'd love it if you could show me moves. You're not as intimidating as he is!"

David Alleyne has posed:
David laughs and looks amused. "Well, I guess not being as intimidating works for me in this case?" he asks with a wry grin and then nods. "Sure, I can help with what you want to know. I guess that is where we should start with this... what would you like to know?" he asks curiously as he studies her. "You have a dimension that you can use that I can't, with the ability to fly, and create hallucinations. I'm not sure how much I can help, but I'd be happy to try."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn beams, "Hey, I mean that in the best possible way yannow? I mean you're scary as hell in a fight, but not nearly as cranky as he is." she beams, scratching her chin at that and pondering, "Well mostly close melee combat. I can do well at a distance but get in close and I'm pretty useless most of the time, especially against really good fighters. I wanna learn how to properly use this dagger of mine, how to disarm bigger badder opponents and maybe how to defend myself against locks and throw downs?" she giggles, "Oh geez, I hope I'm not asking too much?"

David Alleyne has posed:
Considering what's being asked of him, David takes a few moments to consider what she's asking for, and then he nods. "Alright, lets start with some basic locks and such. And I doubt you're usless." he points out to her in gentle encouragement, trying to keep her spirits up. "Alright. Let's start with something easy." Holding out his arm to her, he gestures to it.

"I want you to take my arm like you're going to try to drag me off to do bad things." Because he couldn't find a better way to say that.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, "Ooh, that sounds shady! Erm okay, here goes..." she tries to put on her meanest face as she lunges forward to try and grab him roughly by the arm, and attempt to tug him off somewhere...Which is probably funny since she's not nearly as big or strong as he is, or a lot of people really.

David Alleyne has posed:
What it does though, is gives David an idea of what he's working with. When she grabs him, he grits his teeth. "No!" he says firmly, his hand other hand moving, to find the pressure point of her wrist, and pressing down on it, he twists his hand, turning her wrist in the process and sending a spike of pain up her arm as he pulls the other arm out of her grip and twists towards her, bringing his body around as he presses in and his palm pauses just short of hitting her in the chest. And he stops, cold. Because this isn't about hurting her.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn winces, eyes flying open as she staggers back, "Ouch! Owieee, that really hurt..." she whines as she grabs her arm, which is now feeling like pins and needles, "Wow, what did you do just now? It's like I just went floppy...lSo cool! I wanna try!"

David Alleyne has posed:
When she shows her discomfort and hurt, David winces and stops himself from catching her. "Are you alright?" he asks her, concern on his features as he waits to make sure that she's okay... then she's announcing she wants to try and he laughs. "Alright, alright. Now, like your magic, everyone has pressure points on their body that can cause you to go numb."

Taking her hand, he places her fingers on the inside of his wrist. "The one I applied pressure to is right here. It doesn't take much pressure to activate it, and when it does, it numbs the hand so that you can pull yourself free. I followed that up with a palm strike to your chest. If I had continued, it'd knocked the breath out of you, and given me the chance to get away."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks, "Hehe, that's pretty cool.." she shakes her hand to get the circulation running through it again, "Phew, that could be handy in a fight, especially against a bigger opponent right?" and with a nod, she steps forward, taking his hand, feeling the pressure point, and presses down on it, "Like this? Am I doing it right?"

David Alleyne has posed:
When she applies pressure, David moves her fingers just a little. "Right there..." he says and when she presses, he winces, nearly dropping down to a knee in front of her. "Yep, that was it!" he responds between gritted teeth as he looks over at her. "...now, do the chest strike, or at least the motion for it."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, looking quite pleased with herself, "Yay! Got it! Erm...Are you sure you want me to hit you..?" she pouts a bit, bit wanting to hurt him but.."Okay here I go! Yaaaa!" she lunges at him with a bit too much zeal perhaps, attempting to thrust her palm into his chest with a de ent amount of force behind it.

David Alleyne has posed:
"That's part of the defense, you need to make sure you can get away..." David starts to respond, just for Megan to respond with gusto and the impact to his chest knocks the breath out of him. He gives a wheeze, falling back towards the ground, a pull on her hand in return as he hits the deck, landing on his back.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn miiiight have acted a bit too overzealously, and she gives a little help, falling on top of him. "Meeep!" she braces herself, hands resting on his shoulders before she can face plant too, and blushes a little, "Wow...Maybe a bit too much?" she she smiles, murmuring softly, "Such pretty eyes.." then with a nervous laugh she scrambles to her feet, offering him a hand up. "Ummm sorry about that..Wow what a rush! Thanks for showing me that, I'll totally have to use that technique in the future.."

David Alleyne has posed:
There's a blink as Megan ends up over him, the two of them close enough together, that her words are heard and his cheeks flare darkly as he waits for her to scramble up, and he pushes himself to a sitting position, and looks up at her, surprise on his face. "...you like my eyes?" he asks, reaching up to remove his glasses so she can see the dark brown eyes for what they really are.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods, stepping closer to peer intently into his eyes. "Yeah, now that I can see em better..really pretty!" she blushes and giggles a bit, staring a little too long, longer than is appropriate or polite even. "Umm..Sorry about that.." she bites her lip, pulling back a little, "Sooo, gonna teach me some other cool moves? I guess I owe you one for helping me out!" she quips cheerfully.

David Alleyne has posed:
Slipping back on his glasses, David pushes back to his feet, and he considers. "...your eyes are really dark. It's pretty. Like looking into the cosmos." he admits with a blush of his cheeks. "We help each other. That's what we're supposed to do, right? But if you want to make it up, you can teach me one of the things you like to do. Or if you want to meet and do some music together sometime. Or keep training. I don't know.."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins and nods, "Heey, I dunno what I can teach you but...It's a date!" she grins and winks impishly before her phone alarm rings, "Well darn, I need to take care of something but...Hope to see you again!" and with that she hurries off.