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Latest revision as of 02:58, 11 August 2023

Happy Birthday Pez-zi-ni!
Date of Scene: 10 August 2023
Location: Pezzini House
Synopsis: Phoebe Beacon tracks Sara Pezzini down in order to deliver Solar Circumnavigation presents and cupcakes.
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Phoebe Beacon

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara doesn't celebrate birthdays, or rather doesn't celebrate them any more. When her father was alive he would always make certain she had to do something on that special day. Usually it involved him bringing home Chinese food from their favorite place, a present he'd purchased, and then they would watch the police academy movies together.

After his murder at the hands of the Francetti gang she just stopped celebrating, though she did get the movies on DVD and have them running un the background at home. The sound was loud enough to be heard throughout the house, which meant in the den it was way too loud, but since she was in the living drinking coffee and going over a stack of paper work, it was the perfect volume.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Brooklyn's a happenin' place in NYC.

    Although it took her several reminders that she wasn't going to stop by an autoshop to bother someone at work, Phoebe Beacon did have important business in the borough, and manuevered herself around the traffic easily, with her New Jersey motorcycle plate garnering a couple of middle fingers along the way, but eventually the well-kept, older Cafe Racer bike pulls up to the curb outside the Pezzini Household, and the rider gently checks on their payload, in a carefully packed backpack.

    Off comes the helmet, and Phoebe shakes out her dusky pink braids, and rubs her face with her gloved hands before assembling things. She takes out a plastic tuppeware marked PHOEBE'S and a package carefully wrapped in silver foil with purple ribbon around it, and stuffs her helmet and gloves back in her pack, picking up the tuppeware and the package, she heads for the front door -- while tilting her head at the distant sounds of Tackleberry shooting things.

    And then she rings the doorbell.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Two things tended to happen when Sara was at home and someone came to the door. First was the announcement from Witchblade that there was no danger, or that there was by armoring her body. The second was dependent on danger or no danger, so in this case the second was a raised brow before she stood herself up.

As she walked to the door she was expecting one of her rookies, or maybe her neighbor coming over to complain about something again, so when she pulled the door open and Phoebe was there, the expression of surprise on her face was real.

"Pheobe, what a nice surprise," she almost exclaims, the shock in her tone as well. Pulling hte door open more she stepped back as she added, "Please, come in."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Hey Sara." Phoebe gives a small smile, and a lift of the package and tuppeware.

    "I just wanted to stop by and say Happy Solar Circumnavigation Day." she announces, and hands over the gift first. "So of course, also brought cupcakes and a gift. No balloons though -- given the tendency of sharp, pointy objects." she jokes, stepping inside and kicking her boots off.

    "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Accepting the items as they are thrust toward her, Sara looks a touch surprised and a lot confused, but still she accepts the items. Once Phoebe is inside she swings the door closed and locks it again.

"Not interrupting anything important no," she says first, gesturing toward the couch. The coffee table is where all the papers are, some aspects of the NYPD have not gone computerized yet, though thanks to donations they are starting to.

"How..." she pauses there, letting some of the surprise escape away before speaking again. "How did you know it was my... Solar Circumnavigation Day?"

Walking over to the couch herself, she sets the package on top of the paper work, clearly no fucks given there, then actually tries to peek inside the tupperware. She may not celebrate her birthday, but cupcakes? It had been a loooong time since she had a cupcake.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I... ah..." Phoebe begun, and then she exhales, and looks up.

    "I made a note of it when I was leading during New York. I tried to remember everyone's birthday in case I got to celebrate it with them... or had to fill out paperwork." she explains, in all honesty, choosing a chair to awkwardly perch on. Not sit, but perch, like she was expecting to run.

    Inside the tupperware, in a cardboard platform meant specifically to hold cupcakes, there are one dozen cupcakes. Chocolate and white cake, strawberry cake, and something green that doesn't smell like mint, with silver-blue frosting and little sugar blades sticking out of each frosting pile.

    "So I hope it's all right, I couldn't remember what kind of cake you liked the best, so I figured the 'rando assortment' would work.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Even as Sara is ogling the cupcakes, grinning at the prospect of each flavor inside, she is watching Phoebe's body language. Sometimes it was as easy as reading a book, other times it required a passcode to understand the nuances of a person's body language. Phoebe's was rather obvious... she was tense, nervous, perhaps even afraid.

"I don't really have a favorite kind of cake, never tell my Aunt that though," she offered first, before setting the container down on the coffee table as well. "Why do you look like you're about to dive through my front window to escape?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Paranoia spread through Chiroptera." she replies, and she shakes her head "Yeah, it's obvious at the moment. New York's not my town. Everyone's so relaxed here." she cracks a joke, and she breathes out. "And it's weird surprising one of the adultier-adults with random cupcakes. And I won't tell your aunt anything, your secret's safe with me." she promises, the pink-haired girl rubbing the back of her head a moment, and forces herself to relax a little bit.

    "Last couple times I've been in New York, other than a recent night market? It's been kinda to handle Weird Stuff."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"There is always weird stuff happening in New York," Sara says with a nod, accepting the reason for now but suspecting there's more to it. It's her job to always suspect more, to be prepared for lies and exaggerated truths, but she wasn't about to all detective on the woman.

"New York is the epicenter of weird stuff," she adds as she sits herself down finally. "Alien invasions, angelic invasion, I think there's been something happening here since before either of us were born... so I get it."

Reaching over to a carafe of coffee, she adds a little more to her cup before asking, "Would you like some coffee? It's the good stuff, kona roast."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Gotham has its share. I get to deal with a lot of it, on account that I'm probably attracting it." Phoebe states, and she stretches her arms up and over her head as she sits back further in the chair.

    "And yeah, I take mine just like me."


    "... but really. Today's trip was about dropping off the cupcakes and the package. I'm trying to be better about... a lot of things."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A cup of coffee is poured and offered over, black like Phoebe, before Sara sits back on the couch to get more comfortable.

"Witchblade wants you to know that Gotham sits on several powerful lines of power, it's not just you that attracts things to it," she states, taking a sip of her own coffee. "He also thinks you're being too hard on yourself, and I agree with him."

Another sip of her coffee is taken. Being a cop, she'll drink coffee anyway she can get it, but at home a hint of sugar and cream get added. "Thank you for coming by Phoebe," she then says with a smile. "I don't usually celebrate this day as anything more than another work day, it's a nice change."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I know. It's why Zatanna lives there too. There's a door to the House of Mystery that I can find sometimes. The Undercity's alive with all manner of things that made it out of New York. But some of it, I *do* attract, because it specifically comes looking for me." she laughs, accepting the coffee before she takes a deep breath.

    "I get it. I don't celebrate mine either. Just a lot of memories attached to it." she frowns, holding her coffee in her right hand and scratching a little at her left wrist, where there is a tattoo'd-on circle in white ink.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Leaning to collect the small creamer pitcher, Sara pours just a dab into her cup before setting it back down. Most of what Phoebe just talked about the woman had no idea, Witchblade however did, but that doesn't mean he shared. He tends to be like that, only sharing what he has to when he has to, and this was not a need to know moment.

"You still need to finish off that tattoo on my arm you know," she comments softly, with a hint of jovialness to her tone. "And no, I don't mean the magical parts, I more meant the design so it's complete." A smile spreads across her face before she finally sets the coffee down.

"Would you like me to open this package now, or later?" she then asks, moving past the tattoo and onto another subject quickly. She was getting more worried about the young lady in her living room, but it wasn't her place to express that concern. She hadn't earned the right to.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "YEeeaaaaaaaah I know. I have a finished design that makes it inert so that it won't collect the angelic Will of any nephelim -- sorry, Witchblade, but I don't think Sara needs you drunk in the middle of a fight." she states to the always-listening Witchblade, and she looks over, dark eyes settling on Sara.

    "You can open it now if you want, I mean, they're probably self-explainatory?" he rnose wrinkles. "Took me almost a year to research if it could be done."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
For a brief moment Sara's eyes glass over as Witchblade takes his moment, really it's less that thirty seconds but still an obvious thing to those who know to look for it. When it passes she smirks and even rolls her eyes, but not at the young woman in her home, the motions are at the air so clearly meant for Witchblade.

"He's not amused, but I am," she states before actually chuckling. "I appreciate him not being drunk in the middle of combat, because that... well that would end very badly even if he doesn't understand why."

Moving the container of cupcakes a little, she picks up the package and rips into it. She's not one of those 'must save this paper' types, but if there is a bow she stuck that to the top of her head. Some traditions must remain.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There is in fact a bow. It sticks very well to Sara's head.

    Inside the package there is -- Clothing! A mustard-yellow cable-knit sweater, light weight, and a pair of what could only be described as 'mom jeans', that are drawstring instead of having a zipper fly. Neither item is particularly fashionable, but looks comfortable. And neither of them have any metal on them.

    Phoebe watches the opening intently, maybe even a little worryingly. Definitely less fashionable than the Wayne kid's leather jacket with its pink dashes and gray sweatshirt and jeans that cost more than some people's rent payments. She did not pick those jeans.

    "IT's all right. Tell him some night when I'm twenty-one we can call get drunk." she gives a brittle smile at that.

    Her own healing factor dosn't allow her being drunk after all.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
It wasn't like Sara has some major sense of fashion, in fact she wore the clothing she did because of NYPD requirements for Detectives... business casual. At home however, she wore sweats and yoga pants, t-shirts and sweaters, all because they were comfortable.

"Hey! These are great!" she exclaims, and clearly means it. "They look /really/ comfortable, and that's my only requirement for non-work clothes. As for Witchblade... it's best if you aren't around him when he's drunk Phoebe, he uh... I think the term used is 'horn dog'."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I'm nineteen and hang around with a lot of college kids. I'm totally familiar with horndogs." Phoebe raises her eyebrows, and then spins her fingers in the air. "And I have heard... *every* pickup line in the Tri City Area." she shakes her head, and she gives a small smile, rubbing the back of her head as her shoulders draw up a bit, and she shrugs.

    "They're enchanted. I had to make sure they were all natural dyes and materials, because otherwise the spellwork on 'em wouldn't stick... so you got mom-jeans instead of apple-bottoms or skinny jeans. They *should* reform themselves after two minutes Witchblade returning to the itty form if you're wearing them."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Both of Sara's brows shoot up into her hairline as she looks from the clothing to Phoebe and back again. "Wait, so you're saying that if I wear these and he shreds them, they'll... come back?"

She continues to stare at the clothing for a moment, even runs her hand over the sweater then adds, "When you're a little older, I'll explain the level of 'horn dog' that happens... cause it's all through me, and honestly... not as enjoyable when I'm single."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah, in theory. It might not be two minutes, it might be three, but I mean they're also highly experimental as far as it's concenred because although my ancestors were demon hunters and healers and a whole lot of them were diviners not a one of them had anything like The Witchblade to contend with so I'm not even sure if all the mystic energies contained within the threads are going to jive with him so they might reform but there's an almost zero chance that they may also explode. So I wouldn't blade-out near any innocent bystanders the first time just to /make sure/." Phoebe comments, and then she pauses, and then looks at Sara, and then raises her hands.

    "Noted. Weird. Please recall my last relationship with someone who had a voice in their head that wasn't theirs." she states as if that may explain everything.

    And then she gives an embarrassed laugh, rubs the back of her head, cheeks darkened in awkward.

    "SO. Hope the colors are okay. I didn't know your preference."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Continuing to run her hand over the sweater, Sara listens to the explanation of all the possibilities, including exploding, with a smile on her face. Witchblade is not happy with the idea of them exploding, but no amount of screaming in her head stops her from saying, "The colors are fine. I don't wear red, it doesn't go well with my hair, but other than that, I'll wear any color. I'll keep safety in mind the first time I try it, though I can assure you he's not looking forward to some of those possibilities, I am."

Folding the items back up, she lays them in her lap before picking up her coffee again. "Being in a relationship with an unexpected third party can be challenging, which is likely why I am still single," she offers. "Nothing wrong with being single, every experience in life is meant to teach us, that includes ungrateful sons-a-bitches you're dating leaving without a word."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Yeah." Phoebe frowns a moment, and then she runs a hand over her hair. There are no dark roots. Every bit of her hair is that dusky pink color.

    "Nah, there's nothing wrong with being single, didn't mean to insinuate there was anything wrong with it." she gives a laugh, and then sips her coffee to cover the awkward.

    "Ah, the explosion would be low-powered. Bottle rocket instead of like, TNT. There's not a LOT of mystic magic energy but it I didn't really have anything the like of Witchblade to experiment with."

    She purses her lips.

    "The only other time Light has made someone drunk or reactive was one of the Titans."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara raises her hand quick, "Oh no, I wasn't saying you were insinuating anything... just rambling." She then lets Phoebe finish before adding, "I spend most of my time in a professional setting, so I'm out of practice on being socially friendly outside of a work place. Sorry for that."

Another drink of coffee disappears from her cup before she tilts her head slightly and says, "And now he's offering to be experimented on by you. That..." she blinks a few times and laughs. "... that is a first. He /really/ likes you Phoebe."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Record scratch sound can ALMOST be heard in Phoebe's head as she opens her mouth, and then closes it, and then opens it again and asks, as if he couldn't hear her: "... is that him being horndog or being serious?" she questions, her head tilting slightly and her expression showing worry.

    "Or is it something else?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara's eyes widen as she realizes the horrible cross over conversation mistake that has just been made. Yes, she was just speaking about when Witchblade is drunk he turns into a horn dog, and yes she just stated that he really likes Phoebe, but she never meant for the two topics to collide in the middle and embarrass the young woman.

"Uh.. I... oh hell," she blunders out. "I'm so sorry, that was two topics slamming into each other." She takes a slow, deep breath, a hint of rose to her own cheeks over this.

"He is only a horn dog when he's drunk, I have never felt him express that sort of emotion toward anyone while sober," she explains more clearly. "So him liking you it more about accepting you as a person who deserves to live and/or a friendship, though he doesn't fully understand friendship the way we do. His offer to be experimented on was a gesture of trust toward you, out of friendship, to help you learn."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Just checking! Context switching is a thing, and I'm real good at it with the Bats, but sometimes outside... eeeh..." she holds her hand up, flopping it over and under.

    "I'm not sure if what I can do is in the same vein as Witchblade. I mean, created by Gaea versus," she points to herself, and makes a shrugging motion.

    "But... thank you. I'll do my best to not mess up that trust in me." she states to Sara, giving a wry smile, and rubbing the back of her head again.

    "Like everything else though, I usually work it out on my own before I try to drag anyone else down with me." Phoebe states, and she lifts the sleeve of her left arm, easing down the jacket and show that burnt-in array that she used to hold Will.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"You should consider perhaps learning to accept assistance when it's offered," Sara states as once again her concern breaks through and makes her entirely too blunt as she looks over Phoebe's arm. "Uh... sorry," she then adds more softly. "That's not my place to tell you, I just... I worry. I used to think I could do everything on my own, then I got my partner killed and it changed that thinking real quick."

Opening the container of cupcakes, she uses a spoon to actually cut one of them in half, and only takes half out to set on a napkin and nibble at. "You're welcome to have the other half if you'd like, that's a lot of cupcakes after all."

After sampling the strawberry one, and having a flavorgasm, she takes drink of coffee and with a pleasantly pleased expression says, "What you do and what the Witchblade is aren't the same, clearly, but he knows a great many things and could perhaps help you in the things that you do do. The offers will always be there, so just remember, alright?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I do accept assistance when I need the assistance. Beleive it or not that was a condition of my return to Gotham." Phoebe states flatly, and she shakes her head and holds up a hand to the offer of the cupcake. "Nah, I had a pretty big lunch before I left The Manor today. The green ones are pistachio, by the way. They do have nuts. I should have probably asked about allergies." Phoebe rubs the back of her head again, and she shakes her head, and then nods.

    "I'll keep it in mind, Sara. I'm just... hesitant. My luck with others helping me learn isn't so great."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Another nibble of the cupcake, then a left brow raise over pistachio. "No allergies," Sara states, then without pause she steals a fingerful of the pistachio frosting to try. This move makes it clear she intends to eat all of the cupcakes herself at some point. "Man that's good frosting..."

She forces her brain back to the reality of the moment and away from the sweets. "Witchblade and I aren't 'others'," she offers a smile. "We're friends, we worry about you, we care about you. I don't know all of what happened, nor do I need to, what I do know is that you have always been a friend to me, you've always tried to help out those in need and do what's right, and that's all that matters. So if you need help, even in Gotham, call me and I'll be there."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... yeah. Like everyone else who's carried this, it appears I have a fatal dose of Altruism." Phoebe replies quietly, and tilts her head back to drain her coffee.

    "The same goes for you. I know you helped Red Robin and Nightwing figure out where I went to. If it wasn't for you?" Phoebe shrugs "That demon who took my larynx might have gotten the rest of me too. Enjoy the cupcakes and the sweater, Sara." she gives a smile, reaching down to take up her backpack again.

    "See you 'round?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The napkin with cupcakes gets set on the table as Phoebe reaches for her backpack. Sara was raised with manners, when your guest is preparing to leave, you walk them to the door.

Standing up, she offers Phoebe a nod, "You bet you will... thank you for the gift, and the cupcakes, Phoebe. You made my day."