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Latest revision as of 11:55, 19 August 2023

Cup of Joe
Date of Scene: 10 May 2023
Location: Gramercy Park
Synopsis: Closing out scene from previous player.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Hal Jordan

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It's a late night for Mary Jane. She's had to talk Sonja out of praciticing knife fighting techniques in Central Park by being 'around' to get mugged. There's already stories going around about bodies stashed that way of would-be muggers from too many types. So on this late night, she's walking along after having been dumped with courier duty. Take something, go to a statue, check the third rock on the right by a plaque, check if something's there, if there is put something else.. She doesn't get why something for a pickup is in a location and a setup that's so visible but she's just told to do something. So, late at night, having done her exchange, she goes through the park. For any that might otherwise want to be a participating mugger, there's a huge basterd sword sheathed over on her back and beneath her jacket is some light kevlar and ceramic plating.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Long night for Mary Jane?

Long week for Hal Jordan.

Sector 2814 is a massive expanse of worlds, including the solar system that contains Earth, Hal Jordan's homeworld. In the sky, there is a green light as it descends from the heavens, only to find itself landing white boots on the ground. A brilliant green suit with a 'lantern' emblem on the chest, and most noticeably, a green ring on the right hand.

"Nice going, Hal. Could use a recharge..."

and with a thought, the costume vanishes, leaving a handsome-looking man wearing a bomber-jacket, jeans, a shirt, and some dog tags around his neck. He looks around for a second, and he manages to get moving.

After awhile, he comes across Mary Jane. Though...he can't help but notice the HUGE sword on her back.

"Hey there. Pleasant evening, huh?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would take a moment to glance over at Hal, giving a shrug over at him while putting her hands in her pockets, "Weather's kind of nice. Gotta enjoy the nights like this before it gets all muggy and the city sweats." She would speak fairly casually, peppy. Her accent that of someone trying to emulate Southern California from what they'd seen on television rather than somewhere they'd actually been.

"So, what you doing out and about? I was headed towards a vendor that has these amazing pretzels but I think I'm a bit late and they've closed for the evening. SO just heading to the subway."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Sure, 'cept uh..."

He points at the sword.

"I don't think any muggers are gonna be messing with you while you have that on your back." Hal smirks at her. "Are you from around here?" He asks curiously, taking notice of the accent that she wears with such pride.

"Just enjoying a walk. It's been the /longest/ week like you wouldn't believe."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile over at Hal, "Yup! It makes for a really nice way to get room on the subway." She would grin over at him and then explain, "I do SCA and I've just learned to take this with me wherever I go. It gets all the most amusing reactions. And I'm from Queens. Staying there with my Aunt."

The accent goes back to that of someone that's from the city as she would deadpan, "I like Alicia Silverstone movies." Her tone implying a playful 'so sue me'.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Room...on the subway." Hal brings his hand up, running it through long-ish dark hair with a laugh starting to leave his lips, jubilant and cheerful. "Well, shit, I can't argue with that logic. I think I'd steer /way/ clear of you if you showed up with a /sword/ on the subway."

"SCA? Well, that makes sense. Queens? Huh, accent sounds like California." Californians have accents?

Why yes. Yes they do.

"Alicia Silverstone?" He whistles loudly. "As in 'Wonder Years' Alicia Silverstone?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would grin over at Hal, "Yup! No matter if it's rush hour, /bam/ I suddenly have all the seats to myself. I can stretch out! Just slide it over to my lap.. One time when I had someone harrassing me and told them to bug off, they asked what I was going to do, spray them?" She would mime something in her hands.

"I told them I could mace them, and pulled it out. It was a foam one but they didn't look that closely." She would deadpan.

"And Clueless, /duh/. The greatest adaptation of Jane Austen's work ever."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Listen, Jane Austen was nice and all but...."

Yeah, he probably shouldn't poke the bear that's named Mary Jane Watson. Hearing her foam mace comment does make his eyes /slowly/ wander over to the sword on her back, wondering if it's foam. "I ain't gonna complain about larping but....Might be wiser to carry around the spray anyway."

Hal likes to poke and be playful. Though he seems fully amused. "Well, I might have to start carrying abround a big ass sword to get people to move.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug, "Hey, I'll have you know that a real mace doesn't have nearly as many issues. You just pick it up, wave it, and everyone just stops what they're doing and gets out of your way. NOthing quite like carrying an eightteen pound ball with spikes in it on a stick when you're having a bad day and you want people to give you space. They're also street legal thanks to some serious oversights in the local weapons laws."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Well, one of them is that it /actually hurts when you hit someone with it/." Hal tells Mary Jane with amusement glimmering in his eyes. "Besides, if I just walked around waving a mace about, I'd get arrested." He looks at her a moment, peering closely into her eyes, like he was trying to see deeper than her appearance.

"Are you a model?"

He crosses his arms. "Only way you get out of stuff is if you're a model."

"Yeah, no kidding..."

Shouldv'e seen what happened on Jupiter. Hell. On. Earth.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug over a thim, "Well, you just need to tell someone 'well officer, I'm in the theatre and this is a prop I'm taking home so I can work over on my practice, and they suddenly are very willing to accomodate you." She would deadpan over and chuckle. "Just appeal to their sense of humor, them being nice guys, and smile. Most will overlook things if you're nice and explain things to them. And nah, I'd love to beone though!"

She would smile, "I'm one of eight hundred thousand girls in the city waiting to be discovered and make it big."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Yeeaaaahhh something tells me I'm not good looking enough for that."

Hal crosses his arms over a broad chest. "Buuuut I /could/ just offer them some drinks on me. That's usually how I get people to help me out. A beer goes a long way." He smirks at her. As a space cop, this conversation is riveting. "We'll see how it goes. Next time I bring a mace. I promise."

He chuckles. "Makes sense. You're a pretty girl. Most people are gonna let you get away with just about everything."

He looks at the ground. "Hm. Maybe I could be a foot model..."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Well, that's normally a good thing. I think it reoslves most things unless you're telling them that you're not drunk, and you really were trying to walk into the bar but kept slamming your head over on the door." She would deadpan.

"And seriously, you do not want to be a model. Those girls and guys have insane stamina and the routine is terrifying."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"The trick is convincing them you're not when you're absolutely hammered." Hal smirks at MJ. "Don't drink, at least don't drink to have fun or grieve. It's a pain in the ass."

His ring hums. Call from Kilowog.

"Ah, that's my cue. I'll catch you about?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would givea a wave, "Sure, nice to meet you." She goes to take her phone out and goes to tweak overa t it for a few moments. "And I just gotta text too. Take care." She gives him a wave, and if he's paying attention now he would pick up her muttering..

"Peter, what the hell have you done.."