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Latest revision as of 12:52, 24 August 2023

Date of Scene: 24 August 2023
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Wally gets Caitlin out of the lab! Things take a rather stunning turn!
Cast of Characters: Wally West, Caitlin Fairchild, Irie West

Wally West has posed:
Anotehr dawn rises in Metropolis....

And just as such, there is a speedster standing in front of Caitlin's laboratory door, with a popsicle in his hand. He's texted Caitlin the past couple of days, saying things like 'take a break alert! BEEEEEP!' to remind her when she has to take a break for her mental health or just remind her that fun still exists in her life. He stands there, dressed in jeans and a red t-shirt with the Flash logo in yellow on the front, his red hair wild on the top of his head.

He has an uneaten popsicle in hte other hand, still wrapped delicately in plastic wrap. "Welp, Wallman, time to work your magic. /Ahem/..."

He sticks the popsicle in his mouth and proceeds to use his spare hand to put a fist against hte metal door....and then he starts knocking. Knocking that gets progressively faster and harder. With Super SPeed as part of the equation? It's faster than it should be and meant to be annoying and thought-interrupting than anything else.

"Oooohhhhhh CAIIIIIITTTLLIIIINNN! Your beau is here to take you on a wild adventure away from the stresses of WORK! How say you fair maiden!?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
The door slides open to reveal Caitlin filling the door frame in bright pink scrubs, a white labcoat, and yellow-tinted glasses. She even has her Science Braid in, which is one step removed from Combat Bun, which suggests how seriously she's taking whatever it is she's working on.

"Wally? I'm right in the middle of--" something behind her snaps, hisses, and starts smoking, and her eyes fly open wide. "Oh crabapples!" she breathes, and palms the door shut in Wally's face.

There's some noise from the other side, some yelling, something that sounds like a chicken flying loose? and then the *FFFFFLTT* of a fire extinguisher being emptied. Low whooping klaxons sound off in the lab. Caitlin stumbles out a moment later and seals the door behind her, coughing up plumes of white smoke. "Set the halon system off," she explains, still coughing and clearing her lungs. The redhead leans against the wall, shoulders shaking with each cough, and then turns back to Wally with watering eyes.

"I'm sorry, you're in trouble with whom now?" she inquires, croakily.

Wally West has posed:
The door slides open and Wally smiles bright and wide at Caitlin when the door hisses open and reveals her in pink scrubs and her labcoat. "Heeeeey gorgeous, how's it going? Was thinkin-" Then sure enough, he hears something snapping and smoking, she 'crabapples' and heads back into the lab!

"...I'm sure everything's okay."

He hear a /lot/ of weird noises, including some he doesn't even recognize with the klaxon sounding off, though the chicken sounds make him tilt his head a little bit but he stays silent until Caitlin stumbles out a moment later and leans against th wall.

"You, apparently, in the next five seconds."

He offers her a popcicle. "You know you want to." Though he lifts a spare hand. "I will help you fix up your experiment immediately after."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin eyes the popsicle, eyes Wally, then accepts it with one hand and uses a clean tissue from her jacket to daub at her watering eyes. Fire suppressant clings to her white lab coat and drifts around her like some corny special effect from an 80s movie. The popsicle's gone in about four good bites-- cronch, cronch, *CRONCH* cronch. The stick's wrapped in the tissue paper and carefully squirreled away in her pocket for later disposal.

"It's fine, Walls," she assures him. "It wasn't your fault. The admixture was already reacting when you knocked, I just didn't realize it was oxidizing that rapidly. I must have dropped an electron in my math," she frets.

The klaxon shifts to the 'Danger Averted' noise and her shoulders drop in relief as the lab starts venting the Halon out. "Well, guess I'm locked out of the lab for a while anyways. Good time to take a break. Did you say you needed my help?" she inquires solicitously. "...Nothing ELSE is on fire, right?" she adds a beat later with a wary expression.

Wally West has posed:

Mini fist-pump that's totally done under Caitlin's nose. Probably literally, since she's a little taller than Wally. Though for a moment, Wally is still licking his popsicle when Caitlin decides to figure out how many licks does it get to the center of a popsicle.


The answer is four.

Wally was about halfway done when she was done and Wally looks at his own, looks at hers, and he lifts his shoulders in a shrug. Can't even judge like that. He bites the popsicle and the rest goes straight down his throat! Gone..../forever/.

Ahem, anyway.

"Well, accidents happen!" He considers her for a moment then. "Help? Nah. Was gonna ask you-" He blurs away and comes right back, with some flowers that look like they were pretty before they went through several hallways at mach 7. "To take a break. But it looks like we get to anyway!" He looks at the flowers, then back at Cait.

"Wanna make it a date?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's still daubing at her irritated eyes when Wally zooms away, and looks up only in time to see him return. A bleary smile crosses her features and she makes the mistake of sniffing once, deeply, when he returns with that cheery disposition and the flowers in hand.

Criminally, a half beat before he drops his question, Caitlin's eyes widen in alarm and she pushes a palm in his direction. "Oh criminey, are those--?" she says at the same time--

--and abruptly SNEEZES, hard enough to knock herself off her own feet and onto the floor. The force of the sneeze blows whatever petals were left off the flower buds. Caitlin lands hard on her back and forces herself to one hip, holding a hand over her nose. "Wally, I'm all-- llal-- alalll--"

At least he's got some warning before the next one. Caitlin sneezes again, and it scoots her six inches on her butt back along the corridor floor. Fingers steeple over her nose, eyes watering freely, in a desperate attempt to get her sneezing under control. "I need my Zyrtec!" she whimpers up at Wally.

And sneezes again, hard enough to hit Wally's ears with the pressure differential.

Wally West has posed:
"Yeah, flowers! Some roses and wildflowers, I didn't figure out which ones were your favorite so-"

Ohhhhh. Oh no.

Oh this is really bad.

"Oh crapola!" Wally is suddenly knocked right on his ass from the force of her sneeze, and quickly he stands back up and gathers up every last inch of flowers and disappears for a short time!

He comes back soon after in a blur as Caitlin is on the ground, crouching down next to her. "Okay! News update, incinerated the flowers, did NOT know you were allergic, I'm so sorry!" Wally felt /terrible/ about it, though he's trying to help, hearing about her Zyrtech.

"I'm on it! Stay tight her-" Not like she has a choice! But Wally is tripping sensors like a monster as he sprints throughout the entire Tower. He even gave her cost a quick check! He should be back in a few seconds.....

And there he is!

"Got Zyrtech and epinephrine! Robin's always got something lying around. I swear, he's ready to be moded."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin accepts the Zyrtech with grabby hands, eyes watering and making it hard to see. It's the sort of thing she doesn't like doing in front of people, but such is the urgency that she jams the injector up one nostril, then the other, with a *snap*-hiss and a deep, raggedy inhale. Both of them set her coughing, and she pops the epinephrine pills without water to boot.

Then it's just a matter of sitting there with her eyes watering, trying to tone down her coughing and sneezing while the antihistamines take effect. "I'm sorry Wally," she says with a deeply congested tone. "They looked really pretty. I haven't been takin-- takin--" there's a twitch of her nose and a slightly more subdued *ACHOO* that manages to just sound like an air tank decompressing. "My medicine since we're past the bloom season," she continues.

Caitlin gets to her feet ungainfully and starts walking down the hall to the restroom with one hand on the wall for balance. She pushes open the door and goes inside so she can stick her face in the chemical eyewash station. A press of her foot to the pedal and it starts irrigating her watering, reddened eyes. "Sorreh-- you were askingnhg me somethig?" she tries to remind him, scrubbing the pollen off her face with one hand.

Wally West has posed:
With a 'yoink!', Cait snags the meds from Wally who tries to help administer as a standby. "I can get you some wat-" He watches Cait down epinephrine pills without water in a dry swallow and Wally blinks in surprise before shrugging. "Fair." And otherwise takes a knee next to her. "There you go, juiced up on all the anti-allergens, strengthen those immunoglobulins!"

Wally is one science experiment from being Bill Nye the Science Guy.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay, don't be sorry. I had no idea you were allergic." Wally rests his hand on her upper back near the shoulder blades, staying with her while the medicine does its job. "Basically, I wasn't paying attention..." Wally shakes his head, blaming himself. "I'll grab you some fake ones soon?" Because she still deserves flowers. Only when it's time to get up dies Wally help her, not wanting to rush her before she's ready.

"Here, lemme help." She was a big powerhouse to be sure, but even Cait needs help. He helps her towards the restroom to the eyewash station.

"Hey gorgeous, how're you feeling? Little better?" He asks, though she reminds him his question.

"Oh, well, I was wondering if you want to go out with me...like on a date. I figure you're busy, buuuut....well, I thought I'd ask anyway."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin laughs at Wally's question, shaking her head a little in the middle of the spray of water. It's a hiccoughing little chuckle that clearly mistakes the intent of the question. The station shuts off and she fumbles for some paper towels to start blotting at her face to mop the water up, finally standing upright on her own two feet again.

"Wally, it's -fine-," she mumbles through the cloth. "It was an honest mistake. Hank brought flowers in the other day for Dawn, the romantic putz he is. You don't have to make it up to me," she assures him.

The paper towels come down halfway and Caitlin manages to get a look at Wally's face. Her eyes widen slightly at the lack of teasing humor in his expression. She drops her hands away entirely, looking a little uncertain of herself, and starts slowly twisting the paper towels in her hands into plaited rows.

"You-- wait, what? A date? A -date- date," she says, echoing his words. "You're serious." He's given a flashing up-and-down. "...whhyyyy?" she says, drawing the question out and narrowing her eyes at Wally slightly. "Did you lose a bet with Gar or something?"

Wally West has posed:
Yeah, Wally's intentions probably flew right over her head!

"I'm just sayin! You deserve flowers. You know, the ones that don't try to kill you. Promise that wasn't an attempt on your life." There are ways this could've gone that would've been terrible. Wally would've preferred those ways so he didn't have to put her in severe danger.

C'mon, Wally.

Then she gets it. Caitlin is joking but Wally looks oddly serious. "A date-date." he confirms. Though he really doesn't blame her for asking the true nature of his request, shaking his head. "Nah. I'm pretty sure he'd love it if it was like that though. I just thought...you know, I like you, and tomorrow's never a guarantee...so why wait to ask? Figure the worst that happens is you sweetly - hopefully - tell me no and we stay friends, but..."

He meets her eyes, or tries to. "I think you're amazing and I want to go out with you, if you want."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's jaw works back and forth while she tries to process a response. Wally's got her well and truly flat-footed while she tries to think through it. Start, stop. Start, stop. Inhale-- nope, start, stop. Inconveniently, Wally's standing between Caitlin and the door, though there's definitely a moment where Wally would sense Caitlin considering just making a break for it anyway.

"I-- I don't know what to say, Wally," she says, finally, looking down and away. The tips of her ears are already turning pink and she shakes her head with an uncertain expression on her face. "I haven't even *gone* a date since... golly. Before the Angels thing," she admits.

"Wally, it's--" she looks skyward, lips thinning, then back at Wally. Anxiety crosses her features. "You know what a mess my lack-of love life has been. And it's /you/," she says, shoulders slumping. "I don't think-- it's not that you're not-- you're /cute/, but I haven't thought about things that way. Any of you boys that way. It's just not ever--" she gestures vaguely near her temple and gives Wally a helpless look, clearly running out of ways to articulate herself. "I have a hard time making the jump from 'guy who glued all my pots shut' on April Fools."

Wally West has posed:
There may be something in Cait's body language that suggests to Wally - in admittedly a rare moment of observation - that she's feeling a little caged. So, risking that Cait might very well make a Cait-shaped hood in the door, He steps aside just a little bit to give her a clear exit if she wants to take it.

No pressure!

"Of it helps, I haven't been on a date in years. I have /no/ idea what I'm doing, practically-speaking." Wally offers to Cait with no smokescreens or the faux-confidence he typically rocks. "You...Well, I uh..." Oh gosh, what does he do!

Yet he tries to be brave, willing to take what may be an impending rejection head in. He meets her anxiety with warmth and kindness, a hope in the green of his eyes. "It's me." He gestures to himself with a chuckle and a lift of his shoulders.

"I happen to prank people I like...it's like my weird, crazy love language. I happen to prank you the most." Wally steps closer, just a hair, but his hands are to himself. "Coincidence? Not at all. I just....didn't really know how to ask. It's okay if you've never thought of me like that or don't want to go out, I don't want you to feel pressured into anything! but...you know, you're so smart and beautiful and warm and kind..."

He smiles ear to ear. "What's not to like? Though, the flowers were meant to be helpful with this...sorry about that." He shakes his head. "But...I think dinner with you would be grand. Also, you think I'm cute?" He smiles approvingly! At least he's not ugly.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin can't help but flash a familiar smile at Wally echoing her words. Her cheeks flush and she looks away again, unable to hide a smile and pushing her hair behind her ear in an unconscious attempt to hide. "Shuttup, I was being nice," she mutters-- though more out of appeal for mercy than denying she meant it.

"The flowers were ... very thoughtful," she gets out, finally. "Even though I am profoundly allergic to anything that blooms. But still, A for effort," she congratulates him.

Her smile fades a little and she looks at Wally again, posture still wary but less guarded. "I'm ... I'm still figuring some things out, Walls," she says. "I've got med school still to get through. Titans stuff. Work, if I even still have a job," she mutters under her breath. "And Themyscira, and Asgard, and ... and Wally, if you're looking for someone to date casually, you /know/ that's not me," she warns him. "Someday I want the house and picket fence and... kids, and you need to be really sure that you're really in it for the long haul with me."

Irie West has posed:
    Irie comes down the stairs, her nose buried in a textbook. "Hey guys? I'm working on my SATs and I need a little help with English. You wouldn't happen to know how..." she pauses as she feels something in the air and looks up to see her dad being very serious and Caitlin being very blushy. "Oh. Oh." Her tone turns grave. "It's //this//. Sorry for interrupting." She turns and quickly hurries back up the stairs, praying she hasn't just completely altered the timeline.

Wally West has posed:
"Sure you were. It's okay, I call you hot all the time, I think you can get away with one." Wally rubs the back of his neck, looking away briefly as a flush crosses his cheeks. "Good news is now I know for future reference!" See? Silver lining. "But...thanks, Cait, I'll take effort."

Sometimes it's the trying that counts rather than the outcome.

Wally's about to say more when Irie arrives! Wally turns his full focus towards her and he clears his throat a little. "Heeeyy kiddo. Uhm..." He looks at Cait and back to Irie. "I'll help you in a little bit okay?" Oh, she's getting farther away. "Promise!!"

He looks at Cait and he just starts laughing. "The timing, I swear." But at least it opens the door to what he's going to say now. He steps towards her and in a show of bravery, he reaches to try and take Caitlin's hand in his own.

"That's what I want to. I'm not holding it down educationally like you, but I have my delivery business, the Titans, Justice League...was thinking of going back to get a science degree. Was thinking physics or chemistry? Dunno, still figuring that out. But...I want the picket fence, the house, kids..." Wally smiles at her. "I don't date casually. I date seriously. So if you want to...I'm in it for the long haul too."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Ah. Irie. That's just what the situation needed. Caitlin's eyes go wide as dinner plates when Irie shows up, and the awkward blush on her ears turns into saffron high embarassment across her pale Irish features.

She's not even quick enough on the draw to do much more than stutter at Irie's photonic trail: "Ir--Ir--Ir--"

Wally's talking. Is he saying something? Caitlin looks like the blood is simultaneously rushing to her head and also draining out of her face. It creates an even higher contrast, scattered freckles turning even darker brown.

Wally. Wally's doing something. Wally's holding Caitlin's hand? She gives him a completely shell-shocked look, neither pulling away nor reciprocating, her handle on the situation completely spiralling out of control.

"I have to go bake something!" she blurts out. It obviously sounds as dumb to Caitlin as it does to Wally, but all she can do is give him a hapless shrug and then turn and start walking very quickly in the opposite direction Irie took-- possibly with the intent of going through interior walls, as she's strongly considering throwing herself into the Bay.

Wally West has posed:
"Cait? Are you-"


Not okay whatsoever. Did Wally embarrass her? Oh probably. Her freckles are getting darker, her face doing that cute thing when her face is draining and filling blood at the same time. Though Wally stayed in that contact with her, feeling warmth there until Cait suggests she has to go bake something.


He squeezes he her hand and let's go. Far better that she doesn't feel like he's holding her captive or something! "I hope I can try it later." She's moving fast and Wally tries to say something but doesn't. Instead, he just watches her go.

"Oh boy. Well...I'll try talking to her later. I should...check on Irie." And so he moves after Irie. He did promise to help her with her homework and Cait probably needs space.