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Latest revision as of 12:52, 24 August 2023

The Fast and the Super!
Date of Scene: 23 August 2023
Location: Uptown - St. Martin's Island
Synopsis: Kara and Wally have a chance encounter! Wally learns Kara has a boyfriend...Oooooooo!
Cast of Characters: Wally West, Kara Danvers

Wally West has posed:
"Helllooooooo Metropolis!"

Wally West cries out into the sky with a cheeseburger in his hand, bringing the meal item to his lips for a big bite. "My gaaawwwd, best burgers in the world." Wally happily preens as he digs into his present meal. Rather than be out and about as the Flash? He was just Wally West today.

Simple is as simple does! No giant robots or toy-obsessed maniacal madmen...just a quiet city. No doubt plenty of people are on patrol, but it's just...nice to have a break.

God knows those don't last forever, so you have to take them when you can!

He seeks to be enjoying a bench not far from the food truck he had gotten his tasty treat from, his feet perched on a briefcase he has as his eyes stare at an active and bustling city.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara rarely fleets around out of costume anymore.

Earth is a complicated place for her and she wasn't raised here as her cousin was. No, she remembers well Krypton. This isn't to say she doesn't very much enjoy what this planet has to offer, far from it, it's just that she doesn't see the point of pretending to be someone she's not.

Which is why the Maiden of Might lands amidst the food trucks with her short blonde hair bellowing gently as her cape behind her and a smile upon her face. "Hellooo." She answers Wally's shout to Metropolis, though she hardly speaks for the city.

"Is that a wiener truck?" Pointing at a hotdog vendor, "Be right back, it's wiener o'clock."

Wally West has posed:

"Holy moly..." It's a bird, it's a plane, it's-

"I have a feminine echo!" Ugh. "Did my voice get higher?" He reaches to pinch and repeatedly tug at his throat. "Memememeeee..." Vocal warmups. Gotta get that deep voice back! "Gotta get my voice deep again or no bad guy is gonna respect me again..."

Then there's Supergirl!

"Ohhhhh that makes way more sense." Doi.

"Heeeeyyy SG, how's it goin?" Yeah, Wally's a bit of a flirt, but he means well. "Oh! Get the extra beef! I dunno what they cook it in but it's to die for."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara grins over at Wally as she waits her turn in the line, dealing with passersby with a level of patience that could be considered sainthood. She kneels down when a little girl comes over to speak with her and says something quietly to her, then stands to accept the hotdog someone insisted on paying for.

Once the ritual of it all, one of the Kryptonian Heroes met with people whom they've saved countless times, is complete she is free to rejoin Wally with folded hotdog sandwich in hand. "Not bad, now. Didn't expect to find you here." She says before a bite, looking quite pleased with the taste. Truly, the beef water is the secret.

"How's Keystone?"

Wally West has posed:
Look at SG being the hero of the people! Being a big time hero has its perks, like people wanting to buy stuff for her. Honestly it's a miracle the only major attention she got was from a little girl that seemed happier after the conversation with Supergirl than before.

She comes back to join Wally and he scoots over, parting the spot next to him. "Beeeeeef water!" He lifts his hands into the air at his whisper shout, then he's chuckling. "I chill with the Titans a lot these days. Barry's got Keystone pretty much on lock but it's doing pretty good!" Wally shrugs, then he's doing his best 'heeeeyyy girl' pose: chin on his fist, angling his body towards her, big gleaming smile on his face. "How're you? Saving the day? Enjoying a hot dog? dateable?" Wally teases her with his flirts, though despite that, there's a sincerity in his tone. They haven't talked in a minute!

Kara Danvers has posed:
The rapid fire nature of Wally's question is comically delivered, expertly so in fact. "I 'am' enjoying my wiener. I always enjoy a good wiener." She holds the hotdog up then takes another bite, but only chokes at the last question. "Jeez, Wally.. You just throw it out there huh? At least you set up a lead in, I suppose." SHe rolls her eyes playfully and shakes her head.

Settling onto the bench beside him, careful to smooth out her skirt so nobody gets any funny ideas that might get them thrown all the way to Saturn. "As it turns out, I am not. I'm seeing someone." She grins, side eyeing the way he's positioning himself with his chin on his fist. "Alas." Another bite of her hotdog.

"I've not been around the Titans as much recently."

Wally West has posed:
"Hey, a good wiener a day..." Wally cuts himself off because saying a dirty joke in front of Supergirl feels like some ancient heresy. He 'ahems' halfway through like an improve expert. "..means your just enjoying a good hot dog! haha!" Wally turns it around, or tries to, as subtly (not subtly at all) as possible.

He got her to choke on her food! He looks about to pat her on the back but realizes he's probably just break his hand. She's seeing someone?!

Awwww man.

Too slow, Wallman!

"Next time then-" He winks at her. "But I ever so politely demand to meet him! Her! Them!" Gotta cover all the bases and assume absolutely nothing.

"You should fix that, we miss ya!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara peers over at Wally with a knowing smirk when he ahems himself out of finishing what was, no doubt, about to be a terribly filthy joke. "Wise man, this one. Ladies and Gentlemen." She motions his way with both hands, having availed herself of the hotdog she'd been eating, by finishing it.

It is her who pats him on the back, that little look of dejection. "Sure, I'll bring him to meet everyone soon enough." It's a promise as good as any, at least when coming from her. Whom carries some stigma as this virtuous virtuouso despite just being a fairly regular girl in her early twenties.

"I'm pretty sure you'll all love him."

Which leads back to the Titans, "I do. Things have just been rather busy of late. I'll make amends as I'm able."

Wally West has posed:
"I just don't wanna die."

Odds of Wally outrunning Kara? Pretty high. Odds of Wally's survival on the 30% chance that Kara catches him? Virtually zero if he finishes this joke. So he decided not to. Sometimes you gotta prioritize survival over that winning punchline.

Though she pats him on the back so caringly it's difficult to maintain a feeling of rejection. She's already taken! He gives her a smile and a light pat on a skirt-covered knee that's brief before it retreats back into his lap. "You better. I wanna piggy back him through the city. Ain't no thrill ride like a Flash ride."


"....that sounded terrible." He snickers, but clears his throat. "I get that, I really, really do. We're all busy you know? Just gotta invent time." He leans over to nudge her. "No pressure."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara shakes her head and laughs quietly, "I wouldn't kill you for a joke, Wally. I'm hardly a saint, myself. I've a few Kryptonian jokes I heard in the Science Academy that would... well, if you understood the context, turn your hair white in shock." A playful smirk and a decisive nod.

"Oh, I'm certain of it, but... he's got speed of his own. Not quite Wally West fast, but he certainly can run." To be honest, few things or people are as fast as a Flash. Which leads to her standing up with a dramatic, theatrical grunt. "Speaking of busy."

She points off in the greater distance. "Sounds as though a train may well have lost the breaking mechanism." Pauldry time distraction, but if she doesn't take care of it? Well, who will right? It's Metropolis, this is what she does.

"I'll come by the Tower after and, perhaps, bring Owen along with me."

Wally West has posed:
"Well, how about I give you a penny-" Wally produces such a copper coin from his pocket that he holds between two fingers like he was passing a blunt. "So I can give you a pound when you finally tell me that joke." He tells her with a smile, though hearing the guy's name - Owen - who also happens to have some speed to his name makes Wally squint a little bit.

Doesn't he know an Owen...?

He looks to where Supergirl was looking off to, though unlike Supergirl, he can't see that far or hear the screaming of anyone on board. "Well, looks like a job for Supergirl. Unless you want some help?"

Because yes, there's a really cool ring with the Flash logo on his right middle finger. Then he's laughing. "You better! We got lots to catch up on. It's been crazy."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Mercer." Kara fills in the blanks of 'Owen's' last name when Wally squints at her. She's already starting to hover up into the air, floating backwards in the direction she'd indicated with her point. Likewise shaking her head, "Shouldn't be a terrible fuss, though I wouldn't turn away assistance incase things go out of hand." She does seem to think they will.

Regardless, "Metro Seven line." She tells him this and turns, not waiting much longer to converse with people's lives on the line. In a woosh of air, where there was a Supergirl, there no longer is. Wally can see her flying off, of course. He sees things a great deal slower than most would.

TO everyone else, she's just 'gone'.