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Latest revision as of 04:48, 28 August 2023

Moon at the Green Window
Date of Scene: 27 August 2023
Location: The Moon
Synopsis: Kyle Rayner has a little company on the Moon.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Kyle Rayner

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam forgot that he had to decelerate. It was only his second trip into space. He shot way past the Moon before he applied sufficient force to stop, reverse and do another flyby. He really had to play more Kerbal Space Program. Second and third flybys went off with no problems.

How many Earth Moon trips does it take to tire out Shazam? In this case he was a little bushed after three but those three were him going all out. So instead of a fourth fly by he hit the brakes all out to brake and land on a dusty plane with a great view of the Appenine Mountains. He didn't know their name at that point. A loud wahoo he heard (bone conduction) went unnoticed in the eternal silence. Unseen he began a silly dance from his days performing on the Philly streets. It was part Pee Wee Herman's tequila dance and part  gods know what. https://tenor.com/view/shazam-dance-dancing-movie-floss-dance-gif-12244861

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle Rayner isn't quite standing, or sitting, on the Moon. He floats -just- barely above the surface. An aura of green energy surrounds him. In his hand is a cell phone that gets absolute zero signal, because all cellular towers are on Earth's surface. However, it still has battery life. And equally important, a pair of wired headphones are plugged into a port. They lead to the headphones on his head.

Kyle softly mouths the words to Fozzy's "Painless," as the song plays on the phone. Then something -odd- catches hs attention. First, it's a hero that lands upon the moon. This is not quite the odd part. It's not the first time Kyle has seen a hero on a Moon. The odd part comes after when the person lets out a loud noise, which is unheard because sound doesn't travel in space. A second later they begin to floss.

An eyebrow under his mask raises. The expression on his face doesn't change, thanks to the mask's concealment. An aura of green energy will go around Shazam. Not holding the hero back, it actually connects them. Kyle will pull off the headphones. "Did you finally get first place in Fortnite or something?" he asks curiously. Oh, Kyle saw the dancing.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam recoils from the green energy initially until he realizes the source, then realizes he can hear Green Lantern. He looks a little chagrined. "I... uh... no. I just seem to have some excess energy for reasons. I don't like those shoot up games. I'm more a Minecraft sort of guy. I'm Shazam if you haven't heard." He extends a hand to the space cop.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I gathered that. Red, lightning bolt and a cape. It's probably a Shazam. Red lightning bolt and no cape, it's probably a Flash," he says just offerng that little bit of knowledge.

A nod comes from him and Kyle extends his hand. "Green Lantern. Well, -a- Green Lantern. There's like a bunch of us," he will keep some other details omitted. "Just don't try to mess up the Moon much. Throw it off course or somethng and you can cause issues," and he will point to Earth. "Not saying you did, but I've never seen someone like Superman party before. So, just in case."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam points to himself and says, "Actually, I'm the only Shazam in red... except for thunderbolt and she's a girl. I did get mistaken for Flash a few times. It's annoying. Our lightning emblems are not the same. Theirs taper at both ends. Ours only taper at the bottom." He indicates the points spoken of. "But uhm, I was just flying to work off some energy. I got tremendously good news. It's not like Darkseid found Jesus or someone made brainiac into a toaster, but it matters to me."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I thought there was a Lady Shazam or something like that? Miss Shazam? Mrs. Shazam? Litewing?" Kyle grasps at straws when it comes to the code name of that other Shazam. He knows there is one, but Kyle has lived a little bit under a metaphorical rock.

"Darkseid finding any positive religion would be a miracle. What's the Good News?" he asks wth a soft yet friendly tone to his voice.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam shakes his head. "She went by Lady Shazam for awhile then changed it to Thunderbolt... she's kind of the butt kicker of the group. I mean I throw down pretty good but it takes me a while to ramp up. This little minx one shot a kaiju and tasered an alien warship. But I mean even in superhero circles -girls fight dirty."

"Oh the news... uhm... this goes no further right? Because I feel silly being caught dancing now. Well a lady I've been friends with for a while and I expressed our mutual interest in each other. She's great."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Ahhh. Thunderbolt. Got it," Kyle gives a nod as he puts puzzle pieces together. "I'll remind myself to stay on her good side," Kyle adds. Oh, he did not want to anger someone that "tasered an alien warship," as Billy put it. That's just a scary show of power, period.

"We're literally on a planet that we're probably the only two lifeforms on. Also, I know -nothing- about you out of costume except you have a sister and a crush that seems to be more than a crush," Kyle offers. It's not like he can tell someone anything in this situation. That's before any form of trust is added into the mix. There's literally no one he could gossip the information to.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazamohs. "I mean you're a Green Lantern. I could trust you with my baggage and all that. I would have to show you and... I'm not sure it'd work in this bubble. As in it might kill us both... magic and science are a tough mix. It's not a crush. I'm way past that. You get your heart broken a few times... you stop seeing women as perfect goddess or princesses to worship and realize they're people too. And for that matter we Shazams are all siblings because we're Shazams... Shazamily,,, among other things."

"I started up with her a few years ago and we grew apart for different reasons, then we met up recently. We hit it off again. But crush? I'm not fifteen."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Sort of. I'm not your shrink, but I can be a good ear," Kyle says just drawng a line of what he could and couldn't do. "I believe in love and know of the heartbreak that comes with it. Same for the loneliness," and he tries not to sound too sad on that last part. It does hit a little close to home.

And it takes all the willpower he has not to groan at the word "Shazamily." It's both perfect and cringy at the same time.

"Are you sure you're not fifteen? You look like a grown ass man, but you were literally Flossing just a few minutes ago. And the only grown men to floss, when not in a television show or movie, are Ninja, his sponors and Fortnite developers.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam looks a little affronted. He did turn eighteen after all, driver's license, voting rights, shaving once a week whether he needs it or not. "Yeah well, I got my fans back in Philly with those sweet moves. Don't you guys have a Prime Directive not to snark alien cultures or something? That could impede my social development."

He looks around and then says, "Anyway... I do have a group. We don't exactly have a name or purpose yet but we have a wide range of members. If you want to look us up, Hang around Alleypond Park in Queens. We actually have a Flash. Kid Flash, the cute little one." He emphasizes cute a bit much. Well she's freaking adorable.  He is rightfully smitten. Give the guy a break.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"And you came from Earth. Probably. There are a few races that look similar to Terrans," and a second later he brings up Philly and Queens. "You just brought up two major cities you need thick skin for. So, you should be used to sarcasm. Also, Green Lanterns aren't star fleet. Nor do you come from a primal planet," oh Kyle just out nerded Shazam about Star Trek rules.

And then there's a pause as he catches various details. First, there is the details about a Flash. The codename. Also, how he uses the word cute.

"Just to be clear. White and Gold uniform. Fiery long locks?" Kyle asks as he is making sure Shazam -isn't- talking about who Kyle thinks he's talking about.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam peers, wondering why the concept of Irie is giving this Green Lantern pause. "Fiery long locks, female, cute, about five foot nuthin'. Abundant energy. Eats a lot. You know her? She's sweet." He nods enthusiastically. "She likes Twinkies with peanut butter. I thought I was the only one." For added emphasis he measures off a height way below his own. "Do not play hide and seek with her. She's sneaky."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"You know she's like eighteen, right? Like just turned eighteen?" Kyle questions firmly. His math might be off because he does keep tabs on the Titans, but he has been horrible with checking in.

Then looks at Shazam. "You've got about ten seconds to explain before I start swinging, because you look seven years older and you said it's been going on for years. Feels kinda grooming-like," he says and looks at the hero. "Space police, remember?" Kyle will emphasize what he -is- in this moment. "And I really want to believe you're a good guy. So, -please- prove to me you're the positive guy I thought you were."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam ticks points off his fingers, "First, she's older than that. Eighteen so don't infantilize her. Second, explain what? Sharing a snack? Playing stupid super power games. What do you mean minor.. she's the same age as Bi... what do you mean? And you start swinging... that's on you. I will point out, messing around with a girl who has a whole bunch of relatives can show up in a blink to smack you around is not too bright. I'm not messing with either Flash. They fight telepathic gorillas."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam cools down a little. "Listen, just ask Kid flash about me, okay? But I will say... I have sisters. I love them ... even the bossy one! If I even thought someone was going to hurt them... I'd smack them to Pluto. Kid Flash... she's competent, powerful and she has this child like vibe. People look out for her... that rapid aging explains it. Rest assured... my intentions are good. In fact here..." He pulls a card from his belt. "I have a portal to our lair in Alleypond Park. If you visualize the seven symbols on this card you can activate it and come through. If you meet me there I can explain this better... it's complicated. But I can give you my word, Shazam will never lay a finger on Irie."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle will take the card and look at the symbols. A few moments later he does try to visualize things. He's not sure what to expect with the card. Magic is odd. Magic is also fickle. So, he really hope it does what it's meant to do. Nothng is said yet. Kyle is just throwing blind trust out there and will give Shazam a means to explain himself better. Rapid aging is brought up, so Kyle is willing to give this a proper listen.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam stares. "It doesn't work anywhere but Alleypond Park, Queens. I covered that. You know, I should write it on the cards but... what if Dr. Sivana or Doom or another bad guy finds it? Alleypond Park. Queens. Near the food truck. It isn't hard. I taught the latest Superboy to do it. I... hey if you make a door I can open I'll show you right now. Shazams can use any door as a portal with a little effort. My sister figured that out too. Big sisters are a pain in the... anyway, make a door, we go through. Easy peezy."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I can't funnel a door wthout having the vacuum of space get us. "I thought this was a portal. Anyway. How about this? When we meet up on Earth, show me then? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt now, okay?" Kyle says showing it's not over, but he is tryng really hard to emphasize a trust or good faith in Shazam.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam nods. "Consider it done, but I should be heading back. I need to breathe at some point to today. I have some private life things to do. I'm sure you know the drill. I should probably patrol a bit too. Alleypond Park. If anything I... guess Kid Flash can show you the way. She knows how to bring the portal up. think of the symbols as a password. The real magic is done by the portal. If a Kryptonian can do it anyone can. Oh there's a food truck there that is outstanding, especially if you like schwarma. Spider-Man got me hooked on that. Anyway got to dash. Make a hole please."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Kryptonians are actually quite intelligent. A lot of Earth's top tech is like tinker toys to them. You might want to pick a different race to bash. Skrulls are an easy one. H'lventies are another," Kyle will clarify before Shazam can ask a little bit. "Space Squirrels. They chitter and everythng," he says with a grin on hs face as he looks over to Shazam.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam shrugs. "Well Superboy was not confident about the whole magic thing, didn't want to tell his dad, all that. I'm not bashing any race... though I guess I was stereotyping. Anyway, intelligence doesn't make you a wizard. There's more to it. You gotta have a certain confidence. A heck you gotta be a strutting a-hole. Anyway, can I fly through this without popping it? I really need to get back." He pokes the bubble experimentally.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"No," Kyle says to answer the question. He'll take a few steps back. The Green bubble retracts and go towards Kyle. Shazam will be free from its grasp. Kyle will give the hero a nod and point toward Earth. Just to show Shazam he could head back without any worry about hs ring and Earth now.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam makes use of the speed of Mercury and is gone is a streak of lightning. Out of sight, he facepalms. Thirteen, Speed Force, time travel. Thirteen. He needs to find something to hit.