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Latest revision as of 06:42, 27 September 2023

A first time for everything
Date of Scene: 26 September 2023
Location: Holy Ghost Church
Synopsis: Helena stopped into a church to reflect and think. Mercy was led there by more supernatural reasons. In the end, maybe they were able to help each other a little, while doing a good thing for a restless spirit.
Cast of Characters: Helena Bertinelli, Mercy Thompson

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
On weekends, it always seems like churches are full at all hours. Like a person could drive by at any hour with daylight and see members of any congregation coming or going en masse. That's the thing a person does when they attention church and believe in religion. Right?

During the week, it seems much more rare for even the solitary to make their way through the doors of a church unless there is a very good reason. This Tuesday afternoon, while the first signs of going home traffic begin to surge onto the city streets, there is a dark haired woman inside this particular sanctuary. Seated in a pew near the front Helena Bertinelli is alone. Perhaps she lost in thought as she gazes on the large crucifix behind the altar and pulpit or maybe silent in prayer. In the hush of the empty place of worship either would be considered appropriate.

In the back of the santuary and to the right side, is a tiered collection of votive candles. Many are lit and flickering their yellow-gold flames protected within clear or crimson red glass holders.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy can't help but shiver. Not because of 'holy ground' or anything silly like that. No it's the cold from the ghost near her and the sight of that same large crucifix that Helena is looking at. That always bugged her and it is why she won't wear one. She glances to her side and bares her teeth in something closer to a silent snarl then a grin> "Hush." She walks past the thing that holds the holy water and doesn't do the whole cross your self thing. "Not doing that," she whispers. But whispering in an empty church carries. The mechanic follows her nose to the smell of candles to see start looking them over. She rubs at her nose some from the smell of old smoke, wax, and matchheads that have been struck.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
That is the blessing and, erm, curse of a large stone sanctuary. They are designed for the priest to be heard even without a microphone. It also means that when there are few others even the softest of comments can carry farther than anticipated.

Helena becomes aware of another present in the back of the church. It doesn't bother her. In reality she was sitting there wondering why she was even here to begin with. It isn't like she is a practicing Catholic these days. She certainly wasn't going to go to confessional. She'd turn the priest's hair from silver to bleached white with the sins she has committed these past years before attempting to turn a new leaf in her 'other job' by teaming up with other vigilantes who were certainly of better character and morals than she'd previously shown.

So why -was- she drawn to this church to sit and reflect when she has passed dozens of churches countless times before and never felt the draw. Who can know? The Lord works in mysterious ways it is said.

Still, the seemingly awkward soul in the back of the sanctuary seemed to be struggling. If nothing else, it was as good an excuse as any for Helena to bring her time of reflection (mental self flagellation?) to an end.

Rising up, the dark haired woman turns to walk down the center aisle of the church. She is dressed smartly in a designer black pant suit. Perfectly pressed and tailored in black silk. A white silk shirt can be glimpsed underneath a figure hugging purple vest. 4 inch heels lift her height more than her stature would require. The soft click of the narrow heels casts an echo as she nears the rear of the sanctuary, casually reaching up to brush her hair behind her shoulder.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy glances over at the other person and sort of makes a cutting swipe with a hand as she turns back to the candle. The sort of silent 'shut the HELL up already' sort of gesture. She finds a thing of matches there and takes one out. "Man these things can stink," she mutters to herself. "She sees about lighting up the match, wrinkling her nose as it flairs and puffing a few times to clear it of the smell. "You better keep up your end of this." She goes to lighting the candle and keeps glancing from empty spot near her, to Helena.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli noticed the swipe and it was certainly an interesting gesture to make when there isn't a person beside Mercy. Visible anyway.

Then there is that curious comment about keeping up one's end of some agreement. Given that she is the only other person here it seems like it was aimed at her and yet she doesn't know this other woman as far as she knows.

"I'm sorry? What it is that I'm supposed to be keeping?" Her brow furrows a little as she tries to recall something she knows she has never been a part of.

"Is everything okay?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    As soon as the woman speaks to her Mercy looks up and takes a slow breath. Saying a prayer of her own. The candle is lit and she snuff the match stick. "Oh. I am sorry if I disturbed you and you heard that. I was talking to someone else that was being a bit pushy." She puts on her best 'I am normal. REALLY' smile on. "Oh I'm more or less fine. I mean that weirds me out as usual," she nods to the cross. "I'm not really Catholic. I just told someone I would light a candle for them because they couldn't do it." Her eyes almost look off to the side but she manages to ignore the ghost that's there.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli shakes her head, "No, you didn't bother me." Hearing the comment about talking to someone else, she glances around again. Nope. No one here. Still.

It's the curious wording that makes her vigilante detective instincts kick in. Yet she doesn't know this woman and really there isn't any indication of something illegal going on. Just the awkward discomfort of being near religious icons and locations one probably isn't used to.

A nod of understanding about the large crucifix is given. "It does take some getting used to if you're not familiar with the way the church chooses worship." Then a curious glance is cast tot he candles, "You came to light a candle? Well if you're not familiar with the process.. I would be happy to help. Is there a particular reason or purpose for it? There are different prayers that can be said, depending."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Catholics and me don't always get along so well. Big churches tend to follow...group think. I never fit in as well with that." Mercy reaches for the chain at her neck and pulls up a pendant from under her collar. Hanging from the chain is a small lamb. "This makes more sense to me and the idea of using the cross. A means of execution seems dark and morbid. I mean you wouldn't want a guillotine as the symbol of France right?" She looks at the candle. "I'm pretty sure it's just habit for that person. You know how we all do things over and over again and sometimes for get why we do them. This was just for remembering that someone else once lived and now they are not." Death takes on different meaning and views when you have to deal with ghosts on a the semi-regular. "I appreciate the offer." Since she knows they are alone now. The ghost did leave her alone and Mercy and relax and stop with that chill on her skin. "I'm Mercy."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli smiles some, "It's okay. I was raised Catholic but I admittedly haven't been actively practicing in a long time myself. I'm not one to judge."

"You do bring up an interesting point. I'm.. not really a theologian so the reasons are better left to someone who is."

Nodding in thought, Helena steps closer to the candles. "Hello Mercy. I'm Helena." With a gesture she smiles, "So lighting a candle of rememberance is simple. Was this a family member or friend?" Pausing a moment, she asks further, "Were they religious?" It's a delicate thing to ask questions about an unknown person but it helps form the sort of prayer to be offered up.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy gently tucks the lamb back into her shirt and resettles the shirt she's wearing. "I'm more a historian and naturally opinionated P.I.T.A. so I wouldn't pay me too much mind." She gives a nod at the name exchange and looks at the candles and wonders how to answer. "They were neither to me really. And I definitely say their faith was a not small part of their life." Not so easy to just say, 'it was an annoying instant ghost and I can be a push over at times' to someone you just met.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli smiles. "You're fine, Mercy. You're not going to offend me or anything."

She thinks for a moment. "Well.. there is a prayer for the Forgotten. It isn't very long. It's been a while." She steps over to a small book resting on a lecturn beside the display of candles. "Thankfully there is a printed version..." flipping carefully through the pages of the prayer book she stops when finding the correct page. "Would you like me to pray? Or would you like to join me?" She moves to hold the opened book where Mercy can see if she wishes.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy will lean in closer to Helena to try and read the prayer. She is very careful about what she says if a ghost is involved. Things can get.... dicey. "I um... Not sure I should say that with my voice in a place of worship." Not when a ghost was just yere. "I think I'll trust that THEY can do the prayer for themselves and just needed the candle. I mean... some details are important but I can't see the God I believe in fussing on technicalities. Then again maybe that's why me and all things Catholic don't mesh as well."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli considers. It wasn't entirely 'proper' but then again. As Mercy says, sometimes.. the rules can be bent.

"Of course. No, it's fine." With a respectful smile, she gestures for Mercy to light the candle as she closes the prayer book and returns it to the lecturn.

As she watches Mercy use one of the lighting sticks from the larger central candle, Helena remains silent, perhaps saying a silent prayer for this soul on her own. She knows that if she were ever lost, it would make her feel better even for a stranger to take the time to pray for her. The effort and moment of caring for a stranger is one of the most human things she could imagine.

As the candle flickers to life, the flame dancing energetically on the wick, she looks to Mercy, "You've done a good thing." Even if it wasn't entirely according to ritual or proper proceedure, it is the intentions that matter most.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy will light a candle, make sure there is a moment of silence. It is possible she tries to pray. Times like this can be hard because her ears and everything else starts to pick up all the things around her. Quiet for Mercy usually equals danger. "Yeah. That is when I usually get in trouble," the mechanic grins over at Helena. "Now I should get out of here before any unknown Native American family of mine see me here. Thanks and I am happy to talk..... outside." She seems pretty keen to get out of the church.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli waits and then nods, "Of course." She smiles and heads for the doorway, pushing open one of the heavy ornate wooden doors to the foyer and entry. Holding it for Mercy to step out, she then falls in behind and follows the other woman outside.

Pausing on the steps Helena squints a little as the sun shines down through a gap in the clouds. Bright and warm on a cool fall day, her eyes need to adjust after being inside the darker church sanctuary.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Once she is outside Mercy does a visible shake of her body some and takes a breath. That place did not make her feel the most comfortable. "I appreciate that." She looks back at the church and then turns away to look for her old VW van parked in the nearby lot. "Definitely need to go on a hike this weekend." A short pause and she adds, "and a cookie bake."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli notices but doesn't question the shake. It was curious, sure, but everyone has their own quirks.

"You're welcome. I'm glad that I could be offer some help. Moral support if nothing else" she says with a smile.

"Hiking? I'm going to guess you like to get away from the city regularly then? It's a good thing. Fresh air and nature are good for us after all."

Then she grins, "Cookies hmm? I can bake some. Mostly? I know how to make the seven deadly sins of Pasta. A girl doesn't grow up to leave an Italian home without learning that first!" She laughs lightly then glances to her phone. "It was nice to meet you Mercy. I need to get going - but if you're ever in Gotham, feel free to give me a call. Maybe we can get coffee. Or at least something not church related." She reaches into her pocket to take out a small silver colored business card holder with an embellished "B" engraved on it. Pulling out a business card, she offers it over. It has her name, a personal mobile number and indicates that she's a teacher in the Gotham City Schools.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Yeah. I grew up way off in the country of Montana. As in 'city not on most maps and do not even think of trying Google' off the main roads. I still like the city and stuff. But sometimes a girl needs to just.... run you know?" Mercy can't help but offer a self effacing grin as she admits, "Baking is my way to relax often. Not great on the calories but I burn them off pretty easy" she has fairly lean and slim frame overall. She nods her head. "Sure thing. I'm normally up in Harlem, where I have a garage. I'll gladly meet you up for tea or something." She will take the card and pull out one of her own that has a bit of a grease smudge on it. "Here you go. Nice bike by the way. You know they're owned by VW now?" She reads over the card and will tuck it into her things. "You know....I almost was a history teacher before life had other plans. We should teach chat!"