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Leaning, But Just A Little
Date of Scene: 05 October 2023
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Norman Osborn has some business dealings at the Hellfire Club. And then becomes acquainted with one of its directors, Elektra Natchios.
Cast of Characters: Norman Osborn, Elektra Natchios

Norman Osborn has posed:
The meeting had gone well. Jacob Fryer was the CEO of a company that Oscorp did a lot of business with. A large enough share of their business that it provided a significant negotiating advantage to Norman Osborn. One that he'd arranged some time with Jacob today to take advantage of.

Not that he'd been overbearing about it, not even by normal standards. Just leaning on the man on some of the terms of a contract which was coming up for renegotiation.

"I'm glad that we seem to be in agreement," Norman says to Jacob before taking a sip from his martini glass. "I would have hated to see the strong connections between our companies suffer," he adds.

Jacob avoids looking a little green at the prospect of the impact it would have on his family-owned business. "I'm glad as well," he tells Norman. "Always good to meet with you and work things out," he says, though he spent a fair amount of the meeting sweating it out.

Jacob seems more than happy to toss back the rest of his whiskey now the meeting is through. "I'm going to go," he says, gesturing towards where the restrooms can be found. Norman nods to him. "Of course," he says. Jacob rises, straightening his suit jacket and tie and looking around. "Appreciate you bringing me here, it's really quite everything I've heard," he says.

"And more," Norman says with a grin, one that infects Jacob's expression too as the man heads off, leaving Norman to sit in satisfaction and think to himself while looking around the VIP Lounge.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Being part of the Inner Circle at the Hellfire Club means there's little that goes by unnoticed to Elektra, the assassin making sure to keep tabs on many of the members that are part of the Club. Not the riff raff of course but those that seem the more interesting. Ones such as Norman Osborn.

The meeting comes and goes, all cues and gestures taken by the woman. The way the man leaves. Not terrified but beaten down. Defeated. Elektra gets up to her feet.

The scent of jasmin and danger permeates the air before a voice is heard. Silky smooth, "Mr. Osborn." just the faintest graces of an accent there, "You have the look of a man who's pleased with how a negotiation went." the exotic-looking woman coming into sight, dark red dress cladding her slender form, slash on the side showing a modicum amount of a long leg.

"A motive for celebration?"

Norman Osborn has posed:
The voice draws Norman's attention from his thoughts. His eyes move to the woman as she walks around in front of him. Taking in the full sight of her with an openness that VIPs in the club often show within its confines, if being more discrete under other circumstances.

A small smile of appreciation results from that lingering perusal as Norman rises to his feet at the lady's approach, eyes lifting back to her own. "Miss Natchios, I believe?" he says. "I have not had the pleasure of meeting you before. My condolences on your father. I was acquainted with him, and his was a great loss to all of us," Norman says gently.

He glances in the direction that Jacob left for the restroom. "I would hope I would -look- pleased even if I were not," he says with a charming smile for the beautiful young woman. "Though it might be a night for celebration, yes."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The woman's movements reminds one of a shark, circling until she's finally in front of Norman yet instead of baring teeth and attacking she offers one elegant hand up, "Indeed." she answers about her name, "And certainly something we should make sure to amend." she states, "It seems we but know each other by reputation. But there's nothing like watching one in the flesh to truly know someone, don't you agree?" a lingering smile on her lips as she finally takes a seat next to Norman.

"And thank you. It has been a long time since his death, but he's never forgotten." The words offered mildly, natural almost but there's an hint of it being trained to be said when the matter of her father is brought up. Perhaps too many people have offered condolences to her in the past.

"Sometimes that's all we can wish for in this life, mmm? To not be forgotten."

Norman Osborn has posed:
Norman Osborn takes Elektra's hand in both of his, leaning down for the pretense of lightly kissing the back of her hand in greeting. He straightens, still holding her hand for a few longer moments while they speak before relinquishing it so she can take a seat which Norman gestures to in invitation for her.

"I was thinking just that very thing," Norman comments, his gaze drifting downwards only briefly this time before the intensity of his gaze falls on the beautiful Greek woman once again. Norman inclines his head slightly at her acknowledgement of his consolations, and moves on with the conversation as she does.

"I should think some are far more likely to be remembered than others," Norman comments, his eyes drifting across the beauty of Elektra's visage this time before meeting her gaze again. Though he then looks away, off in the direction Jacob left. As a waitress in a tight fitting garment passes by, Norman gestures for her attention. He leans a little nearer to her, speaking softly but not enough he doesn't intend Elektra to hear them. "My associate, Jacob. Would you have someone take him down to one of the rooms below and make sure he leaves with a smile and fond memories of his time? And, tell him it is with my compliments." The woman gives a quick nod and moves off to arrange the matter.

Norman looks back to Elektra then. "So we were speaking of celebrations I believe. I think they should probably start with fresh drinks. What are you drinking?" he asks.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Where do you think you fall at the moment, Mr. Osborn? Those likely to be remembered or ....?" Elektra lets her gaze linger for a time on the man, exotic and with a dangerous allure to them, amusement on them as if she was intimate on some kind of joke she has yet to share. Leg folds over the other, coincidentally showing just a smidge more through the slash on the side of the dress.

Elektra remains silent as the waitress comes by and those words are shared. There's a rather subtle movement made with her hand. To the waitress? Perhaps Elektra has more pull in this club than one would imagine. A smile finally comes to her lips when the woman leaves, "Quite generous towards your business associate. I am sure he won't be disappointed.." a beat as she regards Norman for a time in silence and asks, "Guilty conscience?" clearly Elektra not being one for chitchat, going directly to the interesting questions.

When finally Norman speaks of drinks she looks towards the bar appreciatively, "The choice of drinks tells much about a man." she points out, "I will allow you to choose for us. For now."

Norman Osborn has posed:
Norman Osborn doesn't let on just how far the words 'guilty conscience' fall from the person he is. Instead he chuckles with a warm smile for Elektra, but shakes his head as he says with that smile, "Business is an ongoing balance of give and take. I'm just keeping the harmony, as it were."

The man's lips quirk in a way that speak of intrigue, particularly at Elektra's trailing words. He gestures to a waitress again, telling her, "Miss Natchios and I will have a bottle of the 1972 Estate Argyros Agiogitko to start with." The wine is a one of Greece's best. Sweet with a velvety texture to it that leaves it a decadent experience on the tongue.

As she moves off to get the bottle, Norman turns back. "Is the Hellfire Club planning anything special for Halloween? Apart from some charity events I rarely play at dress up. Though I've found in the past some of the holiday festivities here can be worth making an exception for."