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Latest revision as of 17:54, 8 October 2023

Blondes and Blades
Date of Scene: 06 October 2023
Location: Faculty Lounge
Synopsis: Emma and Jimmy Talk about Halloween preparations
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Jimmy Hudson

Emma Frost has posed:
Currently in the Faculty lounge, Emma Frost is casually going through reports. Plans for Halloween events coming, ones that have gone on in the past.. And giving the msot attention to some of the recent activities done by the local vampires that populate the 'duchy' of Westchester, currently under the benevolent despotic rule of Jubilation Lee.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Having finished with his classes for the day, Jimmy comes into the lounge and stretches out as he heads over towards the water cooler. Noticing Emma, he lifts his hand in a greeting. "Afternoon, Em." he greets casually as he fills a cup with water, chugs it, then refills it.

Dressed in the Academy's gym clothes and sweatpants, he makes his way over to where she's sitting. "Mind if I sit with you?" he asks politely, a curious glance at the reports.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Jimmy, "Mister Hudson, what brings you here?" She would query over while going to put aside her notes then to shuffle them out of the way. "I hope that everything finds you well. I'm merely researching to see what are possible sources for whatever crisises that we're going to have this month."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"It's a teacher's lounge, I'm a teacher. And I want to lounge." Pretty easy, Jimmy reckons as he draws in a sip of water before setting down the cup. "If you can keep up with all the crises as they come up, you've got way more skill than me. I'm more a take them as they come type."

A rolling shrug of his shoulders, and he asks. "So you going to that fancy Hellfire shinding at the end of the month?" he inquires of her.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm over at Jimmy, "Very well. I can't fault your logic." Actually she can, but there's no particular reason to say so to his face. Etiquette after all. "Yes, someone has to keep attention what exactly it is that Shaw is up to." Less Shaw and more Selene, of course.

The mutual loathing between the two sometimes bubbling over to mutual murder attempts, at least according to the rumor mill.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"Sounds interesting. Well outside my paygrade." Jimmy shrugs and takes another draw from his water. "So how's things been for you? Doubt you want to hear about me trying to fix my car, realizing it may be on it's last legs, or going on hikes around the campus and beyond." So dazzle him.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "Merely get another one in that case. Simple enough. You can always simply steal one if you're feeling particularly adventurous. Or merely ensure that one seemingly ends up a collateral damage of whatever melee is going on and recover it."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"Don't think any of those options are gonna work well for me, Miss Frost. Appreciate the offer though." Jimmy chuckles and shakes his head as he finishes his water. "Have fun at your party. I'll probably focus on doing something with the kids here. Boring, right?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "As you see fit, MIster Hudson. I'm sure that there will be plenty to handle with the students here. And whatever incidents that shall befall the area in the coming days." Because something /always/ happens over Halloween

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Getting up to refill his water, Jimmy considers Emma for a moment, "You've probably interacted with every member of my family by now." he admits as he pours himself a cup. "What's your honest opinion of them? I know I'm the odd one out of all of us." a shrug of his shoulders and click of his tongue. "Not that it bothers me."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Jimmy, "You're among the more laid back of them. Laura barely cares to grace the rest of us with her presence.." Emma would speak that in the tone of a jibe, albeit not a particularly harsh one. "Gabrielle is.. Excessively extroverted, and I've not had the occasionto encoutner the other clone set of Laura's."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"Not gonna ask what Logan's like, he never was my father." Jimmy had one of those, James Hudson, Sr. "Gabby was excited to hear I'm around, she's wanting to reconnect. Have a feeling I'll have to hunt down Laura to say hi." he admits with a bit of a frown. "We're all terrible and different from each other. I just hope to eventually make better connections with them."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse, "I'm sure that finding your.. Sibling will require that. I've only rarely seen her about the estate. I think she mostly stays to her own affairs." By that she meant Laura. Adtually tracking her down would almost likely be necessary. "You'll have the best luck with Gabrielle. She's the one that's actually willing to get to know others. Also be sure to bring a spraybottle."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"Eh, Gabs is a bottle of sunshine, we can all use that time and again." Jimmy comments with a chuckle of amusement. "I'm more concerned with finding my place here. Maybe settle down, all that fun stuff that people say mutants ain't supposed to do."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "That, Mister Hudson, is ultimately up to your own initiative. How you pursue things, how you engage with others, and what opportunities arise and how you settle your affairs with them. For better or ill it is a circumstance that you shall have to satisfy on your own."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"Fair enough, Miss Frost." Jimmy allows and drinks down the rest of his water and smirks as he sets the glass in the sink to clean later. "And what about you? Grand designs on the future, other than continuing to make everyone jaw drop at how well ya look?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "I have many, many things in motion, Mister Hudson. Some of which you will perhaps be privvy to. Many you will not. For now.. We must keep ourselves ahead of the curve with whatever wretched schemes that we'll have to confront. Ill things are ahead o fus, like they always are. I primarily concern myself with trying to be ready for them as they come."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"Now I have you singing 'Be Prepared' stuck in my head, Miss Frost." Jimmy replies with a chuckle as he prepares to head out. "I'm gonna meander to the gym and unwind after a day of trying to convince some kids not to eat the ball when playing dodge ball. I'll see ya around? Ever need a hand, let me know. I ain't as furious as the others, but got the same abilities."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go back to her notes, "Of course, Mister Hudson. Do feel free to keep me abreadst of any current events. I'm sure that the Headmistress will also appreciate if you have any concerns." By which Emma meant dumping things on Jean!