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Latest revision as of 06:03, 22 April 2020

Rocket and The Expo
Date of Scene: 20 April 2020
Location: Stark Expo
Synopsis: Dmitri and Samuel talk tech at the expo
Cast of Characters: Dmitri Pushkin, Samuel Morgan

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     It's a beutiful day at the expo. Friendly faces about men dressed in suit and tie women with their own suits and dresses to match. Hordes of people all going about their day at the various stalls set about the exhibition halls to show off their wares.

     One of the many stalls set up at the expo belongs to one Dmitri Pushkin of Elorg. On display are massive monitors displaying a game of tetris going through the motions. People stand at the Kiosk playing with the latest videogames from the company.

     A corner of the display has been set up with a full body suit with a large headset stuck atop it currently being worn by a young man trying out the new technology. A high definition display to one side shows the mans view as he goes through a bombed out city fireing off into hordes of the undead as he runs on a specially designed treadmill. The suits twin 4k displays and motion tracking body suit are on full display as he dives out of the way of an oncoming rocket. It's gaming technology and military technology married into a single suit.

     To another corner of the stand is a small bank of Agat computers displaying a brief history of Elorg as a company. Images of their latest products scroll across the screen and the familiar theme A of tetris blips out from the speakers abounding.

     At the back of the stand tall and proud is one Dmitri Pushkin. He's dressed in a simple tan suit with a bright red tie, a russian flag pinned to his lapel. He's currently showing off one of their new Virtual reality headsets to a middle aged excecutive who seems to be quite interested in the whole thing. Not far away his wife stands in a simple brown checkered dress smiling and motioning people which line to get into.

     Near by a pair of figures dressed in full Rocket Red Brigade powered armor set in chairs thoughtfully provided for them drinking coffee and chattering to one another in thick russian. Their suits hold mirrored visors that hide their identities from the prying public but their being there is all in the name of security for the Russian based company, a small favor to Dmitri from the russian government for this little event.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's a tech expo. In fact, it's the Stark Expo, and that was something Sam was not going to waste. Getting in has been easy, with his green glowing RFID wristband, proving beyond doubt that he was there at the opening, and was given all-year access by the man himself. While the official opening had been quite spectacular, he still wanted to see the whole Expo again in a different light, with different people, at a different time.

    Most likely for different reasons.

    So now the teenager, dressed as soberly as he could manage and for once eschewing the eternal hoodie for a shirt and jacket, has come to see what else the Expo has to offer. There will be time for the hovercar, there is always time to go see the latest Stark offerings, and at one point he's going to have to have a laugh in the Starr booth, but for now his interest has been drawn by Elorg. It was, in fact, the music that did it. He hadn't heard Korobeiniki in a while, and almost unbidden a set of lyrics comes to mind.

    ~I am the man who arranges the blocks, that continue to fall from up above
    Come Muscovite! Let the workers unite!
    A collective regime of peace and love.

    I work so hard in arranging the blocks, but the landlord and tax man bleed me dry
    But the Workers will rise! We will not compromise!
    'cause we know that the old regime must die.~

    He's quietly singing this to himself as he passes by the Rocket Red security, and repeating the verse in fluent Russian as he gets to the end, quietly smiling and taking in the sights.

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     (Another day of this eh Tovarisch?) The one rocket red speaks to the other in russian. He taps the side of his helmet rising the visor in the process enough to take a hearty gulp of the contents. (This whole thing will be worth it for a spin in the simulators though Ivan.) The second man comments slapping his shoulder with a wide hand. He looks back over to one side over his shoulder draping an arm over the back of his chair.

     (Ey Dmitri, we're still going to get a spin on your new toy ey?) The red visor on his helmet scanning back and fourth as he looks over the stall bobbing his head lightly in time with the music. (It would be a disgrace not to at least get a half hour with it.) He smirks chuckling to himself.

     (Not to worry comrade, you'll have your fun.) Dmitri offers with a laugh as he helps the businessman out of the suit one leg at a time. (I wouldn't bring you both all from the front without at least having something to keep you entertained.)

     Tetris 99 plays on the displays people at the expo challanging eachother in head to head combat of the best type. As they play they engage in a bit of friendly smack talk before moving up the line swapping out with more eager people.

     "It does my heart good to see so many people interested in our latest inovations." Dmitri comments in english with a smile showing off his one missing front tooth. He walks over to the stand pressing down a button to raise up a central display. A bit of new kit a complex looking toy robot with a pair of speakers in each of its shoulders. Dmitri picks up the bot and flicks a few switches which cause the little humanoid robot to begin dancing on the spot. He bobs his head blaring out that familiar music as he does, and throws his arms up into the sky.

     (I have a good feeling about this event my loved!) Dmitri lets out a low belly laugh looking over towards his wife as he bounds with a bit of a dance in his step away from that central counter.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There's another laugh from possibly an unexpected direction, because Sam understood every word of that. (If that man can even get out of the suit in time for your turn.) he winks to the security in fluent Russian that is tinged with a St.Petersburg accent. It's civilised, but doesn't sound like it's from a language class somewhere. Just a well-spoken teenager...

    Of course the dancing robot gets his attention, and more than that, it earns another smile. But while many of the visitors might be looking at the thing as a novelty, Sam is looking at it with a different set of eyes, noticing the fluidity of the motions, the natural movement of the joints, the impressive display of balance and pattern recognition. It might be a toy, but it's an impressive one. For a moment he looks around to see who might be the inventor, and homes in on Dmitry.

    (Apologies for interrupting, but did you create the dancing robot? It's quite impressive.)

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     (Ey I can get out of this thing faster then most people can get out of bed!) The other russian speaks looking up from his coffee. He presses the side of his helmet raising it just enough to enjoy a bit of the coffee. He has a smile of yellowed teeth on his face a perfectly shaven face. He leans down onto the chair hard looking over with a bit of a smile before the visor raises itself back into place.

     (I wouldn't bring anything less then my best to a public display!) Dmitri comments walking to the side of the stage with a bit of a spring in his step. He places one hand down onto the table as the little robot dances away. It's motions are perfectly captured from a professional dancer allowing it to grove out across the tabletop. It's a small thing only about 3 foot tall and yet it moves with all the fluidity of a lifelong dancer. Its joints whirr and buzz as it ducks down kicking out one foot and then another back and fourth in rapid motion while throwing its arms out to the side.

     (Elektronorgtechnica is known for its high quality electronics, so I spent the last year perfecting this little man for the show.) Dmitri turns to his side as the little robot does a quick flip arms going out to the side before it goes back to kicking its feet out to one side and then the other. (It's the little things I think which will bring our company to the forefront in the coming quarter.)

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    (In a city with so many university students, that's a low bar, friend.) Sam can't help but quip back to the security, before his attention is now entirely captured by the dancing robot. With a smile, he extends a hand to Dmitri. (I'm certain they will. Pleasure to meet you, I am Sam, robotics student at MIT.) among many other things. (If it's not a trade secret, could you talk about how you managed to fix the issue of gyroscopic imbalance while maintaining fidelity of motion using what appears to be a tri-axial hinge joint?)

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     (It's a low bar but I still find a way to get into womens beds in this city.) The Rocket Red chuckles before turning back to his coffee still holding his arm across the back of his chair. His eyes look to the other man and the two chatter away about recent events kicking back a fair quantity of coffee in the process as they just seem to be enjoying themselves.

     (Ah, MIT, I was a student once myself at Samara State Technical University.) Dmitri leaning down onto a small shelf which holds on it many of their products games and computer boards little samples of what they have to offer. (I spent many a late night studying anything and everything engineering, it was my passion.) He places a single hand on his chest patting it lightly. (It's all in the advanced gyroscopes installed at key points through the frame.) He motions over towards the table. (I've a natural advantage in designing robotics, and this little guy is going to be a massive help in taking soldiers out of the line of combat) He points over to him. (We'll still need pilots of course but he will make sure that people can be kept out from the line of fire.) He chuckles to himself. (Of course production models will be taller, and not as... lively)

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    (I had a suspicion you had dual purpose in mind when you built this happy guy.) It seems Sam is going to let the crasser comment go, and focuses on talking shop with one of the world's best engineers. He's looking at the project with eyes that most likely no other person has.

    (Were you considering remotely operated drones, or something a bit more... personal? Seems to me that the limiting factor is always power throughput and storage.)

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     (Of course a robot that can dance is all well and good, and I'm certain he would sell very well in certain circles, but the military is where my heart lies, and anything that can keep soldiers safer is a worthy goal in my eyes.) He pauses for a moment leaning off the shelf to walk over to the short dancing machine. (At current our resources are going towards sizing up the technology for full production as the methods used in this little fellow are.. dificult to scale)

     He takes a swig of iced tea before setting the glass back down the liquid shook about by the little dancing man as he works his way across the table. (And our attemps to improve the batter life, as at current we've only been able to get two hours out of the battery mechanisms.) He looks back over towards Samuel (I have no intent of putting the final version in the hands of an uncaring unflinching computer program, no these fellows will be controlled by our neural interface application remotely, most likely from broadcasting stations at the edge of the fighting.) He pauses a moment (I suppose at current they are more usefull for robot wars then proper wars, but one step at a time as my babushka said.)

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Something clicks, metaphorically speaking. Sam looks at the robot, at the full body VR rig, the high-tech VR visors... all the components for a remotely operated combat drone, being perfected side by side under cover of consumer electronics and entertainment. (I see.)

    His smile never fades, and he nods in understanding, gesturing around. (You have built quite an impressive company. I look forward to seeing how your project works out. Hopefully it will be better than Justin Hammer's attempt, but again... that's a very low bar.)

Dmitri Pushkin has posed:
     (Tovarisch I can not take credit for what I have only partially built!) He smiles clasping his hands together. (Elektronorgtechnica is a company of the russian people, I merely watch over it as a guardian of sorts.) He chuckles to himself. (Of course I also add in my ideas and technology where I can, and saved the company from collapse and purchase by americans but that is only so little of this glorious endeavour.)

     (Every company is a vast team of movers and thinkers working together to bring our dreams of a better tomorow to life) The music shifts changing from one song to the next as more people are helped through the line a few game units sold off in the proceceedings (I like to think that which makes my proceedings differ from those of Justin is the passion shared by the entire team. We work not for pay or fame or good fortune but for the safety of those we leave at home each and every day.)

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    (A company of heroes? If that title were not already copyrighted, it might fit well.)

    With the amount of people moving through, Sam is visibly getting less and less comfortable. Soon enough, he gives a polite nod. (I must be going, but I will be back before the Expo ends. You may count on that. Be well.)