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Green and Gold Again
Date of Scene: 13 October 2023
Location: Memorial and Meeting Rooms - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Green Lantern and Gold Eagle have a friendly conversation while remembering.
Cast of Characters: Kyle Rayner, Yaretzi Acama

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle Rayner stands near the statues of Dove and Kole. The Green Lantern uniform clinging to his frame, but the metal-looking mask isn't on. His eyes just focused on the statue.

In passing, Golden Eagle moves about. Why? It could be anything from intention, passing by or even a wrong turn. Regardless, Kyle will give her a soft smile and nod. "Hey stranger, how are you?" Kyle asks.

His eyes flick back to the statues, "I come down here to remind myself about this life we lead. We can see some amazing things, but there's a harsh reality. One day we can be like them," he nods to the statutes. "I just hope it's for noble reasons if I go down in costume and not old age. Do the right thing until the end," he will look toward the crowbar, "But do you know what that Crowbar is about?" he points at the rusted crowbar. How it's proud in the display like the replica costumes of other heroes.

Green Lantern, life of the party.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Oh, hi again, Lantern", Golden Eagle says as she floats along -- which she does as often as she walks, as if it's just that natural a mode of movement to her. When she stops near to where Kyle's at, she simply straightens her legs completely, so that instead of her feet just a bit off the floor, they're touching the floor as she lands/stops. "Yeah...", she says, looking at the Dove/Kole statues, crossing her arms in front of herself. When asked about the crowbar, she shakes her head and replies, "...I can't help but wonder what it's about, myself, but I can't help but wonder if it'd be right to ask about it, being as it's in here..."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I feel like it would be in bad taste to ask. Like this is some kind of instrument of a noble sacrifice or something worse," he replies. "Plus, it's rusted. That -alone- has a story. Like it was an improvised weapon. Somethiing used on the fly," Kyle says honestly.

"I guess I just don't want to take this life for granted. So, I try to remind myself not, too. Makes me wish I had been around, too," the mask starts to form over his face. He looks back to her, "I think maybe I regret it, too. Could I have been a factor? Makes me feel selfish for time away," he admits and pushes past this for a moment.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle's silent for a bit, though she nods as Kyle describes his thoughts about the rusty crowbar. Unfolding her arms from in front of herself, she puts her hands on her hips.

"I was given my powers by the person who had them before me, and I got them after a long time'd gone by when Golden Eagle just wasn't around. When I think about it, someone not being there to help happens, even if we don't want it to and even when we do our best to be there. We're human, even if we have superpowers -- we can't be -everywhere- at once", she says, then she gestures with one hand, moving it back and forth. "Even the Flash, fast as he is, can't be everywhere at the same time... he's just so fast that he gets to different places faster than most people can. That's why there's teams like the Justice League and the Avengers and...", she makes a sweeping gesture as if indicating everything around herself, "... the Titans. It's tacit awknowledgement, even if it's not stated, that we can't all be everywhere, even where we're needed; we're doing the best we can, is all."

She crosses her arms in front of herself, again, and looks back at the statues. "If we're trying our best, it's not really selfishness, I guess?", she rhetorically asks, though more quietly than she'd previously spoken.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle raises a brow under the mask, when Golden Eagle talks about her origin. "What was that like? Getting the powers bequeathed to you?" Kyle's curious about that. To him it sounds almost Arthurian.

"Oh, I know. I just felt like part of me was here and the other part of me was there. And I didn't really plant my feet down fully in either place," he admits. That's something he kept close to the chest and still will after today.

"I know people like Superman, Flash, Jon, and everyone else that can break the sound barrier can't be everywhere at once. I'm not talking about being everywhere, but if I had planted my feet a few years sooner. Would I have made a difference? There's no way to ever know, but it's a question I'll still ask for a while," Kyle lets out a heavy sigh. Closing his eyes he pushes past it.

"I agree with that. It's when we stop pushing ourselves we should worry."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"It was a surprise... I totally didn't expect it", Golden Eagle says. "... and planting your feet in one place just means you aren't someplace else where you might be needed. It's a choice you make, and you... just have to live with it once you make it. It sucks, and it can hurt, but you can't fault yourself for doing your best and making a choice you feel is right at the time", she adds, putting one hand on a hip, once again, as she reaches out the other to lay it on Kyle's shoulder. "...I don't think it helps it ever hurt any less, but doing what you think is right is what anyone who makes the same choice would want you to do... and, yes, even if it means pushing ourselves to do it."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I hope it was a good thing once you figured out the kinks," Kyle expects all people to get bequeathed items to have a rough period. He thinks superheroics -never- come with an instruction manual for everyone. The ring sure didn't and it really -could- have. The guardains thought of everything except that.

The hand on his shoulder is calming, "For not knowing a few things about you, and absolutely nothing, at the same time, I'm happy you're about." A genune smile pulls at his lips. "Thank you."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle puts both hands on her hips, pursing her lips in thought. "I...", she says, her tone of voice sounding... embarassed. "... I dind't have to figure my powers out. Soon as I got 'em, I just knew how to use them. Inherited knowledge, he told me, so that I could start doing good right away... the memories that he said would come with it all, though, those haven't really started showing up, yet." The ways she's speaking now, though, it's like she's suddenly younger than she was just a bit ago, when she was 'sharing wisdom' and trying to console Kyle.

"...and no problem, really! I've already run into way more experienced heroes than me and they've been helping me out, sharing clues they've learned along the way, too!", she replies, smiling brightly.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Call me envious," Kyle says with a smirk. "Every Lantern would kill for that," he points out.

A brow raises under the mask again, "Knowledge is a good thing. Always. Superheroing doesn't have an instruction manual," he says with that smirk return. "Thank you," he says honestly.

"You been okay?" it has been a spell since they got together. He's trying to catch up even if it's just for a passing.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Yeah, I been okay. It's been... kinda quiet in my usual turf. I think me being around there as much as I've been scared off all the muggers and burglars and the like", Golden Eagle explains. "S'why I've been hanging out around here as much as I have... and flying around, doing patrols a little farther away from my home ground", she adds, holding out a hand, gesticulating meaninglessly as she speaks.

"Is it hard to use your powers?", she then wonders, putting her hands on her hips. "How do Lanterns get their powers? Is it true Lanterns have a headquarters on a completely different planet?", she asks, kinda machine-gunning the questions as she leans forward a little... as if excited to be learning about the Corps and all that.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Maybe Gotham could use you," he offers as part tease part honesty. Kyle's just happy to see Golden Eagle about more. "Well, if you ever want to hang out more. You can flag me down," Kyle's open to more visits.

"At first it was and if I get an emotional block," he says and then he smirks. "We don't. The power picks the people. The people don't just -get- the power, there's a criteria. And it can be picky. In all honesty, it's kind of flattering," Kyle knows he was chosen. It does make him feel special.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"I... can't really wander too far from my home ground, at least not for too long, really, even if it's quiet...", Golden Eagle says about the suggestion of being in Gotham. "...the -power- picked you? That -is- kinda heady, huh? Can you show me how it works, explain it? I love learning about other people's powers and stuff like that!", she adds... and one thing, from the body language and facial expression she's showing, is now crystal clear: she's a superhero 'fangirl' without any doubt.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle pauses, "Right." He remembers this from a previous talk. How she doesn't go far from the home location.

A few nods come from him, "I know how, or I think I do, but I can't explain that. Kind of a trademark secret. When a wearer passes, the ring seeks out someone that meets the critera. It'll draft you into the Corps. There's a few of us that started out as reluctant, at best, before they agreed to it," Kyle knows people probably quit. Those stories don't get talked about much. History is written by the victors and in this case, the Guardians. So, they'd probably omit those details as "failures."

He will extend a hand down the hallway, "You have to focus. I imagine it's similar to your powers or anything energy blast-like," the unextended hand waves about as he talks. "If I don't really think about it, I cans shoot off energy bolts real quick. But when you put thought into it the ring helps the idea take shape," and the ring glows as it comes to life. Energy extends outward before it starts to form into a shape. Before long the energy bends and contorts into a small robot, like a wind-up toy in the fiftiess.

"You can get small with the thought," he kills the construct and looks at her. Suddenly there's a statue-like Construct of Golden Eagle in front of her. "You can get intricate with it," and that construct winks out. "Or even simple," he focuses and a Giant hand starts to form.

"A lot of the Earthly lanterns like to make fists or what's familiar to them. That's kind of the trick. Think of thngs you know like the back of your hand," he shrugs a little bit as the fist goes away.

"Soldiers will make guns. Guards will make spears. The list goes on. it's not always, but it's the quicker thought," that's how he sees it. To him, that's the trick. Lean into what you know.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"The ring?", Golden Eagle questions, and her eyes look to Kyle's hands to spot out the ring being mentioned. "It's an artifact-based power?! Cool!", she chirps.

Her eyes follow the light and she smiles a little at the robot... then her eyes widen as there's suddenly a green image of her there... then she says, "It's Scanlan's Hand!", giggling and pointing at it.

Then, her hands coming together behind her as if she doesn't quite know what to do with them, she seems to calm and quietly asks, "...so... someone had to die for you to get your ring? Do you know who they were?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I can do the foot, too!" Kyle focuses and rises up on the foot. He starts to move about like Scanlon on the frozen lake. The construct winks out.

"Not without research," he says somberly. "It's any death, sometimes it's combat, other times an accident. It's like getting an heirloom from a relative you didn't realize existed," Kyle says just trying to be honest about it. "I know some lanterns can identify the ring."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"I... knew the previous Golden Eagle", the heroine says, her tone of voice sad. It's clear the previous user of her powers meant quite a bit to her, even if she's trying to hide it. "I haven't met anyone who's recognized my powers yet, though", she adds, thoughtfully.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I hope you find it," Kyle says softly, knowing how hard it can feel to be alone in that sense. "I don't think you're alone, but that other Eagle may be on the other part of the galaxy," he says somberly. "The lanterns have a reach going that far. So, maybe yours isn't too different."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle shakes her head. "No... no, he's not", she replies, her tone sad. She goes on, her body language honest as she speaks, but clearly that of her trying to get away from that topic. "My reach, just like his was, is only here on Earth. I -could- fly out into space, I guess... I can survive out there... but if I flew a ways farther than the moon's orbit, I'll lose my powers. That really wouldn't be a good thing to have happen."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"I remember. I keep forgetting. Your powers remind me of others in space. I keep slipping there," he admits. "If I ever see them, I'll tell you that you come out here," he gives a soft yet sad smile. "I know I should get back to patrolling soon," all the talk of heroics and Kyle wonders if he's slacking. "Will I see you around some time?"

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Yeah, I'll be around... and, Lantern... you won't see any other Golden Eagle. There's just one of me. I'm the Avatar of the Spirit of Eagle, and Eagle only empowers one person at a time, and only one who's worthy of it", Golden Eagle says. "Thanks, though..."