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Latest revision as of 13:15, 16 October 2023

Jimmeh Ehm'ing M
Date of Scene: 15 October 2023
Location: Library and Study Hall
Synopsis: Jimmy and M heckle one another.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Jimmy Hudson

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The library. A place of solitude and isolation. A place that few of the students ever come to. Xi'an's haven. Monet has taken it upon herself to be there, a light telepathic press moving to hopefully nudge anyone away from it and from interrupting her quiet. She has out a copy of 'Origin of the Species' by Darwin. It's a somewhat worn one. Filled with scribbles adn notes within.
    An acquisition from someone of that era that those of Xavier's lived in fear of and foughtwith often. But sometimes one had to know thier enemy. And so she reads of the personal thoughts of a being of terror, carefully holding it.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Jimmy is a fan of books. They're dusty, have class, and are a lot more comforting than some super-charged iPad that supposedly has a whole library of everything on it. Arriving in the library, the physical education teacher isn't looking for anything in paticular, just something that grabs his attention.

But it's not the books that grab his attention. It's that telepathically intruding not so gentle attempt at a push that his own mental blocks stand firm against the passive telepathic probes.

His nose twitches faintly as he makes his way over to where Monet is taking a seat. There may not be a single other student in the place, but it's still her table he comes to. "You're looking well today, Miss St. Croix." he suggests as he takes a seat across from her. "Not feeling up for companionship?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would be maintaining a gentle pressure around to keep anyone in the area away from her and to give her space. Apparently her mood is about as well as it is ever. She's not -forcing- people to stay away, just discouraging them! So it's with a flash of irritation as Jimmy comes in and she suppresses a sigh. Going to carefully close the book to put it to the side.

"Mister Hudson, what brings you here." Her tone icy with a 'why are you bothering me' look on her face.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"Interesting book you got there. Doing a research paper?" Jimmy asks casually, a click of his tongue as he catches that irritation and icy tone washes over him like a polar plunge into the icy waters of Lake Michigan in February.

"You know studying and research works better if you invite others to offer their introspectives." comes his gentle suggestion, almost lackidasical about it. "Popular gal like you, I'm sure there would be those willing to help."

Then his hands and arms spread, encompassing the 'whole' of the library. "Big public space, looking to get in touch with those that are wandering the books. Figured I'd poke in, see what you had going on and if you needed any help."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at Jimmy, full ire now displayed. "I'm doing this for my /own/ benefit. And there are a great many things to be learned from researhc." The belittling turn of her tone is clear. She clearly is implying that he doesn't have the faculties to do such a thing.

"I'm sure that one of the younger students can explain this subject to you." Since it's too 'advanced' for him as far as her tone is clear. "So what means you must /bother/ me?" If she weren't in the library, she would be throwing him. But.. Here Xi'an has domain.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"Tch." Jimmy clicks his tongue gently as Monet attempts to dress him down. "You know, I'm sure a few sharp words and your good looks will get you by with most folks, considering your distinct lack of tact, you must be a real thrill to your peers." he offers congenially. But there is no teacher/student relationship here that needs to be tip-toed around, after all Monet's an adult.

"Tell you what, you want me to leave so badly, Monet. Ask me nicely. Without the attitude. Without the whole need to feel superior that I'm sure is masking a girl that's afraid that her whole facade will crack if she offered a kind word and a smile. You want to be a pain in the ass to me? I got all day, do your worse."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would hiss over at Jimmy, clenching her fist. "I don't /care/ about you. You aren't worth my time, Mister Hudson. Since you seem to feel like I'm here purely for entertainment and acting like a petulant child, why don't you go bother someone of your own age level?" Her tone is extremely snide now.

"Now, get /out/ of here unless you're here to use the library for it's proper purpose and go to whatever little hole you stay in."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Oh. But Monet, now you just made it interesting! "I thought I was, after all, you told me to talk to someone younger than me." A wink at her, as he turns, and reaching up to take down a book completely at random.

'The Kreutzer Sonata' by Tolstoy, 1899. He flips it open to just look at it. "How's the view up there on your high horse?" Jimmy responds easily as he looks over the edge of the book in Monet's eyes. "What would you feel if I left? I'd guess relief, but I think I'm wrong. I think you'd feel smug. Satisfied. I think you'd get just a little excited over how you lorded your power over me. That's why you haven't tried it yet, is it?"