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Latest revision as of 04:24, 18 October 2023

A State Visit
Date of Scene: 17 October 2023
Location: Genoshan Embassy - 3rd / 4th Floor
Synopsis: Doom visits Lorna to discuss a transfer of rowdy prisoners to Genosha. It almost becomes WAR.
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Victor Von Doom

Lorna Dane has posed:
    The days have been hectic for Lorna and her staffs. Many many staffs and staff members have been put to the test by the broad declaration proclaimed just over a month ago. The green haired monarch had declared all mutants where now citizens of Genosha and that the country would help to relocate any and all who desired to be free from their current situations. Task forces and recruitment training for said forces had to be implimented and in a hurry. Solutions to problems no one had anticipated were suddenly required and doubt seemed to creep into many minds.

    Lorna however had always maintained her stately apperance whenever in public, or even behind closed doors with just her teams and subbordinates. She never dared to show that she too had those same nagging doubts and fears.

    Today, she finds herself in the executive office, reserved for her when she makes the frequent trips to New York to visit her old friends to do business on the grand US political stage.

    Queensguards stand at attention outside the doors with a pair even waiting in the room with her at a distance to prevent any encroachment upon the taxed queen and soon-to-be mother. The intercom chirps briefly, giving Lorna a hint of surprise as she lower her dosier that she was perusing and flicks on the com system, "Yes?"

    "There's a Doctor Doom coming to speak with you your majesty."---The com clicks off.

Victor Von Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom. That is fine. Doom has no need to go down the very long list of titles that he could possibly give himself. Doctor fits. And it fits well. When invited up to meet with the Queen, Doom glances aside at the guards escorting him, scanning their armor and gear, gaining knowledge as he does so.

Doom has no such entorauge. He is alone. In his armor. But that is more thna enough as he stands and waits for the doors to be opened to him and properly announced to the ruler of Genosha.

In his arms, he carries a small package, wrapped in green and silver wrapping paper, marked with the royal seal of Latveria. Presents.

Lorna Dane has posed:
    The secretary or assistant, whichever, that first greeted Doom quickly ushers him with a well practiced ammount of decorum. The halls are simple, understated, but meticulously cleaned and maintained. The embassy has more of an air of moderntiy and almost a sense of futurism to it instead of the old-world regality that most are presented as.

    The guards stand aside, as Doom approaches, their armor appearing modeled after fantasy, but with modern metals and polymers and yet they don't carry conventional weapons. Ceremonial swords maybe, but one individual is so large and thick, and his few footsteps Doom is present for are heavy, like a car being set down. Mutants. It only makes sense.

    The doors are open to Lorna's office and she looks up from her desk at the noise and gives a wide smile towards the mask Doom wears, and a hand goes out as she almost seems to invite a hug, a handshake, anything at this distance. "Victor!" She says with an air of familiarity in her tone, but she does struggle with even a groan to push herself up out of her padded chair to step around her desk to greet Doom. "This is a surprise." She says, before adding, "A pleasant one even!" With that kindly smile Ms Dane long ago mastered, gracing her face after spying the present. "Oh, you shouldn't have."

Victor Von Doom has posed:
Once they are alone, Victor allows himself to remove the decorum, at least momentarily. "A pleasure to see you as always, Lorna. Your pregnancy seems to be progressing well, from what I can see. You are keeping to your diet and lessening the load of your work as you grow nearer your due date?" he asks as he accepts the warm handshake.

The gifts are presented with a flourish. "It is early, but the top one is for you, the bottom is for your children." he explains as he looks around to make sure that the guards have left and he straightens up to his full height. "My visit is not all pleasantries, however. I wish to speak to you on a manner that requires your direct expertise and experience." he suggests as he gestures to the sitting area. "If you would mind a tea setting for us to converse?"

Opening the first box, and it is an ornate tea set from Latveria. But instead of the conventional coat of arms, he has had the cups and pot embossed with Lorna's initals along with the H.R.M. honorific. A small selection of select teas grown in Latveria are included.

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna takes the handshake and leans forward holding the gift out to the side and hugs the armored man. No handshake will do. She's a hugger when she wants to be. "They're getting big, and I'm getting bigger than I ever expected..." The queen says with both hands on the gift that she turns to place on her desk and then lowers her hands onto her belly. "And hell no. If anything I'm working harder than ever. I don't want these kids to come out into a world with more problems when I could be out there, or sending people out there to get crap done and make this place better." She says canting her head and smiling up to the taller monarch.

    A quick letter opener is used to open the first package and Lorna is quick to make the perfect awwww sound and another hug is demanded by the verdant queen. "I love it! But you know Raven is going to have a fit that I didn't test it first." Lorna notes, with a playful wink in that she did use her powers to feel within, and the scanners in the building would have gone off for any sort of bomb or chemical agent within.

    Moving over to sit in the area designed exactly for that, Lorna claims a seat slowly and carefully, "I hope you don't mind if I call someone else in to make the tea, unless you want this to remain between just us, but if you want tea, you'll have to make it." Lorna says, sounding semi-defeated by her current condition and the fact that she already sat down. "So... tell me... what's this unpleasant business?"

Victor Von Doom has posed:
"Doom would have no reason at this time to disrupt your countries politics." Victor responds. "But you will be prudent and I can respect that. Doom would be as well." he explains as he returns the Queen's hug, but she can tell that Victor is so not a hugger. All straight and ramrod and proper as he settles down while she does her work.

"I am not offended by the tests that you run. Have threats against you become so great, however?" he asks her curiously. His hands fold over his knee after he sits, the knee over his leg and he considers. "It is not totally unpleasant, but can use your unique perspective."

"Latveria, as with any other country, has a mutant population. It is not as large as most, but it is present. And with all mutants, there are those that have spoken against Doom's rule and words. Doom is currently holding these mutants, fifteen in total, in protective custody. They do not wish to be in Latveria. It is my hope, that as you work on the rebuilding of Genosha, that you would perhaps accept these prisoners as citizens in your land. Their only crime is speaking out against Doom."

Which is usually a death penalty, but Victor saw a chance to build a bridge with Genosha.

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "Oh, well, that's something much more mundane than I was hoping." Lorna says matter-of-factly. "We should be able to take care of that easily enough. I'll have teleporters sent out at the earliest possible chance." The queen says with a smile, "I was kind of hoping for a chance to send some clandestine team or something like that. Of course without anyone getting hurt, but be honest, you love getting to get your hands just the slightest bit dirty right? Show off the power of Doom. Stretch those muscles." The queen leans back into her chair, the wood creaking slightly as she does so. "Is that how you'd normally go about handling dissidents?" Just wanting to hear another perspective and ideas.

Victor Von Doom has posed:
"If you are wanting to test the defenses of Latveria, you will find that Doom has prepared." Victory says, his expression unchanging beneath his mask. "We are prepared for invasion from overeager neighbors that wish Doom's riches, an attack by those with powers would be responded to." They both need to flex, it's part of the dance between the two rulers.

"I am sure you would wish to test your mettle against the forces of Latveria, however, in your delicate condition, I could not condone such." A strong suggestion in his tone.

But since they are being rather matter of fact, he decides to tell her exactly the answer she wants. "Traitors to Latveria are sentenced according to the level of their crime. Those that are guilty of speaking out against the monarchy are sentenced to labor or prison until re-educated."

"Those who attempt to use their powers or take arms against the Crown are typically put to death. But considering that these are young mutants who are not aware of their powers and have been swayed by the speeches found on the internet by those that proclaim they should rise up -- typically a sentimentality reserved for the country outside these doors, I have decided to show them. And you. My benevolence."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "No no no. I would never invade without cause. Like you'd have to actually be holding my people against their will. But you're not. So I'm not. We're all good. But you know what I mean. Not a war, but a good fight. Really gets the blood pumping in a way nothing else does." Despite the fact she usually hides from actual combat, or shies away from it.

    A brief pause as she mulls the words Doom has spoken, and considers them fully. "A fair punishment, and an even merciful rulling in this particular case, and as you put it, benevolent. I will respect you, and your judgements, and continue with the idea of sending simple teleporters to the location I'm sure you will have your people send to mine. Proper channels and all." She says, showing that kindly smile once again. "And do, spare the thought of me sending anyone unwelcome or unknown into your country. That's not how I plan on doing diplomacy with Genosha going forwards."

Victor Von Doom has posed:
"When your teleporters are ready, let me know. I will prepare for them to collect those to be transferred." Doom allows as he gives a nod of his head and a thin smile appears. "Good. Because there are mutants that /wish/ to be in Latveria. They are treated well. They have happy and healthy lives and I would not want one of your more... zealous... teleporters thinking that they would required to be saved."

If they could find them. "Battle is good for the soul on occassion. But battle also extracts a terrible price. Doom knows of war. And of it's horrors. As I know you do as well. It is something I hope to prevent and continue to do so with this exchange. Not only for us, but for..." a pointed look at her belly. "...for the future, as well."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna lifts up her hand, pantomiming a glass in her grip. "The Future." She says and extends her arm upwards and outwards, to toast invisible cognac.