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Latest revision as of 06:06, 22 April 2020

Talking about publicity for the clinic
Date of Scene: 24 March 2020
Location: Clinic <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: And dinner is had
Cast of Characters: Robert Marksman, Beatriz da Costa

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman has called Beatriz, and asked her out for dinner. He told her he was working a bit, so if she was ok meeting him at the clinic he would be there. The place has a few people here but still most have already been seen.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    A formal invitation to dinner sounds like it's time to dress up a bit. Bea spends a good hour or so finding something that's both classy and salaciously eye-catching, finally deciding on an all-covering peek-a-boo gown that should keep her in everybody's sight. This she packs in her spun glass shoulder carry and flies off, the gown carefully protected from her body heat and thrust flames, headed for Mutant Town. Landing on a building's rooftop, she expertly flames off, and slithers into her gown before security comes up to see what the fuss is about. When they open the roof door, she affects a slightly drunk demeanour and just asks which way the bathroom is before slithering past them in her tipsy way to leave the building.
    Sigh. Need to get a suit like that F4 guy. Should make an appointment.
    Then she sees the neighbourhood and realizes she's grossly overdressed for it, putting her into a bit of a pensive mood as she makes her way to the clinic, thankfully not far away. Trying to do the opposite of what her outfit was intended to do, she slips into the clinic, failing entirely in her attempt to not stand out.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will be alerted when she gets there and the nurse will look out and ask Ms. Da Costa? Dr. Marksman is finishing up with his last patient, and should be out shortly. The nurses seem to whisper a bit seem impressed, and a little girl with purple skin is sitting staring at her with a bit of an awestruck look on her face.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    A little embarrassed, Bea fingerwaves to the little girl and ... aw Hell ... she mentally sighs. Might as well play the role assigned.
    She approaches the little girl. "Well aren't you the sweetest little thing!?" she gushes, crouching down to eye level with the girl, her stage smile on her face. "What's your name, sugar? I'm Bea."
    PR is half the job in almost anything. Modeling. Fashion design. Or fighting villains with 2000 degree flame bodies. It's all about the PR.
    "I hope you're just here for a check-up!"

Robert Marksman has posed:
the little girl says "My baby brother has to get his shots... your beautiful, I'm Violet." Yea the parents named their baby purple girl violet. "Are you a princes, are you princes Lorna?" She asks. About this time Robert comes walking out with a little boy about 3 years old who looks normal.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "Oh, I see. Shots. I hate shots, but we need them, don't we?" The question invokes her bubbling laughter. "And no, I'm not a princess." She makes a huge production of looking left and right as if seeking witnesses or spies. Then she leans in toward the little girl, lowering her voice as if taking the girl into a conspiracy. "I'm a superhero," she says in a whisper. "But don't tell anybody. It's a secret!"
    She puts her finger over her lips in the "shhhh" gesture and sits up straight.
    "Oh, and there he is, I'm going to guess, Violet. And he looks fine, so the doctor probably did a wonderful job!"
    She winks up at Robert before standing. "Hello, Dr. Marksman. How are you?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over and smiles when he sees Beatriz. "Well hello there." He grins and says "Yes, Jimmy did well, and hello Violet. Jimmy will hold out a lollipop to his sister "He asked for one for you." He tells the little girl. The girl smiles and "You know a..." she pauses and says "A beautiful lady Dr. Marksman." The little one looks to Beatriz and blinks, and then reaches up to hold one eyelid up so she can wink at Bea.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea winks back, smiling. "Now take good care of your brother, Violet. I hope he knows how lucky he is to have a sister like you!" She waves as the children leave, then turns to Robert slowly.
    "I'm really overdressed here, aren't I?" she asks. "Sorry about that. I completely misread where I was going. I didn't mean to be the centre of attention."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and once the mother has both of the kids, he offers her a smile and says "Not your fault, I probably should have warned you." He offers her his arm to lead her out "I have been voluntering here for a couple weeks.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "See, this is the kind of thing that isn't so flashy," Bea says with a grin, "as some guy who shoots lasers out of his eyes, or some chick who's on fire. But in the end this quiet kind of heroism is probably more imporant. I wish I was a reporter. I'd do a story on places like this instead of ambulance-chasing the spandex brigade."
    Since, of course, she doesn't yet know that Robert checked her up on Google...
    "But I do frivolous stuff. Clothing."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles a bit and says "Well, you have done the hero thing and wish some of the big names hon. You know you might be able to help with the place some if you want to. There are lots of things you can do." He leads her to a parking garage and once they in it to a 56 chevy convertable.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea's face freezes a moment, then it dawns on her. "Oh, right. You Googled me as soon as I slipped out, didn't you?" she asks with a sheepish grin. "I suck at keeping secrets..." Internally she chuckles at a spy saying that. "...so I decided to just be up-front about who I was. Besides, it stops dates from being grabby when they know they could pull back carbonized husk."
    As they approach the car she wonders aloud, "Though I'm sort of confused what I could do in a clinic. I don't have anything beyond some government-mandated first aid training. I'm not even good for being a receptionist in a place like this."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and says "Well hopeful your ok with me being a little grabby." And he does playfully feel her up a little. "Well any help is help, but you help with the receptionist, or you could possible set up a charity event for it. To be honest you could appear around as Fire, and could probably get a bit more notice on the place.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "Well, yes, Robert. It's hard to be offended at a playful grab from someone who ..." Bea winks and slaps an imaginary wall. She then slides into the car like she's practiced all her life to do it with grace and elegance. Or, you know, has done a few car shows.
    "So just to keep the awkwardness quotient up," she asks, chuckling with self-deprecation, "why don't you take me somewhere that's, like, a tiny hole in the wall with scattered mismatched chairs on rickety tables outdoors but who make the best pho ever?" she asks. "You know, so I can look even more like a clueless ditz. I think I kind of deserve it."
    No, she's not over having overdressed so badly yet...

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to her, and says "Well when I saw you in that will admit did consider take out, just so I could take ya back to my place, but I was thinking maybe try the new brazilian place, I got reservations, and you can let me know if they are legit or fake food." He offers her a grin, and does lean over to kiss her once.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "It will be," Bea says, eyes twinkling, "like every decent 'ethnic' restaurant in New York: almost half the menu will be for white guys and almost half will be authentic. With a little bit that's probably not on the menu for those who can speak the language right to ask about because it likely breaks some rules or disgusts locals or the like." She leans in for the kiss, then returns it briefly so as to not be a distraction to the driving. Then completely undoes all that care and attention by shifting in her seat to show off as much of her veiled leg as she can.
    Hey, she can turn to flame if she has to escape a crash...

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is a very good driver, and he will even reach over to play with her leg some as he drives to the place. "So, what do you think will be their best dish if you had to pick just from a guess?" He seems to drive like it is second nature.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "Oh, that's easy," Bea says. "Feijoada MUST be there. It's our national dish! If they don't have a good feijoada, we have to leave!" She puts her hand on his as he rests it on her thigh and moves it. Upward. Winking. "After that we go by region. São Paulo makes virado à paulista which is to die for And moqueca capixaba is delicious from Espírito Santo. And with these we have all my favourites, with sides of things like pastéis. If they don't open up with carts of salgadinhos I'd be very disappointed too. It's like ... how do you say it? tapas. Only it's much more fun!"