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Latest revision as of 21:51, 22 October 2023

Once upon a Shopping Trip..
Date of Scene: 22 October 2023
Location: Battery Park City
Synopsis: A hectic mall sale turns into a hectic fight of their lives as heroes rescue entranced kids from an evil faerie.
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Blackjack O'Hare, Steve Rogers, Daisy Johnson

Megan Gwynn has posed:
There is a lot of chaos at the shopping mall today, only a few days left until Halloween and all the kids are rushing around desperate to find a costume.

There are a few adults about too, like Megan but isn't she already in costume? one would think, given the pink hair, pointy ears and oh yeah, fairy wings! a few kids point and stare,

"Mom I want that!"

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
Blackjack O'Hare furrowed his brow as he trotted throught he mall, doing his best to fit in with the pint sized terrors rushing about. His attempts at a disguise seemed to be tied to wherever he had picked up on Terran pop culture - a pink set of rabbit ears pulled over his own genuine set, matting them back so that only the tips protruded from the back side and a green dress pulled over his trademark purple coat. Not much could be done about the prosthetic legs left exposed but all in all he looked remarkably similar to those celebrating the season, if a little awkward.

Fiddling with the collar of his coat and trying to make it sit properly over his 'costume' he glanced about the mall with disdain, fuming to himself. "Holiday doesn't make any sense at all... plenty of weirdos run around like this year round," he mused to himself with a dark chuckle.

Steve Rogers has posed:
A motorcycle pulls into the parking lot, the rider climbing off. Blue jeans, boots, and a brown leather jacket are suitable for the weather, though now he's off the bike Steve Rogers unzips the jacket to reveal a plain light grey t-shirt. He removes his helmet, hanging it from a handbar, and ruffles his fingers through his hair once before pulling a baseball cap from his back pocket to don.

He makes his way inside. "Alright Marjorie, what would you like for your birthday," he murmurs to himself. A coworker at SHIELD had given him the heads up that Nick Fury's secretary was having a birthday. And Steve never considered any other possibility than making sure he picked something up for the woman.

Steve walks along the mall corridor, eyeing different stores and trying to find inspiration. Sneaker City? No. LexPhone? Hmm, possibly, but Steve keeps walking for now looking for something that feels right.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
"Awwwe look at the bunny! Soo cute! mom I want that!" screams a kid..But then something else gets the attention of a few kids and they quietly wander away from their parents as if mesmerized. Weird, what's got their attention anyway? They seem to be staring at nothing.

In the chaos, most parents don't initially notice, afterall there's a lot going on, so many shiny costumes and sales. Megan is drawn to the cute bunny and smiles. "Hey, love your costume! It almost looks real!" she offers to Blackjack.

She has done nothing to hide her wings although dressed in a simple green shirt, plain blue jeans and a shirt black jacket tailored to breezy autumn weather she is not particularly dressed in costume. but those iridescent wings seem to move on their own..

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
Offering a tenative wave at the attention - and then letting out a huff of relief at whatever had caught the kid's eye, Blackjack shook his head and ran a hand through his 'ears.' He was clearly looking for something in the mall - opitcal enhancers audible behind his lenses as he scrutinized the different store fronts for a moment before his next distraction.

"Oh - yeah, y'know... got it on eBay, love the burgers and stuff, right?" he responded to Megan in a decidedly not-a-child voice with the careful measure of a rehearsed (and poorly researched) lie. "Yours too. That genie show, right?" he asked vaguely, continuing to glance about as he tenesed up again while following the herd of kids progress. "Ya think Santa showed up?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers strides through the mall, not having seemed to draw any attention yet. Good old baseball cap and leather jacket. The perfect disguise for New York City.

Not really, but it generally gives Steve a little more anonymity than otherwise. Especially if he keeps the cap's bill low.

The abundance of Halloween decorations definitely draw the eye. And the kids wandering along behind their parents, carrying bags with their costumes.

Up ahead, Steve spots the pair that seem to be in costume. Though the prosthetic legs do get noticed by Steve. He glances at them only briefly, his thoughts probably going towards it being someone with a disability, than someone from outer space.

"Let's see," Steve says to himself, head swinging back and forth at the stores. Clothing probably not a good idea. Unless it was a scarf or something he didn't have to worry about sizing, but that seems impersonal.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy Johnson says, "I hope you haven't been looking into the clothes shop. That's the last thing you want to offer."

That's Daisy, having approached the DISGUISED Steve Rogers with little hesitation even with that disguise on. You can't fool a SHIELD Agent! But she also cheated because Steve asked her over so they could look for one together, "What we need to do is to remember what we know about Marjorie.." she instructs him.

The Agent is dressed in a pair of jeans and black boots along with a leather jacket, a smile up at Steve before she looks around the rest of the mall, "Busy here today." she notes, gaze going over both Blackjack and Meggan and she grinning, perhaps unsure whether they are in Halloween costumes or not. They look so real though!"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn glances over at Cap and -bits a good thing he's in disguise. Because if a lot people recognized him they might swarm him for autographs or something.

As it is however, something else has their attention, but it doesn't seem to be anything generated by machines.

Megan giggles, nodding her head, "Thanks! something like that...But.." she blinks, and something catches her attention too..

"Huh, what? Fairies? Here?" then as if in a trance, she follows the kids who are headed for some strange back door that says 'staff only!' but somehow it's unlocked...Where are they all going..?

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
Blackjack O'Hare lists his head to the side as he moves to shove his hands in his pockets, only to smooth out the green dress he had thrown over his coat. "Fairies, right I - " he began absently in an attempt to maintain the conversation before Megan moved to follow the kids. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as the procession continued and something began to feel wrong to his instincts. As if by chance he met Steve's gaze for a brief moment before shrugging and spinning on his heel.

"Try and get some art supplies and the locals start acting weird, go figure..." he muttered, proceeding down the length of the mall toward the door as the urge to investigate overcame his hunt for entertainment on Earth.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers turns as he hears Daisy's comment, a quick and easy smile coming to his face. "Daisy," he says, tipping his head to her. "That's what I was just going over," he agrees after the comment about thinking of what they know about her. "I've heard her talking about her flower gardens once or twice. Though was trying to think of what to turn that into. I mean a garden trowel seems like it wouldn't quite fit, you know?" Steve comments.

"Maybe a nice shady hat? Or, she has some plants in her office, I don't know if we could find something unusual-" he continues, though Steve cuts off as he notices the crowd of kids and others heading for the one doorway. Something about it just seems a bit odd, their demeanors so focused. And without anything in sight to explain it.

"Hmm. What is going on over there," he says, tone carrying notes of concern. Steve starts moving that direction slowly as he tries to tell more of what is going on.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"A flower garden. Mmmmm... You could always add to the garden or ..." And Daisy taps her fingers to her lips, drumming them in thought. "I have seen these on the Internet..." of course she has, "Flower pots with mystery seeds inside so you never know what's going to be popping out from those. They can range from real wild to normal so it's -- Hey, are you even listening..?" she was getting carried away with her explanation so she doesn't notice what's up until, well, Steve actually points it out.

"Where?" She turns her gaze to where the children are flocking towards, head canting to the side. "Uh ..." she starts to follow Steve as well, brows furrowing with a touch of concern.

"I never saw kids so focused and quiet when out at a Mall." She isn't liking this.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
The kids seemed so full of energy one moment..The next they fall into a strange eerily calm trance, slowly making their way through the door, down the steep staircase, and now they seem to chant strange alien, almost magical words as they file down the steps.

You would think the parents would notice something amiss, but perhaps they are under a similar state, totally oblivious to the missing kids as they are drawn away like a pied Piper..For those who follow, it sure is dark down those narrow deep stairs. But what's at the bottom..?

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
Stopping near the door, Blackjack takes a moment to survey the spectacle with something approaching incredulity. His brow furrows in thought as he glances about the mall while weighing the pros and cons of his investigation. Adjusting the pink ears sitting atop his head he falls into the line - not even taller than some of the older children - as he pats himself down reassuringly and feeling for something beneath his dress and coat.

Compensating for the low light, he's able to keep his footing as he begins the descent while trying to pick out something that may make sense from what the kids are chanting.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Yes," Steve agrees to Daisy in a concerned tone. "They were, well, normal, more energetic and excited, when I first got here." The man's blue eyes turn towards the SHIELD agent and he gives a movement with his head towards the doorway the kids are going down while their parents seem oblivious. Time to investigate.

"I don't suppose you have an ICER on you? And a spare?" he asks as he heads over that way. Passing some of the children moving in almost zombie-like fashion until they reach the door and can start down the stairs. The pair are just a few feet behind Blackjack.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Now that they are full on investigating this there's a change on Daisy, no longer the carefree girl but the SHIELD Agent honed from years in SHIELD, steps measured and cautious as they make way to that door. The darkness down those steps is eery enough, "I hope this isn't someone's idea of a Halloween prank." but no, too elaborate for that. And you can't get kids to stay quiet for so long! That's a rule.

They start down those steps, her eyes spotting Blackjack, "Sir, are you alright?" she asks him, as he doesn't seem to be on that same trance-like posture the other kids are.

To Steve she answers, "No ICERs. I am off-duty." she points out, "Not that we are defenseless." between her Quake powers and Steve's supersoldier serum they may be alright!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
A low chant escapes the lips of the kids, and Megan joins in, even if she's not a kid...But perhaps those are real fairy wings as they glitter and sparkle and illuminate the area around her a little..

"..To the fairy queen, the fairy queen...Home to the fairy queen.." she keeps chanting over and over as she descends the narrow winding stairs into the depths of the mall's basement. The low hum of electric generators, the boiler room and other maintenance machinery can be heard as they descend deeper into the basement, which is a truly spooky place with only scant flickering lights here and there..

But somewhere at the end of the hall is a steady flowing red light and glittering sparkles..It's quite the light show, and a deep seductive voice that can be heard even by the heroes that follow, a sweet beautiful musical voice.

"Closer..Come closer my dears, I will show you such magical delights!"

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
Blackjack O'Hare glances over his shoulder at the question posed to him by Daisy, gesturing about at the line of kids. "Better than these brats, I reckon..." he responded, dropping back in the line to the only two 'sane' people near him. "I ah... just like dressing up, that burger show does it for me..." he half-attempted to explain while tapping a button on his wrist watch to turn on a flashlight as they took the dark descent into the basement.

Hunching over slightly as the voice became more audible, Blackjack drummed his fingers against the inside of his palm. "This kinda thing - not exactly normal, eh?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers's lips press tight together for a moment before he murmurs, "Had to be magic, didn't it?" He'd never have thought he might long for the simpler battles against the Red Skull. Not that Red Skull didn't try to make use of the supernatural if he could.

"Not normal," Steve agrees with Blackjack, giving him a closer look and finally perhaps getting the feeling that isn't just a costume. "We'd better get in there," Steve says to Daisy, pressing forward far more quickly, unsure what is happening to the children and if it is already too late for them. "We need to stop the kids, and whatever's causing it."

"Cease what you're doing!" he calls to the fairy queen, or whoever is in there as they arrive at the source of the red light. Steve moves to block the hallway with his body, not letting the children past as they confront the source of the disturbance.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You almost sound like Samuel L. Jackson, on the snakes on planes movie." Daisy murmurs back at Steve when he complains about magic. Magic. Snakes. Close enough. They move towards the sound coming ahead, a frown creasing her expression when she hears the musical voice.

"Priority is the children." She says to Blackjack before moving to stand next to Steve to confront the source of that sweet voice.

A rumble runs through the inside of the building as Quake manifests a touch of her powers. Just to show they mean business here!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
The kids continue to chant louder, faster more desperately as they bear the source of powerful magic. The glowing figure up ahead is in the form of a beautiful woman with golden skin,omg curly locks of flame red hair, decked out in a flaming gown with glittering gold and black embroidery and beautiful big glittery red butterfly wings that skinned with golden faerie dust.

She continues to beckon and many kids amble towards her, only to be snagged by unseen tentacles that curl from under her long dress, reaching out to wrap around the limbs and waists of unsuspecting children, flowing as she saps them of their strength.

"Such beautiful delicious dreams, give me all of them..!"

Steve manages to hold some of them back at the bottom of the stairs and when that rumble shakes the ground, it disrupts the fairy queen long enough for her to loosen her grip on at least some of the children. Her spell weakens just a bit, some kids blinking awake, screaming in fear at what's going on..

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
"Yeah, yeah - save the kids..." Blackjack agrees dutifully as Steve and Daisy take up their positions in the doorway. Initially, his efforts seem rather simple - cybernetic strength is more than a match for kids trying to amble past the rabbit as he attempts to strong arm them at the staircase. "Come on, just... hey, come on now, cut it out -" he tries to quip to them in annoyance as they start to stack up behind him.

As the spell begins to break for some of the children a wild hand knocks his fake ears from his head allowing his real ears to spring up, and Blackjack tries to keep the chaos to a minimum and stop the kids from hurting those still entranced on the far side of the door. "Just, dammit - just run back upstairs! Go find mommy and daddy!" he half-snarls, trying to force a smile which may or may not be helping given his appearance. "What the hell are you two doing up there?!"

Steve Rogers has posed:
As the children seem to be starting to snap out of it, Steve darts forward to the children who are still in the grasp of the tentacles. He grabs hold, physically forcing one to unwrap from a child, holding it until they can stagger back, crying in fear, and then he begins to free another child.

Other tentacles that are free start to wrap about him, but for now he's able to out-muscle them, focusing instead on freeing children. Though if she gets enough around him she might overpower him possibly.

"Try to get them out, back upstairs," Steve calls to Blackjack while he's straining and forcing another tentacle open. "Quake, hit her when you can without hurting the kids!"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy isn't exactly great with children but eh, this will have to do. As some of the kids start to snap out of it and scream fearfully she moves forward to get between the kids and the tentacled creature. "Go!" she tells them.

Tentacles move about but she jumps over them, waiting for Steve to create that opening so she can unleash. A controlled unleash, mind you, as she is trying to not hurt the kids.

"Let me see your ugly face ..." She murmurs, hand up and pointing as those tentacles get pried open by Steve. Once they do she will blast!

Megan Gwynn has posed:
unfortunately the door leading out quickly slams shut and locks before any kids can escape. The kids cry as they try to flee but seem stuck..Is there another way out..?

Megan is still under the spell, snagged by tentacles, glowing brighter than the rest. "Oo what's this, a real fairy? such beautiful powerful dreams.." she licks her lips, feeding hungrily off her power more than the rest.

Steve will find her grip is quite strong, perhaps stronger than his but if he is lucky he might find a weak spot on the underside of the tentacles. And in her current distraction he might, after a lot of effort, pry one or two loose, freeing some kids.

Then there is more shaking and she snarls at Daisy, "Stop that! You little bug!" she makes a move to blow a kiss, sending a glittering red ball of light her way, although it explodes mid air once it gets close, an explosion of flames and heat and blinding light.

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
Blackjack O'Hare is in much the same boat. Dealing with kids wasn't something he ever really took into consideration, unless it was in regards to COIN ops. He was doing his best though, trying to herd the kids past Daisy and toward the stairs - unfortunately between the panic and those still in the thrall of the queen's spell the attempt is looking more like a zoo. Almost instictively Blackjack reacts to the explosion, tossing a few of the kids in an unceremonious fashion out of the heat as he tries to wrap another in a bear hug. "What the hell? Little cramped for explosions, ain't it?" he hollered.

Trying to force the kids toward a corner, he begins to hike up the green dress from his costume, fishing around between it and his coat as he sought out a weapon. "It'll be ok there, kiddos! Don'tcha worry - just gonna get a little loud, I think."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers grunts with exertion at fighting the strength in the tentacles. He focuses on trying to clear a shot for Daisy's earthquake powers. Letting out a cry of exertion, he pulls one kid back and manages to twist that tentacle around one holding another kid to try to help give her a free shot.

The red ball of light goes by, Steve feeling the blast of heat from it as it detonates nearer to Quake, but is too busy to be able to check on how she fared from it.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy catches sight of Megan with the corner of her eye when the creature seems to shift it's attention to her as well. She says over to Steve, "Steve! Stop it from taking that one and --" attention diverting a moment which is enough for that red ball be shot her way.

Arms come up in a reflex, defensively, a quick barrier of vibrational power created yet it's not enough for her to feel the impact, being shot back against a wall with a grimace.

"Urgh. That hurts." she drops on her knee a moment but looks up after, struggling to get up.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
There's a lot going on and with the continued quakes, it's enough to loosen the fairy's grip on Megan. She blinks awake, glancing around. "Woah what's going on, that fairy is bad news! We can't possibly fight her now, trust me! Sihial Novarum Chinith!" she exclaims, summoning a portal. "Come on, get out of here quickly!"

She opens a similar one at the top of the stairs near the rabbit who valiantly protects more of them. Fortunately the dark fairy is distracted enough not to attack her yet, focused upon Daisy as she is.

Blackjack O'Hare has posed:
Left without many other options, and with the situation escalating quickly out of hand, Blackjack starts to funnel kids into the portal. One portals much like another, in his book - even if it is a result of some kind of Halloween Santa magic. "I got these ones! I ain't keeping 'em though - I don't have that much space!" he tried to yell over the din inside the queen's 'lair.' He looked quite the ridiculous sight, with his costume dress bunched up around his chest as he made an effort to toss some of the more lethargic children through before following behind.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve is flailing about with the tentacles, their strength a match for him at the least. He gets swung about by one, and within reach is a glass-covered bulletin board on the wall.

He grabs it and breaks it in half, much of the glass shattering but about half of it still remaining in the wooden frame. He slams it down, slicing a tentacle off and dropping him to the ground.

He starts slicing at other tentacles holding kids, which might make the fairy queen decide to drop them rather than have her appendages damaged.

Soon Steve has them free and ushers them to the portal and through. He hesitates only to make sure everyone make sit out before he'll go through himself.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy normally isn't the type to retreat but with the kids on the line she takes heed of what Megan says, specially as the faerie seems to know the kind of threat they are against. So like the others she dashes over towards the open portal.

"I am right behind you!" She tells both Blackjack and Steve. "Come on!" she tells Megan, hands extending as she creates another kinetic shield to protect their escape through.

And then she jumps through it.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Portals open, an exhausted pink haired chaos fairy (Megan) drops to one knee, keeping her portals open as she waits for the party to retreat with kids in tow.

Thanks to Steve's quick thinking many tentacles are severed with sharp shards of glass causing the dark fairy to shriek in pain. "How dare you, fools!" she lashes around blindly but thanks to Steve and Blackjack's quick thinking most kids make it safely through the portals.

Daisy's telekinetic shirks helps fend of any stray tentacles and Megan gratefully takes her hand, fleeing along with the rest of them. Thankfully even the kids who were fed on seem tired but still alive..

Hopefully next time they can deal with the dark fairy once and for all ..