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Latest revision as of 05:16, 30 October 2023

State of the Island
Date of Scene: 30 October 2023
Location: Hammer Bay
Synopsis: Lorna and Raven catch up and share a quiet moment
Cast of Characters: Lorna Dane, Raven Darkholme

Lorna Dane has posed:
    The heat of the day is starting to grow stronger and stronger as the southern hemisphere enters its summer months, and yet, the tropical nature of the island allows the winds off the ocean to breeze powerfully across the island, keeping the temperatures even in the height of the day in the low 90's at the worst. The kingdom is nearly fully recovered and restored, and is starting to build anew, and to take in the refugees invited by the monarch to call Genosha their home.

    Lorna has sequestered herself away from any dealings today, wearing a light cotton dress over her large self and is found waddling near a balcony of the castle and holding a glass of tea. "I should probably follow up with Doom soon enough." She says to herself as she winds her way around, seeking out her blue confidant to divulge and destress.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven arrived in the middle of the foyer in a puff of purple mist, something the guards had long become accustomed to but still... for one second they were all ready to jump on whatever appeared. This kept them on their toes, and thus she intended to keep doing it by appearing in different spots in the room each time.

Without pause, she headed up the stairs and to the west wing where Lorna's rooms were located. Pausing she nodded once to the guard, then knocked lightly on the door.

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Pacing slowly, waddle implied, Lorna's ears perk at the sound of faint rasping at her chamber door. "Quote the raven..." Lorna says softly to herself as she tilts her head back and bottoms up her tea. A hand on her large belly for balance sake. The queen quickly, for her current condition, makes her way to the door and opens it slowly. "Nevermore." She chuckles to herself as she spies Raven on the otherside and swings her door fully open to her friend and mentor.

    "Come give mamma a hug!" She demands, holding her hands out and leaning forwards heavily to pull the mutant into an embrace.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Without pause, Raven steps into the hug and wraps her arms around as much of Lorna as she can, and holding her up if need be. "Nevermore huh," she chuckles, one brow raised as she steps back from the hug.

"They reported my arrival then, good... they are getting better at that." She takes Lorna's arm to escort her back toward a chair, whichever the woman chooses. "How are you today my Queen?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "They didn't. I was actively seeking you out, and - Nevermind." The queen says with a bit of a burp rolling in her throat from the squeeze. "Sorry." She chuckles before squeezing Raven back, obvious in that she's been longing for some human touch that meant something. "Yeah. They've gotten better about reporting what's going on, but I'm so slowly and lazy lately. I'm delegating EVERYTHING, and it's getting exhausting." Lorna explains.

    Stepping back and taking Raven's hand to pull the blue woman deeper into the Queen's Chambers, the waddle is in full effect and she's moving towards the chaise lounge attached couch. "Tell me instead, how are you? What's going on out there in the big bad world?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Only once Lorna is sitting does Raven pull another chair over closer, so she is sitting right beside the woman rather than at the usual distance chairs are laid out.

"I'll tell you first, then you have to answer my questions," she replies with a snort. "Only you get to dodge a question for a time, everyone else..."

Now she laughs, then rings Lorna's bell to have someone bring in iced herbal tea. "Everything in the big bad world has remained the same as it was... though I have heard some rumors I'm not fond of and am looking into."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna frowns and looks back from Raven before she looks back up whispering, "Then I assume you heard about my interaction with the Latverian Dictator?" The green haired woman looks away again, hands moving to rest on her belly. "I haven't heard a follow up yet, but I did delegate the mission to Simpson." The monarch says without making eye contact, afraid of the reaction she'll get from Raven, so she decides to try to deflect, "I'm okay, my feet are swollen, and my ass doesn't fit into any pants any more, so I'm miffed about that..." Yeah. That'll please Raven.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven remains silent as the iced tea is brought in, then waves the women off before she can pour it out, the blue mutant will do that herself. "Of course I heard," she offers Lorna as she offers a glass to her.

"I don't know the entire purpose of the meeting, but I know your every move. If you had a reason to meet with the asshole, then you had a reason and it's not my place to comment." She pours herself a glass now and sits back. "Stop acting like I'm a parent or something Lorna, you don't have to fear my judgment or scolding, that also isn't my place. I worry about you, probably more than I worry about anyone else in the world aside from my children, but I'm not your keeper."

Taking a sip of her tea, she lays her hand on Lorna's for a moment. "Of course your ass doesn't fit in any pants dear, you have a fat belly full of heirs... buy new pants."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "He came to me, letting me know there were mutants in Latveria and that he wanted a diplomatic resolution to them being in his country." Lorna says with a shrug that was swallowed by the couch. "And like I said, I put Simpson on the case." The Queen then takes Raven's hand into her own and in a weak moment she squeezes it softly and holds it to her belly. "I don't, - I don't think of you as a parent Raven..." The soft belly below starts to pulse and squirm beneath and into Raven's hand. Kicks and punches aplenty. "You don't have to point out my fat ass in order to tell me to buy new pants." She says with a playful sigh.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A smile spreads across Raven's face as Lorna shares a moment of baby movements with her. Of course she wanted to touch the woman's belly the minute they sat down, but that's not something you just do... you wait and then ask.

"He should have signed the Sokovia Accords," she snorts softly, any fire gone thanks to the baby movement. "They actually work in our favor in ways most governments aren't willing to admit."

With her hand still on Lorna's belly, she leans like she is looking at Lorna's butt then sits up to say, "I wasn't certain if you could still see your own ass, so naturally I have to help out by informing you." She winks with a broad grin before laughing and adding, "Maternity clothing has come a long, long way since my last pregnancy, you can find some really stunning outfits."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    "Eh, we talked like adults. No threats, directly, but a bit of big dick swinging energy. Plus he gave me presents, so, he's at least smart enough to use bribery when on Embassy grounds." Lorna says with a bit of a winking giggle and a shrug, "It should have been a simple operation for our people. Teleport in, get those mutants out, teleport out. Easy peasy."

    Lorna rolls softly to her side, not afraid to make sure Raven has a good close look at her backside before rolling back onto her back. "I can't, except with a mirror and it surprises me every time. Like BAM! Freakin' fat and making me feel super self-conscious."

    Lorna then sighs, "I'm not big on buying clothes I can only wear for a few weeks at best and then never again, seems wasteful, you know?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven cants her head slightly, one brow raised. "I can think of some amazing fund raisers around your maternity clothing Lorna," she admits with a grin slowly forming and she wiggles her brows.

Giving that thought a moment to settle she then adds, "Or we donate them to pregnant women who can't afford them, then there is no waste."

After another sip of her tea, she takes her hand back to rest on the arm of Lorna's chair, keeping it in range should Lorna want it back. "I'm glad he didn't give me a reason to hunt him down and make his life hell," she admits with a shrug. "As for the mutants, there is also opportunity there for Genosha and yourself. If he is willing to admit to agreeing to their movement, he will be opening the door for other government to contact us and do the same."

Lorna Dane has posed:
    Lorna doesn't fight Raven when she pulls her hand back, but she's also thinking about donating her pregnancy closet and it does put a smile on her face. "I like that idea! And you're going to suffer for it. Help me find a tailor, or get some stuff off the rack. We're going shopping." The queen states but she doesn't move. She doesn't try to move. She remains on her back, not wanting to move.

    "I'll have to get in touch with him again, that's a rather astute point you made. It would be easier to get others out if we don't have to do it all clandestine and what not, but I still want a team on standby for that at all times. We gotta be quick and all." She notes softly, looking back to Raven's eyes, and finally reaches up to grab her tea and take her first sip. "Oh. Lovely!"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The smile on Raven's face, not fake one or a practiced one, falters for a moment then returns. "I know a few seamstresses that would /love/ the opportunity to clothe your body in fashionable maternity clothing, Lorna. I'll make the calls."

Another sip of tea is taken as she is already plotting out who to call, how to arrange their transportation, who to contact about donations, and a few other things regarding the idea.

"There is always a team ready, and Ritz is always on standby," she then says, tucking the other parts away for now. She finds herself watching Lorna's face, the sparkle in the woman's eyes, even the movement of her lips as she speaks. All of that also gets shoved down for later analysis. "The team remains ready for other countries and other situations, including teleporting your large ass out of dangerous situations."