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Latest revision as of 20:08, 22 April 2020

Meeting Old Friends
Date of Scene: 22 April 2020
Location: Robinson Park - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Poison Ivy escaped from Arkham. Harley learned of it and decided to come and greet her, making the correct guess, that Ivy will most likely seek refuge in Robinson Park. The greenest spot in Gotham.
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley

Harley Quinn has posed:
A few hours ago now, Harley was just chillaxin' on the couch with Bud and Lou in her apartment while April was at work making them big dollars doing news stuff when the special bulletin from Gotham announced that one Pamela Isley, AKA, Poison Ivy, AKA FUCKIN' RED, had escaped from Arkham! "YASSSSSS!"

Harley had actually startled the two hyenas what was nappin' on her in her flailing happy jubilation over this most auspicious of revelations! "OH EM GEE OH EM GEE!" Immediately flinging herself into putting on some clothes to go down to Jersey for an afternoon trip! "Oh man, what should I wheah? Uhhh... so many options..." Throwing clothes everywhere as she dug through high end boutique items spread all around the kitchen area, she opts for a simple ensemble of White T-Shirt, suspenders, sparkly shorts in purples/pinks/and aqua blues and a tassled jacket...

Also her pistol because Gotham is a shit joint, okay? Totally for protection and not for crime activities to you ASSHOLES readin' this thinkin' I'm already fallin' back on bad behaviors... Stop judgin'. Ya don't know Gotham like I do.

Hours later and Harley is sitting in Robinson Park, where she suspects Ivy will eventually show up, throwing torn off chunks of bread for the birds of unusual size while sitting beneath an umbrella... cus she learned aftah her last visit:

Don't go ta fuckin' Gotham wit'out an Umbrella.

"Always so rainy... I do not miss this."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Turns out Harley had the right idea, because it's not long until the living fence of green that surrounds the park parts ways, creating a rather elaborate passage for one Poison Ivy to walk through. Once inside the park, the gate wraps and shuts back into that same living green fence it was moments earlier. "Ahhhh...did you miss me darlings?" Ivy seems to be talking to no one, as she caresses some of the plants while strutting further into the park, still dressed in the orange jumpsuit from Arkham. Clearly, she's not concerned about being found here. Because anyone who tries to ensnare her inside Robinson Park deserves a room in Arkham themselves. It's about the dumbest thing they could try.

But it's not long before Ivy seems to respond to another unspoken thing, "oh...a welcoming party already? Interesting," she coos as she makes her way towards Harley's position, because the plants are such tattle tales, never plan a surprise party with them.

"Harley...?" Ivy calls out as she approaches, "you took time off your day to come welcome me? That's so nice of you!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Because I'm taaaaacky.... Wheah my belt wit suspendahs and sandals wit no socks... Because I'm tAHCky... Got some glittah Uggs and lovely pink sequined Crocs.." Harley is singing to herself, bobbing her pig tails from side to side as she waits.. and waits... and oh wait, is that a parting through yandah green fence breaks? It is the east, an' Ivy is the sun... "REEEED!"

Umbrella disgarded! Thrown! Twisting in the little breeze and carried off like a phantom Mary Poppins on a strong gust because the Clown Princess of Greeting her bestest friend is on the charging approach!

Cartwheeling, backflipping, twisting in midair with her arms and legs all spread out like a flying Squirrel! She is prone to pouncing hugs... this is a surprise to literally nobody who has known her for longer than even a few minutes and/or seen the documentary the filmed about her back in two thousand and ninteen titled:

Clown Princess of over exuberant hugs.


Pamela Isley has posed:
"Good to see you Harl," Ivy says with a warm smile at Harley, truly pleased to see her friend, even more pleased to see her without a Joker nearby. "And you're not that tacky, you're just...you dress colorful, you're a bright personality, sue you, what do you want?" She apparently isn't familiar with the Weird Al song, but did hear Harley sing along, because, who could not hear Harley when they were in her vicinity.

But then comes the perfect 10 floor gymnastics routine en route to a greeting pouncing embrace, and Ivy looks stunned for a moment. Harley is rather gorgeous to watch while she does gymnastics, like a criminally gifted Simone Biles. Moments before Harley would knock Ivy to the ground, vines reach out from opposite sides to latch onto Harley, holding her for a moment, before bringing her in more gently towards Ivy, letting go as Ivy takes Harley in a tight embrace. "Awwww...I missed you too, Harl, how have you been holding? I see you're alone, so I trust you didn't go crawling back to ol' Joker? I'm very proud of you if that's the case, guy is poison for you, and not like me. There's no antidote for his kind of poison."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is temporarily suspended by the vines, arms out wide, just hanging there with a big ass grin on her face until she's wrapping arms around Ivy in a rib cracking embrace! "Ya smell like Salsbury Steak an' dirt... did... did ya bring me some? Ya knows how I love Salbury steak Tuesdays." Because that's important! Beaming a gorgeous smile, make-up straight on point, with her little black heart beneath her right eye bent in half by the sheer size of the expression.

"Nope! I broke up wit tha' fuckah last time I escape't... an' we'ah done.. absolutely done'skis... DONE-a-RENO!" Chopping the air in two outward thrusts of her hands, "No moah of his bullshit beatin' mah ass when alls I done foah him was offah unadultahrated love an' affections, NO!"

Lifting a finger, pig-tails bobbing. "Oh gosh! Everythin' is wondahful, Red! I'm livin' in Brooklyn now an' I gots a roommate, she's gonna love ya, absolutely adore ya... such a sweet heaht she is.. Names April.. an', oh I'm datin' someone. Which is nice foah a change cus they don't bang my head offah tha wall when I sing show tunes. An' ya /know/ how I loves me some Gilligan Island."


Pamela Isley has posed:
"Oooof, my concoction really did amp up your strength, didn't it?" Ivy gasps as Harley's embrace proves an ardous one on her ribs, "I'm really quite the genius," Ivy praises herself in the processes, because credit when due, right?

"I know you do, Harl, sweetie, but sadly...I had a brief window to escape and I took it..." but then Harley describes how she broke up with Joker, and she uses colorful language on top of it. Ivy almost gets stars in her eyes, as she coos, "I'm so proud of you, darling, annnnd...happy birthday to you," she starts to sing as vines shift out of the living fenced, "happy birthday to you," Ivy continues as a budding flower approaches Harley from the side. "Happy birthday DEARRRRRR HARRRLLEEEYYYY...." the flower opens up and inside is a wrapped up piece of Salsbury Steak, "happy birthday to you!" Ivy completes the song and looks at Harley with a beaming smile, "of course I didn't forget to get you Salsbury Steak, I know how much you love it...I wouldn't be surprised to hear you tried to sneak INTO Arkham just on Tuesdays."

Crossing her arms, Ivy looks a bit preplexed, "you moved to New York City? Really? How can you afford the rent? You'd need to rob a bank each month."

Ivy groans at the SUDDEN hug, because she wasn't nearly as prepared for that one, but she does ease into it and goes about ruffling Harley's hair affectionately, "April...sounds familiar. Anyways, tell me more about your new boyfriend, is he a career criminal?" Ivy wonders aloud, before holding her hand up dismissively at the suggestion of fish tacos, "I literally just got out of Arkham, I think I should lie low for a bit. The Park, while obvious, is a perfect spot...they wouldn't dare set foot here. I doubt even Batman would dare...stupid bat."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"OH EM GEE I fuhgot mah own birthday!" Harley gleefully dances in a little circle while Ivy is signing, "Ivy issa genius, also she broke outta Ahkam jus' foah me!" Added to the end of the little jingle, brightening ever so dramatically at the presentation of one neatly wrapped bundle from the kitchens of Arkham Asylum! "Ivveeeeeeeeeeeeey...." Swoon.


She's already tearing into it, fish tacos all but forgotten in favor of her favorite Arkham meal (or anywhere meal if we're being honest), "Mystery meeeeaaaat... yummmmm.." Using her fingers to scoop up sauce/mashpotatos/and steak into a messy child grip swallow manuever perfected in the Maximum security ward of the Asylum where they don't give out utensils on account of that one time when Harley used it to stab someone in the face.

"I'd say ya shouldn't have, but Idda been real upset if ya hadn't." Yum yum.. makeup smeared, everyone saw that coming, as she eats steak out of her fingers. "Oh, April O'Neil? Membah when they was sayin' someone want't ta do an intahview wit me in Arkham? Tha' was her.. it was great. She said I should break out an' come move in with her." That isn't /exactly/ what had been said, but it was pretty close.

Yumm yuuuuuuum... licking sauce off her fingers in long upward strokes.

"Mmm, nah, not a career criminal... oah a boy. It's Powah Girl. Ya know tha Kryptonian wit the ginormous boobs?" Nodding, real nonchallant and absent about them, "Totally real too. I seen'em." Beaming grin up at Ivy. Looking around Robinson Park.

"Ya shuh? Cus I rent't a cah... Oh, I got tons of money now cus I help't them catch Crane when he attack't tha Hellfire Club.. Sherbert Slaw, oah whatevah, gave me a black card wit a bunch'uh money on it.." Sucking her thumb, using her teeth to get meat out from beneath her nail. "Should hang out wit me theah, nobody'll look foah ya in Brooklyn! I'll make ya a fort in the bathtub... The Babies'll love seein' ya!"

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Of course I did, Harley, don't be silly!" Ivy laughs, before quipping, "aaaaand for me. For both of us, you and me, but mostly you...for your birthday. And, a bit for my freedom too." Then under her breath, barely audible, she finalizes, "mostly my freedom. And the babies." Then her voice surges in volume again, "so HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARLEY QUINN! You sexy bitch." Obviously said ever so affectionately.

Watching Harley devour her gift so messily gets a giggle out of Ivy, as she chides plafully, "Harley, I'd need to get you a bib if you keep eating like that. Don't worry though, nobody will see in the garden, you're safe." She then hears more about April and a lightbulb goes off, "oh, the crazy chick who wanted to do interviews at Arkham? Very ballsy of her, I gotta say." Ivy hears what Harley says, but as Harley's good friend, she also speaks a bit of Harleynese, and does the quick translation, as she looks skeptically at Harley. "Are you suuuure she asked you to break out and move in with her, Harley Doll?" Ivy asks with a doubting arched brow. "Like...how do you know you're not coming home to the cops waiting for you one sunny day when you least expect?"

Forget the doubting eyebrow, for Harley's next line, Ivy gets a whole friggin' doubting face. It's judgemental, and doubting, as it focuses on Harley's tall tales. "You're telling me, motherflipping Power Girl, is your boyfriend. I got that right? You replaced the Asshole in Chief, Joker, with Bust of Justice, Power Girl, that right?" A hand moves to press against Ivy's forehead, as the redhead shakes her head, "nobody ever doubted Power Girl's boobs were real. That was never a question on anyone's mind."

Then it gets even more incredulous, almost to the point Ivy has to wonder if Arkham perfected some kind of drug that finally did have an affect on her green self. "Okay, so you ditched Joker, moved in with a podcaster, started dating Power Girl, and saved the motherfucking Hellfire Club from gassy psycho Crane, and now you've got a lifetime VIP access. That about right...?" Ivy asks just to be sure, before quipping, "I'm calling bull, at least on the last one. If you're not lying to me, you're taking me there, and we're have a drink. Drinks. All the drinks. All of them."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Point of ORDAH! Powah Girl is my GIRLFRIEND..." Harley holds up a Salbury Finger, then sucks what remains of the sauce from the extended digit, pig-tails bobbing ever so agreeably to the rest of what Ivy is decyphering, "Yup, that pretty much sums up mah last two oah three months..." Eyes roll up into her head, reading the mental cue cards.. murmuring quietly over each point, "Live wit April, Date Powah Girl (boobs ah real), Save Hellfiah club (singlehandedly), give Crane a swirly..." Doot doot dooting her finger back and forth, "Did I mention I wohk foah Starrware? Personnal Assistant to tha New Yohk Branch, supah sweet gig.. Got mah own phone."

It comes out of her tight back pocket to show to Ivy.

"Uhhh... OH! I came home ta talk to Batman an' he basically hugged me... an' told me he was proud an' how I should come be in his boyband, but... I mean it was real sweet of'em an all? But..." Shrug. Grinning at Ivy, eyes literally closed, nose crinkled.

"Oh yeah, absolutely! Heah's my idea, stick wit' me..." Hands up. She adopts a Narrator voice:

"We go ta New Yohk, meet April.. bang.. Babies lick ya face all up.. Have tacos. Clothes, tons of clothes... I'll get ya that lil' green suit thing ya like, but it'll be tailored wit a corset..." Gripping her own chest, "Cus ya gotta take care of tha girls." Moving on. "I show ya the roof garden, ya instantly fall in love wit it, as ya do, cus plants.. Dinnah, I'm thinkin' Luigis ovah on Fifth in manhattan cus they use real tomato sauce an' not tha' can shit they serve at Angelos... which is good, don't get me wrong, but it's a lil sweet ya know? I don't know, it jus' clash's wit tha meat.. to each theah on though, April loves it, she idles theah." One meta outta the way. "THEN we go ta tha Hellfire Club foah drinks, VIP treatment... no fuckin' Jokah-" Not Mistah J, not Puddin'. "- Drink til we go into a coma... call Peej ta come take us home, watch Air Bud."

Hands out, head tilted, big grin. "Now how's that foah a slice of heaven?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Power Girl. Isyourgirlfriend...riiiight." Ivy sure seems to totally buy it now. When the tidbit about giving Crane a swirly pops up, Ivy can't help but burst in laughter, "oh my god, you did what to Crane!? That's glorious! You're a genius Harley, no wonder Joker was so jealous of you all the time." But the laughter dies at the mention of the Starrware job. "Harl. Babe...stop, 9 to 5? That's totally not you. I don't see it."

Then come the detail of Batman hugging Harley and being proud of her, and Ivy's hand plants itself right against Harley's forehead, checking for a fever. "I might need to take a bloodsample, Harl, just to make sure you weren't exposed to hallucinogens."

When Harley describes the perfect day, Ivy entertains her by not stopping her at any point. Just listening, even nodding along in parts. "Uh huh, sure, yes...uh huh," Ivy interjects here and there in the manner of someone who is ABSOLUTELY invested in what you have to say. "How about a botanical garden detour," Ivy suggests, "replace Air Bud with Avatar, and I think we can make it happen."

As an after thought, she wonders aloud, "do they use GMO products at Angelos? Because maybe I'll go there...just not for a pizza."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yus! Datin' Powah Girl, these ah facts! I have /proof/!" Flipping her phone around and bringing up a picture of the pair of them in Japan, Harley leaning back against aforementioned enormous bosum, both of them smiling.. Power Girl is smiling. There's physical proof of it right there on Harley's phone! "I aint gonna get into what we done latah, okay? Ya aint ready foah that pro level lesbian action..." Hands out, shaking her head, "But I put all mah moves to the test." She could be joking, everything is just this side of exagerated where it comes to Harley right?

Who can know.

Dating her must be powerful difficult: Sorry Peej. You knew what this was.

"Mmmhmmm... Nine to Fivish... most uh tha time I wohk from home though, cus Karen... I call her Ms. Stah when she's standin' nearby cus that's jus respectful ya know?.. cus Karen is in Metropolis most'uh tha time anyhow.. She even lets me pick mah own wardrobe.. but honestly it's jus' foah foldin' money cus black card." Which she fishes out of her boob-wallet, held up between two fingers.

"Still like a hun'rit an' sixty three thousand dollahs on heah... I'm ballah.. an I aint even rob't /one/ bank! Bein' legitimate is great, so longs ya aint afraid to dunk a fart gas wieldin' fear mongahs head into a dirty toilet foah dubious persons."

Still beaming, all happy. Only flailing at the hand on her forehead in the most playful of manners, she hardly cares if Ivy touches her! "It's true! He said, an' I quote, blah blah blah stuff blah blah somethin' important, blah blah proud.. an' aftah that I stop't listenin', ya know how talkative he gets." Literally no. Batman talking? Pssh.

"hrrrrm... Yeah, absolutely, I know jus' tha Botanical Garden Detour, but we gotta get ya some new clothes babe..." running her fingers down the front of Ivy's jumpsuit to either side of the zipper, "I mean, Orange is a good colah foah ya, very Spring'y, but ya look like ya jus' bust't outta the crazy house..." As for Angelo?

"I don't know if he's got GMOs oah not, but theahs definitely MSG.. an' ya know how I feel about Asian food."

WITH THAT SAID... she touches the fingers of her right hand to her brow, motions out to Ivy, "Oel ngati kameie... That' Na'vi.. I've been watchin' a lot'uh Disney Plus."

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Do you now, Harl? I'm interested," Ivy muses, looking curiously at what Harley might possibly offer, because jumping from Joker to Power Girl as a boyfriend sounded quite far fetched indeed. "Oh...so you went on a trip to Japan? That's...impressively unlikely. Good for you Harl, way to save on plane tickets," Ivy seems to at least accept Harley truly knows Power Girl, and evidently hang out with her. Scratch that, was taken abroad by her, that's bigger. But then that last bit...

"Are you telling me Power Girl is a lesbian? That's so off brand for her, I think a lot of her fans will die of disappointment, that's good enough for a Bugle article," Ivy laughs, already picturing the aftermath of something of the sort. "I'd say it's mighty presumptious of you, Harl, to decide for me what pro level lesbian action I may or may not be ready for. I mean, you're pretty much suggesting I'm into lesbian action to start with..." although Ivy doesn't give any conclusive indication this way or that.

"I doubt she's letting you choose your wardrobe for a day job...I mean, no disrespect Harl, but you do dress like a clown," that wasn't even a diss, was it? After all, dressing like a clown is on brand for Harley. Isn't it?

"By the way, keep this card close, because I'm thinking maybe Power Girl can buy me a new outfit or two. Just a thought. I'm sure she'd be happy too, seeing how she's dating you and everything, right?" Ivy puts it to the test. Or she just wants to manipulate Harley into letting her use Peej's black card, who knows.

Ivy shrugs at the mention of Crane's torment, "Scarecrow never used his power to do any good, even though he could have, so doesn't bother me he got what he had coming. Act like a nerd, get dunked like a nerd, is what I say..." well, not really, because Ivy doesn't truly speak that way. But clearly, she's no fan of sexist Dr. Crane, she's seen how he treated his lab assistants. "I'm sure Batman had some important stuff in between his blahs and blahs," Ivy nods solemnly, as if Harley didn't just speak utter nonsense. Then again, some people look at Ivy funny when she mentions talking to plants, so it's neither here nor there. "Yeah, we'll do that...after we get me settled with your roomie. I need a real place to lay low, and while I love Robinson Park, they'll look for me here."

Ivy takes her hand from Harley's forehead, and nods, "uh huh. That's Na'vi for don't fuck with mother nature, right? I like it."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I... ya... but..." Harley crosses her arms, pointing in oposite directions as Ivy goes deep into her rhetoric. It isn't even that she can't follow what's being said or that she's at a loss for words, so much as acknowledging that most of what her friend has said was 100% true... "I mean, I aint tryin' ta skimp the details foah ya, I can give'em, I was jus' tryin' ta keep the ratin' to an apropriate level, ya know?" SHRUG, both shoulders, way up.

Harley aint scared to kiss and tell. At least not to Ivy.

That said, "Oh, this? Yeah, we can definitely get ya some close wit this, Red.. I bought April a bunch'uh stuff too... an' Terry, an' then somethin' foah Terry an' his Boyfriend, cus I'm a give'uh... Spoiler alert? It was a diamond encrested banana hammock..." Important.

"Damn right't is.. let's get the heck outta Gotham eh? I rent't a nice, modest cah, somethin' that wont draw too much attention..." She rented a Ferrari. Definitely a Ferrari. "Nah', that's Ogh ol niemutii.. Literally This planet'll fuck yer ass up... ya can quote me."