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Latest revision as of 02:27, 5 November 2023

Happy Harbor: The Great Halloween Take Down
Date of Scene: 04 November 2023
Location: Morrigan's Office - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Morrigan's trying to pack up Halloween and Caleb's unpacking a WHOLE lot more!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Caleb Dykstra

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's generally in on the weekends and given that Halloween is over the decorations from outside have been mostly dismantled and taken off to storage for next year and the future skeleton wars. The woman is dressed down and seems to just be making sure that the inside decorations are also being taken down.

Currently she's making sure the window clings and fake spider webs are cleared from her office door as she hums to herself quietly.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
There's a knock on the door, and uneased pacing and weight shifting. Whoever this is, the matters could be urgent.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Given the door is open Morrigan gives a look up to who is there as she goes to put some of the decorations in the storage box that they go into. She gives a wave of welcome to Caleb, "Mister Dysktra, please, come in." she tells him. She puts the top on the box and then settles it down so that it can be taken away as well.

"What can we do for you?" she asks him as she offers him a seat.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Dr. MacIntyre", Caleb says, entering as Morrigan waves him to. "I trust the dragon is to your liking?"

And oh boy, did the work hours invested in that bore fruit. Outside would be a prop of a dragon made out of skulls within a summoning circle - well, a mock up of one, nothing truly mystical -, and a human-sized figurine posed as if it was its summoner. It's complete with LED lighting for each of the individual skulls, to boot. So, quite eerie for the season.

If the door is open, he closes it, but not before looking outside if there's someone listening...

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"The dragon was great." Morrigan tells Caleb. She tells him as she takes a seat behind her desk. "The decorations are always for the students and the community. I decorate my house as well. Just like spreading the Halloween cheer." she chuckles to that.

She gives a quirk of an eyebrow as he looks a little paranoid, "Umm, are you doing okay?" the Irish woman asks him.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Not really", Caleb says after the door is closed. "Hiding my paranoia behind the semblance of a normal life after drawing my own conclusions." He takes a seat. "I don't think I ever told uou this, but the day we - me, Sheila and my dad - were celebrating the renovation of the place we set up here at Happy Harbor, a warehouse that was going to serve as residence for my dad, a garage, and a workshop...", he pauses, "we were attacked by ninjas of a clan that calls itself The Hand." He again pauses. "Do you know anything about them?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to that. "I mean, sometimes you have to hide things from other people. Tends to make our lives look less messy." she admits. She listens to him and there's a bit of a frown, "You were attacked? Did you contact the police or anything of that nature?" she asks him.

"And no. I've not heard of the Hand." she admits.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Contact the Police?", Caleb shakes his head. "No. First off, since I fled Gotham, my name would go on record for pressing charges, and these things tend to move through the grapevine. Second, I don't think cops have a good track record against highly skilled ninjas. And third", he pauses, "I think it would've been a lot less paperwork if they somehow found three dead bodies in a dumpster than a warehouse with more booby traps than all of the 'Home Alone' movies put together." Deadpan. "And a lot of dead ninjas."

He shrugs after a long deadpany moment, "I'm crafty ei-eff. Took six of them down by traps alone. For the other two, I had some help who pointed me to that ninja Clan when all the shuriken shenanigans were done."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Okay." Morrigan breathes out. "What are you wanting me to do exactly, Mister Dykstra?" she asks him. "Are you under some impression that I can help with this?" she asks him as she leans back. "You protected your home. You had a right to. I don't know what else you'd like me to say after that? Were these bodies reported or...?" she leaves the question hanging.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Let's just say that someone mopped the place clean. Dunno who, though." The protection of names. "No-one that is a threat to me, or has a connection to my previous life."

"But there's more", he says. "Much more recently, I went to Bludhaven under a false name to pick up an order of cans for the aluminum - I needed it for the dragon's frame, you see -, only to find at the end of the journey that there were no aluminum cans, but a ninja guy dressed in a lot of metal and bladed spikes, with gauntlets. He claimed to be the leader of the Foot Clan, and wanted to know how I had managed to get the upperhand on a squad of Hand assassins." He shakes his head. "This was not the kind of guy you say no to, so I indulged on my tactic." He continues, glancing towards the door, then looking back to Morrigan, "And he tried to offer me a place in the Clan, to which then I turned him down. He basically said that my rebellious attitude was not worth the effort of recruiting." He lets that hang in the air, until, "But he said that, should our paths ever cross again, there would be repercussions."

"That said, I'd hope to know if by any chance you know of this other Clan, the Foot, and the details about some attack there was regarding ninjas, and what measures were applied to keep the school safe." He waits, "It could save students' lives."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan listens to Caleb and there is a bit of a wince, "I would suggest staying out of Bludhaven then." she tells him. She straightens in her chair, "Caleb I don't know what you are asking for here. We are a school. We do not handle things ourselves. If we were still backed by some of our old ties we could report this to them. I might still and see if they can help." she states.

"Caleb, literal ninjas did not attack the school. They were zealots from a cult that then kidnapped one of our students. We had authority to retrieve them when that situation happened." she explains. "I know nothing about this group that you are asking about." she states.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"To answer your question about protection. The school has intricate security and not to mention it's magically warded. If the school is ever under threat we would know. And we could respond." she explains.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The youth mutters a cuss word under his breath, holding out a hand just in case it's been heard. "Ahem. Sorry..." His face is starting to show desperation and disquiet - which he manages to barely keep from overflowing.

"Respond, how?", He asks. "What measures do you have aside from such wards? Aside from Xiomara?" He adds, "Maybe I can provide some insight on the defenses..." His voice trails, "Maybe..." Pause, "Maybe..."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"You can cuss, Caleb you're an adult." Morrigan states as she rises from her chair.

"What do you mean respond how?" she asks him. "I don't know if there has been some...misunderstanding, but we are a school. If we are attacked there are protocols. These are for teachers and our security to know and for students and others to follow in the event it happens and students will get that information if it happens. Xiomara does not protect this school all by herself. She works on a team with others and our security heads. " she tells him.

"I will you again. What do you want me to do with this situation?" she asks him plainly. "I can't kill all of them." she points out.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Maybe...", his voice becomes increasingly muffled, "Maybe... maybe... maybe..."

If there was ever a documented case of a paranoid-induced 'Blue Screen of Death', this would be it.

He lingers for... Maybe a good minute in utter silence, until he blinks back to animation, and looks at Morrigan. "Dr. MacIntyre, I am under growing suspition that there is someone infiltrated in this school. I put the word out on the school for the aluminum, for every can to be brought in the interest of school spirit. And I put the word out for the aluminum under a different name just to be safe. And still...", he adds, "...someone got to me. They know where I am, where I live." He shrugs, "They surely know of my sister."

"So I ask", he says, "What is the school prepared to do? How will the students be kept safe? What is the drill for this 'fire alarm'?" He adds, but not before some hesitation, "I... I may want to have a go at improving it, as arrogant as that may sound."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him, "I'm not divulging security measures to a student." she tells him. "This is not a debate. You are a student. You're not a member of the security team. If you want to play vigilante at night, that's fine, but I assure you the school is safe." she states.

"Caleb, if your sister and family are in this much danger then why are you not reaching out to others? The authorities? If you feel like someone is...infiltrating the school then we need to take it to the authorities. This is not something we handle on our own. I need to create the proper response." she explains.

"I am not being an asshole. I am doing this by how I have to or we won't have a school to come to." she states. "So, if you have names, proof of this, please let me know so I can contact the authorities and others." she points out to him.