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Guns, Swords, and Battleship
Date of Scene: 22 April 2020
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Bishop proves the reasonable one. Magik steals hands and guns.
Cast of Characters: Bishop, Illyana Rasputina

Bishop has posed:
Thinking he had some time to himself, Bishop has crept down to the Danger Room, and there was a particular scenario that whoever was here last left queued up, 'Sinking Battleship.' "Well that sounds interesting." Bishop thought to himself, and so he is in the Danger Room now, his block X.S.E. carbines in hand as he stands on the deck of a ship. It actually seems like a nice day at sea. "Well this seems tame..."

And that's when the there is a soft 'ping' followed by the report of an explosing tearing into the lee side of the battleship as he starts to tilt to one side, taking on water and begining it's journey to fully capsizing. Also there are ninja teleporting onto the deck. Of course there are Ninja.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Who is responsible for setting up the battleship? That would be Illyana, a girl constantly thinking up odd scenarios. Like using sufficient ground-based attacks to take down an SR-71 Blackbird in a tight bank with the appropriate use of technopathy and explosives. Yes, long shot, but it can happen. Rescue off a battleship or being caught in the great battles of the Pacific stylized for a modern generation? That, too, is one of the great joys of the Danger Room. Half her programming skills originate from loading up ideas in this particular venue. Well, she's not in the control room so that probably has something to do with why Bishop is not alone.

Instead, she descends the stairs. Her leather pants and dark t-shirt are definitely not bog-standard fighting attire, but someone who brings along their own X. S. E. carbines, that's a serious matter. Nonetheless, her pale golden hair swishes against her back as she steps into the realm of ninja.

Technically they are a marine force for somewhere like Madripoor or one of those other dubious nations with mercenary effects. The teleportation is short range, though, from the smaller boats rushing up on the battleship. Unfortunately, one of the mercenaries rising from a crouch and getting his bearings runs right into the Russian sorceress.

She greets him with a spinning kick.

Bishop has posed:
In his future, Bishop was one X.S.E. hunter you didn't want hunting you, because he was so damned hard to hurt, and he'd never stop coming for you. Ironically the modern day is more humbling for him, because while projectile weapons still existed in his time, energy weapons had become far more popular thanks to the advances of the remnants of Sentinel technology and mutant and human innovation. "Bloody Hell." Bishop says almost with exasperation. He can still bleed the kinetic energy from knifes and solid projectiles, certainly, but not so quickly as to prevent potentially lethal tissue damage. But thankfully a golden hair Russian arrives just as he needs one.

Her spin kick sends the mercenary flying in Bishops direction, perfect range for a quick 'yoink' as Bishop pulls the hapless man in front of him to serve as a human sheild just in time to be peppered with small arms fire. Bishop levels his blaster over the man's shoulder, stricking one in the throat with a bolt of searing plasma sending him to the ground. "Thank you Ms. Rasputina."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
People still use guns, still use the occasional sword. Hell, they'll throw bottles at you. The troubles that one can face in the theatre of war are not always high tech. A kick to the face is just as bad as being flung off the deck of a destroyer. Battleships have pounding guns that tilt the ship offset to the plane of the ocean. Waves heave and the ship shudders, its superstructure absorbing the vibrations perfectly well. Trying to blast a pair of speedboats out of the water isn't doable with huge cannons, but it's already training on the relative placement of an outlying small ship. Well...

It /was/ a ship. The salvo smashing into it destroys the yacht in a huge torrent of gasoline and seawater. Fun to watch.

Illyana isn't much bothered by gunfire. Energy weapon fire? Yes, that's more problematic. Harder to dodge without the sword she tends to carry. She ducks to another of the ninja coming her way, intercepting him at a run with her shoulder driven into his chest and ducking under him, avoiding a punch. He manages to ram her back, but the lithe blonde has a considerable amount of strength of her own. Elbows and knees are hard enough to deal with, or she can just take him to the deck with a crunch. "Da, good assist. This one?" She gets a hand to the chin and ruthlessly elbows again.

Bishop has posed:
The big man nods in agreement then calls out, "5 O'Clock." and levels his blaster firing it at one a mercenary coming up on Illyana in her blindspot. The plasma bolt lurches through the air, and leaves a ruined, burned mess where a face once was. "Let's see if we can get to some hard cover." he takes the other blaster from his over the shoulder holster and holds it out to Illyana, "It's full charged."

Meanwhile in the control room the computer is taking stock of Bishop's 'unnecessary kills.' Scott is probably going to get an email.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The petite arc of a nod follows as the blonde drops, giving Bishop a clear shot. There is no question whether the ninja under her is getting dealt with. She gives a scathing close-handed punch to the guy to knock him out, and then rolls to the side. The dart is enough perhaps to draw the interest of another of their grossly overwhelming odds, while sailors are still shooting and not being nearly so helpful or accurate to the storming of their ship. The portal redirects one of the scrambling mercenaries trying to launch low and take a shot at Bishop's knees, instead introducing him to the perils of being shot by his own bullet from behind. Ouch. The blood on his chest produces a confused look on his paling face, but that's how exit wounds go when playing with true teleporters and not those playing with questionable tech and short-ranged powers.

"Da," she upnods the offering and takes it from him, getting a feel for the weapon. Point, shoot, this she can do. Of course, she's a devastating martial combatant, but that isn't the point when there are the joys of range. "Make it rain, da?"

Bishop has posed:
"Bloody right we will!" We Bishop says as he wheels just intime to see a merc aiming to cut him off at the knees end up being shot by his own bullet thanks to precise use of portals, "Well done!" Yes despite the fact that the Danger can feel very real and can be very real, the serious Bishop cannot help but smile and be impressed with the young warriors precise control of her powers. He levels his blaster and with a low brace of 'krzip' sounds two bolts fly out and rupter mounted fire extinguishers on two different levels, creating a few moments of nice, obscuring fog. "There!" Bishop points to a bulkhead that's already at about a 60 degree angle leading to the cablin that would go up to the ships CiC. Good place to bottleneck.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The position of the portal has value, considering that shooting it /through/ the portal means she can scattershot even where it makes no physical sense to do so. Cut open four portals, one starting one, and the blasts can rain down. Yes, it takes time and energy, but with a much bigger target kicking around to intercept said blasts or problems, Illyana runs the risk. It does mean that she's susceptible to getting a punch or a kick or a bullet in the abdomen, but that's the trade off. Fog at least helps as she squeezes off four shots in succession and hears at least one muffled cry. Good enough.

Strategic retreat means moving, crawling through the fog at a pace less than madcap, but that's because the ship heaves and sways in time. The heavy weight of the steel-plated battleship braves the ocean, but she didn't program this to be /easy/. She programmed it to be /fun/. That means tripping and rolling right up to the general location of the bulkhead. Bishop probably does this much neater, but he doesn't get the advantage of a cool skid to a halt and spring up when she's ready to climb. Or maybe he does. For all she knows, he pounces bulkheads for fun.

Bishop has posed:
Well Bishop is, in fact, having fun despite the fair dour and focused look on his face. He's also a big guy, and so he just moves low, with a good center of balance and moves through bulk head just behind Illyana. He blind fires back behind him to discourage pursuers, and says, "Ok I am going to confess. This is my first time on a ship this large. Simulation or otherwise. Do you know about how long we have before she capsizes?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Running around on a battleship has its advantages. Small arms fire chatters around them, pelting the deck, as sailors fight back and the mercenaries have the advantage of kicking butt. Inside, though, things are tighter adn darker, filling in the details from schematics implanted into the vast database at their fingertip. "Small ships will not sink this, da? Problem is the storm brewing. It will weaken the mercenaries and start tossing this about. I avoided rogue waves, too easy to fail."

Because putting the bow of a battleship into a thirty foot tall freak wave in the middle of a storm is a bit brutal, and life goes on as the skies grey and the churning seas build up their strength. She runs through the hallway, using her arms to brace if need be, considering the ship sways back and forth. "People cannot be the only problem. Unless we are Ororo, no defeating nature."

Bishop has posed:
"Alright then." Bishop says as he makes his way through the corridors. "Well, the toughest of the Op4 is either going to the CiC to take out leadership, or the engines... but we are closer to this one." Sometimes you just have to take a gamble after all. "So do you train under such intense conditions all the time Ms. Rasputina?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Why train under simple ones? Life is not simple." That's her response and completely damning, however one wants to look at it. The demon queen of Limbo probably scoffs at the notion of anything less than sheer violence, but she doesn't say anything further to that particular end. Rather, the light-footed movements place her entirely in climbing through the ship as it heaves and plows on, the Madripoorean mercenaries forgotten and the next swathe of trouble ahead. Simple for him to just pursue what he needs, and follow behind. Bigger man, bigger target, but also easier to follow. "Da, show the way." Close-quarters fighting makes grabbing a sword rather unnecessary.

Bishop has posed:
"Wisdom beyond your years Ms. Rasputina." Bishop agrees. As they scramble through the halls and reach the CiC. They find the mercenary leader holding some of the bridge crew at gun point. The XO bleeding on the ground. Bishop raises his hands and his blaster, "I see you have an tactical advantage, let's talk about what you are here for." Bishop says, trying to stall.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Not enough," murmurs the blonde, though she spins and points... up? Yes, she points up with the blaster and shoots out a camera recording events, like you do when you don't want Scott to review what actually happened. In fairness, though, there are far more effective ways to do that, like shape-shifting into a redhead or a blonde. Even if the redhead is currently a dinosaur. Her movements are swift and sudden as she considers the tactical troubles laid out before them. Bishop buys time.

Not her. The decisive movement from her is, well, about as diplomatic as a sword to the gut.

Sure, holding them at gunpoint is effective, but what happens when a portal opens and snaps shut around a man's hands?

No more gun. Possibly no more fingers. Her statement is flat, direct: "Bargain."

Bishop has posed:
The baddy disarmed, the trained bridge staff gets away. "Yes Bargain..." the leader of the mercenaries says clutching his hand. And with that the Danger Room starts to power down, and what was just a moment ago was as real as being on the beliguered ship on the sea is instead just a plain, quiet room made of metallic panels. "You program excellent Scenarios Ms. Rasputina. I hope you will not mind if I attempt to test myself against more of them in the future. I think now we should go and get some l unch."