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Latest revision as of 02:49, 10 November 2023

=Parkour & pencils
Date of Scene: 09 November 2023
Location: The Bushwick Memorial
Synopsis: Vivian Vision does art. Harper does Parkour. And Detective Chimp? He shreds it on a skateboard. It's radical. There were also hotdogs. Mysteriously no portals back to the 90s are involved.
Cast of Characters: Vivian Vision, Detective Chimp, Harper Row

Vivian Vision has posed:
The Bushwhick Memorial is an unusual part of the city. A reminder of past tragedy which is now used as a place of quiet contemplation by some. And a place to exercise and show off to others. Today there is certainly more of the latter going on. A few amateur parkour groups are gathering for a little friendly competition. Nothing series just a light hearted excuse to hang out, show off some tricks, and compete for bragging rights.

A course has been set up. Marked out in flags. While a few people mill around with smartphones and more professional camera equipment. Keen to record some sweet tricks. There's even an enterprising individual selling hot dogs and burgers.

One Vivian Vision isn't here to record anything. No she's here to draw. Using her enhanced senses to capture perfect moments mid trick and then sketching them out on a pad of paper. A few people occasionally come over to peer at the synthezoid teenager. Curious about her drawings and much as her being an obvious non-Human.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp just happens to be coming through the area when he sees the set up. He will look it over and smirks a bit as he thinks about people doing Parkour, but hmms a bit as he realizes some who live around here might be a bit better than your average guy who does this. So he figures he might watch a bit. He finds a post to lean against and watch.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper adjusts her drip. For the exertions today, while wearing stuff that'll allow for freedom of movement is a high consideration, the aesthetics of punk are attempted to be included. It's not an easy marriage, what with the piercings, high faux-hawk, vest over questionable t-shirt, cut-off shorts and things that would be better at a Live Show. Not ~performing~ in a Live show. There's a lot that could catch on things and make this collect the wrong type of internet views or fail compilations.

"I'll have one of those doggers, I swear to gawd..." Harper practically growls, her voice taking on a bit of a hungry vocal fry itself. She hovers by Vivian, stretching and limbering up. A finger raises to trace part of the circumference of her studded collar as her throat makes swallowing motions. No eating yet though. Not with her wanting to compete. "Viv, did you say what, if, there'd be any sort of prize for this? I saw that young dude earlier, the one that makes himself TokTiks of walking the edge of skyscrapers, and he's...like...an alien, I swear. He's a living noodle. And sticks to things like he's got shoe soles made of gum. This'll be a piece of cake for someone like him. If it was him I saw." she jabbers, her nerves getting to her.

Vivian Vision has posed:
The parks of being an AI are you can prepare and predict most situations. Like ensuring you've brought a cooler with drinks for your girlfriend and have cash on hand to buy food. "I'll ensure you have some ready when you get back," she promises. "With all the extras?" Messy dawgs might be the best kind. It's a theory which needs testing!

"It's entirely possible he is not an alien," she assures. "He could be a mutant or metahuman. Or magically boosted beyond Human norms. Perhaps even some sort of mystical Humanoid. Or even more terrifying?" She winks. "He could be a Gotham vigilante trained by the mysterious Batman. Master of all known techniques in pretty much every field."

"Besides it's not important if you win or lose. It's being a good sport and enjoying yourself." No-one tell Janet she said winning isn't important! "But more seriously no the only prize is bragging rights."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will look over and get himself a couples of dogs. He is enough of a regular around mutant town he does not get to many odd looks. Once he has food, he will walk over to have a closer look at the course as he munches.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper is nodding along with all these wild possibilities, but when the Gotham varient is touched upon, she turns narrowed eyes towards Vivian with a quirky smirk.

Harper extends an arm and crosses an opposite forearm to create a temporary arm-bar cross. Stretch. Streeeeetch. "Last time I was a good sport, I got Roller Derby'd into the rails. At least this doesn't seem full contact. Except for the pavement if I miss a handhold."

Harper blows a kiss elaborately with panache before jogging towards the start of the course. Being the suspicious gal that likes to size up the competition, she tries to owlishly eyeball those in attendance. Her roving gaze drifts over one such individual that is quite out of the norm. "Whu.." Harper tilts her head to the side, looking over Detective Chimp, and nearly walking into the back of another attendee. "Shart...sorry." She rubbernecks again though. Being an out-of-towner, she's curious. And behold, this individual has acquired the precious foods for sale. Lip-smack.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"In which case you should take no prisoners and crush everyone beneath your iron boots," Vivian says solemnly, nodding at the course. "Also I brought a first aid kit of my own. In addition to the first aid station which has been set up by the organisers." It's nothing too formal, just a few people with first aid training, but the event is well enough organised to have people able to patch up any injuries. And if anything too extreme happens? Well Viv can always call in a rapid response team! One of the perks of being an AI on superhero teams is you can pretty much call a helicopter medevac in any major city.

Leaving her art things unattended to obtain food would usually be a risky move, but by holo-projecting an image of herself drawing while she queues she can pick up hotdogs for Harper without anything swiping her sketchbook. Either to celebrate success or to take away the sting of defeat.

The competitors are pretty good for an amateur event. And with the cameras out everyone seems to be putting in maximum effort. Showing off in the hope of finding social media fame.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says ""I am pretty sure you have seen a bit odder than me in Gotham." He offers as she does the double take. He will finish off one of the dawgs, and looks to her "No worries, I don't plan on competing, don't think it would be quite fair."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper digs into her pocket to finger a stick of chewing gum, and thinks better of it as her throat feels like it doesn't need something extra to concentrate for an event like this. But she does pull out a little jar to dip in a finger and smear twin lines beneath her eyes. Yeah, game face. She's doing the second one when Detective Chimp addresses her. Her attention whips around to him.

"Maybe." she responds in a quiet voice. A frown and a mental computation of how one acts socially around talking simians. She digests a few options of possible questions and settles on one in particular. "Oh yeah? Well, maybe there ~should~ be some serious competition. Seriously." She even attempts to do some manner of pose. Like, check-this-out, her mostly hairless visible skin tensing to show off what she assumes are pretty awesome toning. "If they let in a mutt like me...Why not a m-...why not you?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
Sure enough the event is open to pretty much anyone who wants to compete. The vibe is very much about showing off and having fun. No money is directly on the line, although the promise of online celebrity status leading to endorsement deals is probably on the minds of at least one or two competitors.

The synthezoid teenager secures her girlfriends snacks along with the drinks she's already got on hand. Then settles down ready to draw. She's done a few action drawings of people already. As well as a few drawings of onlookers, usually ones who expressed a lot of curiosity about her synthezoid nature. Will she drew the chimp with the detective outfit on? Possibly! It's not something you see every day even in New York.

One by one the competitors ahead of Harper compete their runs through the course. Leaping and vaulting their way over various obstacles. Showing off tricks and generally trying to wow the crowd.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will look over and says "Well, if you really want to see how it is done." He hmmms a bit and looks over the course. He remembers the last time he did an course that was supposed to test a human's abilities, he had pissed off the mage who set it up. "I will think about." He says and eats his other hot dog.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper has her work cut out for her. There's rooftop vigilantism, and then there's pulling off flashy tricks in front of a crowd that ~aren't~ robbing banks and busting up shops. There is the addition of knowing that Viv will be able to capture the best and possible worst of what happens today. With perfect memory and multiple angles no doubt.

With one last look to D.Chimp, she offers a grunt and gets herself into position. Once she's at her mark, she waits with baited no-hotdog-yet breath, and is off once she gets the go ahead. Huffing and puffing, she tries to push herself to reach for riskier handholds and toeholds. Her attire was not the best optimum choice, but she sweats and swears her way up an incline, and rambles and bounces down others. She dearly wishes to pull off some of those T.Hawk flash moves, but what she probably manages are expressions comparable to stepping on lego barefoot.

By the end of the course, she is panting and different muscle groups are threatening to unionize under a banner of ~gonna feel that in the morning~. "Did it. I did it...Pony up with the pork!" she rasps to Viv as she makes her way over.

Vivian Vision has posed:
The Simian crime fighter is more than welcome to try his hands (and feet) at the course. Will it be a challenge? Probably not! It's not intended to be /difficult/ for the most part. It's to allow people to show off. No money, no pressure, and all fun. Or at least that's what the organisers hoped.

"You were wonderful," she assures Harper. "And considering you dressed for style over function..." She certainly isn't going to compete. She can pretty much make herself weightless and glide through the course like a dream. "You more than deserve these hot dogs." With all the trimmings. Extra bacon, onions, condiments and who knows what else.

She presents them like a prize trophy. With bottled sports drink for rehydration and paper towels to clean up with after at the ready. AI preparation at it's finest.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will look about and decides what the heck. He finishes his food and drink, and looks over to one of the kids "Can I borrow that?" He asks and borrows a kid's skate board. He then takes off and heads along the course, but unlike most, any place he can he uses the skate board, grinding along a pipe or when launches through the air playing it like a guitar. When he finishes he hands the skateboard back, and starts to reach for something in his pocket, but with a look around just pats his pocket. And the amazing part, he kept his hat on along the way.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper accepts the rewards for risking her neck. "Did it really look okay?" she manages before upending a drink against her lips. She swallows hard as her attention goes to the Chimpanzee on the...skateboard?!

She stares, at the level of ease and expertise on display. The prop being both flair and means to traverse some of the environment. "Jeez louise..." she breathes and clumsily prods her mouth with her dogger before chowing down on it. With partial mouth full she murmers, "That's gonna have people's lips flappin."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Sadly for Harper it was good but not the best. But still Viv got some cool drawings out of her run through the course! And with the night still young there will no doubt be time for other things. Chatting with new people, perhaps another round of food later, and socially acceptable late night fun late into the night.

Alas while the Detective does get some applause it's a parkour event. And it's the skateboard rather than his powers which prevent him claiming the grand prize of bragging rights. Still it's probably a major talking point for the rest of the evening.

And of course probably produces at least one viral video on social media.