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Qira Quest (Scenesys ID: 4054)
Name: Qira Quest
Gender: Female
Species: Genetic Hybrid
Occupation: Vigilante
Citizenship: None
Residence: Gotham City
Education: Autodidact
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Gothamites, Bat Family
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 5 Sep 2005 Played By
Height: 5'2" Weight: 115 lb
Hair Color: white Eye Color: green-gold
Theme Song: Vicarious - Tool

Character Info


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A relative unknown, even to herself, Qira is a new face in Gotham with a checkered past and a lot of issues. She seeks information about her activities and keepers for the past four years and isn't above beating it out of someone if she thinks they know more than they're telling. On the other side, she is a young and insecure teen who has been forced to grow up very fast.


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* 2005: Birthed from artificial womb as one of six genetic creations by the League of Assassins. Only surviving infant.
2008: Training begins, self-sufficiency key trait being focused on.
2009: Combat training begins with hand to hand, weapons training starts later.
2014: Sent on first mission, to plant evidence against one of the League's blackmail targets, allowing them greater control in the outside world.
2015: First assassination mission. Sent to kill blackmail target from previous year, no longer useful to the League and knew too much to live.
2018: Given the task of surviving Damian's Year of Blood. Failed. Revived in a Lazarus Pit outside Gotham by person(s) unknown.
2022: Wakes in a defunct lab outside of Gotham City proper. Begins search for clues on missing 4 years. Takes on the name Sandcat to keep potential enemies from locating her.

IC Journal

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She can fake it til she makes it. If provided the basics of an interaction, she can usually blend into the group for at least a short while. The longer the interaction lingers, the harder it is for her to maintain the illusion as she lacks the appropriate skills or experience to carry on an extended con.

Her mental prowess has been enhanced to the point that she can pick up easily on subjects even on first hearing, and can formulate cogent responses to questions asked on those subjects. An autodidact, her ability to absorb and grasp complex equations and data is remarkable.

Socially Awkward:
Having never really been socialized at any point in her life, Qira finds interacting with people beyond sharing information to be difficult. She has trouble with empathizing with others, or with connecting with people based on her unusual upbringing.

Qira is missing four years of her memory, and that includes any key personality traits that manifested during that time. As she goes deeper down the rabbit hole of her past, she may unlock more traits and quirks (both good and bad) that she was unaware she had.

Character Sheet


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Enhanced Agility:
Her agility, reflexes, flexibility, and athletic ability are beyond what she should be capable of. She is capable of making leaps, scaling surfaces, and performing feats that her body should not be able to.

Enhanced Athleticism:
Qira is capable of feats beyond human ability. Able to twist, fold, and maneuver her body in ways that should be physically impossible. She can leap farther, run faster, and perform daring feats beyond what she was capable of previously. She can mitigate fall damage with the appropriate buffers and aerial maneuvers, but she cannot absorb it completely. She can land onf her feet every time, but that won't stop her ankle from shattering if she lands too hard. It makes her an excellent escape artist, able to slip free of bonds, cuffs, ties, and other mundane means of capture. Her reaction times and reflexes are faster, giving her an edge in dangerous situations and combat situations. She can outstripe professional athletes with relative ease, and Olympic level athletes with effort.

Enhanced Intellect:
Her processing speeds and cognitive abilities are beyond what humans can attain. While she is relatively uneducated, she is capable of absorbing information quickly and processing it into equivalent level education on any subject she is exposed to. It takes her a fraction of the time to pick up new areas of knowledge, and while mastery will require attention and effort, subjects can be absorbed fully in spans of weeks or months rather than years or decades. It also gives her greater abilities regarding deductive reasoning and logic. While this makes her an excellent Holmesian intellect, it does not allow for social cues or graces, nor does it grant her any perceptive abilities regarding emotive states or feelings. Able to retain information faster and more completely, she will one day be an intellectual to reckon with, for now it makes her a most excellent student.

Enhanced Vision:
Her eyesight is beyond what most are capable of, operating at a visual range of 20/10. In addition, the photoreceptors in her eyes are tuned differently, allowing her glimpes in the IR and UV spectrums. She can see things that others might not, but it is up to her if she can figure out what they mean or how to articulate what it is that she's able to see.

Lazarus Pit Effects:
Thanks to her resurrection through the Lazarus Pit, Qira has a few more 'enhancements' that she's been finding out about. She doesn't realize it yet, but her aging has slowed, extending her lifespan beyond the usual human range. She also heals faster. It isn't a healing factor by any means, but her healing times seem generally to be cut in half. What would take months, takes weeks. Weeks take days. Days take hours. Hours take minutes. If shot, she's still shot. The bullet still needs to come out, but the wound itself will heal faster on its own, and she's far more likely to survive it. Given enough time and rest, she could potentially recover from life-threatening injuries.


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Combat Skills:
Qira has been extensively trained in multiple styles of martial arts and with many forms of weaponry. Ninjutsu, Silat, and Krav Maga are a handful of the styles she is best suited to. Eskrima, Spetsnaz, and Silambam are where her strengths lie with weaponry.

Escape Artistry:
With her enchanced flexibility and intensive training, Qira is an accomplished escape artist. Whether picking locks, overcoming electronic systems, or simply squeezing in somewhere she ought not fit, she is often capable of doing what might be considered 'impossible'.

Peak Human Condition:
She is at the pinnacle of what she can be for her age. Strength, speed, endurance, and durability are at their peak thanks to intense training and harsh living conditions.

Sleight of Hand:
Qira makes an excellent thief, her enhancement giving her a light touch when it comes to lifts and switches. The flexibility allows her into places others would have trouble reaching, and she can even generally plant items on people with little trouble.

Trained Assassin:
Qira ws trained and blooded as an assassin in the League of Assassins. She is deadly with everything from her bare hands to a broad variety of weapons, even poisons and certain chemicals. She is expertly trained in disguise, stealth, and bypassing security measures of various types to get to her target. Versed in combat against multiple opponents, she is a deadly foe at range and up close.


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Defunct Lab:
While no scientist, the old shack outside city limits is at least somewhere to stay. It puts a roof over her head, gives her a bed to sleep in, and a place where she can lay low. There also happens to be scientific equipment there that could provide some hints as to what was done to her, if she can learn enough about the science to work it out. That said, there is always the chance the property isn't owned by whoever left her there and the real owner could always show up to claim what's rightfully theirs.

Limited Funds:
She steals from the wicked, taking cash and goods alike; pawning goods and using the cash to fund her lifestyle. In the overall, it isn't much, but it lets her buy food, weapons, and do laundry.


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Inferiority Complex:
Her entire life, the basis of her worth was measured by how much better she was than someone else. With no one to compete against but herself, her sense of worth has a tendency to dip to dangerously low levels. It can make her act in dangerously reckless ways, or can make her hesitate at crucial moments.

Memory Gap:
There is a four year gap in her memory between her death and her waking in the defunct lab she calls home. Qira has no knowledge of what she did or was done to her in that time. There may well be people looking for her, beyond what's to be expected given her activities.

While she has had some enhancements made to her, Qira is still very much mortal. She is no more durable than one can expect to be in peak condition. She is still capable of growing tired, or being hurt, and she heals no faster than anyone else.

While her memory is missing pieces, her sleep is filled with nightmare images. Flashes of her own death, of faces, of places, things she doesn't understand and can't recall. None of them good. It sometimes causes her to lose more sleep than she can afford.

Despite intensive training and enhancement, Qira is still young and relatively small and capable of being overpowered or overwhelmed by superior force or numbers. She's good, but she's not THAT good.

Social Ineptitude:
While able to mimic others to fit in, that does not make Qira herself any better at expressing herself or her emotions in appropriate ways. She's had little socialization with anyone, and it can make her seem aloof or arrogant at times when she is unsure of herself.



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Qira Quest has 23 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Collector's Folly March 29th, 2024 Qira and Daniel go to retrieve a cursed item at the same time. A ghost dog objects said retrival.
Satanic Lore and Satanic Chores March 27th, 2024 Daimon and Qira go over the scutwork of being an initiate in Hellstrom family Satan-magic.
Building a Foundation March 6th, 2024 Daimon prepares Qira for her initiation into the Hellstrom family's brand of magic. Pray for her!
Charity Luau at Indoor Water Park February 27th, 2024 A charity luau is held at an indoor water park. A heavy mutant attendance shows up.
Building Necessary Niece Credentials February 14th, 2024 Does it count as family bonding when it's just a made-up family?
I heard you like dangerous things... February 9th, 2024 Daimon and Qira meet and come to a business arrangement!
No Hitchhikers Allowed November 12th, 2023 On the way between Gotham and New York, Qira gets attacked by angry gangsters, and the Ghost Rider does his vengenace thing.
Night on the Town November 8th, 2023 Some minor crime busting was done and Qira and Charlie have met and swapped numbers. Future Trouble Possible Indeed.
Night Life November 3rd, 2023 Kate meets a familiar face while out clubbing. Who is the white-haired girl called Qira?
When Goons Go Wild November 2nd, 2023 Kate and Qira meet... and nobody dies!
Late Night Neon Greasy Spoon October 23rd, 2023 Qira meets a fellow fringe-dweller during the late night shift at Batburger.
Long Time No Talk! October 22nd, 2023 Food was had and two friends got in a good catch up!
Humanizing the Qira, Take 3! September 20th, 2022 No description
New Phone Who Dis September 11th, 2022 Lunch turns into a lesson in music!
Your Average Night in Gotham September 11th, 2022 One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong. Can you tell which one of these vigilantes is not a member of the League of Assassins by the time I finish my song?
Meanwhile in the Swamps of Gotham! September 10th, 2022 No description
Only in Gotham... September 9th, 2022 In which Red Hood and Sandcat manage to take down a drug ring and Sandcat makes off with the money!
Henchmen Henchmen Everywhere! September 7th, 2022 No description
Well you see, what had happened... September 5th, 2022 Conner meets another meta in Gotham, but this one is a little odder than most!
Something Wicked This Way Comes May 21st, 2022 What the **** just happened??
To Err is Human-ish... May 18th, 2022 NO bloodshed?!
A Link in the Chain: Prologue May 15th, 2022 Mission accomplished! Sick Beats Saved the Day.
Do You Remember The Time May 14th, 2022 An unlikely pair of old acquaintances meet again, this time without bloodshed! ...mostly!


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Qira Quest has 23 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Qira Quest has been credited in 0 shows.

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No shows submitted yet.

Qira Quest has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Qira Quest has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
No books submitted yet.


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