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Latest revision as of 16:38, 11 November 2023

New Phone, Who Dis
Date of Scene: 10 November 2023
Location: Jules Verne Museum - St. Martin's Island
Synopsis: Auction shenanigans are narrowly avoided.
Cast of Characters: Betsy Braddock, Wade Wilson

Betsy Braddock has posed:
At the moment, Betsy was sitting in a museum. Not because she had any interest in the museum today. She'd visited the Jules Verne Museum a few times in her life, often for fundraisers. But there was going to be a private auction of artifacts soon, items that had been donated by patrons of the facility, to help continue supporting the arts. There would be alien items, both real and artistic intepretations.

She was walking slowly from display to display, reading the little information screens on the items. Though there seemed to be one missing. A glance at the information card showed it should be an Asgardian helmet. It was sad that it was not out. Perhaps they had it in the back for cleaning.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    There's a faint trill of sound from her phone as she was strolling through that museum. It was that little chirp one heard when a text message was sent and received, this one having no particular tone associated with it so likely it was someone who rarely sent word to her. Or spam. Even the X-men had spam.
    And when she'd check she saw it was a username that was simply two emojis, the first being a skull and crossbones, the second being a swimming pool. And beside those small images were the words.

<< I no where u arrrrrre. >>

Betsy Braddock has posed:
The volume was down at least, out of courtesy for the other patrons. Not that it really mattered. With so many school tours, it was often noisy inside. There was much laughter and screaming in happiness from time to time. Even as the tours moved around with the teacher or a guide explaining all the little details to the children.

Betsy pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket. She had on a designer jacket in deep blue over a white shell top. Black slacks with a pair of black pumps that had a short heel. Her hair was contained in a single braid down her back.

That was not someone she knew. And that was the strangest name she had ever seen. Pirate water? Crossbones sea? The words caught her attention even more as she automatically reached out with her telepathic senses even as she lifted her head and glanced around reflexively, to see if someone was looking her way.

Her thumbs tappity-tapped on the screen then she hit send.

<< How lovely for you. That makes two of us. >>

Wade Wilson has posed:
    << Yes, but you cheated. >>

    Though now she likely could tell as across the way there was an unmoving black van that looked very utilitarian with a suitable black series of windows on the sides and a comic of a large killer roach depicted on the side of that van along with the words of, 'PESTKILLERS!' And a subtitle of, 'We're the BESTKILLERS!'
    From within that van, feet up on the console, Wade tip-tapped on the phone.

    << Proof once again that you are totally stalking me. This is going in my scrapbook. The day Betsbets followed me to work. >>

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Cheated? That was an interesting thought. How did she cheat? Then she realized how he had interpreted it and she couldn't help but smile. Because while she had been making a joke that both of them knew where /she/ was, he had inadvertently admitted that he was nearby. Though, it wasn't like he was hiding it since he said he knew where she was. Though it didn't have to have been active observation perhaps, just having seen her go inside.

Though now that he mentioned stalking, the pieces fell into place. Crossbones for Dead. Water was a Pool. Funny how stuff made sense once you had the right data to plug in.

<< You work here now? I must admit, I didn't see that as one of your interests. Though no, I am not stalking you. I am here for the auction. >>

Wade Wilson has posed:
    << Ooooh, might not want to go to it. Just a little heads up from your Uncle Wade. >>

    Then there's a pause and quickly on the heels of it she gets another text.

    << Actually, knowing you, you might enjoy it. But no, yeah, this gig only has room for one awesome ninja and that's me. So step on off my kool-aid, Ninjette. This is my kumite. Or something. >>

Betsy Braddock has posed:
She brought her head up again and scanned the crowd. Still no sign of him though, despite the fact he wore his costume almost always beneath whatever disguise he chose, he could blend in at times. It was so strange.

<< I have no intentions of stepping on anything of yours. Just tell me this isn't your...usual line of work? Perhaps something in acquisitions instead? >>

And as she sent the message out, she rose to her feet and began to move through the museum with a bit more purpose. Keeping a closer eye on the crowd, having her mental feelers out for his brain and starting to expand her search instead of just inside the building.

It wasn't easy trying to find Wade's brain. He was very scattered. Those thoughts being so erratic, it was easy to think they were someone else. There wasn't really even a feel to them because one second he was one state and the next he was completely opposite.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    << I mean. I have like... a wide breadth of work I do. I am a man of many hats. A renaissance man. Only without the codpiece. Unless that's something you'd be into. Lemme know. >>

    Then there's another pause before quickly on the heels of that message comes another.

    << Joking semi aside, if there's anything in particular you want from the auction let me know, I know a guy. >>

Betsy Braddock has posed:
It was strange. She should be rolling her eyes and just putting her phone away. Yet, her she was actively waiting for him to type back and responding to it. Because Wade was always entertaining. Even the bit about if she'd like the codpiece had her stifling a soft chuckle as she literally shook her head, as though he could see her actions. Silly of her really.

<< You intend to buy me presents now? >>

She left it there, that pointed statement. Because she suspected that there would be no purchasing involved. Then she realized that might seem like an open door so she quickly followed up with another.

<< I can buy my own artifacts, though I do appreciate the offer. >>

Wade Wilson has posed:
    << What, no? What? No way. I'd never like BUY presents. Steal them and play it off like I bought them, sure. But actually spend my own money? No. Besides aren't you like super rich? You drink your posh tea with your pinky all pointy and all that. So really you should be buying me presents. But that's all hither and thither. Don't go to the auction. It'll be messy. There is a non-zero chance you might meet Josh Brolin and if you fell in love with him I'd be heart-broken. Ok? Ok. >>

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Josh Brolin?

Now Betsy was more confused than ever. What did Josh Brolin have to do with anything going on here today? Perhaps he was going to be at the auction as well. It seemed to be from Wade's words.

Of course, Wade was also insane. Thus that could have been from any sort of random thought he had and not actually be valid.

<< I will keep your advice in mind. I think I'm safe though. Josh Brolin isn't my type. Besides, I already have someone special. >> Perhaps that would sort of nudge Wade's brain in another direction. Somehow, she doubted it.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    << Does he know you spend your Fridays stalking someone else? Shame on you! >>

Betsy Braddock has posed:
<< First, I am not stalking you.>>

Then Betsy paused because she wasn't sure what word to use on the next sentence. If she chose the wrong word, it might give Wade ideas. Though, admittedly, he already had ideas thus could she actually make it worse?

Better not to even tempt fate with thinking that question.

<< Second, he is well aware of our special friendship. >>

Wade Wilson has posed:
    << Aww. I was going to hassle you for at least seventeen more minutes, but that was kinda cute. Made me all sniffly. Fine. I give you the present... of my absence! BAI! >>

    And from that moment on that day, her phone doth beep no more. At least from him.