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Latest revision as of 12:49, 23 April 2020

A Walk Home
Date of Scene: 23 April 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Harley and April share some FRIEND TIME at April's new podcast studio that she's bought with all her sweet INTERNET MONEY. There's a lot of colorful dialog shared!
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Harley Quinn

April O'Neil has posed:
April had been on the look out for a studio to rent for her podcast and she'd found the perfect place about six blocks over from her apartment. She'd just signed the lease on it and had told Harley to walk the Hyenas over to meet her.

And here they are!

April coming out of the new building with the keys to it, and a big smile on her face. She's standing outside of it with her phone in her other hand and waiting for Harley to show up. Wearing a white tshirt with Jumanji logo on the chest, some blue jeans and a hoodie tied around her waist, April is lifting her designer sunglasses that Harley bought up on to her forehead and staring at the screen of her phone.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You guys is bein' jus' the best." Harley, sporting a faux fur coat in early spring over her usual tube-top and shorts combo with hooker boots, walks with her $100 haircut and diamond sunglasses with a pair of big ass hyenas on the end of gold leashes.. This is precisely why she'll be poor by the beginning of summer.. she has no concept of frugality. Each of the massive beasts has a beautiful collar with precious stones to match their birth months spelling out their names.

Up ahead she can just barely see April and she's already waving her hand up above her head as an old woman crosses the street to get away from what is very clearly /not/ normal New York animal companions! A pale woman, crazy makeup, fur in spring.. check. "APRIL! Heyyyyyy!" The babies are already chomping at the bit trying to get at the reporter. Leaping ahead and pulled short by the leashes in one of the Clown Princess of Awkward Dog Walks hands.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's eyes raise up when she hears Harley's voice and sees the tree of them. A happy smile forms on her lips at seeing her reformed friend and her two big lovable ... are they canines? Are the felines? Does anyone even know? Either way, April is pretty fond of them these days too, minus the messes.

"I got it!" She says to Harley, raising the keys up to jingle them all happily and then motioning to the building in question to her left, a big ol' red brick two story building, similar to the antique shop but a bit cleaner since it's had some refurbishing going on.

April walks toward the three of them and leans down to fuzzle Bud and Lou, so they get their proper attention from her and don't have to fight over it! "I love your coooollars! You spoiled babies!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley hops to a stop right near April and looks up at the red-brick with her tongue clicking off the roof of her mouth. Her right index finger taps her glasses down, forehead wrinkling as she gazes over the top of them, "Oh this is nice... ya get a good deal? Seems like a sketchy neighbohood..." The babies are cackling greetings at April, nuzzling her legs, palms, arms. As they do.

"So ya exclusively gonna do ya show heah oah is this ya secret fuck palace? Cus ya could turn one whole floah into a really smashin' love den.. heah me out.." Patting the air, "Suspension ropes, a couple chains danglin' from the ceilin'? Can ya even imagine?" She sighs wishfully, then drops down to kneel between the babies to give them both a big ol hug, but they're entirely focused on April now!

"Oh, these? Yeah.. they was lookin' kinda bland an' I thought they needed to somethin' spechul, cus they's so fuckin' handsome! Yes you is.. yes you is... now they look like supah models, dontcha?" Cackle cackle snortle jowel rubs on April.

April O'Neil has posed:
With Harley kneeling down, a truck drives past and honks it's horn, the driver saying something lewd out the window at both of the women before driving on past! It's Brooklyn after all...

April mostly ignores it as she was given her attention to the two Hyenas and smirking at what Harley was saying to her. "My apartment is supposed to be my private fuck dungeon, Harley." April dryly says back to the woman, never normally using such language, but with her friend? Well... Harley's rubbed off on her a bit like that.

As she stands up straight again she turns back to the building, motions to it. "You wanna check it out? There's really nothing much inside it... yet. I was thinking I could move some of my office stuff here so that the second bedroom could be freed up and you could have it, if you wanted it." April grins softly. "Not sur ehow big your new flame is going, if you plan on ditching me or what."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Aah...." Harley pauses in whatever she was saying to look after the horn honking hooligans.. Waving at them with her middle finger, "Eat my ass ya fuckin' cock suckahs!" As if she's wishing them a very happy new year. Big smile.

Looking back to April, "Ah ya sayin' I'm crampin' ya style? Cus ya know all ya gotta do is put a bra on tha doah.. I grew up in an All Girls Catholic orphanage... I aint no strangah to ear plugs if things get weihd..." Quote unquote. With fingers. The babies are satisfied with April's presence enough not to require much restraint by the leashes.

Once more glancing up at the Red-stone, "Hell yes! Let's see wheah ya'll be spendin' all ya time so I nevah get ta see ya since ya don't let me be on ya show.." Grinning as brightly as seven suns, until April mentions ditching her... It turns downwards, eyes peering at her over the rim of her glasses, "I mean we'ah gettin' close an' all that, but I ain't goin' no place.. I was half a haih away from jumpin' ya bones, April. We'ah gonna get married one day, ya jus' don't know it yet."

Motioning to the building, "Let's go inside an' christine it wit giant Hyena turds."

April O'Neil has posed:
April glances back in the direction of that truck as Harley shouts after them. "Hard to believe an old woman would say the things she did..." April quietly comments, then shakes her head. "It's a changing world, I guess." She flashes a smile to the three Quinns and then turns to start toward the front door to unlock it again. She laughs softly at Harley's words.

"Two little plastic brides on top of a wedding cake is pretty hot." She quips back as she turns the key on the few locks and pushes the door open to get inside.

The lobby is large and has clean polisehd hardwood floors that creak underneath your feet as good hardwood floors should. There's two chairs sitting alone together with a few papers laying on top of them and since the sun is going down outside, April flips the lights on that shine down from the in-set fixtures in the ceiling.

"Can setup quite a lot in here, a good place to meet people that I bring on the show." She says. "And no pooping please! OH--That remidns me, there's a fenced in back yard to this place. It's not huge, but it'd be perfect form them." She motions to B&L.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"The nuns at the orphanage had some pretty foul mouths..." Harley says to April chastising the old woman shouting about one or both of them having their va-jay jays out in them shorts. "I'm pretty sure she wolf whistle't though.. I mean, tha's kinna hot, if ya into the crypt keeper." Shrugging, she looks up at the door, then sharply back to April.

"Right?!" About the plastic ladies atop a big ass butter cream wedding cake wit white marble icing and, knowing Harley, a chocolate fountain foah dippin' strawberries and shit. Hell, she probably has her whole wedding planned out.. likely has since she was a kid. Picture it: Fresh snapper dinner plates, an all you can eat cotton candy machine right next to the open bar and stripper pole, and Whitney Houston singing at the reception.

That's gettin' married.

"We'd nevah find a necromancer in time..." No context.

Once inside, she unhooks the leashes and lets the boys go exploring. They'll be the real judge of things! Scooting off along the hardwood with their tiny painted claws clickity clackity as they scamper after one another cackling. Meanwhile, Harls turns a small circle to walk backwards into the studio a few steps, nodding. "It needs some flare, maybe a giant multi-colahed penis status right ovah theah in the cohnah? I heah James Franco has one an' it's tastefully artistic... An' beanbag seatin' right ovah heah..." Waving at another wall, "Everybody loves sittin' on beanbag chairs."

April O'Neil has posed:
April crosses her arms over her stomach with her hands holding the back of her elbows and her eyes going around the interior of the lobby of the place. She watches the Hyenas start to sniff their way around and scamper toward the back hallway and she starts to follow after them but she lingers near the mouth of the hallway and turns to look at Harley.

She grins at her.

"Hey." She says. "All of this is because of you. My interview with you at Arkham set me off. I gained so many subscribers and new listeners that my revenue just... shot up. So if you want me to put a giant penis statue in here, I'll do it. I owe you for that, Harley." She says, in a sappy serious tone. "I mean... it's not my first choice, but this, this is cause'a you. And you're welcome on the show any time you wanna be on it."

She motions for her to follow her as she turns to walk down the hallway and slips her phone and keys into her hoodie tied around her waist. "Here's the recording room, where the shows will go down." She flips the light on in there. It has two brick walls in it. "Just need to get some sound proofing up and let some of my tech friends help tell me what I need to do."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh stop't." Harley waves a hand at April, grinning despite what she's saying, "Ya turn't my whole life aroun' wit that interview, April. I was a psychopathic murdah clown in an abusive relationship wit a serial killah til you came along." She shrugs out of her coat and hangs it over her left forearm, "You aint gotta put no dick status in heah, if ya don't want to... /I/ should be tha one puttin' dick statues.."

Dick statues are now a metaphor for how much each values the other.

This is Harley Quinn's world.

Bobbing her head, after sappiness, and them entering the recording room to be. "Ya can use egg cartons as real economical sound proofin', but ya prolly wanna go moah professional if ya gonna have high profile interviews goin' down up in heah..." Grinning over her shoulder, absently pop chewing her gum with a finger twisting in a pinky pig-tail, "Lois Lane said we could do like a call in show, me'n you, an' like I could do colah commentatin' oah somethin'... I thought it was a keen idea, but I don't wanna go bitin' inta ya business life oah nothin', ya know?"

April O'Neil has posed:
"i've heard about the egg carton thing, something I'd definitely do at home, but yeah... probably gotta go all fancy pants here consider I'm going to be inviting people like the /Rock/ to come on and do a bit of air time." April flips the light off in there again and starts back further down the hall. "We can setup a lounge or sitting room in here." She says then as she flips naother light on to show off a spacious room that was probably a head honcho office at some point... then she proceeds on further to open a back door and move out in to a garage type area that is nice and clean but empty with concrete floor.

"And out this way is the back yard.

She opens up a side door to let Bud and Lous go out to the small patio area and then green grass yard with a wrought iron fence that runs around and it looks out to an alleyway beyond and some industrial parks past that.

April slaps her hands against her hips and smiles big at Harley. "Not bad, yeah?" She asks. She motions up then. "There's a second level, but it's all just unfinished and boring. We'll hide all our drugs up there, I think." She grins then and bumps shoulders with the Blonde.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley dutifully follows along during the tour and looks around appreciatively at the rooms she's shown, nodding a few times with an nearly ear to ear grin spread across her brightly painted red lips, "Well it's dahlink, that's all I know.. An' I /definitely/ wanna be heah when the Rock comes on, okay? This is important to me.. I gotta meet him. Not like in a fangirl why neithah, it's jus' a thing I gotta do."

Hands up, hands out, head slightly cut down and to the side.

"I'll be on ma very best behaviah. I promise. Cross mah heaht." Which she does, with one extended finger. Right over her cleavage as they walk out onto the patio with Bud and Lou shoving past to get out into the little back yard.

"I love't. Especially tha upstaihs drug lab." Glancing up, "Oh, ya know wha ya could do? Ya could put a speak easy up theah... ya know like durin' prohabition.. sell toilet wine an' bathtub gin with flappah girls dancin' foah a nickle." Nodding, she turns to April and shoves her fingers shoulder lightly with the tips of her fingers. "Yer in tha big leagues now, toots. I'm so proud of ya!"

April O'Neil has posed:
April just shakes her head at Harley and smiles at her. "I know you will. I think you'd get along with him pretty well too. He's got a great personality, like you do." She looks over to the Hyenas who have plenty of room to do their thing out here, even a little tree in the corner that may or may not be shaking in fear at the sight of the two sniffing around it!

The auburn haired reporter looks back to the blonde then. "You wanna order some food, have it uber'd over here? You can look up dick statues on my ipad and pick out the best one for the lobby." She's swaying back and forth now, a big happy smile on her face. It's very obvious that as far as April Days in April go, this was a good one for her in the month that she shares a name with.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I jus' wanna get into a shit talkin' battle wit'em. Like Kevin Hart only moah cutah." Harley assures April with a big ass grin of her own. Free of leashes, her right hand loops in around April's elbow and turns to usher them back inside so Bud and Lou can engage in whatever form of nefarious behavious they shall get up to in the free rein out in the back yard. Likely a lot of poop...

But it's healthier poop now!

"mmm.. Is it weihd that I'm really into this whole dick statue thing now?" She wonders, fishing her phone out of her back pocket to bring up Uber eats. The reality of Harley Quinn using Uber eats might seem alien and kind of crazy to anyone who sees it given her reputation, but she's actually a pretty good tipper! "How about tha' hotdog joint, Haut Dawgs... they got tha best relish, I'm tellin' ya.. an' their brauts is jus' next level.. I don't think they put a single pig asshole in the mix."

The faux fur coat is laid out on the floor so they've got a place to sit up against the wall. Harley with her legs out, ankles crossed, leaning her head against April's shoulder while cuddling her arm. "OH! I got ya a gift from Japan, but I left it in tha Apartment. Spoilers, it's a Funko Wondah Woman, cus I know how ya love her... Imma tryin' get it signed by Wondah Woman foah ya."

"She'n me is basically best friends now."