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Latest revision as of 12:49, 23 April 2020

Date of Scene: 23 April 2020
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Power-Girl spots Allegra Caradenza on a rooftop ledge, and the two have a civil conversation, and Power Girl gives the performer advice
Cast of Characters: Alexis Carr, Karen Starr

Alexis Carr has posed:
    It was a cool, clear night in Brooklyn. Boardering on Mutant Town there is an old office building, being converted into apartments. Signs marked up as 'COMING SOON!' are on the doors and lower windows, meanwhile it appears only the loft was occupied.

    And that's where a skylight opens, and someone slips out, closing it behind her.

    Allegra Caradenza looked much different than her public persona. Gone was the make-up and winged eyeliner and fake lashes, the professionally coifed hair and the perfect nails, and sitting on the roofside, she was clad in a comfortable sweater that hung past her hips, worn jeans and sneakers. Her hair was piled into a messy bun, fly-aways everywhere as she looked down on the streets below, taking in the movement of the night air.

Karen Starr has posed:
    It might not be the night air that Allegra ought to be taking in. From above her, the voice that calls might just be the last- or first- she'd ever want to hear.

    "That's quite a disguise." it comments, that hard but feminine voice. One she'd heard before.

    Touching down onto the roof with none of the aggressive thudding that falling ought to have, tall as can be, Power Girl makes long yet unhasty strides towards the woman sitting at the edge. If she had any pockets, her hands would be in them. Her cape, idly, flows in the wind like the strands of Allegra's hair.

    "Odd place to run away to. Your father know you're here?" She doubts it, but it's the question begging to be asked.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra does give a start, and she turns to face the floating Power Girl with surprise in her eyes -- she hadn't anticipated seeing her (realistically, who would?), but she straightens a moment, still seated, and gives the superpowered heroine a nod.

    "Good evening, Power-Girl. I'm afraid what you're seeing is the actual article, minus the pointe shoes." she replies quietlly, and she raises an eyebrow, giving a shrug.

    "If he does, he has not announced it. Likely in fear to find that I live with a boy."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl strolls over, and with a mildly impressive floating moment, sets herself down on the rim of the building, same as Allegra. "There are probably worse places you could be. I'd hope he'd be thankful for that, at least, but I'm sure he'd say it wouldn't -do- for you to be here. Tread right over the ways it could be worse to make it all your fault, right? As if he had nothing to do with it."

    She stares out over the city for a moment. Her eyes seem to focus in on imperceptible details. Always watching. "Is it fire?" she asks, somewhat randomly.

    "You learn to notice things. Stuff people would call tricks of the light or bad photography or coincidence. Today's coincidence is tomorrow's supervillain... Or fledgling heroine." A pause. "Does he know?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra turns away from Power Girl as she speaks, worse places she could be?

    Oh yes. So many worse places.

    "It is." she confirms to Power Girl, and she draws one leg up, setting her chin on her knee. "He thinks Sam was doing it to make me look bad -- that'd be the tall blond lad from that night." she explains, "... so no. He doesn't know I'm a mutant. If he did?"

    The girl trails off, looking out over the city as she breathes out. "I don't know what would happen. I definitely wouldn't be involved in any other Pro-HUMANA events, in any case." he states, with a wry note to her voice.

    "How are you faring? Do... does anyone even offer therapy for superheroes, or are you just expected to bare your own burdens alone?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl shrugs. "Not really. Nothing concrete, anyway. We just have to sort of... Accept what we can do, try to do the things we know we can't, and move on." Her attention shifts then, from the city to the girl.

    "He should. Maybe the world should, but that depends on how vindictive you're feeling. Regardless, in some concrete way, your father should know. Maybe it helps him realize what he's doing. Maybe it doesn't. Won't know the answer to that until he knows. Just... Don't go alone. That's my advice."

    There's a quiet sigh from her then, as her eyes return to the city streets. "The major takeaway is... Be who you want, from here on out. Don't worry about how 'people will see it', don't get hung up on whether you're playing for the right people, and don't let anyone tell you who to play for. Otherwise, every concert's just some publicity thing for someone else's cause. Metaphorically speaking."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "... thank you, for that, Power Girl." Allegra replies, looking back out over the city.

    "He wouldn't take it well. He would talk about how some mutants can transmit their 'disease' to others, like it's some sort of leprosy. I would cease to be his, and become the monter I had feared as a child. So... I will keep it quiet, for as long as I can. I'm still coming to terms with it after five, six years of knowing." she gives a small laugh.

    "I'm still trying to figure that out too. Who I am, who I want to become. There are a billion chances I can take, but for now? I play for tips in Little Italy. Greenwich. Places he won't go." she turns back to Power-Girl.

    "I don't suppose you had parents who would have disagreed with your being a superhero?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen has to think about that for a bit. "No." she offers, her voice lilting as if there's more to say- which there is, it just takes a bit. "At least, not about being a superhero, I think. But there's always more to the story, and always a thing or two that they might've disapproved of."

    Her head turns, face perfectly framed by the unfairly similarly perfect golden locks of her hair. "Who cares if he doesn't take it well? He can't make you a monster. He can lie to you, he can spit the wrong opinions and thought-cancer he's coated his own brain with. If he, for one moment, looks at you the same way he looks at the others- if there's anything you can tell him that makes him think of you as something other than his daughter, right now... You don't have to be. Maybe you don't know who you are, who you're going to be, but you deserve to find out if he's worth your time. Some fathers aren't, some -families- aren't, but until you know that, you're going to continue hiding, from more than just -him.-"

    Another pause.

    "You'll hide from -yourself.- You'll spend all of that time languishing in the realm of the never-said, and with a guy like your father, who makes enemies -so- well, who is wandering blindly into the realms of very, very dangerous people... You need to do it now. Else you might never get the chance."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I see." Allegra replies quietly, listening to Power Girl a she speaks, and her face trying to stay neutral, but instead it betrays sorrow. her eyes downcast, she turns away from the blonde and listens to the flutter of the cape.

    "I know." she replies, quietly, "He deserves to know that, at least. And what he does after that is his own business." she agrees, twisting her fingers a bit tighter around her knee.

    "Is that why you came out here? To offer advice?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen nods along, but for the moment, she's got very little to say. Instead, she just lets the other woman both speak- mostly to herself, really, despite that Power Girl is listening- Eventually, though, a question is posed.

    "No, I came out here because I had to throw a mugger into a dumpster. Police picked him up a minute ago. I came up here because I saw someone on a ledge. I -stayed- to offer advice. You looked like you could use it."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Ah." Allegra gives a wry smile. "I am very thankful for it." she states, and rises to her feet. "I don't suppose I could convince you to come inside for a cup of tea in thanks, then?" she offers with a dry smile.