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Spot the Lady!
Date of Scene: 13 November 2023
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Julia gets a front row seat to a great street show, and gets to meet the most interesting Remy LeBeau! Numbers are exchanged, surely this can mean no good!
Cast of Characters: Julia Carpenter, Remy LeBeau

Julia Carpenter has posed:
Julia's out of costume today, getting some errands done around the city while Rachel is at a playdate with a friend! She checks her watch to calculate how much time she has left, then shifts her bags to resettle her things before glancing down the street.

There's a small crowd gathering around one corner near an alley, sparking her curiosity as to what's going on. She has time! Heading over, she has to hustle to catch the crosswalk, approaching with a few 'excuse me' and 'pardon me' for the crowd gathered.

Julia tends to stand out in a crowd. Partly because she's model tall, partly because she's 'just drawn that way', and partly because of the extreme abundance of strawberry blonde hair that she largely manages somehow to keep contained. Today it's in a braid long enough to reach the small of her back. Otherwise, she's in unremarkable clothes.. one of those hiplength sueded shearling coats over a simple thermal shirt, hiphugger jeans, and ankle boots. She doesn't seem to be bothered by the chill, going without hat or gloves.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
In his younger years, Remy would have little moral concerns about swindling people out of a few dollars at a little three card monte table. As he's gotten older, of course, his situations have changed. That truth being what it is he still occationally sets out old trusties just to keep his skills sharp.

Which is precisely what has drawn that crowd near the alleyway.

Sitting on an overturned bucket is the shaggy haired Cajun.

A pair of shades resting on the bridge of his nose to hide his black eyes with red iris' and wearing comfortable clothing that gives him a more hipster over grifter vibe. "Follow da card, you want da red ladi, yeah?" Holding the folded card up to show the man standing on the other end of the folding table he's set up.

The card flops back down and is shuffled with the other two in a series of elaborate, but not very quick, motions of his wrists. Easy enough to keep track of because these kinds of grifts always require someone to play a fish. Can't make money if you don't lose a little money.

"Four dollars to play, you look like you got good eye, mon ami."

His hair is just long enough to pull back into a man-bun, because everyone trusts a guy with a man-bun. Wearing a t-shirt over a thin long sleeve shirt. Grey on Green. With a pair of fray legged jeans and old converse sneakers. It's a clinical masterwork in disguise.

That or he's in college.

And it's the 90s.

Julia Carpenter has posed:
Julia can't help the smile as she sees a sight she hadn't seen since college. A three card monte game! Chuckling as she watches the interestingly dressed man flipping cards and shuffling them about in an easygoing fashion. He's not making it obvious, which means he's good. Very good.

It's a good day for it! The weather is chilly, but the skies are clear, there's a thin sun shining down through a dusty blue sky. She glances around casually, no cops in the area, this probably isn't high on the patrolling list, not a ton of crime happening in a residential area in the middle of the day.

Looking back to the game runner, she lifts a brow at the accent, idly wondering if it's real or an affectation for the crowds. Either way, it's smooth as butter and pleasing to the ear, good on him if he picked it!

She shifts forward a little more and sidles in closer, intrigued and more curious than ever. "Can I have next play?" Her own accent is light, faded from years away, but the California hints still show up here and there.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
What Remy lacks in obvious hustle shuffling cards, he makes up for in keen observation. Spying Julia as she cast her eyes from side to side like someone might if they were scanning for police. He might reason she has friends she's looking for, if not for the little upturn of her grin when she spied the game. His own grin remains hidden from his lightly stubbled face and, for all intents, his attention stays upon the man standing across from him as he drops the cards in a row before him. "Alright, din, you pick."

Motioning across the table with his fourth and fifth fingers curled, middle and index held in the mans direction, "'Member, you lookin' for da red ladi. She sneaky doe, you never knowin' when she creep off eh?" A showmans smile. As the man reaches for a card..

"oooo you sure you want dat one?" After a pause and careful consideration, the man nods and flips the card over. Revealing the.... Red Queen.. "Ah! See? Dere she be, all pretty wit her two boe.. Tut tut.." A small roll of dollar bills shifts from his pocket and a couple are peeled from the top to hold out to the man.

"You go on now, you got too good'uh eyes. Can't trust nobody pay dat much attention. Shoo shoo." The crowd chuckles at the good nature of the tease, with Remy waving Julia over with a flick of his hand. "Ah, da ladi want turn. Come on up cheri, les'see you got eyes like dis fella." With his nose curling curiously, he holds his hand out with one of the curved cards clutched by his thumb and index finger on either end, "But we change tings up. Less you lookin' for ladi's, we have you find her handsome king." Which he shows to her. A King of Clubs. It drops to the table and begins shuffling with that same lazy, motion of his hands. "Gotta keep close eye on dis one, doe." Said as he shakes his head playfully.

"He not so classy as da ladi, ses pa? No no, he sneak aroun'.." Slowly shuffling the middle card right, very dramatically dropping it to the table. The middle card and left card move in oposite shifting positions around the right to return it to center. "You t'ink you got him found?"

Julia Carpenter has posed:
Julia smiles towards the man who gets to walk off with a few extra dollars, then flushes slightly as she's drawn more attention. She takes up a stance opposite Remy at the folding table, but she'll set her bags down between her feet and crouches to put them on equal footing. It also lets her rest a hand lightly on the edge of the table (well away from the cards!) as she smiles at him. "I'm a little rusty... I haven't played anything but Go Fish in ages."

Not that she's asking him to take it easy on her! Oh no, she looks eager for the challenge of trying to outwit the dealer. Julia seems perfectly comfortable with maintaining the crouched position, giving him a nod, "King is fine!" Then another small flush and grin when he mentions that the king likes to sneak around.

Focusing on the shuffling cards, she's focusing with more than just her eyes. That hand on the edge of the table picks up the slight tremors of the shuffling cards, following those as she gives a small laugh over the shuffle before pointing to the middle card. "There? I think... yeah, I think that one."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy has no otherworld senses, but he's been watching people for these kinds of cons longer than most people have been paying for their own food. He doesn't let his friendly smile fall off his face, which doesn't mean he's unaware of just how crafty the person crouching across from him actually is. Nothing is ever so easy as what's right in front of you, afterall.

The little tick of her eyes moving with the middle card.

    He shuffles it to the right to see how she tracks it.

The fingers on the edge of the table sitting loosely despite her kneeling position.

    There's no way he can know she's feeling the vibration of his cards moving, but he knows for certain it's more than for support. He's a second story man himself and can spot someone trying to disguise their grace.

"Dis one?" He points down at the card he'd just shuffled to the middle, his grin widening only a touch. "You sure?" Already reaching out to close to fingers around the inverted curve of the card and flop it backwards to present the face up.


That was 100% where the King should be.

This just isn't the king.

It's the Jack of Clubs.

"Well, you did find a fella, but him not da one you lookin' for." He points to the right card, "Now dis one? Dis one might be him..." He repeats the motion, but it is also the Jack of Clubs.

Head canting to the side, squinting behind his glasses, "Wait.. where he go?" lazily, almost comically pointing to the card on the left, "Can't be dis one, dats da queen, non?" Still, he reaches out and flips it..

And it is also the Jack of Clubs.

"Huh.." Hands coming up like a clown who lost his balloon, "I tol' you he sneaky.. Here, gimme' yer hand-" Flicking his hand over invitingly, with his palm pointed upwards, "I t'ink I know he go."

Julia Carpenter has posed:
The sign of a good conman is his wit and dexterity. The sign of a *great* conman is how he sussess out the people around him. He has her pegged and it's going to make things infinitely more interesting! She's watching the flip and rush of the cards. She can feel them shuffling from place to place. But it's hard to tell when he's switching out one card for another. The movement is so smooth and even.

More impressed than ever, Julia can't help but laugh in delight when he flips the first card to show the Jack of Clubs. Then the second. By the third, she's utterly hooked and grinning broadly. "Apparently I found three! More than I've ever found in the dating pool, so hey, I must be doing something right!"

He asks for her hand and she grins, giving a nod as she lifts her fingers from the edge of the table to hold out to him, palm up. "Alright, I'll trade three boys for a man, sounds good to me." That draws a bit of a titter amongst the crowd, likely more fromt he women, but that's the target audience for the gag!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
If Remy weren't a consumate professional, he might have blushed. Instead he smirks and cants his head at her playful retort and nods once when she lays her hand in his. "Okay, now.. Dis a very old, very- shhhh" finger to his lip on his free hand. He peers around at his gathered onlookers, as if bringing them all into some back alley in New Orleans where the very secret inner workings of the grifter society comes together to sift out these sorts of affairs.

"I can trust all you folks, ses pa? Good, good.." The finger drops from his lips, and trace the life line inside Julia's palm until he's reached the end of her index finger. Following little grooves and unseen mystical imperfections what only HE, a master of these matters of secrecy, might see.

He's wearing a short sleeved shirt, so there's no way he could possibly be hinding anything up a sleeve. Yet still, when their fingers are touching like E.T. hand laid atop his palm, he leans down to inspect the little space where their two hands meet, "Ah ha.. sneaky bandit, dat king." He taps the side of her thumb and flicks his fingers out, holding the curved King of Clubs between his middle and index finger as if he'd pulled it from between their knuckles.

It's coiled slowly, rolled like a coin across his knuckles, and held out to Julia. "Usually I don't give da king away, but how else I give you my number, eh?" If they're going to play games for the audience, he's clearly every bit the showman, if the cackles and Oooos are any indication.

Julia Carpenter has posed:
Falling quiet so she can better watch the show Remy's putting on, Julia is every bit as enchanted by it as the onlookers. Even as she's trying to suss out HOW he does what he does, she's enjoying that he's able to do it. Her eyes on the trace of his fingers across her palm, her own fingers curling slightly from the ticklish sensation. Drawn into the story he's building up, letting that feeling of secret inclusion pull her in.

Even Julia finds herself leaning in closer to him, watching him with a smile as he spins a web around them that even she couldn't manage.. his with words and insinuation and the sort of street magic that's all but disappeared over the years.

Then he's peering between their fingers and she chuckles softly, drawing in a quick breath and holding it while waiting for him to make the big reveal.

And she's not immune to the delight when he pulls the King from seemingly thin air! Letting out a small hoot, Julia lifts her eyes to grin at him, taking the card with a chuckle, "Thank you. That was the best card game I've played." Pulling out the four dollars for the game, and an extra ten for the show, she drops them on the table and tucks the card into her back pocket, "I'd ask for another round, but I'm afraid I'd have to fight some of these ladies for the right. Truly, that was amazing." Rising up, she feels something.. unfortunately familiar coming towards the table. Shifting slightly, she cuts a glance down to him and murmurs, "Patrol car on approach, they're slowing down.. you might want to dip before they try to hassle you." She flashes him a quick grin, "It was a pleasure being hoodwinked."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
The cheers are, by his genuine grin, all he really came for. Remy hasn't been a real grifter in years, but a few dollars for a show on the side of the road? Well that brightens everyone's day. Including his. So he takes a dramatic bow and drops the folded King down on the small stack of cards laid across his folding table. "t'ank you, t'ank you.. Please, no.." Waving his hands side to side, shaking his head. "Do not shower me wit hundred dollar bills, I do not deserve dem." Obviously teasing and playing to the audience.

It is not until Julia murmurs that he turns his attention away from crowds reverence. Tilting his head just enough that the black-red of his eyes is visible over the rem of his glass when he peers from side to side. "Ahhh..." A knowing grin, a waggling finger. "Dere it is." He nods and winks her direction, immediately reaching to scoop up the cards.

"Okay, den, I reckon I be on my way before any of you 'swindlers' able to grift me for my money, eh?" He does pocket what Julia gave him, but he almost seems reluctant to do so. Maybe it's still part of the game he's playing, however. "T'ank you. Dat was fun. Maybe next time I show you how I done da trick?" He doesn't bother folding the table, instead stepping back into the alleyway where one might imagine such a talented thief would simply vanish...

He doesn't, cus this aint Gotham and he aint Batman.

Besides, people haven't turn their back on him yet, amirite?

Julia Carpenter has posed:
Flashing him a quick grin, Julia gives a nod, bending to scoop up her bags and get them settled on her arm. If she's surprised by the color of his eyes, she doesn't show it, just tilting her head for him to duck away while she shifts around to give him a chance to slip off before the cops can muscle their way through the quickly dispersing crowd.

Offering a polite smile to the officers, she watches them mutter over the empty table before seeming to head off herself. Cutting down the next alley, she takes advantage of the attention the cops draw to scuttle quickly up the wall and onto the roof so she can try to parse out which way Remy will go.

There's a glance over the edge towards the cops who end up shrugging at each other and getting back into their car. No complaints from the crowd, no 'perp' to rustle, and they can't exactly take the folding table with them. Chuckling, she moves back and peers over the edge into the alleyway he'd ducked into... the question is.. will he still be there?

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Seriously, Remy isn't Batman.

But honestly wouldn't it be crazy amusing if someone saw an aerial view of the Dark Knight when he does that disappearing trick, but he was just crouching behind a trashcan out of view?

Remy isn't doing that either.

But it would be pretty funny.

Instead, he's walking with his hands in his pockets, having found a long brown trench coat from somewhere in the time between when he dropped back into the alley and when Julia peers down at him. His hair is out of that god awful man-bun too. Never trust anyone with a man-bun. Shaggy around the sides of his angular, thin face with the shades up on his brow.

Whistling some Dazzler song.

One of her older songs, though, not the new stuff.

Julia Carpenter has posed:
Looking over the edge of the roof, she grins when she sees him pick up the coat and pull his hair out of that Godawful man-bun (seriously, it looks good on nobody). Letting out a small whistle, she sets her hands to the edge of the roof and calls down, "Hey, Ragin' Cajun... good taste in music. Classic Dazzler, excellent choice."

She offers a smile down to him, one hand going over the edge and twiddling fingers at him. How dis SHE do that? There's a mirth in her expression, but also that curiosity that still wants to know how the magician did the trick.

"I can come down or you can come up, I'm good with either, but you have me wildly curious."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy peers around and then up at the whistle, grin cracking wider when he sees unwitting assistant for the impromptu magic show only a few moments prior. "Nobody call me Ragin' Cajun anymore. Seem like a twenty dollar moniker like dat would stick, ses pa? Nah, most people jus' call me Gambit... or Remy... or lazy ass." The joke accompanies a quiet snort laugh.

When he's invited to invite her down or invite himself up, he opts for the latter. Reaching up with a hop to grab the fire escape. Using a surprising amount of dexterity to fling himself over the edge of the landing, no doubt honed over years of breaking into second story buildings all along the French Quarter, until he's pulling himself up onto the roof and taking a seat on the edge with a dramatic flare of his coat.

"You know, askin' magician how he does magic is like askin' a girl her age, non? But..." He holds up a finger, "I am a sucker for a pretty smile, so.. We make a trade. You tell me your name, I show you how trick work, easy eh?"

Julia Carpenter has posed:
She figured he might be nimble enough to find his way up to the roof, smiling as she watches the dextrous climb. Once he's joined her, she takes a seat on the roof nearby and offers, "How about Remy, hm? I'm betting that's the one you were born with. Seems fitting." Julia grins, "But Ragin' Cajun fits, too."

Setting her bags back down, she offers a hand out to him, "Julia. Julia Carpenter. It's nice to meet you Remy." That smile stays in place as she watches him, "You have a real flair and sense of showmanship.. I haven't seen a fun show like that in a really long time. It's sad they try to hassle people away from street shows and grifters. It's a part of the New York experience... you pay for the fun of losing a little cash. I've seen casinos take peoples' houses. Yet to see a three card monte game take more than a couple hundred bucks."

She grins, "I have to admit, I can usually pick apart how it works, but your pull was so smooth I couldn't even feel it."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy takes her hand and his are, probably unsurprisingly, calloused. Not necessarily rough, persay, but he definitely uses them and hasn't shirked from real work. Whatever that might be in the world of Remy LeBeau. "LeBeau, Remy LeBeau." Motioning to himself when he's got his hand free and then down to rest on either side of his hips.

A quiet grin, nodding his agreement. "Eh, I aint never been too broken up by da law breakin' up my games. I wasn't dere to take people money, jus'... havin' fun, non? Gets boring bein' good all da time." His grin remains and his shoulder shifts slightly in a shrug.

"I been dealin' wit cards since I old enough to walk on my two feet." His hand jumps out and one flicks up between them, though with his trench coat on he could have easily pulled it from the sleeve. He nods towards a small bit of broken glass somewhere in the middle of the roof and hurls the cards with another flick of his wrist. It hits it, then another hits it in the exact same spot when it spins, then another, and another.. All of them spinning the battle back and forth as his hands alternate hurling those cards.

Until finally he's holding one up between thumb and index finger. "Weren't really anyt'ing special wit the card. Dere was never a King. Da one I hold up for you was a dummy face card, I switch out da Queen. Cus nobody lookin' for her. Smoke'n mirrors. Dat all Magic ever is."

Julia Carpenter has posed:
"A name fitting a semi-disreputable but utterly charming scoundrel," Julia gives a firm shake, her own hands are calloused as well. More, there's a few marks and scars.. the scars are around the wrist and forearm, suggesting burns associated with cooking. The marks around her hands are more like... blade training.

She chuckles and gives a nod, letting her hands dangle down between her knees as she watches him, "I am, but only because it was a great show. I'd have stayed and watched another ten, twenty minutes if they hadn't come around. You really do have a flair for entertaining, and you know people." Which is infinitely more difficult!

There's delight clear in her expression as she watches him with the cards, from the sudden appearance, to the card tosses that are unerringly accurate. Letting out a low whistle, she murmurs, "That takes some serious skill. Those cards aren't exactly weighted, it's difficult to get that amount of consistent force with them." Julia smiles at him, "Color me impressed."

The truth behind the trick has her laughing, "That would explain why I couldn't feel the difference... very slick." She waves a hand, "Real magic.. like.. actual, honest to God magic... is just... overwhelming, and... I don't know. Too much. But *stage* magic.. takes work, skill, talent... I'll take David Copperfield over real magic any day."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"I am but a humble servant of da people, it true." Remy teases, holding his hands out after disposing of the card he'd been holding into parts unknown. Though it likely just slides up his sleeve. "People aren't always so easy.. You for instance." Pointing two fingers at her, casual, playfully. "Dere somet'ing different bout you. I aint real sure what, but little t'ings, non? Like da way you-" Then she says about feeling the vibrations.

And he snaps points.

"I suspect dat, but didn't know for sure." Again holding his hands out dramatically, before putting them down on either side of his hips. With his legs extending to cross his ankles, he peers off into the ether.

"I know dis lady, Bella Donna. Sort of an Ex, I guess.. arranged marriages still a t'ing if you believe dat." He shakes his head and looks down at his thighs, "She aint 'real' magic, but she employ dem. More mutant magic, what I call it. Dere powers as mystical as any wizard I ever know, anyways."

When he glances her way, some of the jovial demenor has slipped, revealing a more haunted look in his oddly colored eyes. "My experience wit magic, real stuff, always bad.. So I take street magic every time too."

Julia Carpenter has posed:
Laughing softly, Julia gives a small nod and leans back a little, just smiling at him. "Ohhhhhhhhh, there's plenty different about me... but that's maybe a story for a second or third or... I don't know when that sort of conversation is appropriate." She flashes a grin at the vibrations and gives a nod, "I have a *very* highly defined tactile sense."

Canting her head, she watches him as he goes into his past and gives a nod when he mentions magic, even mutant magic. Apparently neither are alien concepts to her. "Yeah, I hear you. I have an ability that I think would probably be called magic by most people. It isn't, but I can see where people might think it."

Leaning over, she nudges him shoulder to shoulder and smiles, "I've seen magic work for me and against me. I'd still rather just not deal with it when I get the option."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
The shoulder nudge brings him out of the gloom of his past thoughts and the grin returns to his face easily enough. Hard to keep a good Remy down, if nothing? With a glance sidelong he up nods, a look of mock skepticism in his off colored eyes, "Uh huh. Me too. Genetic wizardry, dey call it, but all it ever been is trouble. My most useful of skills, anybody can do dem. Only t'ing you need da rest for is fightin'."

Of which he's clearly done plenty. Small scars on his visible skin. Nothing outlandish or roguish, just reminders. Lessons learned, as it were. "Ol Remy, he gone stay well outta da voodoo realm. I learn long time ago dat you don't go messin' wit da Lwa... She aint a forgivin' one at all. An' she may have laws she has to follow, but dere aint not'ing natural about dem."

With a grunt, he pushes himself off the ledge and pats his hands together to clean off some of the dust. "Anyway, I reckon I should be movin' along, but I was serious when I say I give you my number. Not sure what da rules are when it come to pick up lines at grifter games, but you miss one hundred percent of the shots ya don't take, eh?" The card is again held out between his fingers. Turning it over with his number written across the Kings face. "Call sometime, maybe we get a second and third... to exchange horrible history stories."

Julia Carpenter has posed:
Julia returns the grin and gives a small nod towards Remy with a chuckle, "Mine isn't genetic lottery... more... unfortunate accident that lead to cool abilities. But I can't really complain, I get to have this really awesome extra life doing good things. So if I'm a little selfish in my normal life.. well.. I give up a lot too. Evens out." She grins once more and lifts a shrug.

"I can say that a lot of my abilities have more.. utility use. Not JUST for fighting, although for that, too." She points at him and gives a nod, "You and me both. I haven't come across any voodoo mavens yet that I know of, and I'll gladly stay very far away from them if I can." She shakes her head and murmurs, "I don't mess with gods, demons, angels, spirits, none of it. I try to keep myself out of any and all religions. Life is hard enough."

Laughing, Julia grabs up her bags and gives a nod, "I should be heading out as well. I'll text you soon, so you know my number. If nothing else, having someone to hang out with is fun. Especially when they can do neat stage magic... or, well, I'll have to show you mine next time. You can determine for yourself." Julia grins, "Sounds like a plan. You have a good one, Remy."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Never tell a Loa ya know." Remy offers as parting wisdom about matters of religion, but he's still grinning as he offers up fare-the-wells with a two finger salute off his brow. "A un de ces quatre, cherie. I only text in emoji, be forewarned." He's joking, stepping up on the ledge to start the less than exciting descent back into the alleyway by way of the fire escape.

Once again whistling the Dazzler tune from earlier.

"Where da party at... doot doot..."

Boots on ground, hands in pockets, he starts back towards the other end of the alley and up the street with an easy stride and a grin.