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Latest revision as of 15:34, 18 November 2023

Descriptions Of the Enemy
Date of Scene: 12 November 2023
Location: Mystique's Office
Synopsis: After the attack on the asteroid, Caleb takes the time to check on Mystique then is given the interview to gain access to H&D. He gives a description of the three who escaped and a working image it produced from it.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Caleb Dykstra
Tinyplot: No Good Deed

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Things have grown calmer on the asteroid, though there are still many uninjured who are working to help clean up the mess left by the bombings. The holes created by the explosions have all been sealed, leaving just the debris of things destroyed in the wake.

With the bar destroyed and the cafeteria serving as a secondary medical ward, the central plaza had been turned into a gathering area for those who remained. Food and water, along with clean clothing was being offered to any who wanted it, and the quarters that weren't destroyed were being set up to house numerous people at once.

Those who had aided in stopping the bomber were permitted to leave, if that was their desire, or to stay. Mystique had been taken to the medbay by Victor, and little else had been said regarding her. There was one announcement over the intercom in the passing of four hours, she was alive, healing, and pissed off, so herself.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Still on the Asteroid, is Caleb. He was the only one who was able to get a clear description of the three that escaped, likely the orquestrators of the whole thing, so he had stayed behind to see if he could put those faces on the spotlight. Also, visiting Mystique after an attack would be a nice gesture to someone who gave him a chance of refuge, right?

So, he waits, whether to be called to the Medbay for the visit, or to the Operations Center to meet the twins.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Dr. Emily Hathaway, the woman in charge of the entire Medbay and was someone even Mystique would not risk pissing off. All over the asteroid it was known that Mystique ran the asteroid right up to the doors of the medbay, and then Dr. Hathaway was in charge.

The call comes across his comm that Caleb was permitted to visit Mystique, but only for a short time. So when he arrived, a tall slender woman in scrubs with a name tag that read, "Nurse Yana" showed him to the room where Mystique was. The trip through the medbay wasn't all that long, but it still gave an impression of just how large the place was.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb approaches the bed where Mystique lies, thanking the nurse as she gets back to work. Then, his look gets neutral, holding back words or trying to formulate sentences in his mind.

But whatever he was going to say at first, falls back to what seems a likely very cliched, but courtesy-filled, "How're you doing?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique actually looks worse than she actually is. Her body is covered in scales that look far too much like tiny dragon scales but match the color of blue she normally is perfectly. There are patches of black on her legs from the burns, and she is covered only by a thin sheet across her torso and thighs.

Sitting up in the bed, despite the glare from the nurse as she brings Caleb in. "You aren't Hathaway," she bites to the Nurse with a glare right back at her, then shifts her yellow eyes to Caleb. If she in pain it doesn't show, not even in her eyes.

"I'm well enough for someone who blew up," she replies, her tone now completely cheerful. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"No, I didn't", he says, though unlike Raven, he doesn't sound cheerful; he's bearing that Gothamite focus. "While the main muscle went to take down the invading army, I stood behind and went to find whoever was behind it." He notes, "Because that was a distraction, it had all the characteristics of one."

He shrugs, "If the distraction was meant to somehow steal vital information or plant something on the base, you should look into that as soon as possible."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Turning her head, Mystique taps the little ear piece tucked neatly in her left ear. "I'm always listening," she comments with a dark smile. "Security finished a sweep of the entire base just a short time ago, there are no signs of anything that shouldn't be there. There is also nothing in the walls, they were... examined thoroughly."

Gesturing to a chair by the bed, she continues speaking but the cheerful is gone. "It was an effective distraction. They lost eight of their people, and abandoned twelve more. They weren't looking for anything, nor were they planting anything... they were trying to kill me."

An alarm sounds, a few short beeps before it stops again. "What did you see from your position behind the lines?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Well, I saw three people", Caleb answers. "One of them looked like Dr. Manhattan, if he were green. Really, can't miss him, all glowy and stuff." He continues, "The second was a woman with a stone-like skin. And the last guy, he was like a cutout from the old west, all dressed in deer skins with those feathery headpieces."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
One of Mystique's brows raises slightly at the mention of the three, but she listened intently to his description.

"Would you be willing to repeat those descriptions to the twins," she asks with a tilt of her head. "They are computer graphic artists, and can attempt to rebuild what you saw."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Absolutely", Caleb says. "When can they start? The sooner, the better."

He then asks, "But why would they want you killed? Old friends from your past life?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pausing for a moment to listen to conversation on the comm, Mystique lifts one finger up in that 'just a moment' gesture everyone knows. When the conversation ends she looks back to Caleb.

"I have no idea why I was the target," she says bluntly. "But I intend to find out. In all my years I have never seen mutants who hated other mutants as much as they do. Clearly I did something they didn't like, and given that they call themselves 'For the Cure', I'm going to assume they dislike my involvement in trying to stop the cure from being mandatory."

Taking a sip of water, another alarm bings three times and her eyes narrow. "The twins are not easily seen Caleb," she continues, ignoring the alarm. "To actually meet them you have to pass a telepathy test, and even then you will only be permitted on the other side of their safety glass. There are reasons for such high security regarding them. Still willing?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The young man finds himself considering. "Well. I guess..." He wonders why all the security. "Although, the way you're talking... It feels to me like they're in some safety bubble?"

"So, it could all be stopped if they were given the cure", he changes the subject briefly. "Then, why not give it to them the next time they attack? They were using their abilities for aggression, they were clearly harmful. Next time they attack... *fwoot!*" He says, "They're downed, game over, everybody gets to rest and sleep soundly." He shrugs, "Might not be seen with the best eyes because I understand that could be for many an act of aggression against their own identity, but we're talking someone using their abilities to harm others, not erradication... right?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"H&D choose to live protected and isolated from the rest of the world," Mystique explains. "Their mutation is very unique, and at one time it caused their lives to be..." she pauses, her demeanor darkening. "... the cruelty is unlike any I will repeat."

Picking up a cup, he can see her movements are slow and methodical, as if she has to think and will herself to move. Taking a sip of the water in the cup, she keeps it in her hand.

"Caleb, it is not a cure," she then states. "I've seen first hand the number of mutants killed by this 'cure'... it is an experiment that produced a few successes at the lives of hundreds. So no, there is no cure."

Taking another sip of the water, she sets the cup back on the tray in front of her. Yellow eyes study him intently, her expression emotionless as she decides exactly how to word what she says next. Finally she takes a deep breath and begins. "I used my mutations for aggression, as have many of the Brotherhood. Would you... *fwoot!* us? Too many times have mutants been forced into cages and robbed of their natural gifts by humans out of fear. Would you have me to the same to my kind out of fear?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"It's not a cure?", Caleb repeats, and he shakes his head. "Well, shit... That changes things, doesn't it?"

"No, not out of fear... Out of self-defense", he says. "If there was a cure - a real cure, I mean - that would stop a bunch of mutant aggressors coming at me or mine, rest assured that I would use it to level the playing field - not because you looked different." He points out, "Because, let's face it, when I saw those three, I would've been taken out easily if their plan wasn't to escape. The green guy could've ported me out of the station into space, stone girl could've probably pummelled me into a pancake, being all rock-like, and the native-american guy sounded like the ace in the hold, because I had not a damn clue what he could do."

"It's easy to champion the 'victim' angle when you're being aimed a bullet, and be a 'champion of the oppressed' when you take up arms and fight for the cause", he says. "But in the middle, many people who're just living out their lives get hit, cut, shot, stabbed, trampled, maimed, and killed. Facts cannot lie!"

"If the Brotherhood had come after me, had made victims of my family...? It's pretty damned possible I could've found myself in a completely different set of shoes." He nods in a general direction. "If that group came after me and mine, oh damn well sure I'd use whatever resource I'd have to make their lives miserable, and then, when they had nothing left..."

He stops the conversation.

"I don't want to think about it."

Nor does he want to jinx it - Dykstra luck, after all...

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Closing her eyes, Mystique takes a slow deep breath... one moment to decide how to respond to a human who basically just said he would kill mutants. Yes, he has said in self defense, and that was the part that she had to repeat to herself a few times. In the past, the mere idea of a human harming a mutant, no matter the reason, would have caused a violent reaction in the blue mutant, but this was not then.

"All mutants are victims," she states first, calmly, opening her eyes to look at him. "We don't play the victim, we don't champion the victim angle, we /are/ victims. Humans have seen to it that no matter what the mutation, we are freaks, monsters, unwanted, unwelcome, to be denied rights because we are different."

Using her arms to lift herself a little more, straightening her back as she does, she settles back in a more upright position. "I despise that this is mutant fighting mutant. I despise that we required aid to protect our home, but I understand the point of self defense. That is the only point that keeps me from losing my shit right here and now. Ever living being has the right to defend themselves."

The alarm sounds once again, and this time it continues to go off. "Thirty-seven mutants died on the asteroid today, eighteen are recovering in the medbay, including myself... there is no correct answer here Caleb, so I can only say that we will defend ourselves to the best of our ability. You will defend yourself and your family, and if you need aid in doing that, you have only to call."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Let's be perfectly honest here, Caleb had absolutely no idea where this answer would lead him. He spoke from the heart, as honestly as possible from a human stand point, right down to where his opinions start being shaken up, and the likely trigger.

If Mystique had taken him out there and then, she likely would've done it easy enough, even if injured. But this was another Mystique, one who had been reformed through time and patience, who was willing to give others the benefit of the doubt.

It's noticeable for the older mutant, naturally, the look of relief on his face, even if one where poker face training has certainly paid off.

"Well, good", he says, as measuredly as possible. "I may well take you up on that offer." He explains, "I saw their faces, but they also saw mine... Who's to say, you know?"

Huh. I wonder if he jinxed it.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique offers the young man a smile, already prepping at least three members of the Brotherhood to keep an eye on Caleb on the ground. She was true to her word, that she would protect him and his family from this new mutant grou if it was required.

"I'll have feet on the ground to keep an eye on things for you caleb," she states, laying her head back very slightly. Through it all she has kept a poker face that could bluff any expert player. There has been no emotions in her eyes or on her face. It was obvious however, that she was tired.

Before Mystique can say another word however, a slender bodies, blonde haired woman in scrubs stalks into the room. "Enough of this," Emily Hathaway states in a tone of authority and conviction. "You've been here long enough and taken up more than enough of Mystique's time."

Mystique rolls her eyes, "Emily, we are almost finished, and the young man was exceedingly helpful."

Hathaway snorts, "You have exactly three more minutes."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"No no, the med staff is right", he says to Mystique, nodding to Hathaway, "Visiting hours have to end sometime, so do get stronger."

"And I should go talk to the twins, now. See if my description of that psychopath trio provides some insight into catching them."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Hathaway folds her arms across her chest, staring Mystique down until the fierce leader for mutant rights sighs softly, nods and waves the woman off. "Fine, fine..." she mutters. "Pete is on his way to escort Caleb."

The blonde doctor nods once and looks to Caleb, "Come with me and I'll show you to the lobby so you can meet up with Pete."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Waving goodbye to Mystique, Caleb follows the good doctor, not saying much of anything for now. He sends out a message in the meantime - if allowed. When he came over to Asteroid M, he left his kid sister behind, so he had to let her know he was alright.

"You run a tight ship in there, doc... Do take care of them, okay?" He saw not just Mystique, but some of the injured. It wasn't sitting well with him.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Hathaway walks at a quick pace, moving through the halls like a woman who has done it a million times. "I take my job very seriously," she states before reading the lobby. "Anyone, I don't care if they're mutants or humans, who needs medical assistance. So yes, I run a tight ship."

Pausing as they reach the lobby she extends her hand to Caleb, "It was nice to meet you Mr. Dykstra, please remember that the services of my medical staff are available to you and your family any time."

In the center of lobby is a tall, slender Latino man dressed in a black t-shirt, jeans and combat boots on his feet. Over the t-shirt is a light jacket in electric blue with a few chains hanging over the shoulders. His black hair is cut short on the sides, with the top and back long enough that it is presently held up with a rubber band. When first seen, he looks to be lost in through but as Hathaway and Caleb appear, his eyes focus on Caleb.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Likewise, Doctor", he says with a pleasant smile and a firm handshake. "And thank you."

Now, to Pete, he offers a courtesy nod. "Greetings. I take it you're Pete?" He's not put off by the look the mutant gives him - the whole situation is a lot to take in, and he likely lives here. To Caleb, it comes off as a guarded stance.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
As Caleb approaches Pete, Hathaway remains at the back of lobby watching. Perhaps a bit more protective of the young mutant, or it might just be that she wants to see what happens.

Pete offers a nod, then seems as an after thought to extend his hand. "Yes, I'm Pete," he offers with a soft voice touched with an accent. "Mystique asked me to interview you before permitting you to see the twins. To... uh, to do that requires me to use my telepathy on you. I... I'm not entirely comfortable with doing that, but it's... well... the twins have to be protected, you understand that right?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"The twins would be in no danger from me", Caleb says plainly, extending his hand. "But it's your house, your rules. After what happened, increased security measures should of course apply."

One thing's for certain about Caleb - he's cooperative.

"Okay... So, what do I do?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete gestures to a small room off the lobby, the door has a sign on it that reads 'Lounge'. "If you'll join me in a private room, I'll try to make this as quick and painless as possible. You've been through a lot, I don't want to add to that."

Once they enter the room it is in fact very much a doctor's lounge. There are a couple of couches, a television on the wall, a large coffee maker that presently has a full pot of coffee in it, and of a large refrigerator. On the counter with a full sink rests a large tray of donuts including the asteroid cooks famous fritters. Apple, pear, peach, blackberry and strawberry fritters lines up nicely beside a few glazed, a couple of chocolate covered, and one Bavarian cream.

Pete wastes no time in moving to one of the couches. "Feel free to help yourself to some coffee, there's juice in the fridge, and the donuts are up for grabs as well."

Caleb has no way of knowing the interview had already started, that every thought and emotion he felt was transmitted to the young mutant in the room.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And yet, it's not like Caleb isn't suspecting that the interview could've started already. After all, it becomes quick word on the streets that telepaths can enter your mind unsuspectingly.

"Oh, thank you. I could use some after all this." He goes for a donut. "So, any idea on why these guys could've attacked?" Small talk, for sure.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete sits himself on the edge of the couch facing the counter, his eyes following Caleb's movements. "Hatred, anger, guilt at being mutants," he replies with sadness in his soft voice. "I couldn't touch their minds, it was like hitting a brick wall, but I could /feel/ them, what they felt."

Resting his hands on his knees he takes a deep breath and asks, "Why do you want to meet the twins?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"While all hell broke loose and people were struggling to contain it", he gestures outside, "I suspected it was all a lure to keep everyone distracted." He points out, "I got to see a fairly good description of them, so pooling resources together might help with a name, something about who they are and their whereabouts."

He ponders, "You couldn't touch their minds... So one of them could be like you. A telepath, I mean." And his thoughts linger on the native-american guy...

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete is silent for a moment, still watching Caleb before he stands up and walks over to get himself some coffee. There are no paper cups around here, no plastic spoons or stir sticks. The mugs are lined up on the shelf above, and there are spoons in a holder by the coffee pot. He adds a little sugar and cream, then takes a spoon to stir.

"There as a telepath with them," he almost whispers, then has to take a breath in to stop himself from shuddering. "Very powerful, able to block the minds of all of them at the same time."

Taking a small plate, he puts one of the blackberry fritters on it, takes a cloth napkin from the pile, then returns to the couch.

"I have a very clear picture from your mind of what the three looked like in the moment you saw them, is that what you intend to share with the twins? To have them create digital images of them?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb nods to that, "Whatever measures can be taken, yeah." He finds himself wondering, "Because you know, if they had a telepath creating a 'dead zone', if you will, they would have reasons. Like, their hideout secrets... Or maybe they had already been here, and didn't want to be discovered so they could try again."

He smiles, "And if they do... You could set up a trap for them."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Setting the cup and plate on the coffee table, Pete cants his head slightly before nodding just once to something. "I'm not skilled enough to know much more about the other telepath, but Mystique has been getting reports from all over the asteroid, maybe text her your idea."

Looking toward the upper right corner of the room for a moment, his eyes shift back to Caleb. "The people who were left here by the group, they've had all memories of who other members are, training places, hide outs... it's all been ripped out of their minds. They are useless to us."

The door opens and Ritz enters. She looks like hell, tired, a little ragged. Looking to Caleb, she offers a 'come here' gesture with her hand as she says, "Come on kid, I'll take you to the twins... bring your coffee, you'll need it."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Yup", Caleb takes in the facts being laid before him. "The more and more I'm convinced the silent native-american guy was a telepath. He was brought in to cut the losses, in case of failure."

He grabs the mug as Ritz calls, and sips on it. "You do realize we're about the same age, right?", he tells her, though.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Ritz stares at him with a blank expression as she says, "So? Think I care about that right now?"

She gestures with her right hand in a circle which forms a large, swirling white portal in the air. Her left hand gestures to the portal as she says, "After you."

The sensation of stepping through one of Ritz portal is always dependent on Ritz's mode. Right now she's tired and agitated, so stepping through the swirling white mist, for a matter of five seconds, feels like being spun in a washing machine and spit out.

The room the portal opens to is very plain in design, a modern feel of straight lines in white and greys. One chair with an end table beside it sits in the middle of the room, and to the naked eye there appears to be no doors. Three of the four walls are metal, the forth is thick solid black glass.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb surrenders to the argument. "You're not wrong. There are more pressing matters."

And, once he steps through the portal, he almost loses his footing when the sense of vertigo kicks in from the portal. "Shit...", he struggles to get his footing, almost dropping his coffee. Ending up with a hand on a wall while holding his cup, he mumbles something about bumpy rides.

Gathering himself, he wonders why the window is blackened...

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"Normally she controls the transport," a single voice says through a speaker, then a second voice adds right behind, "but she is upset over the attack." The two voices become one as they say, "Please, take a seat."

Slowly the black window begins to fade to dark grey, to grey, to heather gray and finally perfectly clear. On the other side of the glass is a room exactly the same size as the one Caleb appeared in, but instead of a single chair there is a large black leather divan. The room appears to be illuminated by ceiling lamps, but the lighting is soft.

The reason for pale light become clear when a door opens at the back of the room, in a place that did not look like there was a door, and the twins enter. The single word that described the perfectly identical twins is androgynous, and the manner of their dress does not aid in changing that. Both wear white linen pants with wide legs, their feet are bare. They are each covered by a long sleeved linen shirt in white, with an African design in pale green.

"Salutations Caleb," they say in perfect unison, then move together as if they are one, remaining side by side, to sit on the divan.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"H, D... Nice to meet you in person", the young Gothamite replies. Yet, he ponders 'albinos', possibly the reason why the lighting is soft. "The circumstances could be better, though."

He cuts to the chase, "I've seen the trio who was behind of this attack, and I hope I can provide an accurate portrait of them, in the hopes they can be stopped from doing it aagain." He gestures to them, "With efforts combined, perhaps we can find some information to be used."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Both of them cant their heads slightly before offering Caleb a nod. Many would find how they move simultaneously to be unnerving, even creepy, as quite literally when one moves, the other does as well.

"We rarely meet people," H & D says together, and for the first time they move separately to look at each other, then back to Caleb. "And even more rarely do we meet humans. We are... pleased to meet you."

A section of the wall goes black again, not blocking the view of either room, and then a serious of computer symbols flow across the blackened window as if it just became a computer screen.

"We know that there were three of them," they comment, their pale, pale eyes focusing on Caleb. On the section of the wall three vertical lines appear, then spread out to form three human shapes. "If you give the details, we will create the image according to your words."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb looks at the shapes forming on the screen, and points towards the first, "Okay, the first guy, he stood out because he was tall, in the six-and-a-halves, green, glowy, and no clothes whatsoever. I gave him the nickname 'Manhattan Knock-Off', because that's exactly who he reminded me of. But his face... It's like he'd been in too many boxing matches, you know? Like, a bloated face."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
On the black section of the wall one of the human outlines zooms forward into a larger version, a scale of height showing momentarily before the body fills in to the correct height. A skeleton appears inside the outline, followed by layers of muscle, and finally skin. The face begins to form, a bloated man with lumps and bumps from fighting, a thick neck because the twins believe that is how he would look and finally they choose a color of green that is only slightly darker than the color Caleb saw.

The image isn't a perfect match. Eyes are two close together, nose isn't bent from being broken, hair is too short, but the body and build are nearly spot on. The last step if the faint green aura and then the image comes to life and moves, giving Caleb a better idea of what corrections may be required.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb makes an evalutation of the description, and nods. "Yes, it's something like that, I think."

He points to the next figure, then, "The second was a woman, stone grey skin, with black hair tied back to a single braid and a feather tied into the braid top, and she was native american. Add a tight body suit of the same color. And last, but not least, let's not forget the very dark sunglasses she had on."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Even as he is speaking the green man moves to another black section of the wall to pace around like he's waiting for someone to meet up with him so that the twins can begin the next image.

Just like before the empty human shape zooms to the front and as Caleb speaks, they do their best based on his words to fill in the image. Her face is lacking in details, so they fill the image based on a massive data base of images for Native American women in the correct age range, then make the skin grey and stone-like.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The young man hrms, and shakes his head, "No no... Make her twenties-something. Her face was longer, the bridge of her nose a little more straight." He fine-tunes that image, "Strong chin, but barely a cleft." After the adjustments, he nods. "Yeah, this was it."

He points to the last image, "The third one stood out because he looked like a cutout from an old 'spaghetti' western; dressed in the furs, with a war bonnet and everything. Also in his twenties, about five-foot ten."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
How it is that the twin manipulate the images on the stand in screen remains unknown, but each new instruction is heard and enacted in a matter of seconds. Details seemed very important to them, right down to the shine of the woman's catsuit, and the way her hair moved.

When she was complete she walked across the window to join the green guy in the waiting room, and the third member of the group was started.

Creating a copy of a Native American from the old westerns was the easiest of the three, but the image suddenly stopped and the twins asked together, "Do you remember the pattern of the beadwork on the war bonnet, and the number, color and size of the feathers?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb considers, then shakes his head, "I remember it had patterns of red and yellow... But the number of feathers...?" He slightly shrugs, "I suppose I can say that he seemed accomplished, if the feathers do mark great deeds in the tribe's eyes." A sigh of frustration, and a bite of his lower lip, "But that hardly gets us anywhere..."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The remainder of the Native American man comes into focus, and the war bonnet gets worked into place. "We will have to make an educated guess," they say, giving the war bonnet numerous feathers, and the band of bead work across the forehead in red, yellow, black and green as those colors were most common.

The last finishing touches were programmed into place on all three before the three moved together on one screen to stand before Caleb. "Are there any other details that you can recall," they finally ask once they have presented their images. There are still a few things here and there that might seem off, but detail Caleb offered was mimiced.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Not really, no", Caleb confirms, "It was really a blink and it's gone moment."

But maybe it's not a bad description, so Caleb suggests, "Anything is better than nothing, though. My suggestion, if I may, is that you compare these portraits to personal records, and see what comes up. If these people have been marginalized, then they might have a few things popping up, like mugshots." He justifies, "Marginalization breeds despair, and despair breeds crime out of necessity." A small pause. "Or terrorism."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The three images run off screen as the twins stand, both walking right up to the glass. "We assure you, now that was have the basic description we will stop at nothing to find out who they are," they say in unison. "Mystique would like us to express her gratitude for your time and effort, and to remind you that we are just a phone call away."

When they stop speaking, they merely turn around and walk back toward the door they had entered through. In that same moment a white swirling portal appears behind Caleb and he can hear Ritz say, "Hey dude... time to go."