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Latest revision as of 19:33, 25 November 2023

Cat and Assassin
Date of Scene: 25 November 2023
Location: Gallery - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Damian, Selina, and Talia talk about the holidays.
Cast of Characters: Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Damian Wayne

Talia al Ghul has posed:
In Stately Wayne Manor sits Talia al Ghul in one of the main areas of the gallery. Looking over at many of the paintings and family heirlooms over on display. It makes for a relaxing venue, even as she sips over at some tea and biscuits from Alfred, just taking a few moments to relax. Having made a point of staying away from the residence as of whatever event mayhave taken place a couple of nights ago.

Selina Kyle has posed:
An emerald green Jag convertible glides up the private drive to Stately Wayne Manor, pulling to a neat stop. Selina Kyle steps out, wearing a close-fitting A-line skirt and an off-the-shoulder top, both in black. Cat's Eye sunglasses are perched atop her head as she makes her way to the door, ringing the bell. "Hello, Alfred." she greets, with a smile.

"Ms. Kyle, always good to see you. Ms. Al Ghul is waiting in the Gallery. I believe you know the way."

And indeed she does. A moment or so later, Selina steps into the gallery with Alfred at her side. He pours tea, adding two sugar cubes, before leaving the women to their conversation.

"Always good to see you again, Talia." Selina offers.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would turn over to Selina, "Greetings, Selina. I hope you were able to engage in something.. Enjoyable the last few days. I've been rather occupied as of late." A very smooth, vague answer. That may or may not imply something nefarious. But is neutral enough that it own't stand out at all. She would fold her hands together and gesture at Selina to join her.

"Alfred has made some lovely biscuits, if you would care to have some." She would stretch out, going through the morning ritual of relaxing and tightening each muscle and joint in turn.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle smiles to Alfred as he leaves the ladies, crossing to the table where Talia sits for tea. Selina slides into the chair opposite. "Alfred always sets a wonderful tea." she agrees. Stirring her cup, she takes a small sip.

"I've been keeping myself occupied, thank you. You know I've never been prone to boredom. I trust your... endeavors... are doing well?"

A cat burglar and an assassin having tea in Stately Wayne Manor. What could be more normal, right?

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would nod, "Oh, yes. My own pursuits have been.. Yielding adequate results." She does't say profitable. Her current line of work isn't that way. And she's making sure that she's playing by the appropriate guest rules of the residence. She takes another sip of her tea, letting out a soft sigh of appreciation.

"Have you found anything particularly entertaining then as of late?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
What could be more normal indeed? Padding into the manor's gallery, Damian has only recently awoke. Still in his pajamas, he wears a warm robe over them with buckskin slippers on his feet. A cup of coffee cradled in his hands, and a pause of surprise as he notices that there's already visitors. "Is it already that late?" he asks, a hand moving to smoothe bedhead that remains stubbornly untamed.

Someone had the graveyard shift late. "Miss Kyle, Mother. Hello."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle turns her head at the sound of the door opening, offering the young man a warm smile as well. "It is only late for some, Damian. Good morning." She shifts a little in her seat, to get a better view of both. "Would you like to join us? I'm sure Alfred can bring in another chair."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance over at Damian, "Greetings, Damian. Please do join us. I hope that if you've gotten into anything the last few days that it was enjoyable." By which she means THanksgiving. WHich if there was or not here she made a point of avoiding.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Thanksgiving went well, if that is what you are asking." Damian moves to stand, apparently just fine with that as he sips from his cup. "Gabrielle came over, most of the family was here. It was lovely. Tim and Phoebe worked at a soup kitchen after - I went with Gabby to a local foster home for teenagers. They had me work in the kitchen because a couple of years ago, I broke a kid's nose that was bullying the younger teens." His face sours at that and then he shrugs.

"The night wasn't more terrible than usual." Calendar Man must still be in custody. "How was both of your days? Any big plans for the holidays?" He means to sound sincere - but it sounds like he's reading from a book.

Because he did.

It's an attempt to be more sociable,

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle smiles a bit wryly at the attempt, because he's trying. "Well I'm afraid my holiday wasn't as philanthropic as some; just a nice, quiet day at home with my cats." Her -other- family.

"I haven't been 'out' in a few days, but I should go out again soon. There's no better place than Gotham to stretch your legs, after all." She raises the tea to her lips, then reaches for one of the biscuits.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance at Damian, "How thrilling. I'm sure that the rest of you were loving the interruption. I hope that in the end it made it all worth it." Likel for the number of puns that they were able to get involved in it. The sheer variety would hopefully have made Tim happy as could be. If he were around for it. or NIghtwing. That was thier thing.

"So do you have any plans coming up in the next few weeks." Talia was trying to engage in this bit of 'socializing' that for much of her life had merely been another game.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"With it being the start of the shopping season, I would not be surprised if Father asked for all hands to be on standby." Damian admits as he takes another draw from his coffee and sets the cup down because biscuits. He takes one but doesn't start in on it. "A question, for you both?" he asks curiously.

"I have been dating Gabrielle a short time, but I have known her longer. She made mentioned last time we talked that she was having issues with her motorcycle. Would it be presumptious if I bought her a new one for Christmas?"

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina Kyle chuckles softly. "What woman wouldn't like a new motorcycle for Christmas?" She finishes her tea, then sets down the cup. Her phone chirps and she glances down as she silences it. "I hate to cut this short, but I'm afraid I need to go." she offers, rising. "And Damian, if your father is going to call for 'all hands', he knows how to reach me."

He always does, no matter what phase they are in.

"Talia, thank you for inviting me over. Let's do this again soon. And Damian, I would love to meet your lady-friend sometime." Giving both a finger-wave, she turns and strides out.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would dip her head over at Selina, "Of course, you're always welcome here. And thank Alfred for the rather lovely snacks." She would wiggle her fingers over at Selina, "I hope you have a good remainder of your day and whatever pursuits you go after." She would glance over at Damian, "I doubt she would have any issue with it. I think she might also appreciate one that was made. Perhpas you could work with.. Jason on assembling one more to her tastes and customizing one? I don't know her that well but most appreciate something hand crafted."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"I'd figure I just buy her a base model and let her decide how she wanted to customize it?" Damian asks as he takes over the seat Selina abandoned. Pre-heated chair, ah yeah. There's a wave after Selina and he curls his feet beneath him, his posture becoming somewhat more relaxed. "I suppose I could talk to Jason. I've been meaning to anyway."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would nod, "Merely a suggestion. I'm not the best.. TO talk about him or the way to approach him." Given the history of the al Ghuls and Jason's experiences with them. She's thoughtful. "And sometime I'm likely to be making the trek to the Citadel." Citadel?

Damian Wayne has posed:
Now that she's broached the citadel, Damian can open up a bit more. "Is it time to visit grandfather again?" he asks, lips pulling into a line. "I have heard a rumor of something, and I want to take a closer look into it." he sighs. "Nothing solid, but..."

A shake of his head. "It's nothing concrete yet. Just some mentions through the League that the League of Lazarus is preparing a tournament."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would shake her head, "No, I'm not.. Ready for that." Emotionally or mentally. "Something else that I'm not quite sure you would want to be engaged in." There's a low quirk of her lip that's indicative of her having a scheme going. "And please, do share." THe mention of her father always has her wary.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Like I said, it's nothing concrete yet. When I know more, I'll share." Damian promises, before raising his brows in mild amusement. "You realize, mother, that by saying I won't be engaged, you are almost guaranteeing I will be?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smile, "Yes, I'm well aware of how the system works. I'm sure that you would have found a way to do so no matter what. And why.. One might almost say you were becoming superstitious. That is most certainly something you did not get from me."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian chuckles as he finishes off his coffee. "It's not superstition, it's a weighing of chances to assume a probability." A bright smile from the young man at that. "And it's something that I've picked up on from my time around the family as well as with you and my interactions with others." In other words... he's finally growing up.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smile, "I'm so happy for you Damian. You've adjusted so well and grown so much here with your family." She reaches up to, and would go to take him in for a gentle hug. "And you couldn't have made me prouder with the man that you've become."

Damian Wayne has posed:
To be fair, he still has a long way to go. While he leans into the hug, Damian still feels a little wooden and stiff before he sighs. "I'm not sure if I will ever be all that He is, but I can only strive to come close." he decides.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smile, "You will not. Nor should you be. Nor would your father want you to be. He would want you to be your own man. And he will be proud of you no matter what you do. He would want you to chart your own course."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"I know, I know. But right now I'm someone that needs to get a shower and prepare to put on a public face for the day." Damian smirks slightly. "I promised I'd help ring the bells to set off the charity season downtown." he explains. "Father says it's important to maintain my public persona, perhaps more than my private one. We don't agree."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smirk, "Perhaps. So does that mean that you'll be going along to said fundraisers? And having to behave your way thorugh all of them without planning how you can cripple, neutralize, and rob every individual present then? What an effective way to teach self control. I didn't think your father had it in him."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Ugh." The face that Damian makes would almost be precocious if it wasn't for the fact that he knows that she's ribbing him. "Maybe I should make you dress up and come with me. After all, the public would loooooove to meet the woman that managed to score father's seed to birth me."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smile, "So cruel. I didn't think that he had it in him to be such an effective taskmaster. And I would be more than happy to. You would just need to ensure that I'm treated as the elegant woman that I am and given someone of class to be present with."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Couldn't afford it." Damian teases before kissing Talia's cheek. "I should get ready for my day. As should you. Go out, touch some grass." There's a wink at her before he pulls back and gathers his cup, popping a biscuit into his mouth. "Haf ma goof morfin."