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Latest revision as of 05:17, 27 November 2023

The Thor Abides
Date of Scene: 27 November 2023
Location: Public Rotunda - Atlantic Starport
Synopsis: Diana realizes she can get phat lewt by scamming Thor into getting a Youtube channel and then stealing all the moneys.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Diana Prince

Thor has posed:
    The spaceport glowed softly like a gem upon the ocean, the clover's leaves parted and gleaming with the light of civilization as well as the glow of engines and running lights. Under the moonlight and upon the waves, the gateway to the stars was a single point of luminescence upon the dark of the water. It was here that the Asgardian known as Thor Odinson had found himself once again. His last visit a closing of a chapter. But his return? Could not entirely be said an opening of a new one.
    When he first showed up people had noticed despite his effort at some measure of anonymity. His apparel was casual, what with white sneakers, blue jeans, a hoodie. The sunglasses he wore even in the evenings, however, were new. As well as the 'NY Mets' baseball hat that he wore. At first he was seen at several of the monuments and memorials. Then he was noticed at times at the Food Court, speaking with some of the servers and security officers.
    Perhaps his presence the first day or so had been a notation made upon the log books. But after he had been there for the last few days, it might have been noted even further up the chain. Not that there was anything of concern at the least. Just it was rare for one of the heroes with their facilities on the station to actually make some use of them.
    But of late, Thor did.

Diana Prince has posed:
A number of different things will always lead to Diana having to make a trip back to the starport, and she's perfectly happy about that. She was the spearhead that started this entire facility, afterall. Se's proud of it, even after all the chaotic trouble that was drawn to the site during its launch and in to its lifespan. Lives had been lost to keep this place safe, people very important to Diana had given up everything for it, and what it stands for...

Thus she is here today, meeting with a number of individuals primarily for public relations to help build a safer reputation for the Starport. It doesn't help that there are a number of social media videos showing the various battles that have taken place here, making it all the more important for the site to build a bettre reputation. Though some people flock to it just because of those past aggressive confrontations... hero chasers, they're a weird bunch in this wild world!

Diana had heard about Thor hanging around lately, and eventually she came to search him out. Dressed casually, the Princess of Themyscira steps around a marble column and spies the Asgardian, as he is hard to miss even in his own casual clothing.

She walks toward him, her hair tied back in a loose ponytail, a black leather jacket worn over her shoulders, a pair of black slacks and a red top beneath the jacket's lapels.

"Have you tried all of the offered restaurants?" She asks as she aproaches, forgoing a normal greeting for the moment, as she offers him a light smile upon her red hued lips.

Thor has posed:
    She found him on the edge of the rotunda, not quite close to some of the restaurants, but a stone's throw near at a table with two benches that allowed one to look out upon the ocean. He had a black travel coffee mug upon the tabletop near at hand as he looked comfortably seated upon one of those benches. On his left thigh that was crossed over his knee he had a tablet of some kind, complete with stylus held in one hand. When she found him he had been looking across that ocean, the lights of a lifting starliner being reflected in the lenses of those sunglasses.
    At her words she saw that slight catch she sees when she comes upon someone unawares. That brief lift of an eyebrow as he turns, the ghost of a smile alighting, then the shift of posture as he pushes himself to his feet, setting the tablet and its stylus upon the table near.
    "Diana." He said with a warmth in his voice. He turned to her, a brief hesitation before he stepped to close that distance. Stepping in she can read his body language, the move to embrace. A gentle one, as if she were so terribly delicate though knowing she is nothing of the sort. Then he steps back to look in her eyes as he finally answers her question.
    "I have not, I really should."
    He steps back toward where he was seated, a hand gesturing for her to join him should she so wish. As if he were the host and she was visiting his manor. Once they're both settled he smiles again, "It is good to see you."

Diana Prince has posed:
The big irony of the Atlantic Starport is that it sees more air and sea traffic than it does space destined traffic. But that is a limitation of the day, while the facility itself is about tomorrow. It is about pushing out toward the stars, and preparing for a boost in space-bound vessels, let alone incoming ones. Due to the nature of the place's design too, it is a bit of a tourist trap. A hub of Atlantean, Wakandan, and Themysciran cultural impacts, now hosting an Asgardian too? Lots for tourists to come in and see, let alone enjoy the vast ocean in all directions.

Diana returns the offered embrace, entirely fine with people perceiving her as being as fragile as any other normal person might be seen, especially of her build and look. But looks are deceiving, quite a lot in her case!

"It is good to see you taking a bit of a peaceful moment for yourself." She tells him as she takes the offered seat, her eyes going out toward the sea for a moment, before they drift back over to him on her right side now. "I had heard that you had been spotted here and there the past few days. I thought I should check in with you, and ensure all was well?" She asks.

Thor has posed:
    His answer, at the first, is not a vociferous one as he simply says, "Mmm."
    Which will have to serve as he looks down at that tablet, the small stylus tapping against it three times before he looks back up again. "I am assuredly shirking my duties, though I ease my conscience knowing that if I am needed then Hedla will know where I am."
    He looks up, smiling across the way at her, "At the Embassy we host a storied Blacksmith that has been forging gifts for Brunnhilde and her ilk. With new blades come the desire to make use of them and I find I am often... urged to break them in. Asgard as well is busy as there has been..."
    His head turns to the side, those sunglasses reflecting the moon's light upon the waves before he looks back. "An influx of diplomatic representatives, and I grew weary of... smiling so often. And the shaking of hands grows tiresome."
    He looks at her with a rueful smile, as if recognizing the hypocrisy of his words as he offers her that same thing he so condemned. "So I have taken up a lesser of my responsibilities. Charged by an old friend to... record my thoughts on this." He holds up the tablet by the corner of its housing, giving it a small shake ever so slightly.
    Then he looks back to her, "And thus is how you have found me."

Diana Prince has posed:
There were a number of viewing areas to relax along the various walkways that look out over the ocean waters, from public ones to private balconies connected to offices and personal quarters, but Thor had chosen one of the public areas to relax this evening, and it seemed to fit his character to do such a thing. diana takes a moment to smile at a passing thought related to that, before she looks back to him and then down at the tablet he puts on display.

she tilts her head to the side a little as she takes a gander at its screen before her eyes dart back and over at his own.

"You are keeping a journal?" She asks in her accented English, with a grin to slowly begin to march upon her visage. "I like that." She tells him. "Though I would have assumed you would be more prone to ink and paper, than a tablet computer. I even have a leather bound journal back in Manhattan that I try to keep up with... Since my memory works as it does, rarely do I need to write anything down. But," she gently sighs as her eyes go back out to the shimmering water, "I find something ... decompressing about physically writing my thoughts down upon a page. Maybe it is the sensation of the pen upon the paper, or the dance of motion from mind to hand to transfer the words through ink."

She looks back toward him again then, a smile brightening her facial features. "Those have games though." She lastly says of the tablet he holds.

Thor has posed:
    There's a single passage upon the screen. Just a few words composed that she might glance at in that small shared moment. It reads, 'Of all the fates which are the ones so chosen, which for this day and beyond?'
    But then there is a slight shift as Thor speaks in answer.
    "Not as such," He murmurs in reply to his keeping a journal, even as he lifts that stylus. Then he shakes his head slightly and tosses the tablet upon the table before them. Leaving it there and then adding the stylus to let the two electronic devices sit there. He settles back in his seat, brow furrowed marginally behind those sunglasses.
    He listens to her own efforts then he smiles. "Indeed, I've put quill to parchment. But this was a gift of sorts, and it is... supposed to gather whatever I find myself able to scribble and it preserves them in some form. I can relate a story, tell a tale. But give my own thoughts?" He shakes his head slightly.
    "So this device... is supposed to just take whatever I commit and make sense of it. Later perhaps as a body it will make sense. For now?"
    He merely shakes his head.
    At the last however, as they both fall silent, he drags a fingertip along the curve of his growing beard. "I do enjoy games, however."

Diana Prince has posed:
The Amazonian watches as he sets the tablet down upon the table, then stares at the stylus for a moment as it settles in to place, almost as though she were going to reach out and save it were it to tumble off the table. But it does not, and she looks over to him at the tail end of what he was saying. It gets her to smile softly again as she holds her hands in her lap, her back straight as she is not one to lean back in seats very often, ever the prim and proper Princess... most of the time anyway.

"Have you had anyone try to convince you to build a bigger presence online?" She asks him. "Specifically in the form of starting a Youtube video blog channel?" She inquires further, now playfully grinning at him again. "Cassie, my sister, is all about that kind of journaling. Which I believe it is fair to give it that label, though my assumption is she'd call it something else."

Following a smirk, and a glance out at the water again, Diana takes in a breath of the fresh air, with one hand moving up to pull her dark ponytail over her right shoulder so it drapes down her chest, rather than flutter around behind her shoulders.

"You might be like me though, and be a bit against that level of exposure to public scrutiny." She further adds, laughing very short and sweet there.

Thor has posed:
    As that stylus had rolled a bit, Thor had watched it and her, on some level amused as if that impetus was just enough to _almost_ have it roll off the table but not quite. Yet he raises his eyebrows as she speaks to him of this... social media.
    "You can't be serious." He says at first, the pace of those words a little rapid though displaying their sincerity with that delivery. But he then couches his next words with a little more ease as he smiles and shakes his head, "I mean, I can see how that would appeal to some. And not to speak ill of your..." That causes him to look at her a little curiously as he says, "Sister?"
    But then he presses on, "Just while I have in my day pursued some measure of glory..." His lip twists up a little, then he adds. "To consider this... video blog. It makes me feel as if it is a pursuit of... vanity."
    He exhales a small chuff of breath at that, dismissive of his thoughts in that moment. He looks out across the water. Smile curving as he adds, "Though perhaps it is selfish of me to deny the world my wisdom." He looks askance at her, still that smile though clearly not serious.

Diana Prince has posed:
There comes another little bubbly laugh from the Princess as she hears his vocalized response. She'd expected such a thing, and when he delivered it she seemed quite amused by it. But she lets those thoughts fade as she just sighs softly. "Vanity is not inherently bad... but I know what you are saying, all the same." She says with a bit of restrained happiness still touching her light hearted mood in the moment.

"It is not /all/ what you're envisioning either..." She states as she sweeps her eyes back over to him. "I have a friend who lives in rural New York. she and her husband post videos of their property, and share their daily happenings with their viewers. It is a farm, afterall, and people are rather fond of animals on the internet." All of this is said with a grin still doing a poor job of hiding upon her face.

"What I mean to say is you are an interesting man, Thor Odinson. I believe many would be intrigued to hear your thoughts.... be them positive experiences, or troubled ruminations. You have lived a long life, seen much, and it could be a unique way to reach an audience otherwise impossible, if also improbable."

Once more she smiles at him with the dimples upon her cheeks indicating just how much she's having fun with the silly topic. "Certainly more interactive than the tablet's word processing program."

Thor has posed:
    Another chuff of breath, almost a slight sniff of ever so subtle condemnation. But his smile steals that slightest possible sting from it. Shaking his head, "Perhaps there might be some measure of merit to the suggestion. But I am not one to... implement such. At least too easily."
    He crosses his arms over his broad chest, the hoodie's string laces shifting to lie over one arm as he looks sidelong toward the water, then back to her. "Perhaps in another life I might follow the path of the skald or the bard, as it were. But..." Though he sees that twinkle in her eyes and his own gaze lifts upwards as if beseeching his father for strength. Yet his smile is still there as he shakes his head.
    "I will give it some thought. There. Are you happy now?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana reacts to his reaction by just continuing to grin at him. She takes a moment before she reaches a hand out to pat the top of his nearest knee. "I am only toying with you." She tells him in a warm tone of her naturally husky voice. "In a similar way that my own sisters do when they think I am in need of a different direction for my mind's thoughts."

She moves to stand up then, as she lets out a light exhale. "I will leave you to those thoughts of yours, however. But... there is a dinner tonight that I am offering your an invite to. It is in the administration building's dining hall. Simple affair, nothing fancy. It should be good food, drinks, and conversation with a few others who are on-site tonight." She pauses for just a moment to let that settle before she nods once toward him. "Happy to have you here. The place is that much better off for it." She states in a sincere, soft, tone before she smiles and makes to wander back the way she'd come.