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Latest revision as of 07:15, 24 April 2020

Coffee Is Life
Date of Scene: 23 April 2020
Location: Hot Joe Coffee
Synopsis: The Beans of Java inspired much debate into Artifacts of Yore and the shadow assaults within Metropolis.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Daniel Hastings, Zatanna Zatara, Daisy Johnson

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi has seated herself in the corner, with a good view out the window and a good view of the other patrons. She has her coffee, she has her croissant. It's good to take advantage of post mission downtime and the nearby coffee shop is a favourite. She takes a sip and makes note of a few other agents coming and going. It's not as if you can 'switch off' when you're post-mission, you're always on, but at least you don't have an immediate directive occupying your thoughts.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Coffee is life. So sayeth the Americans. In his case, Daniel prefers tea. Arriving at Hot Joe's, he steps into the queue and waits to order his English Breakfast with an English muffin and a little butter and jam. It's simple. Light. And it lets him read the newspaper he has tucked under his arm. That's when he sees Bobbi sitting in the corner. With a smile on his face, he jauntily heads her way, "Doctor. It's been some time. I hope you are well?" He inquires far too brightly for a fellow without caffeine.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi lifts an eyebrow and smiles. A little banter with breakfast, why not. "Grandpa, how's the hip replacement?" His file was too redacted which always makes for a good story some time down the line. She learnt the most important lesson about 'need to know'. Just because you have access to read it, that doesn't mean you really need to know yet. That's what inboxes are for anyway. She lifts up her coffee in a salute to him. "I'm doing just fine and dandy. When are you going to switch to coffee, it's the superior morning drink."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "It will take more than a witty quip to force me to renounce the Queen, thank you." Daniel retorts as he seats himself opposite her. "Tea is the drink of civilized society I'll have you know." And snooty ones but then he's smirking a little as he sets his muffin and paper down to return her salute with something jaunty. "I'm retired you know. No more salutes for me. Just a fat pension from Her Majesty's navy."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi takes a sip of her coffee and smirks, "Did that really happen, or did they just declare the time in the middle as woopsie time that didn't happen." A bite of the croissant next. "You know what you should do, when the Queen finally reveals herself to be an immortal, properly immigrate because who wants to work for an immortal. Then you can use all the swears we invented and it won't sound weird even with the accent."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"It really happened." Daniel profers with a sip of his tea. "Bringing in money now in fact. Someone in human resources must have felt bad about declaring me legally dead.. which happened to kick in the deceased in the line of duty clauses.. and since I had no next of kin.. they directed the funds to me. It's not a hell of a lot of money but it is a regular check should I want to find other employment." So there. "Now why on Earth should I wish to be so crass? Hmm? Not that I can't curse with the best hockey hooligan out there. I.. just have no need to. I am Canadian not a stiff royal at Brighton."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There are so many ways that Zatanna could arrive that would draw attention to herself. And she usually is quite the center of attention. But when it comes to serious business, sometimes - you just want to play it lowkey. The door to the cafe opens, and the raven-haired sorceress makes her way in. Dressed in a pair of black yoga pants and a shirt that drapes past her hips that reads '100% Magical Girl' with a picture of the Sailor Sentai upon it one shoulder down enough to expose the strap of an undershirt, Zatanna wears a light smattering of makeup to accenuate her features, her hair pulled up into a ponytail.

Sneakers quietly make their way across the floor to the counter to place an order for a mocha frappucino, non-dairy, soy whip, before looking around the shop to find her appointment. When she spots Bobbi and Daniel, a warm smile comes to her features, and she offers a wave to the pair.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi waves Zatanna over to join them. "Take a seat." She winks to Daniel, "Do you know Doctor Hastings, my colleague? Zatanna, Hastings, Hastings Zatanna. Please forgive him he's Canadian and thinks tea is a real drink." She dusts crumbs of her croissant off her finger tips and takes an expensive little piece of equipment out of her pocket and places it on the center of the table. It looks like a small antenna. She switches it on and activates an audio and electrical dampening field around them. "Just a precaution, so we don't have anyone listening in who shouldn't be." She scrunches up her nose and smiles conspiratorially.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Yay for mornings! Or not ... Daisy finds herself dragged in by an enormous craving of breakfast, or in this case for a good ol' custard tart and some coffee.. Just what the doctor ordered, not the SHIELD doctor, mind you. That one wants you to eat healthy all the time and noone listens to him.

So Daisy opens the door in, dressed casually, jeans, tight shirt, leather jacket atop, one hand inside her pocket while the other is shooting off messages to someone, slight quirk of a smile to her lips. Eyes of someone that hasn't gotten a lot of sleep last night. No rest for the wicked!

A quick glance about does make her catch sight of a few usual suspects though and she begins to walk their way, stashing her phone away.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Pleased to meet you." Daniel rises as Zatanna approaches. Offering her a hand in greeting. "Now look you." There's daggers for Bobbi. Daggers! Okay maybe not daggers. He sits down with a sigh. "I enjoy tea and a muffin. In the morning. Do you know how long its been since I've had tea and a muffin in the morning? Ten years.. give or take eighty. So if I like a little butter and jam on my crumb with a nice breakfast tea with cream and sugar.. well.. you'll have to suffer." He lifts his English muffin to his mouth and bites. Ahh, Daisy. He gives her a not so discrete wave of greeting.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"A pleasure, Doctor Hastings. Zatanna Zatara. A pleasure." Accepting the hand politely, Zatanna gives it a light shake before she withdraws it to take a seat. When Bobbi takes out the small device to set it on the table, there may be just a bit of amusement on her face, but she watches things play out, a smile offered to Daisy whem she arrives. A warm smile is offered to the woman, but she downplays her own relation to her, since she's not sure what the others may or may not know.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi provides another warm welcoming smile when she sees Daisy making the morning pilgrimage to the coffee shop. She grins at the rise she got out of Daniel and takes a sip of her coffee to try and hide it. "Is that how you started each morning during the second war of independence?" She then takes her phone out and places it on the table. A thumb print later and a holographic display reveals the image of a chair. Her attention returns to Zatanna, "We'd really like your expertise on this lovely piece of furniture that has come in to our hands. It has a curious case of the kills anyone who sits in it and I have it on good authority that you're exactly the right kind of person to take a look at it for us." She leans in closer to the group, whispering even though that's unnecessary, "What do you know about... the search for the Holy Grail."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Arriving just in time to see that device being turned on and the image appearing makes Daisy blink once, but it's not as if she interrupts, instead reaching out for one of the non-holographic chairs about to settle down. "Morning." She settles down on it, a smile given to the trio, in a manner that she seems to know each.

Curiosity plays at her expression at whatever is being shown is though and she looks between the group... And then remembers she actually needs to go to the counter to get her food and drink. Siiigh. "Brb.." she goes to do just that.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
When the hologram of the chair is brought up, Zatanna raises her brows curiously. "I'm surprised." she admits. "After all, I'm the reason you have that chair." she points out thoughtfully as as plays with the straw in her frappucino. "Well, for starters, that sign saying 'Do not sit'? Really well placed. It's not your typical dinner chair." the sorceress admits.

"Are you wanting to know history or... what?" she asks the table curiously as she takes a sip from her drink. "Or what purpose I used for the Siege Perilous?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Blink. Blinkblink. Did someone just say Holy Grail? Daniel tracks over to Bobbi then back to Zatanna. Now this is interesting. Out of his bailiwick.. but interesting. He leans back in his chair and keeps chewing as he munches on his muffin. Sip tea.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "Yes we're very grateful. But, it is some what ..." she waves her hand and scrunches up her nose, "weird." She sips her coffee and continues, "We'd love to know more about how it ticks, if it can be turned off -- and if the legends are true, then there's a holy grail out there waiting to be found." She explains to Daniel, "Legend has it the knight who brought the grail back to king Arther could sit on this chair at the round table. What happens then? well, who knows.. may be you Zatanna, do you know? perhaps if we cannot find the grail we can create our own control key for it. This is the modern age after all.."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Finally her coffee and custard is found and Daisy makes her way back to the table, just in time to hear that last part. A brow arches. Magick and holy grail? Not exactly her beach either so to say. She settles down, taking a bite out of her custard then a brief coffee drink. Mmmm, at last things are right in the world.

"Siege Perilous?" She then finally asks.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings wrinkles his nose at Bobbi. "I'm British, Doctor Morse. I know the legends." I mean.. seriously.. scientist or no he'd have to live under a pretty big rock not to know Arthurian legend as a citizen of the Commonwealth. "The chair in storage that's forbidden to sit on." He answers for Daisy. "As in don't sit on it, you'll be unworthy and die. As opposed to Thor's hammer that just sits there."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I sat in the chair and it took all of my magic to control it - and it still didn't behave for me. I do not suggest toying with it. And as I suggested to Lady Croft when I turned it over to her, it is best locked up. I could easily put it in Shadowcrest for it to not be seen again." she points out as Zatanna's brows knit. It's a new twist on the 'you don't know what you mortals are messing with' speech.

However, her attention focuses on the Grail and Siege, and she looks around. Murmuring a few words, Zatanna adds a second layer of secruity to Bobbi's device. And once that's done, she waves her hands, weaving the very fabric of reality and warping it to take the table back in time - at least that's the appearance.

Once there, they are in a Neandrathal village. "The cup you refer to as the grail is one of the seven treasures that were created by the shaman Rheelai as the fist master of metallurgy and magic among human kind. Rheelai and his kind were slaughtered by the cro-Magnons and they took possession of the cup. The grail was not seen again until the time of Jesus the Nazarath in the early 1st Century..." An image of the cup's creation, it's creator's death, and it being sipped from by Christ, before his crucifixition, "Afer the death of Jesus, the cup was taken by Joseph of Arimathea, and taken to England. Five hundred years later, the knights of the Round Table sought to assemble the seven treasures, that were rumored that when once assembled, would bring the world into a new age of magic." she explains.

"It is said that in the 18th century, the Grail was used to secure the creation and prosperity of the United States." she explains, showing Washington with the cup. "The last rumored use of the cup was at the start of the Second World War. Adloph Hitler had control of the Lance of Longinus, which kept super heroes out of Europe, while the Grail was used to similar effect by the Japanese in the Pacific. After the destruction of Hiroshima proved worse than anything a super hero could do, the grail disappeared. However, the Siege made it's return, in the wilds of Australia." She pauses there, letting the other digest that.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The conversation seems to merit some seriousness, so Daisy makes sure to chew through her custard before finally speaking up, her brows furrowed with some concern. "While I am normally all for discovery there are certain things that should often remain untouched. The kind of destruction brought about in the past should teach us those lessons." she says of mentions of wanting to control the grail, letting a slight frown come to her expression.

The change to a neandrathal village makes her peek about though, blinking once. But well, magic. She takes it. A faint smile.

"What does the chair do if one can use it though?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    A momentary flinch from Bobbi as the world around them shifts in the most spectacularly realistic way. "Geezus." She relaxes, "Nice." Then settles in to listen to the explanation of the history of the grail and the chair. "Artefact acquisition is part of the gig Daisy. Classification and Determination." Referring to Project Slingshot, but not actually naming it. Though, she hopes to give this chair its due chance before resorting to anything like that. "If these things are going to keep popping up randomly then it'd be great to know, so we can dispatch a team to collect them before, as Daisy puts it, someone decides to ignore the past and use them. Do you think the grail is still in Japan?" She is curious to hear what Zatanna thinks the chair might do when functioning correctly too.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"That does make me wonder about the location of certain other items." Daniel observes rhetorically as the conversation goes on around him. "You.. don't happen to live in Metropolis do you, Miss Zatarra?" He looks over to Zatanna curiously with a sip of his tea. "If you're an expert on things magical and extradimensional.. you might have some insight into the shadow creatures lurking about. Assuming you've heard of this? The attacks."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"So, the Siege Perilous. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if your life could be changed? If you could hit the reset button and change your life into what you want?" Zatanna gestures to the hologram of the chair. "Short version, that's what the Siege Perilous does. It's what I used it for, to help someone return to her home dimension, but instead, she remained here. Sitting in that chair will judge if you are worthy of being changed. If you are not, you will be killed. If you are, you are given a new life at randosm - based on your own desires. Having the grail? That gives you the key. Grail plus chair equals... all your desires met, the life that you want. But it... pure or not." she explains.

When Daniel brings up the shadow creatures, she lifts a brow. "The shadow creatures that can entice and hypnotize with a singular tone?" she asks the group at large. "I have been asked to look into it by a friend. I suppose that I should have expected that SHIELD would know of the attack at least."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi arches her fingertips together mimicking Fury. "Some particulars. What are all the seven objects involved in this collection. The chair, the grail, the lance.. what are the other four. Is there a way to detect or track them. What do they all do. The last thing we need is some megalomaniac getting their hands on an ancient magical weapon if only we'd been on top of it and beaten them to it. The more we know about this, the better equiped we'll be to deal with it. Things like this that go missing have a way of popping up at the most inopportune times." But to be fair, this is the first time she's literally had the chance to try and find the holy grail. Even if they don't find it that's still great for the resume and a conversation starter.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Sure, Daisy knows magic is powerful but as what the Siege Perilous does is exactly explained it makes her eyes go wide. A sip of her coffee. It's way too early still. She can imagine the possibilities though, life altered to one's desires. "I can certainly understand both the potential and the danger of it. With at least one of those items with us we should be safe from it though.." because SHIELD is known for -never- being breached into.... *cough*

"But Bobbi is right, we should stay one step ahead and try to keep at least an eye out for them, if they are going to continue to appear."

The mention of the shadow creatures makes her brows furrow. "A tone? Can you explain that? They use sound to attack?" then a look given to Daniel.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"That's what we're trying to determine." Daniel profers to Daisy. "We've like to get a recording of their whole broadcast so we can key it to a series of frequency cancelling speakers. As a step one, of course. The flip to that is these shadow creatures. Are they corporeal? Extradimensional? Can they be fought using conventional methods?" Now he's looking to Zatanna. "There.. I'm out of ideas. Short of fighting one and finding out the hard way. Which I think we can all agree is a bad idea."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I know the interst is there. And I can see the look in your eyes? But treasure hunting? Not my thing. I don't mind keeping things in storage, as needed. But to just go out looking for things? Not my thing, you have someone for that. And Lady Croft is very good at what she does. I'd stick to asking her to find things that you want to throw into SHIELD, because I'm all for not letting one group hold all the toys." she points out to the others. "No offense, but us humans don't play well when we get more powerful toys."

"If you want to to go hunting the grail and what now, talk to Lara. Though I can tell you one of the seven? It's used by a hero every single day, so I doubt you will secure it." And that's the only clue she gives on that. Because her attention is on the others. "Alright, so I was asked to look into this a couple of weeks ago. I've been poking my fellow mystics on it, but if SHIELD can come up with something..." with that, she lays on what she has. "A shadowspawn used to haunt towns, leeching over them, and devouring them slowly, through the absorption of magic and life force." she starts as she continues. "The trance is a feeler. As the creatue gets stronger as it feeds, it's sphere of influence grows, untll eventually the whole city is left as a lifeless husk." she explains as Zatanna looks thoughtful. "The only witnesses to these attacks were deaf, and referred to it as a haunting."

"This creature did not come to Metropolis on it's own. Something invited that creature here. I'm still doing my research, if I come up with more, I'll let you know. But there's a couple of autionhouses I want to look into that were near the recent attackes."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi smiles, "This has been illusioluminating." She glances side long to see if her portmanteau was appreciated, but moves on. "There's always a source isn't there. Someone trying something weird with high energy particle accelerators or ancient rituals. Bam, shadow tentacle monster sucking the life force of a city."

    "But in all seriousness, if you figure out what's going on, we'll be there in a jiffy. Don't put yourself at risk, that's what we get paid to do."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There is agreement in Daisy's nod at what Zatanna says related to the dangers of securing further 'toys'. A small frown to her expression. But she lets the talk of the grail and the chair stored for later, focusing on the story related to the spawns. "Only deaf people? Something with sound then.." she nodding, then glancing up at Daniel. "I might be able to help out in it, considering my abilities. As afterall, sound -is- vibration." a grin creeping up to her expression. Then to Zatanna. "Any idea what would have the power to summon this kind of creature in?"

Though her last words are to Bobbi. "Wait, you are getting paid?" though her tone is teasing.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Once I figure out what it is I'm looking for, I'll inform either you or Miss Lane." Who asked her first, after all, so she has Zatanna's 'dibs' as it were. A wave of her hand dismisses her magic and illusions. "Was there anything else you needed?" she asks the group at the table as she's preparing to leave.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    A tap of finger nails to the table top in rhythmic progression. She smiles to Zatanna and says, "Yeah, don't be a stranger. Thank you for sharing what you know, it's super helpful." She stands up and offers Zatanna a hug, "And stay safe, especially when poking around at hypnotising shadows." She lifts a finger, "Oh and also how much are tickets to your show?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"My show? I still do those?" Zatanna asks, as she returns Bobbi's hug, but when she pulls back, she reaches behind the blonde's ear... and pulls out a Mockingbrid. She shows it to Daisy meaningfully. "Someone'll be in touch." she promises as she goes to shoo the bird outside, and brings her drink along.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi sits back down as Zatanna leaves and chuckles. "Magicians are the worst. Gotta love them." She looks to Daisy and says, "Something on your mind? shadow hunting? grail hunting? none of the above?" She finishes off her coffee and looks to Daniel, "What about you? are we all feeling ominously more concerned than we arrived yet?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Getting up to her feet Daisy grins as the mockingbird takes off to flight. A brief laugh. But she seems to understand the look. A nod given. "There's always a lot in my mind. They normally involve geek stuff so you are better off not knowing. But maybe we should talk later on. Something I'd like to share." she grins, a stretch.

"But I need to get to the trisk and get on working. I will see you guys around."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi nods to Daisy, "Sure thing. I'll catch you later, or earlier if work sends me your way. Whichever way the Fury wind blows today, or the Hill wind, or the Coulsin wind. The skel can get windy." She places some extra notes down on the table as a tip for the baristas and turns off the audio and electrical jammer, putting it back in to her pocket. "I don't know what she did to it, but I'm keeping this now."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi smiles to Daniel, "Come on old man, let's get to work." She tosses her used paper cup in to the recycling bin without taking a look first, she's been here enough times to have the aim on that shot down perfect.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel was lost in his thoughts as the ladies waxed on about the danger chair. He was more interested in how to combat the shadow creature. Wondering what dimension it might be from. Whether it was magical. Corporeal. Physical remedies. Whether an energetic response is best.. he snorts. "Ghostbusters." It's a comment to himself that he snaps out of when Bobbi talks to him. He'd finished his muffin so now he takes up his cup. "I need to make a phone call I think. This whole thing seems to be up the alley of the Richards."