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Latest revision as of 19:00, 14 December 2023

The Workout
Date of Scene: 13 December 2023
Location: Grant's Apartment - Grant's Gym
Synopsis: Inez. Ted. Who's the crazier one?
Cast of Characters: Ted Grant, Inez Temple

Ted Grant has posed:
Early morning in Gotham City and, it's actually a sunny though cold day. the committed early risers are already filtering into Grant's. Trainers are lending a hand with the various equipment or spotting people. Ted himself, the Champ, Grant emerges from his office, a huge mug of coffee in his hand. He rubs his eyes.

"Another late night?" a small athletic man in a jumpsuit asks. Ted nods and says something like a growl drinking down the coffee. "Champ, here's a flyer I whipped up for my dance class. Get some more ladies in this place... but you gotta do something about that black mold..." The flyer is shook in front of the big man's nose. Ted growls again and the short instructor takes it for a yes, setting it on the counter in front of Ted. "This is Amusement Mile, Tony. Only women come here willing are fan girls for the Joker. Okay we'll see..." That prompts a hug from Tony. Ted pushes him off after a moment. "Awright enough." <Glug!>

Inez Temple has posed:
Speaking of women willing to come in...

The door opens and in walks an unusual sight. Not a Joker fangirl (thank god!), but definitely not the usual clientele for Gotham: 5'11" of cowgirl, standing over 6' with the boots (including spurs! RIP to the floor) and Stetson hat. And she's not exactly dressed for the occasion, wearing a pair of daisy dukes and a snug Jack Daniel's cutoff tee under a leather duster like some extra in a CW Western. She pauses, tilts her hat back to reveal blue eyes and blonde hair, before glancing around. She makes her way to the front desk and leeeeaaaaans against it with a grin as she looks around from under the shaded rim of her hat, waiting for someone to greet her.

"Howdy." She greets Ted and Tony with a grin, voice having that lazy drawl to complete the picture. "Glad t' see men ain't 'fraid t' be themselves." She finger-guns, "Y'all means all. One of you fellers t' proprietor?"

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant moves over to the desk. Tony narrowly avoiding the one man stampede. The instructor slides the brochure onto the desk and retreats t a safe distance.

Ted walks over to the desk offers his hand and smiles. "I'm the proprietor. My name is Ted Grant, call me Champ. Everybody does! What can I do for you on this lovely day?" He remembers her eyes are a foot higher after a moment, though he was careful not to look directly at her... never mind. She has pretty eyes. they're almost level with his which is unusual for a woman.

Inez Temple has posed:
There's a playful grin on Inez's pretty features, as if she is *well* aware of the effect she has on people. In fact, she shifts, one hip cocked to rest her weight against the counter. "Mighty fine play y' got here, Champ." She says, accepting his hand. She has a firm grip... like firm enough to tear through steel, although she's careful to not break Ted's hand as much as just test how much he can handle. And callused, with knuckles that have been carefully pounded straight without the curve women's knuckles have when they've never thrown a punch.

She glances around. "Been lookin' f' somewhere to pound a bag an' let out some stress." She says with a roll of her shoulders as her gaze travels over the floor, assessing the people. Ted's been around the block long enough he doesn't need any weird mind-powers or some golden string to tell when someone isn't being truthful. And although butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, Inez ain't bein' truthful. "Gimme a tour, big guy?" And she leans down, the ultimate dirty weapon of a busty girl. "Like t' see how y' handle y' equipment. I'm Inez." Because aliases are for losers.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant takes a moment to give Inez' hand back. He's assessing. Definitely a brawler, definitely trouble under the wrong conditions. "Tony take the lady's coat, bring it to my office. Here, let me." He was pretty sure Inez' clothes would say 'thank you' when she wiggled into them, were they able.

The thing about Ted is, he's worked with Wonder Woman, Black Canary and their peers. He learned early on the multitask, admiring a lady while the rest of his brain plugged on. This came in handy when Dorothy Lamour had ringside seats for one of his bouts. So yes, he is sussing Inez out. Very strong, very fit. He leads her over to the weight bag, the heaviest one he usually used. This was the fourth one this year. "Would you like to get changed or switch your footwear?" Yeah the floor is gonna hurt.

Inez Temple has posed:
Oh shit. Is Gotham an open carry? When Ted offers for his friend to take her coat, Inez looks briefly as if she might protest. But she rolls her shoulders, and lets the leather duster fall off and across her arms, showing the two massive revolvers at her side and the lasso attached to her belt at the small of her back. "Gotham's dangerous f' a lady." She says, before anyone can comment, giving Tony a wink as she hands him the coat.

Meanwhile, one of the men watching this go on (because of course there are testosterone-driven men watching Inez take her coat off) freezes when he spots the gun and lasso. And he slowly, quietly, begins to walk towards the back fire door...

Inez grins at Ted when he suggests changing. "Well, 'less this is one o' them greek wrasslin' places y' hear 'bout, ain't got nothin' t' change into, big guy." She teases, "Reckon' I could lose t' boots, though. Mighty nice floor, hate t' splinter it u..." And then she spots her mark moving, and Ted can *see* her attention snap into focus. And she's darting past at superhuman speed, reaching behind her for the rope and swirling the lasso.

Yee haw.

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant says, "Yes Gotham is not safe, but we have very few rogue stallions running lo-o-o-ose! Shit!" he says to the Inez shaped void left in her passing. Ted is not superhuman, but people have debated that over the years. He is running after the long legged blonde. Good girl? Bad girl?

Good girl, she's going for a nonlethal restraint. She puts him in mind of his pal the Vigilante... despite the very different backsides involved.

Ted grabs for the back of his hoodie as he runs after Inez and the concealed Wildcat mask and cowl is pulled over his face. the hoodie is not armored like his uniform but it is convenient for the unexpected crook who shows up while you're working out. "Don't be shooting nobody, Tex! These are paid members!" He grabs a twenty pound weight in passing, barely slowing down, not near to catching Inez and still enjoying the view on some levels.

Inez Temple has posed:
Let's be honest: Batman could probably pull off the short-shorts, but he certainly would look strange in the hat and boots. And he sure as hell would probably not be caught dead lassoing people like their steers. The rope is sent flying at the man that bolted with consummate skill, tripping him up as she manages to wrap it around his torso and gives it a jerk that sends him flying off his feet and into the closest machine hard enough for bones to snap.

Inez goes marching up to the man, tilting her hat back up to stare down her nose at him. "Pfft. As if I would waste a shot on low life like this." She says to Ted, crouching down and beginning to hog tie the man as he groans...

Given her position squatting over him, she doesn't see his eyes snap open, little bits of electricity dancing in them. Does Ted?

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted retains the weight as he runs over to Inez. You never know. Wait, he does know! People's eyes don't spark like that normally! Even in Gotham! Now Ted does not discriminate and will enroll anyone, Mutant, meta, alien. But the policy is be straight up about it! He'll find you a proper sparring partner, often it's Ted. the dude with the tentacles was a lot of fun! Of course he barely knows Inez. But apart from being really pretty, really tall and outgoing, he could sense some good in her. He was pretty sure she didn't gratuitously plug people but he was taking a little time to think this out and...

Wha-bang! The weight is slammed into Sparky's head. There are sparks where is connects. In fact, Ted is knocked on his ass. Sparky falls foraward and faceplants on the floor. "Mother flower! Son of a biscuit! Fudge!" Well that was his rant sanitized somewhat. He shakes his shocked hand out.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Y' shoulda paid t' fine." Inez tsks over the man, even as she hauls his legs bodily up and begins to wrap his wrists and ankles together, not caring at all about how she's bending his body. Is she showing off for an appreciative audience? A little. She doesn't need to squat quite that low, and the spread is a little gratuitious, but it's not like anyone is complaining, "Y' gotta bounty out, m' guy. Extradition t' Madripoor f' diddlin' the wrong person's wifie."

And that's when he sudden starts convulsing, just in time for...


Wildcat to take him out. Inez falls backwards onto that ass everyone was gawking at, scrambling backwards with a high pitched squeak. "Shit fire an' save matches!" She looks from Ted to the man with wide eyes. "T' bounty didn't say nothin' 'bout powers!"

Ted Grant has posed:
Perp down. Wildcat down. Inez down. Wildcat reaches over to poke his neck. "Still alive. Imma call the Gotham SCU for this, no offense. I'll make sure you get paid. He rolls backwards and onto his feet. He offers Inez a grin and a hand up if she wishes. "Yeah, not everybody shows off their superpowers. Pretty sure Batman has a power ring somewhere. He didn't catch you, did he, hun?"

Inez Temple has posed:
"M' Fine." Inez is scowling as she sits on her rump on the floor. If he caught her with the sparky boom boom then it doesn't show, although between the flare of powers and her ignoble flopping backwards her hat was knocked off her head. She looks young with the hat off, nothing like the cocky gal that was shaking her ass for the gymgoers so saucily.

Is the hat the source of her powers? Ted's probably seen weirder.

She accepts the hand up, grasping his wrist and hoisting herself up and snatching the hat on her way. It's crammed back on her head, and she reaches up to pat Ted's cheek. "Thanks, big guy. Imma ask some pointed question o' m' client. Th' deposit weren't 'nuff t' cover a meta."

Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant head nuzzles the hand on his cheek before she pulls it away. "Of course -anytime. You wanna maybe get some coffee after you clear all this up or brunch? I'll buy."