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Latest revision as of 04:38, 18 December 2023

The Cole Hard Truth
Date of Scene: 17 December 2023
Location: Powder Keg Gunsmith
Synopsis: Roxie asks for help and ends up being disappointed.
Cast of Characters: Cole Cash, Roxanne Spaulding

Cole Cash has posed:
This shop opens Sundays. Some Sundays. Which Sundays? One never knows, because Cole is not reliable and River has most Sundays off. Today is open, but no one is shopping because Sundays. Also, Cole does most of the work by online (dark Internet) requests.

So, there is no one at the counter, but there is music (old Rock) coming from the door to the workshop, where he is tinkering with a menacing-looking shotgun. Possibly not a legal piece to sell, not even in Gotham.

And there is a sensor suite warning him when someone is in the shop, so it will be okay. They have not been robbed yet. Which is amazing, considering this is Gotham.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
Are there bells at the door? Or is there a ding dong sound when the door opens? Maybe as a certain purple haired young woman slips through the door, with her arms wrapped about herself.

Looking down at the card she was given, Roxie hrmms, making sure she's at the right place. Today finds her in a bit looser clothing, and for good reason. The shirt around her body doesn't cling, as it's loose and has one of those old 90s rock bands on it. It was probably Grunge's. Her ensemble is completed with a pair of jeans and oddly enough a navy peacoat. What happened to her usual leather jacket?

"Cole?" she calls out, not quite sure if this is the place as she looks around at the guns.

Cole Cash has posed:
There is no ding dong, although the door is creaky, so that works as warning. Mostly it is the camera, which connects to a screen Cole has a couple yards from his workplace, what tells him Roxy has arrived. And soon. Which means she likes him!

Kidding. It means bad news for sure. So, Cole grabs the shoulder holster with a high-calibre handgun, and his coat, before heading into the shop. "Yeah, welcome to my little not-hideout and probably soon-to-blow-up gun shop. It didn't take long for something to south, uh? What happened?"

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
"Someone took Queelocke." she says with a bit of a panicked tone in her voice. "I was at a club, and..." she isn't going to say she was high off of molly. That would be bad. "There was this old guy. Really vicious looking. I think he had fangs. Apparently, he's called Sabretooth?"

Canting her head to the side, she watches Cole to see if there's any reaction to the name. "And he took my little guy and..." and she starts to pull off her jacket before turning to lift up the loose fitting shirt underneath.

Underneath the transparent tegaderm dressing is what looks to be a nasty wound that had to be stiched up. It was a somewhat deep cut, looking like it was made with a scalpel on her back. It's shape? an X.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole doesn't blink at the name, but he does at the cut. "I know that guy, he is a mutant mercenary." But probably not one I.O. would hire. Oh, took the little guy? "I thought it was 'inter-dimensional bounty hunters' not the local guys." He steps closer to check the wound. But gives it a nod since it seems clean and the stitching is okay.

"That guy is making enemies left and right, but I think that is his thing. Annoy enough people someone puts him down. Survive anyway, do the same somewhere else," he mentions. "The good news is I don't think he works for the usual suspects. He was after the critter, not you, hmm?"

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
"I don't think the Damocles Foundation would send the same guys twice." she admits ruefully. "We kinda kicked their asses the first time." Roxie continues with a wry grin on her features before wincing as she lets her shirt back down again.

The wound itself was cleaned properly and stitched. Hopefully it should heal within a week or two.

"So... I was hoping you'd help me get him back." This time, she'll be sober.

Cole Cash has posed:
"You had an alien pet and it got stolen," summarizes Cole. "I think you are lucky they didn't ask Sabretooth to kill you," or that he didn't do it for free, but he spares Roxy from that comment.

He shrugs, "I don't know the Damocles Foundation, but I think you should forget about the little critter. It seems to me they have resources you can't match right now. Even if you get it back, can you keep it safe?"

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
Frowning, she shakes her head and her lips tremble for a bit. Clearly, she was attached to the little guy, and she sniffles for a few moments. "I'm not going to forget about Queelocke." He's more than a mere pet. He's been with her for quite some time now.

Deciding to clear her head, she looks towards Cole with a bit of disappointment. "If you're not able to help, then I'll just ask someone else." As to who she might ask, she doesn't exactly know the answer to at the moment.

"But.. thank you for your time anyway."

Cole Cash has posed:
"Do you even know where they are?" Asks Cole, gesturing Roxy to go to the back office, where she can at least sit down. "Because going after Sabretooth is suicidal unless you have strong backup. It might be better to rescue your pet once it has been delivered."

Strong backup doesn't mean -him-. Cole knows his limitations, if he fights Creed, it would be to save River, not for a pet. "You have savings, I know some guys crazy enough to try to help. But they are expensive."

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
"I don't have cash. I don't know where they are." And she starts to look and sound frustrated. "That's why I'm asking for help, Cole. You found me, I figured you could find Queelocke."

Roxie sighs and just runs her fingers through her pink hair. "Just... forget it. I'll find someone else."

Cole Cash has posed:
"Lynch told me where you were," points out Cole, scratching his nape. "I don't have a crystal ball, I can do some investigation about those Damocles people, but it will take a while. And you need to heal those cuts. Oh, if you know Batman or something, sure... go for it."

Realistically, he doubts even Lynch would have wanted to help for this, even with the full Gen-13 team and his robomaid. "Don't go after Sabretooth alone, though. If you try I will shot you, seriously. I'll make sure you can't move for a couple months."

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
"If Lynch told you where I was, maybe he could find Queelocke. He met the little guy." And still, she shakes her head, nosewrinkling at the mention of healing cuts and getting shot if she goes for Creed alone.

"You're not willing to help, so, I'll just find someone else. It's okay. You have other priorities." Roxie says with a shrug of her shoulders.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole gives Roxy a look, then nods. "Hey, do whatever you think is right, but wait a few days," he decides. Oh, ask Lynch for sure. And tell him that his ward is about to do something very, very dumb. Or try to. Realistically, she will never find Creed unless he lets her, right? Maybe? "I'll get Lynch, and ask around. That is all I can do for now."

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
It's not like Roxie is completely helpless. She did create a time-space singularity to stop the effects of a quantum genebomb after all! That was part of the shenanigans offscreen, alas.

There's a salute in Cole's direction. He did work for the army at one point, right?

"In a few days, he might've transferred Queelocke to Damocles, then I really couldn't find him anymore. Queelock can open interdimensional portals. He's important. And too powerful to be in their hands." With that, she stands up and starts heading towards the exit unless he stops her.

Cole Cash has posed:
"He should have transferred Queelocke to Damocles already," replies Cole. Pretty sure Sabretooth is not the type to keep pets around even if he is getting paid a lot. Interdimensional portals, ugh. "Then why didn't it... you..." he grumps. He catches up with Roxy and puts a burner cellphone in her hand. "I'll call you tonight. Don't do anything stupid."

But saying that has ever worked? "At least don't do anything stupid alone." Slightly better, he guesses. Yes, he lets her go.

Damn Lynch for getting him into his business.