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Latest revision as of 04:39, 18 December 2023

You Will Be Judged Pt 1
Date of Scene: 16 December 2023
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: M and 'Jenny' save a young man who is chased by the lovechildren of Omega Sentinels and the Phalanx. Just what are they facing?
Cast of Characters: Roxanne Spaulding, Monet St. Croix, Natasha Cranston

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
Saturday afternoons in Central Park have all sorts of people out and about. This rather blustery winter day has couples going for romantic carriage rides with hot chocolate, tourists taking pictures in the winter wonderland, and other such things. It's relatively peaceful, which in a city like New York means that the law of averages will eventually make shit go crazy. That is what happens in a city full of superheroes and villains.

So when a young Hispanic man starts to run through the crowds, knocking more than one person over, he looks back apologetically. He's about to help an old gramma back on her feet, when he gasps as two more people can be seen chasing after him.

"Smith and I found him. Wesson, go try to cut him off." says one MiB into a comm unit.

The young Hispanic man curses under his breath before apologizing to the gramma. "Sorry abuelita, but I have to get fgoing." and he dashes off before wincing in pain as he continues to run trying to get away.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is currently going along through Central Park. The arrogant woman is over in a mood. By that it's accompanied by mental nudging of people to get out of her way. Joggers, passerby, walkers, and other types that frequent the pathways are given a firm mental press to move aside to let her go through, as if a noble of the old days having guards in front of her shoving aside the peasants.

It's when she sees people rushing along and clearly in a chase she goes to sigh and moves to head after them - keeping herself in a quick jog. Too many people around to fly or try and block their minds.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Natasha Cranston wouldn't be seen dead in a jogging outfit -- she's worked entirely too hard on her reputation as a partying slob. "Jenny", on the other hand, is very fond of the practice as a way to warm up before capoeira.

    The mental 'shove' from behind washes over her and takes a moment to register, and another moment to consider -- it's not an attack, just a psychic being very rude, not worth breaking character for -- and she veers aside to let the jogger pass to get a better look.

    It's roughly at that point that the shouting starts and "Jenny" takes in the layout with a quick glance -- runner fleeing in that direction, one pursuer on his heels, so someone "cutting him off" would have to come from... There.

    She picks up the pace and heads to intercept. If she's quick and lucky, she might be able to "accidentally" stumble into this 'Wesson' and get a good read on what's going on at the same time.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
Wesson. He looks like Jared Padelecki, but a bit taller, and slightly more muscular. The black suit compliments his generically handsome features as he continues to try to intercept the young man, now running in his direction. Of course, his own psychic little jedi-mind trick directed at the boy helps.

Reaching into his jacket pocket, he's going for what could be a gun, but that's when Natasha 'accidentally' stumbles into him. He oomphs, taking a sidestep and falls on his ass as he curses and looks towards her. "Bitch." he grumbles.

Fortunately, for the young Hispanic man, let's call him Max, speeds on by, laughing at the downed Wesson. "That's what you get, pendejo." he calls out before he winces, cursing under his breath.

For anyone with more enhanced senses looking in his direction (I'm looking at you, M), they might notice a flaring of energy in his eyes. It coincides with the little wince of pain as he groans, but continues to push through, just trying to get away.

If a psychic were to peek in his head, his thoughts are more... o O (Fuck fuck fuck! Not now... not now...) with a booming voice inside his head, "THIS IS THE APPOINTED TIME. THIS IS THE APPOINTED PLACE. YOU WILL BE JUDGED."

How ominous.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The sudden voice going her way has M wince in a bit of pain.. And irritation. She can pick things up with her slightly enhanced senses, and it's enough to make her get immediately annoyed. And to push past any sort of facade she might have when it comes to playing things subtle.

"Who are you and what is going on here?" SHe's ignoring Smith and Wesson (their guns, in her mind, can't hurt her if they have them) while advancing on the poor, poor man being judged (well, poor-poor int hat on top of that he has M trying to grab him by the collar). "Answer me very quickly or I'll just pull the information I want right from you." Helping!

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    "HEY!" is Jenny's only comment when she accidentally bowls into Wesson and comes to a stumbling halt, although she keeps her footing better. "It's a public park, why don't you watch where you're going, you big oaf?"

    She looks every inch the offended New Yorker, more than ready to escalate this -- and then Monet's loud demands catch her attention. "Huh?"

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
Ack! As he's grabbed by the collar, Max can't help but let out a surprised "Madre de dios!" before he's pulled by the oh so perfect M. He trembles. Clearly, it doesn't take a telepath to know he's scared shitless. "HEROD." is all he can say for now.

The energy continues to flare from his eyes before he groans and grunts in pain. Suddenly, he's getting much heavier. His body starting to expand as his muscles grow at an exponential rate. Is he 'Hulking' out? Well, potentially, if it wasn't for the fact that he also becomes more hirsuite by the moment, that his features also become more bear-ish.

Meanwhile, Wesson just stares at Natasha and shakes his head, "Stay back, bitch." He says, not having the time nor the energy to deal with an angry New Yorker. His eyes widen as he sees the transformation from afar and curses before speaking into his comms. "Smith, evacuate the area. We might be having an 'EVENT'." he says before his hand suddenly changes into what is clearly some projectile or energy weapon of somesort. Is he Megaman? A new Sentinel? A generic cyborg? Or something else all together.

He points towards Monet and Max, focusing for a few moments before a beam of energy is sent their way. Fortunately, it's set to stun which M could easily shrug off or even block, if she so chooses.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Ugh, what the hell? Monet goes to let him drop, even as the stun blast goes over at her. SHe goes to let out a cry of pain, reproaching herself as she would stumble. Focusing merely on the one in front of her and not the circumstances around her. And not taking them as a threat at all. The pain is a blunt lesson even as she goes to stumble away, going to take a few stpes back and trying to use it as cover to shake off her daze. "You. You'll pay." The released Max then is ignored once more.

She goes to move to advance over towards Wesson, rage in her eyes. "Now you.. I'm going to take you apart piece by piece, and then shove them up your exhaust port." SHe moves to try and charge over towards him, moving to try and fly at high speed if possible to try and yank him over by the wrist, intent on disarming him in the most literal way possible if she could while her body would twitch from the electrodes still!

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    In a different city, one less accustomed to supervillain attacks, and with a less ornery population, or even a more compliand individual, that order might have worked. As it is, however...

    "Wrong answer, pal," Jenny snarls back before spinning around her axis, arching backward as her foot comes up in a diagonal sweeping kick that intersects Wesson's wrist and knocks his aim off. She follows up with a forward step to keep her momentum and body-checks him with a surprising amount of force for someone built like she is, then ducks aside just as Monet barges in.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
What happens when Wesson is body checked and then grabbed by the arm in two opposite directions? Nothing good anyway, as the arm is ripped clean off, as a mixture of blood, viscera, and electronics can be seen. With the remaining arm, he speaks into the comm unit, "Opposing meat has genetic anomalies. Add to the collection?" he asks before he regains his stance, still armless while staring at the two women.

"Genetic template: Quickstep activate." And that's when something strange happens. That Jared Padelecki look alike turns into that of a petite redhead that just stares at the pair. Naturally, she only has one arm, but with a few poofs here and there, it seems like she's blinking from one place to another, aiming to punch Natasha first to knock her out.

The thing about creatures like this is that they're cocky. Not knowing whether or not Natasha has superhuman resistance, there are only enough punches to knock your average human out, and so it then concentrates on M, blinking from side to side to try to do the same thing.

Meanwhile, Max is still knocked out on the side, energy escaping from his closed eyes even as that ursine transformation continues.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
As the individual goes to blink about (their gender irrelevent) Monet goes to quickly get a sense of thier movement. SHe's trained with Kurt, and these things are cocky - and she can track them while they go to port about. So after a pair of quick ports around her and goes to leave 'Jenny' to her own devices.. Monet goes to cock up a fist over and goes to reach forwards to meet one of her attackres right when it teleports, and she picksup a mental signature of it..

And goes to move as fast as she can, hopefully in those micro-seconds while senses catch up with new position.. It was still part flesh creature, and human senses were not designed around immediate awareness of relocation. It took just a passing moment to reorient, even with enhancements. At least, that was what she was hoping and had trained with.

So right as the individual would appear, hopefully, as if she was demonstrating predestination.. Her fist would rise up, hopefully meeting chin in a powerful SMASH! "Then let's make you into meat."

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    The Shadow is harder to hit than that -- but Jenny wouldn't be, so in the interest of not advertising what she is she takes the punch to her face, snapping her head back and knocking her to the ground. If she gets back up a bit faster than should be possible, that's probably just adrenaline.

    She wipes some blood from the side of her mouth and glares at where 'Wesson' is being summarily dismantled by Monet, blinks for a moment, and then looks around again in some alarm. "Hey, weren't there more of these just a minute ago?" she asks of no one in particular.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
While the two are focused on Wesson, a cloudy darkness starts to head and creep towards the downed Max. It's slow and tries to be inconspicuous, an inky black darness moving across the ground, consuming all light that goes near it might be noticeable though.

Meanwhile, the Quickstep unit is now knocked back with that flurry of punches. It oophs, but its objective was accomplished. In that moment of contact, it reached out, its fingers becoming metallic for a bit before releasing approximately a dozen or so metallic scarabs onto M. Just as the Quickstep unit is knocked back, the scarab bite and dig into her flesh, wanting to tear out small chunks or get a bit of blood for its collection. Those razor sharp fangs seem to be able to penetrate even slightly invulnerable skin, as it's made of vibranium? Adamantium? Or something else all together.

What happens to said unit though after that powerful megapunch? Just as the scarabs start biting into it, it turns into a pool of liquid metal (not unlike the T-1000 series) as it is the most efficient method of transmitting terabytes of genetic data back to whereever it came from.

And as for Smith? Who knows where that unit is at right now. The Jansen Eckles look-alike doesn't seem to be anywhere near. It was told to evacuate the area after all.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She knows what it's doing from the way it moves. From the way it rapidly goes to take a quick sample - she might not know what it is, but she's experienced what it's like taking something for her. She goes to yelp over and tries to throw the scarabs off her as fast as she can, going to try and tear and punch at them. It's not enough, however. At least a few will gogue out bits of her and be able to withdraw and sample them. WHatever they are, they'll accomplish their mission and take what they want from her.

And then she sees the other bit of darkness (?) going towards Max. She goes to rush out over at it, intent on trying to grab the semi-conscious (?) Max if she can almost with a sonic boom to try and grab him and yank him out of the way if she can as the thing goes to try and vanish with him!

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    'Jenny' takes a careful step backward from the Sudden Scarabs, and another one from the pool of liquid metal, and gives the blob of inky darkness a wary look for good measure.

    Once Monet absconds with the transforming Max in tow, she takes it as her cue to leave, turning to run away like most everyone else likely already did and fading into the first crowd she finds.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
With M going at supersonic speeds, picking up the still flaring now mostly ursine 'Max', the inky blob of darkness starts to disappear. With that, the part of the dark that was becoming darker is suddenly brighter, and that heavy oppressive feeling as it approached disappears.

For M's part, 'Max' is so much heavier than he was before. He's at least 300 lbs now, but that shouldn't matter to someone like her.

Meanwhile, somewhere else, the genetic information has been collected. A creature of liquid metal slips out of a vat and starts to form a humanoid shape. Once it forms, its injected with the latest template. Suddenly, it turns and shifts, as that silvery liquid metal skin turns into a dark tan. The features become morepronounced, and soon, Genetic Template: Perfect Girl, is created.

Pseudo-Monet simply grins asit beeps and buzzes communicating with something far. Who knows when they'll see it again.