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There are many reasons why Red Robin has a bullet proof costume. Most of them are on his team.
Date of Scene: 15 December 2023
Location: Sublevel 2 -Training Facilities - The Roost
Synopsis: Laura teaches Kiden about fire arms. Kiden teaches Tim and Laura about how much cleaning she can do. Tim teaches Kiden and Laura his dismayed look. Everyday is a learning experience at the Outsiders.
Cast of Characters: Laura Kinney, Kiden Nixon, Tim Drake

Laura Kinney has posed:
Today we come to a special portion of Kiden's Outsider training, the part where Laura brings out a collection of her weapons and hopefully no-one gets seriously injured.

Because Laura has brought guns. Lots of Guns. Probably too many guns. (Unless your name is Laura, Hope or Rose...) Handguns, submachine guns, rifles of several types, shotguns, sniper rifles and a couple of heavy machine guns. She even brought a bazooka for show. But it's not loaded. Not even Laura thinks that's suitable for indoor training.

"Nothing is loaded yet, but in order to get into good habits don't point any firearm at someone unless you want them dead or injured." She shrugs. "I know nothing here can hurt me. But the last thing we want is you picking up a gun on a mission and then shooting Tim in the butt." She blinks. "Okay actually the last thing /I/ want is you shooting me. Tim getting shot is second."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden glances at the weapons on the table, then back to Laura with a lifted brow, "Are you sure you really want me messing with guns? You've seen me trip over my own shoelaces," She's both teasing and not. Laura has absolutely seen Kiden being clumsy.. but admittedly not for years.

Still, she'll approach the weapons, looking them over, touching one in particular, "I know this one.. or, well, I remember this one." THen another, "And this one is sorta like the sidearm my dad carried." Turning away from the guns and looking back to Laura, "You know I don't have a great history with them. But.. I'll try."

The mental image of accidentally shooting anyone in the butt has her chuckling and shaking her head, "Yeah, I would like to *not* be that person, please." Straightening up, she gives a firm nod, "Okay. Lets do this. I assume gun safety and care first, then handling and firing?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
"You don't need to /use/ them," Laura explains. "But there are plenty of situations where knowing how the work will be useful. If you can recognise different weapons and know how many rounds they contain... Well you can tell when they'll need to reload. Roughly how long that process will take. And then? Then you know when to make your move."

Did she deliberately pick weapons Kiden has history with? Is it all part of a cunning plan? Who can say. Probably. Plans within plans. Always thinking ten steps ahead. "Safety yes. Honestly I'm not really bothered about you learning how to clean and look after guns. If you're going to buy some we can cover that later on."

"For now we focus on stopping you from hurting yourself," she says with a nod. "And next from hurting anyone else. Then we'll move onto firing them and hopefully hitting the targets." Speaking of targets she's set up plenty of things to shoot at. And not just paper cut outs! Oh no for her old friend she's gone the extra mile. Ballistic gel dummies filled with artificial blood and bone.

For every weapon on display she's pretty much word for word memorised the technical manuals. Going through each one in detail. How to safely use it, what it's best used for, and if Kiden seems to be taking it all in? She'll throw in some useful hints and trivia.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden glances to Laura and gives a nod, looking back to the guns with furrowed brows and murmuring, "I remember dad saying he didn't like the Glocks, something about how they fit his hand forced the barrel to turn one way or another.. he had a Sig Sauer P226.. 15 rounds in the mag, one in the chamber. Safety is here, just a quick touch.." Blinking, she pulls back from the gun and looks back to Laura with a faint smile, "You mean when I'm not cheating, right?"

If she did, she did a damn good job. Kiden has an expression of intense concentration on her face as she looks over the weapons and listens to her friend, nodding now and then,"That's fair. I don't expect to own a gun, like, ever."

There's a small laugh and she glances back to Laura with a brief grin, "I mean, I think that's a bigger job than anyone is really equipped to take on... I am awfully good at hurting myself." Again, just a light tease before she gives a more serious nod, "Until I mean to." Letting out a breath, she glances around at the dummies, then back to Laura, one brow raised, "Went the extra mile, huh? I'm flattered."

THen it's learnign time and she'll shut up and focus on retaining as much of the information as possible, making a note to ask for the manuals later so she can speed-study them later.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"It's not just your moves though," Laura points out. "You can cheat but the rest of us have to use strategy and tactics. So it's a good idea for you to know when we're going to act." A shrug. "Then you can plan your moves accordingly. Working with a team is all about coordination. If everything goes well we enhance each other."

A hint of a smile.

"I know people think I prefer to work alone," Which is true. But shhh she's in teaching mode. "But that doesn't mean I'm ignorant to the benefits of co-operation. It sounds cliched but the whole really is more than the sum of it's parts."

Manuals she has too! PDF format. She's emailed them to Kiden's team email for review later. See planning ahead.

"I bought a lot of gear to make 'zombie' targets," she admits. "For training with Gabby. Back when she still needed it. These days she's able to look after herself." There's a slight twitch. Like she really would prefer to be the overprotective big sister still. "And she's even dating now. So I try not to meddle."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Wincing, Kiden nods and murmurs, "I know. First time I dodged a bullet.. it hit someone else. Someone I like and respect. Still feel guilty about that. I wasn't really thinking at the moment, only to get out of the way of the bullet..." Letting out a breath, she looks back to Laura and offers a faint smile, "Other person survived though, and I learned a lesson. Now I think about trajectories. Flight paths. I'm not a huge science fan, but I know my physics."

Clearing her throat, she chuckles at Laura's comment, then offers, "I'm kinda in the same boat.. I prefer running solo when it comes to like.. missions or shit going down. I don't have to hold back as much, I don't have to be... worried." She gives a nod to Laura and smiles, "Yeah, I do admit that workin' with a team has it's ups."

Laughing lightly, she shakes her head, "Fair, guess I'll get the zombie training then. So.. headshots, then, right?" Her brows lift at the dating part, and she laughs, "Damn. I only just started dating!"

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I wouldn't feel guilty about dodging a bullet," Laura says flatly. "You didn't fire it. And you shouldn't feel bad about not dying." She doesn't point out that it could be worse. She could have cut down any of her mentors who showed her even a hint of kindness and then years later her own mother... "And no matter how good your no time ability is that's still a possibility with a bullet wound. You could stop the world but if you're still bleeding... Well you only have a limited amount of blood."

Her head tilts to one side. Then she gestures at the weapons as if to say pick one.

"Each task has an optimal team size. Small for stealth. Big when there's a lot of threats like hidden bombs."

Then it's back to business. "Just focus on hitting the target. You don't need to worry about where you're hitting. So long as you hit something. I think Gabby was dating two people at one point. She gets on with people a lot better than me. Somehow she made it out of a lab without all the people skill problems."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Shaking her head, Kiden looks at Laura, "Doesn't work that way, Laura. Not when you can do what I can do. I could have done so many different things to keep from being shot. It just.. didn't occur to me. My first time having a gun pointed at me, I acted on instinct." She offers a quick smile, "Part of why I ran away, so I could learn more about my powers without endagering people I care about."

To the point about being shot and only having so much blood, she chuckles, "You know, I still wonder what would happen if I went into No Time while injured. Does the bleeding slow? Or does it keep going normally because *I* keep going normally. I don't need rest, or food, or anything to sustain me. I don't age there. So I'm leaning towards, no bleeding in No Time."

Then she's turning to the table at Laura's suggestion and looking over the guns. The Sig Sauer P226 catches her eye again, and she starts to reach for it, then stops, shifting slightly and picking up a slightly larger pistol. Holding it in her hand, feeling the weight, the size of it. Shaking her head and setting it back down to take up the P226. Testing the hold of it the same way before nodding to Laura. "Okay."

This is a gun she knows. Safety on, she moves to put Laura behind and to the side of her (just in case), looking over the targets, planning out her line of fire. Lifting the gun, she recalls her dad's training and practice, taking up a similiar stance and aiming the gun at one of the dummies. Safety off. And she starts shooting. Two shots per dummy then she's moving on.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Normally there would be sound muffling earphones. But that's not the sort of thing Laura bothers with for herself. They won't have them out in the field after all! It's a miracle she isn't using anything like strobing lights or smoke machines to make it more 'authentic'. Probably it's pretty loud throughout the Roost too because she hasn't bothered to close the training room doors either.

"Yes but you didn't know what you could do at the time either," she points out with a smirk. "And you're talking to someone who killed her own sensei. Dodging a bullet really isn't that bad..." She tries to make light of it. But the memory probably still hurts. He was the first person to treat her like a person after all.

"If you don't bleed in no-time that would suggest your blood isn't even moving around your body so... how do you even walk? If none of your biological processes are happening...." She shakes her head. "That's really a question for someone like Ms Pym-van Dyne."

Tim Drake has posed:
    There's plenty of soundproofing in the training room's walls. Enough that it'd probably take that unloaded bazooka actually being fired to actually hear anything at all... if only Laura had closed the door, yeah. Tim is already aware of the training sesh about to happen, as there are systems in place within the Roost for that sort of notification process, but he still has a split-second adrenaline rush as the sound of gunshots ricochets off the walls, up to where he's camped out in the computer lab.

    And then he remembers. Tabs over to the security camera feed, just to check and reassure himself. Nothing to be concerned about. So he allows himself a few moments to wrap up what he's working on, close out a few programs, and then make a pitstop at the nearest coffee machine for a refill to his mug before he heads out to check on how things are going.

    Which, in this particular instance means hanging out in the doorway, sipping his coffee and observing from a safe distance. Tim is knowledgable in regards to firearms in an academic sense, but there's no getting around the big Bat rule, at least for him.

    For now though he only announces himself by choosing a quiet moment between shots to take a particularly noisy slurp of coffee.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Wincing at the loudness of the shots, Kiden continues through the exercise until she's taken two shots at each of the dummies. Some shots are better than others, but most of them at least hit the ballistics gel. This is what you get growing up as a cop's kid! Firearms were in the house and they were taught early on to respect the guns. She'd never fired a 'real' gun before, but her dad had done some training with her using various types of 'toy' guns to get her prepared for a later on that never came.

"No, but I also didn't try to get anyone out of the way or anything. I just.. got out of *its* way." She pauses after the last shot and glances over to Laura with a brief grin, "My guilt. You can't talk me out of it."

The slurp has her turning, the gun still raised, at least for a half-second before she drops it to her side. Safety on. "Oh hey!" She lifts her free hand in a wave to Red Robin and looks to Laura with a lifted a brow, "See? I totally didn't shoot him in the butt. Or yours." Because that's a thing now. As to the science of No Time and how it works, she shrugs, "Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, Laura. The lack of needing to eat, drink, or sleep no matter how much activity I'm doing suggests that my systems are in a sort of stasis while I'm in No Time. And I can be there for a long ass time. My current record is like three real world days.. which, far as I can tell, is roughly equivalent to four or five months' time there. I spent almost half a year's worth of time in No Time.. and it was barely three days' time when I came back. Not sure science will ever explain that."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I could but I'd need some of the brain washing drugs from the crime lab," Laura says matter of factly. Loud enough for it to carry over to Tim. Her enhanced senses picked up his arrival long before that coffee slurp. But does doesn't give any outward hint of it. Probably making comments about brain washing while he's behind her is her idea of a joke.


Thankfully when Kiden notices Tim he's safely got his back to the wall. Maybe he lip read the footage where she was talking about him getting shot in the butt. Or he could just be sensible (although he does lead the Outsiders so....).

"Hey Tim," she finally says without turning. "What brings you down to the training rooms?" She knows it's the noise but if she doesn't mention it maybe he won't either! "And you never know. Nadia does things to physics that make my brain hurt. She's... odd. Besides you are not the first weird time thing we've seen. People from the future kidnapped us once. Kept us all in this little suite of rooms and we broke out in.... How long was it Tim? About an hour? Less?"

Despite them breaking into the Roost Laura wasn't really impressed with the N.O.W.H.E.R.E jails. She'd got her hands on more explosives than she could carry faster than she could make a toothbrush into a deadly weapon...

Tim Drake has posed:
    Weighing the odds, they come out in Laura's favor on that brainwashing bit being a joke. So Tim just shakes his head a little bit and takes another drink of his coffee.

    "Thank you for not shooting me in the butt," he says, with a perfectly straight face despite having no idea what prompted that, though he can make a few well-theorized guesses. Now that he's been sighted (even though he knows Laura knew he was coming much earlier on) Tim steps fully into the training room, mug in hand as he surveys the state of the ballistic dummies from afar. "You know," he begins, while behind his domino mask he's running a program to calculate the trajectories of the bullets that struck true, "We could always run some tests on No Time if you want. Most of our gear comes with an entire sensor suite; assuming it can run so long as you take it in with you, at least. It might give you some answers."

    He doesn't give Laura a verbal answer to her estimate of their escape from N.O.W.H.E.R.E., though he does lift a hand and jiggle it in the air a little bit to suggest he thinks it's about right. The flat line of his mouth suggests he wasn't all that impressed with the jail (or their jailors) either. "You remember those suits they put us in? Awful." His nose wrinkles.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"Nuh uh. My memories. I will goose you *so* hard if you try," Kiden declares, her eyes squinting briefly at Laura before she lets out a laugh and shakes her head. She, for one, didn't know Tim was there until he announced it. But at least this time he announced himself, instead of just.. appearing from a vent!

"You're welcome! Also, I don't think I'm so bar with the gun that I could have, even if I'd tried, not from where I was standing, anyways." Kiden offers a quick grin before moving to place the P226 back on the table, considering the offer, "Could be interesting. Not sure if tech will work in No Time, but we could try. I'd certainly be game to test it out. Worst case, it still operates at real time and you get no real data."

Lifting a shrug at Laura, she grins, "This isn't time travel. I kinda.. operate outside of time entirely. I don't have any science for it, but I bsaically step outta the time stream as you know it and act independently, then step back in pretty much right where I left from." She glances between Laura and Tim and grins, "Want to see a cool side effect of it?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Give it time," Laura says with a little smirk. "This is just training. Out on a mission when things get really hectic anything can happen..."

She turns back to Kiden and blinks. "You'll throw a goose at me? Is that a thing Americans do?" There's another pause. "People once suggested that a goose with a switchblade would be my 'spirit animal'." She's not entirely sure she gets the joke. Or the reference. Whichever it might be.

"It's possible to hit him from there but you need specialist ammunition that'll survive the ricochets. But aim /there/." She points. "At the right angle and it'd bounce there, there and there." This is probably not a helpful suggestion for Tim remaining unshot.

"You say you step  outside of time. But that's what some movie nights feel like to me. When we were forced to watch all the Star Wars movies I felt like I'd been dragged into no time and left there for eternity."

Tim Drake has posed:
    "Yeah. Can't hurt to try," Tim agrees. He tips his mug back for one more drink, finishing off his coffee -- and yes, before you ask, he really did just refill it a couple of minutes ago -- before he sets it down. He crosses his arms over his chest and finds a good leaning spot on the wall, because he has no intentions of getting involved in this training session. Honestly, even being this close feels a little bit like breaking the big rule.

    Doesn't mean that he can't learn something valuable from watching, though!

    He tilts his head to the side, expression blank, the angle of his chin suggesting he's looking at Laura behind the white-out lenses of his mask. "Honk?" he asks, then snorts once, amused at his own (dumb) joke. His particular flavor of Robin means he can't pass up a bird joke opportunity. "Anyway, sure. I'm always down for show-and-tell."

    What he's less down for is being shot, definitely, so he folds his arms in a little tighter to make himself the smallest target he can be. You know, without being totally obvious about it.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"I mean, I've already been bitched at by a cranky kid in a cape. And I *still* did him a favor and left him the big bad dude with the sword. He really wanted to swordfight, weird kid." Shaking her head, Kiden shrugs and offers a grin, "And he'll never even know."

Then she's nodding to Tim, "Exactly. Anyways, just let me know when works and we can suit me up and I'll doot doot around in No Time for awhile, see if I can't get you some readings. If it'll help, I'll stay in long enough for a few hours to pass here, so maybe it'll get some readings?"" To Laura's spirit animal, she just snorts a small laugh and nods, "Not wrong. Though I'd have gone with a steak knife over a switchblade."

She also takes the advice given about the ammo and where to shoot, though she makes no move towards any of the guns on the tables, just nodding and filing it away, "I definitely know the physics, but I don't trust my aim well enough yet to put that to the test." In other words, Tim's butt is safe!

Nodding to Tim, she smiles and ticks a salute, "Back in a flash." Then she simply seems to blink from where she was a moment ago.. three seconds. Just enough time to blink, to breathe. Then Kiden is in front of Tim, holding up his mug, once more full of steaming coffee.... just in time for each of the ballistics dummies to go *flying* simultaneously backwards, hitting the back wall with enough force that they EXPLODE into a hail of bone pieces, ballistics gel chunks, and a rain of fake blood. "Sorry it took so long. Figured I'd get you a refill while I was at it." Smiling, she looks over to Laura, "I've learned more about my powers in the last few years."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Most of those guns aren't even loaded. Never mind with the sort of heavy duty bullets that'd stand up to trick shots. Laura has those in her room still. Under her pillow in case anyone bursts into the Roost through the wall. Again.

She doesn't seem to get the Goose joke. But Tim makes bird noises fairly often. Probably it's a Robin thing. "Cranky kid in a cape?" she blinks. "That does not narrow it down much if you were in Gotham. Probably one of Tim's extended family."

The display is impressive. Violent. Spectacular. Also a lot like she imagines would happen if some supervillains tried to hurt animals around Bart. But it's also something she's kind of seen before. She and Kiden do go way back after all.

There's a long pause before she smiles at Tim. Fake blood dripping off the ceiling and walls. "What my trainee doesn't know is she's cleaning the range up..."

Tim Drake has posed:
    Cranky kid in a cape who wanted to swordfight? Tim has his suspicions. One corner of his mouth twitches, repressing a smile, and just offers a quick nod to Laura's guess. Yeah, definitely one of the Bats.

    He, like his facial expressions, hasn't moved much. Even when the sudden explosion of ballistic gel and fake blood happens, he barely moves. Just a faint tilt of his head as he considers the mess from a safe distance, and then he gives a little nod, impressed.

    Moreso with the refill of his coffee though. He's certifiably addicted. Tim takes the mug from Kiden with a quick "Thank you," and has it nearly to his mouth when Laura says it'll be Kiden cleaning up the mess, and thankfully he isn't mid-sip when he snorts. "We have a pressure washer somewhere you can use," he offers up. No details on why it's necessary to have a pressure washer inside the Roost.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden grins at Laura and shrugs, "Easy peasy." She nods to Tim, "Welcome! One tic!" Another blink, and Kiden goes from where she'd been, and now she's holding up a plate with a small pile of those big soft chocolate chunk cookies. You know, the ones the size of your hand. "Here you go!"

And just like that... the training room is SPOTLESSLY clean. Ruthlessly scrubbed, the gelatin and bones chunks picked up and disposed of, the fake blood gone, she even scrubbed using the good stain remover to make sure it was totally, fully clean. There's still some wet/damp patches, she can't make it dry faster, but the mess itself is gone.

Looking back to Laura, she chuckles, "Ultimate Efficiency Power. Sucks for me, I'm still going through and doing all the pickup and scrubbing and it all feels like normal time to me... but. I made the mess, I clean it up." She has also clearly cleaned herself up as well, all squeaky clean before she went and fetched the cookies from Tim's stash near the coffee.

Looking back to Tim, she shrugs, "It's like having The Matrix, only I'm the only one there. I can't instantly learn judo, but once I've been given the initial lessons, I can take all the time in the world I want to get better at it. So I go back for the next lesson, and suddenly I went from base newb to experienced student. It boggles minds, but it's also really useful. And, I get the whole Temporal Force thing, so I can hit things and it's like.. well, kinda like Conner hitting something. Biiiiiiiiiig badda boom."

Then she's moving back to the tables and looking over the guns again, "I should probably stay away from shotguns.. not sure I've got the strength to manage the kick back from them just yet. Still doing the daily strength and endurance training, though!"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney blinks a few times. "I did not think that would work," she admits. "I genuinely thought you'd scram and leave me with all the work..." Perhaps that's unfairly thinking of the old Kiden. The one who took lots and lots of drugs at raves. They don't let Laura use the pressure washer. Not after she explained all the ways she could use one to kill a man. (And the list is much much longer than you might think...)

She heads over to the table of weapons. Checking to make sure they're all clean. She doesn't expect Kiden to have maintained them, after all she said don't bother learning, but most haven't been used. So it's really just confirming they didn't get splattered in fake blood. Before she packs everything away for relocation to her room. Where they'll be left loaded and utterly unsecured so she's never more than an arms reach from a weapon. Just like she prefers her living spaces to be..

"Especially not my shotgun," she says with a laugh. "It's a drum fed automatic model. You'd probably get one shot in the right direction and then utterly destroy the ceiling above you. Not to mention break your shoulder." Heck even Laura feels the kick on that thing. It's only her healing factor and enhanced strength which allow her to control it...

"Precise and controlled force is generally a lot better than massive impact damage. Just because you can destroy something doesn't mean that's the best solution." Is that what she believes? Or what she's saying because Tim is here. Who can say...

Tim Drake has posed:
    If the cookies are in the kitchen, they're probably made by Phoebe. If they're squirreled away somewhere near the coffee machines dotted around the Roost, then they're probably some stupidly expensive treat Tim bought from an exclusive bakery. Have you seen Crumbl cookies? Those things cost like $5 a cookie. Ridiculous.

    But they are very tasty. At least these ones. So Tim takes a big bite out of one, free hand holding up the plate in case Kiden or Laura want any.

    "You know, I'm not usually jealous of any of my super-powered friends, but I could definitely see how I could ramp up my efficiency if I could give myself extra hours of the day," he says. Then he realizes he wants a sip of coffee but is currently burdened with too many cookies, so he is forced (forced, I say!) to shove the rest of the one he was eating into his mouth. Chew chew chew chew. It's washed down with blessed caffeine, and then Tim shakes his head. "If you take a cell phone or computer in with you, does it work? Can you access the internet, play videos, that sort of thing?"

    He doesn't comment on the gun-talk, but he does raise his mug in a sort of salute to Laura's last statement. Definitely along the lines of his own (if non-lethal) preferences.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden flashes a grin at Laura, "I'm not 16 anymore, or flying high on 8 kinds of drugs because I just want to forget all the horrible shit that like, JUST happened. But fair. Old me likely would have blinked out and bolted off to another party, more drugs." She lifts a small shrug and smiles, "I'm in a better place these days. I still have guilt, obviously, and I still have all the bad memories... but it's.. it's easier to deal with."

Nodding to Tim, she grins, "It's not always the most glamorous power, but it's arguably one of the most versatile. Just.. extra time. Whenever you need it. Whether it's in the middle of a fight, or having to cram for multiple tests while still getting that report done for your job and answering the 16 emails that have come in in the meantime." Pausing, she purses up her lips, "Yes and nod. Yes I can take them in with me, no I don't get internet access in No Time. So like.. I can type everything up in Word or put together a whole ass spreadsheet or Powerpoint presentation in no time flat.. but I have to be in real time to send them. So no calling or texting people. And no online gaming. I can potentially watch a movie, though, and I know I can listen to music."

Looking back to Laura, she grins, "Oh I can do that, too. Just requires me to poke and flick instead of swinging for the fences. Broke a guy's arm by doing this.." Reaching out she lightly pokes both Laura and Tim in the arm. "Like.. compound fracture, both forearm bones snapped, people heard it. So. Yeah, I can do precision hits, it's just a question of how much force I put into the touch."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Judging by my family I'll have plenty of extra time it's just I'll get it...." Laura muses. "Well the long way. By getting old and looking the same." Probably that'd also be a pretty handy power for someone like Tim. He could plot his cunning schemes over decades knowing he'll be around to see them all to completion. Also he'd get to watch every Star Wars movie ever. Before someone rebooted it and decided that Jar Jar Binks really should be the ultimate Sith Master. And then he'd learn the hard way that in time even the things you love the most can betray you...

"If you had Kiden's power the difficulty would be getting you out of it to actually do real world things. You'd probably discover the hard way there was some limit. Or chain drink coffee in no-time then return to normal and vibrate through solid matter."

She nods to Kiden. She's seen her hit people before too. "Once we've got your martial arts training down you'll be able to hit specific bones to incapacitate people in safe ways. Without having to worry about bone fragments piercing any arteries..."

Tim Drake has posed:
    "So we'd have to pre-load anything on a computer before you went into No Time," Tim says, clearly starting to plan something in that ol' noggin of his. He narrows his eyes in a thoughtful way, behind the white-out lenses of his mask, but then he shrugs one shoulder and goes in for another cookie.

    He concedes the point with a nod to Laura, adding, "I'd be so productive, though!" but he doesn't try to argue further. Instead he works his way silently through this next cookie, and when Kiden pokes him he makes himself rock back from the imagined force of it. "I wonder if we could test that out too. Applied force measurements, or the effects of multiple hits over an extended period... I'll get some kit set up so we can test things out. Gotta get back to the grind, unfortunately. Thanks for the refill though!" And with that he raises his mug in another quick toast before heading out the door.

    Yes, he's taking the cookies with him. For shame!

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"I mean.. I can literally live a year in a less than a week. I'll live a horrendously long life... just I'll be the only one that experiences it. That way I can still die a hero, instead of living long enough to see myself become a villain." Kiden flashes a grin towards Laura and lifts a shrug. "And less time for Hollywood to ruin everything I love."

Nodding to Tim, she smiles, "Let me know whenever you want to test things. And yes, we could totally do force testing. Like I said, I'm game whenever, just give me a heads up." She glances between Laura and Tim, then chuckles, "The only real limit seems to be my own will. And the ability to tolerate being completely alone. Nobody you can talk to, no interaction at all. Just you."

Kiden flashes a grin at Tim and gives a wave, "See you in the vents sometime!" Looking back to Laura, she tsks, "He tried to shoot me. I give like.. zero fucks about his arteries. But yes, in general, not trying to kill people." she glances around, then back to Laura, "We should do something not training related soon. Maybe food? We could go find some bad guys to beat up? Something. For now, I should probably see if Conner's ready to pick me up so we can get food and get back to the city."