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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/12/18 |Location=Big Belly Burger - Amusement Mile |Synopsis=Billy is going to meet the Flash Family. |Cast of Characters=938,570,656,2552 |pre...")
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Latest revision as of 03:51, 20 December 2023

=Impulse Control
Date of Scene: 18 December 2023
Location: Big Belly Burger - Amusement Mile
Synopsis: Billy is going to meet the Flash Family.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Bart Allen, Singularity, Irie West

Billy Batson has posed:
The race started in Greenland. Shazam was tired of Mercury bitching about not being drawn on more. Irie made it plain she was far faster in many ways. While Billy didn't mind his girlfriend being better than him in ways, He at least wanted to challenge her a little as Shazam. Okay she was great at walking through walls but really Shazam could go through walls as easily. It was just hard on the wall.

That being said, Shazam got to Big Belly Burger a while after Bart and prepared to foot the bill as agreed. He was even sweating a little, which he didn't know was possible. Shazam flew around the restaurant once sensing for any zombies or portals after Sivana's latest attack and landed.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has stopped and changed into his normal clothes. Bart comes here often as it is near his work, and they have at least an idea on how much Bart can eat. Maybe not how much he really does but more than most places do. So he is inside at the counter having made a large order for the two of them.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam does a new trick on landing. He says the word, the lightning strikes him and he changes to Billy in midair. Billy drops ten feet and sticks a three point landing, one hand in front of him. then he gets up and dusts himself off. "Shazam is a deadbeat. I'm the one with the money." He peers around for Bart then uses a signal device. "BART!?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will wave his hand and pulls out his phone to let the other young man know where he is. "I ordered for both of us." He texts the other letting him know.

Singularity has posed:
Outside of the Big Belly, something happens, shortly after the lightning strike in the middle of the day that transformed Shazam into Billy Batson. A small periwinkle sphere forms. It expands and grows, swirling and opening, before... *POP* ...a young woman made of the fabric of the universe steps through and lands on her feet.

Stretching out, she looks around and sniffs the air. A clap of her hands in excitement as she smells what she was told is food. She moves to open the door, setting off the little chime. Dressed only in the universe she's made of, she makes her way to the counter and the slack-jawed cashier that is staring at her as she looks at the menu.

"Hello!" she offers cheerfully. "Do you have weiners?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam enters Big Belly and stands next to Bart. Offers a bro hug. "I appreciate you seeing me so fast." They did waste a minute or two on the race. "I may have a problem with dating Irie. No one seems to like the idea. I'm pretty sure Wally doesn't like me, but with a little work he could hate me. She's everyone's little sister, or the baby of the team. they should have seen her shut down the Trickster. Phased him right out of his giant robot! Robot was giving Shazam a fight!" He leans closer, "Shazam held back a little so she'd have something to fight after her road test." What the heck? Billy is used to talking tigers and wizard coming back from the dead but... is she a cheerleader for Captain Universe? He remembers his manners.

"They don't do weiners. They do burgers and they do have chicken sandwiches. For weiners... go to Nathan's in Coney Island. They're awesome. Starfire eats there."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen starts to say something but then the universe interrupts them. Often is happens, but this is a more direct version of it. He looks over and as Billy answers the woman, he hmmms and says "Wally aint going to hate you, once he gets to know ya it will be better. You gotta remember he has a bit of an odd situation as well.

Singularity has posed:
The poor cashier can only point over at Billy when he speaks and explains there are no weiners to be found here. "Oh." she says, the disappointment palletable for a moment as she parses the information that is given to her.

"I had hoped to surprise friend Kara." she explains to the pair. "We have planned a date. Wanted to take her to her favorite food. She said it was weiners." There's a lift of a bright eye as the two boys talking about someone else and she ohs. "Am interrupting!" she realizes.

"I am Singularity." she offers in way of greetings. "I am a singularity." As if that explains everything about her. "You are speaking on courtship! I am learning this!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson pulls a phone out and tapes away till he gets a picture of Nathan's on it with directions. "Uh... you go Northeast of here, across New York Harbor. Ask anybody in Brooklyn. I highly recommend the onion rings and French fries. Uhm, do you have money? Do you want to try some food here? I'll buy something for you." And he's getting out his wallet and surprise, new debit card! He is feeding a Flash.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and hmms a bit "If Billy is cool with it sure have a seat." He wonders if maybe he should have picked a place that did not know him as Bart, but thats life. He will look over and says "I will get the drinks." He asks for a third cup, and waits to see what Singularity will want.

Singularity has posed:
"Oh, no! I do not require food or sustience." Singularity explains. When she's asked about money, she perks up. "Yes! I brought some with me from the last world I was in." She sticks her hand into her chest and a small portal opens as she feels around for a few moments and then pulls out a small stack of bills.

She sets them on the table and they are definetly not American dollars. She has a few twenties and a couple of tens -- of Doombucks, God Emperor Doom emblossened on the front of them. On the back is a picture of a pretty island, and signed by Baroness Jennifer Walters.

"I can buy food if you want." she offers cheerfully, and then comments, looking very hopeful. "Please, continue your talk on relationships? I would like to know more!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam looks over the money. "Okay... that's not valid here. Though you might be able to use the Doombucks in Latveria. Let me buy this for you and when you get money you can use, you ca buy me a meal. In fact, I would love to interview you for my show. I do a show to entertain..." he waits a second, this is the point where one sibling usually gives a snort. "... and inform people. No one ever interviewed an entire Universe and people might be more friendly to you when they see you."

"Uhm... we'll talk about relationships later. It's all right. I think Bart told me what he was going to tell me. Thanks Bart, good to know you're aware and will stand up for me."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to this and says "Yea, those might get you in trouble if you try to spend them here. You always want to spend money you get in not just the universe, but world and normally even the same country you get it in." He tells her. He does move to get the drinks and moves to have a seat in one of the booths. He pulls his phone out for a moment, and sends a quick text.

Singularity has posed:
"Oh. I have been here... three or your years now." Singularity explains, hands folded in front of her before she takes a seat. She looks apologetic, however. "You were having an important conversation. Didn't mean to interrupt." comes her words to the pair. Inside her, the galaxies and stars move about on her own, her hair flowing of it's own free will on some unseen wind.

"What is a show?" she asks. "I do not pay much attention to entertainment. But Kara has introduced me to Disney films. We watched Aladdin together. Learned about wishes!"

Though there is a look of confusion that crosses over the universe's face. "Most people are nice to me. They offer me things and smile alot. I try not to be scary. Is this appearance one that causes fear?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson ponders the question. "You're not scary, But some people are a little surprised to see you, like the server over there was. No I would say you're... wondrous, and sweet. Like my girlfriend, Irie." Yes he mentions Irie a lot as Billy. he fully intends to get a non blurry picture of her one day.

Irie West has posed:
    It's Monday! You know what that means? It's Big Belly Burger Day! Yay! Well. For a speedster that's pretty much every other day, too, but if they were to eat at Big Belly all the time they'd be broke. But still! Monday!

    There's a crackle of lightning and suddenly Irie appears. "Oh! Hey! Look at all of these people I know. Hey Bart!" She walks up to Billy and takes his hand to give him a peck on the cheek. "Hey, Billy. You two been tal-- woooah."

    She just noticed Singularity. "Hi, um, I'm Irie! Billy's girlfriend, superhero and currently very hungry."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen starts to say something but as Irie says she is a superhero he puts his head in his hand for a moment. He is starting to understand how Wally, and Tim feel at times with him around. He will offer Irie a hug and says "Hey cuz, this is Singularity, she happened to come in just after Billy and I did to grab something to eat. Want me to add some food to the order for you Billy is paying." He offers his friend a smirk.

Singularity has posed:
"Good. Because this is the form I chose. And I enjoy it." Singularity responds as she shifts in her seat, getting used to the way it feels against her as she considers the pile of food. Curiosity is TOTALLY getting to her as she considers the onion rings. "Was once suggested I wear clothes. Why? This is what I look like naturally. Clothes are silly." She sticks out her tongue, a little periwinkle thing that disappears back into the vast whiteness of her mouth.

When Irie suddenly appears, she ohs. "You are very fast!" she compliments the girl. "I can only fly so fast. But can teleport very very far." comes her explanation before Irie introduces herself. "I am Singularity!" she greets in response, her hand offered to the speedster. She was told this was a customary greeting for new friends.

"Oh! Is this same Irie that you're worried that Wally doesn't approve of you dating with? Why would people having problem with it? I am going on dates with Kara Zor-El. Noone has an issue with that. You should date who you want. Opinions are fleeting and can be changed."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gives Iries a smile. He returns the kiss and puts his arm on the back of her chair and then slides the food he ordered in front of Irie. "Yeah Wally, please get me another number six... diet cola." It is obviously a practiced move arm, and tray slide. "We come from sort of different backgrounds and parents are naturally suspicious of my background. Anyway. I spoke to Bart here. that's three talks I had. I now get ahand stamp saying I was spoken to! I'm joking, Singularity. Everybody loves this girl and wants the best for her... well she got me poor thing."

Irie West has posed:
    "Hey, Singularity," she says, reaching over the table to take her hand. "Woooooah, coool," she says at the feel of the sentient universe's barrier. "I like how you're all... deep and starry inside. Cool effect."

    She purses her lips thoughtfully. "I think some people want you to wear clothes because of modesty. It's considered impolite to run around naked all the time. But for you, I'd say, fashion! I mean, I'm not the greatest when it comes to fashion, but it might be cool seeing you in a sundress or something like it."

    Her expression darkens when Billy mentions that Wally might hate him. She lets out a huge sigh. "I kinda been adopted by all of the Titans," she explains. "So they're all really protective of me. They just don't want to see me get hurt but... it's kind of annoying. It's like they don't trust my judgement, you know?"

    When Billy slides his food over to her she gives him a grin and a, "Thanks! Gonna need more than this, though. I'm //really// hungry."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and walks over ordering another order of what Billy had and adds on "And another Bart special." When he gets the odd look he says "Hey there are two more people and one if my cousin." They laugh and nod. Bart actually pays for this part he will let Billy pay him back if he wants later. He then gets Irie's drink before bringing it over and setting it down and says "Yes, I was telling him once people know him it will be ok, it is just a bit of an odd situation for you and really for him to as well." He does not go into it but moves back to hsi seat.

Singularity has posed:
Singularity points at Irie. Points! "She said it. Her choice who she dates." She takes up one of the onion rings and she just kind of... absorbs it into herself. It disappears into her and she ohs. "Crunchy and sweet!" So she can at least understand what textures and flavors are.

To Irie, she explains. "I am a sentient universe. I have galaxies, stars, nebulas, planets... maybe civilizations. Never checked." she admits with a shrug of her shoulders. Then she beams a smile. "If Titans have a complaint? Tell them that universe approves!"

Because it doesn't matter /which/ universe it is, right?

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson makes a mock rueful expression. "More? Hey do you get a salary from the Titans? Just asking for a friend." He noogies her head a moment. "Bart... this girl phased a supervillain out of his robot. I really think she can deal with me. I could get beat up by Quakers. And look at her! How could I been mean to this face?" He was going to mush said face but Irie is eating. That's not just rude, it's dangerous.

"you... know what the best part of Irie is? She makes me better at everything, stronger, smarter, kinder." Does he choke up a little, Nah it's the hot sauce.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie's eyes go wide. "A sentient universe? That's so cool! I have so many questions. How are you able to manifest into this universe? Does time work the same way in you? Can you just... pop anything that's in you out into this universe? Where did that onion ring go? Is it, like, floating in space somewhere inside? Oh! Can you check to see if you have any fuzzy cuddly creatures living on some kind of planet? Maybe we can use GIRL's rocket to go there so we can pet them. I wonder what happens if I extended my Speedforce field around you when I run."

    She pauses just long enough to blush at Billy's compliments, and reaches across the table to thwap him in the shoulder. "Now you're just getting sappy. Really," she says addressing the table, "He's such a romantic. I love it."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smirks a bit and says "I still say you need to come try to get a job at the zoo with me." He tells Irie. He nods a bit to this and says "Hey I can understand how ya feel, Emiko makes me a better person, and she is by far the smarter, more mature one."

Singularity has posed:
The onslaught of questions causes Sing to laugh melodiously, her tone that of the sound of a soft trebble of the universe itself in her voice. On her cheeks, one could make out new nebulas that have come to life in a blossom - an equivelant of a blush, perhaps. She turns her attention to the questions.

"I manifested shortly after watching the Alien Alliance invasion that happened here a few years back. Thought I would show up on this world. Did not. The Beyonder had changed the realities and ended up in a dimension where God Emperor Doom ruled over Battleworld. Made friends. Nico, Carol, Jennifer, Alison, Medusa. Had to leave that world to save it - stopped the invasion of Deadlands into Arcadia. Ended up here." she explains as she continues into the questions.

"I cannot move objects that are native to me into this dimension. I can move things I have absorbed into me back out into this dimension, or transfer items between dimensions!"

"The onion ring was asorbed to be part of me. It is part of my material now." comes the patient teaching about how she works.

"I have spoken with Reed Richards about a trip inside me. When it is planned, I will let you know and perhaps you could attend as a member of GIRL. Which I am also part of!" she exclaims.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson says, "Girl..." He picked the habit up from Frank. "I was being serious. I'm done now. But I meant it. So anyway, I spoke to your dad, spoke to the space cop, now I spoke to Bartholemew here. I guess I've run out of people to give me the talk. And, more mature? No honestly. More mature than Shazam maybe, but I had to grow up on my own. And... I love her childlike quality at times. It's a side Captain Cold will never see."

He turns to Singularity and produces a business card, obviously adulting. "Show this to your friend Kara Zor-El. Let her watch my show with you and discuss whether it would be a good idea whether to appear on it. In fact you can ask whomever you want. I would interview Irie but... we're avoiding attention about our dating."

"Too much and supervillains show up to fight her when we're on a date... I get to hold her purse and earrings while she womps them. It gets old."

Irie West has posed:
    "I would but I'm a full time student at Met U," Irie says. "I suppose I could get a part time job. Like, something on the weekends. I don't know what I'd be qualified for, though. Something boring like taking tickets."

    She listens as Singularity explains her questions with rapt attention. "God Emperor Doom, hunh. I bet //that// didn't go to his head," she says with a snort. "I don't know the Deadlands or Arcadia, though. A shame you had to leave your friends behind. I know what that's like. I... left my parents and brother behind when I came here."

    "Oh, I'd love to go with you all into... well... you. I think it'd be neat," she says with a grin as she chows down on her food. "Do you know if there are other sentient universes out there?"

    "Wellllll," Irie says to Billy, looking uncomfortable. "There's still Donna and Caitlin. I'll talk to them to try to head it off at the pass. There's only so many times you need to have The Talk."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Yea, I as going to say another three or four people, but three of them I think if you tell them I am ok with it, will at least give you more of a hmm than a talking to. And the fourth one, if he ends up around, he will give you grief. and maybe try to fight you, but if he does, she and he will be brawling a bit and you won't want to get in between them"

Singularity has posed:
"Found same friends here. But not the same. So. Have to rebuild freindships. Make new friends." A smile to Irie. "I can understand. Yes." There's a shrug from Singularity. "I will let you know if such a trip is planned!" she offers brightly.

Accepting the card, she looks it over and then slips it into her chest. "I will share with Kara. See what she says!" Her smile is warm, before she pauses and looks around. "Should let you get back to your meal. I will see you sometime at GIRL!" she promises Irie, before she starts to open a portal. If one looks closely, one could see the surface of a brilliant gemstone of a planet - a planet that is a living diamond. It is in fact 55 Cancri E, located roughly 40 light years from Earth.

"Til next time!" She steps through and *POP* the portal snaps closed behind her.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson wows. Singularity makes quite an exit.

Then the tally of talks sinks in. He pauses and takes a moment to consult Solomon, eyes closed and says, "No, This is BS. I mean I have no problem meeting her parents. That's normal boyfriend girlfriend stuff. this is ridiculous and... it just makes her out to be infantile! I... no. If there's a prequel mother in that list I will gladly talk to her. She deserves the same respect as Wally, Anybody else can go whistle. She's an adult. I'm an adult. We deserve to be treated like adults. Excuse me I don't feel like eating anymore. I'll be in touch Irie. Thank you Wally,"

It WAS unfair, the entire vetting process with the Vasquezes would be having Irie over on taco night, and ordering pizza when the tacos ran out.

Irie West has posed:
    "Okay! I'll see you 'round!" Irie says, waving goodbye to Singularity. When she teleports out Irie turns to the boys. "She's cool," she says. "I like her. Not what I would have expected from a sentient universe, though. Not that I'm complaining! She's nice!"

    She pulls a face as Billy ups and leaves. "Dang it," she says. "I didn't mean to upset him. I just... He's right though. It *isn't* fair. I'm going to talk to them to keep him from having to go through it all again."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her, and says "Ok, hold on a minute Billy." He looks over to them and says "Ok, when I dated Mary, I felt you and all the rest were judging me wither you were or not." He holds his hand up. He looks around since Singularity is gone and lowers his voice a bit to feel more free talking "The people I am talking about are her great grand uncle and aunt, my grandpa and grandma. Also Jay who is like a grand dad to all of us speedsters." He hmms and says "The last one is her brother, and he aint here right now, will he be? We don't know, it is time travel. Now also remember when people think of Iris they think of her as 12-15 years old, and yea I know she aint that, but cause of things thats how most of the titans see her. Then they see you, they see Shazam as what mid 20s? They don't see Billy and Irie, they see Kid Flash and Shazam. Your going to have people wanting to be protective cause they do not know the whole story. But if your wanting to date and feel like dating one another is worth it, then you will have to go through tough and easy times, but remember your not going through it alone, and I aint saying I am there, which I am, but your going through it together and you should face it together not try to face it alone.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson points at Bart. "Pal, we were curious sure. I would love to meet her family. But I have already had my motives questioned and you lot like to have it both ways. 'Go get a license, Irie!' 'Go get a pilot's license, Irie!' likes you're adult now. But no, we';re putting everyone you want to date through hell and... we had tacos for /you/ when /you/ met the folks. We let you in on our secret. You met Rosa and Frank and everything was fine. As for being Shazam... Shazam is the suit I wear. I'm still myself in it. But you said we'd face this together... fine. Irie, what should we do? Who gets to play morality police with us? I tell you now... I got one, maybeeee two such talks left before someone gets told off. Next thing you know GIRL will get involved and turn me into a baby or something"

Irie West has posed:
    Irie gets a pained expression at Billy's frustration. "Billy, I get it. I do. I don't think it's fair, either. That's why I'm gonna talk to them. Tell them to back off. Maybe get everybody together and do a proper introduction so they can see how cool you are."

    She grins at the thought. "Actually, yeah! We could do a pizza night over at the Tower! You can give me, like, a secret hand signal if somebody starts grilling you and I can come and tell them to stow it. I'll make sure everybody's cool, okay?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to them and says "And if you need to maybe Emiko and I can be there to back you up. Have you gotten to hang with Emiko Billy?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson ponders the proposal. Then he makes a big decision. "It sounds fantastic. I have not met Emiko but she sounds great. But... could I bring my foster parents? I've been meaning to tell them I'm Shazam. Maybe we could do tacos with them... Sunny got that treatment. Fair is fair. I'll do it anyway it works out for you, Irie. We'll both have a hand signal."

Irie West has posed:
    "Emiko's cool," Irie says with a grin. "You'll like her." She gives Billy a decisive nod. "Then it's settled. Pizza *and* tacos together!"