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M.O.D.O.K. Presents: Night of a Thousand (Evil) Santas
Date of Scene: 18 December 2023
Location: Times Square
Synopsis: MODOK and his legion of Multiple Santas attempt to enslave Christmas! A merry group of Queens and Arrows along with Caleb and Sheila come to save the day!
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Cindy Moon, Caleb Dykstra, Oliver Queen, Emiko Queen, Felicity Smoak

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's a bright evening in Times Square. The streets are packed with traffic. People shopping, huddling against the cold, rushing from place to place, engaging in that most universal act of New Yorkers..
    Echoing back and forth throughout the streets, the same ole seasonal schmuckls go about it. Some things will never change, no matter the circumstances.
    And as with many places at this time of year, merry marching men wearing festive Santa outfits go to and fro, to and fro. A quick step in each of them, even as they're spread throughout the multiple blocks by the dozens, if not hundreds.

Cindy Moon has posed:
On the streets and the walkways, people are complaining. However, up on the buildings? Decidedly less people. Better views, too.

Nestled a couple of stories up, Silk hangs out and is, essentially, people watching. When she isn't distracted with the giant billboards and the jumbo screens and such. Oh, she learned her lesson when she decided to camp out on a screen and was yelled at by...well...someone who was decidedly not happy their advertising dollars were being thwarted by a short Asian spider. So....just outside the LCD screens. Best view at the Square.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Ah, the Christmas spirit! Again, that time of the year, for Caleb - only this time, it's New York, not Gotham.

Walking along with his family, he's come to pay his father a visit now that school is on a break; Sheila walks between the two men talking, also window shopping.

"So, how's school", Preston (the father) asks.

"It's coming along fine", Caleb says, "I need to buff up on the computers, but you know I'm no slouch on that."

"My grades are going great!", Sheila says, cheerfully. That might mean something. Hint! Hint!

Caleb looks at his dad, "Now, whatever would she mean...?", and can't hold a chuckle for long.

"Well, things are going well for us. I think we can get something this Christmas, for a change", their father says.

Sheila, of course, cheers.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Ahhh, the holiday season.

Generally, during the holidays Oliver Queen would be back in Star City, a continent away from the ornery atmosphere of New York. But the ongoing challenges of securing Hell's Kitchen from the latest Queen Consolidated project has kept him in the city for longer then he might have anticipated. So while he may miss Christmas in his home city and the lavishly decoarted QUeen Masnion, all things considered holidays here on the wrong coast are proving to be a pretty pleasant time none the less.

It helps that a good chunk of his family is out this way much of the time regardless. As it helps that the woman at his side is also present.

Strolling down the crowded sidewalks of Time's Square, peering in storefront windows, the blonde billionaire keeps an eye out for anything that looks interesting, suitable for a last minute Christmas present.

"You know," he begins conversationally, glancing Felicity's way, "I could have just sent an assistant out to take care of all of this," he points out mildly, a sly grin sliding over his expression.

Of course if he had just dumped all of this on Felicity his Christmas might not have been quite so merry afterall.

Emiko Queen has posed:
The comment about sending one of his various corporate assistants gets a soft snort from a few feet behind Oliver. Followed by a chipper "More likely you would of sent -me-," from Emiko. "I can at least keep a secret." Then takes a bite out of the popcorn ball she bought from a street side vendor a couple of blocks ago.

Of course, she knows the real reason Ollie didn't just send some hired help to do it.

Which is why she's keeping a casual distance behind the pair... but still close enough she can keep an eye out for potential trouble like the eternially vigilante even when casual ex-assassin she is.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
All comfy cozy in an immaculately white faux-fur jacket holding hot chocolate in one hand, and the arms of a blonde billionaire in the other, it's hard to want anything more for Christmas.

Walking alongside Ollie is a certain Miss Smoak, shaking her head at the notion of using an assistant for buying presents. "It makes it less personal to have some near stranger purchase gifts. Besides, -you- should know what the people you love and care about want." And if not, she's there to help back him up. Her genius brain isn't just for building drones or monitoring the city with all sorts of gadgets.

"And it's the holidays. We did say that walking through the snow in the city was practically mandatory."

Hearing Emiko, she can'thelp but laugh, "Well, if he sent you, how would he be able to get your present?" a beat. "Oh yeah, thenhe'd send me!" she says with a laugh.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There are Christmas Jingles playing now going throughout Times Square. The type that roll off the end of the tongue and settle into the brain. WHehter you're a grin and bear it type, one who enjoys them, or has just become completely innured to them. For many, they're a delight - particularly children.

~Jingle Bells, Batman Smells~ That's a new one.
    ~MODOK SHALL REIGN SUPREME~ That's definitely a new one.
    Then suddenly every single child under the age of ten goes to snap about, their eyes glowing over as they're moving to some sort of unsung, un-heard jingle. "ALL HAIL MODOK! ALL HAIL SUPREME MODOK!"
    And, speaking of singing..
    There's his supreme giant headedness up in the air, flying in via a huge jet pack on his giant head-seat! With an adorably festive hat to boot.
    Sure, everyone bet money on a villain interrupting the holidays (and probably a few on mind control musical melodies), but who had a jackpot on MODOK?

Oliver Queen has posed:
It's true, Oliver Queen has many specialized skills. And hey, those few things that he is not paritcularly good at he can usually compensate for with vast reams of cash. It is, contrary to some opinions, a magnificient way to solve all sorts of problems. While he can be rather thoughtful from time to time, giving deeply meaningful gifts is not necessarily a core part of his skill set.

"By deeply personal gifts would you include a pen set with your name on it?" the blonde billionaire asks, glancing towards Felicity and arching a brow. Though the way the corner of his mouth twitches, it suggests that he already knows the answer to that. Hopefully he hasn't already picked up a dozen or so sets to give to his closest friends and family. Surely he wouldn't.


Glancing back towards Emiko, that grin grows once more, and he half turns, walking backwards for a moment -- which on sidewalks this crowded is not the very best of ideas. "Are you kidding? You would get everyone some sort of weapon, or at least something that could be used as a violent impliment of death. You're worse at picking out presents then I am," he protests.

Which is saying something.

Then the light banter is interrupted by something a little less enjoyable, and the huge headed villain makes his appearance with those interesting -- and entirely accurate, Batman really does smell -- holiday lyrics. Less welcome is the sudden shift in all those children though.

"Trouble. I think we've got trouble," Ollie says, grin wiped from his face as he starts to let that backpack slip from where it's slung over one shoulder.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The Dykstra family starts hearing the jingle, and they look at one another and then around, looking for the source of the jingle.

And then, they look up.

"What the f...", asks Sheila, but immediately, Caleb's eyes are upon her, and she halts in her tracks.

Looking back up, Caleb looks with incredulity at the sight. "It's... It's a big giant head with arms and legs."

"Every year, you find another Christmas pooper", Sheila says.

And then, it's Preston that looks around, "Eh, kids...?" He points towards all the children under the sway of the hypnotic effect. "I think we're about to miss Mr. Freeze..."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Christmas jingles. Oh...those are so fun. A rolling of the eyes is the only indication of just how often Silk has heard these songs. Even the Batman variant...yes, there has been more than a few rotten eggs ringing in the Spider's head.

But...wait a minute. All the kids turning around...what the hell? "What the actual hell is a MODOK?" Cindy detaches herself from the building, dropping down to street level. A hand reaches out towards a child...a definite mindless child, from the looks. "Hey, kid...you okay?"

Cindy follows the eyeline of the child....up, up, up towards the middle of the Square. And...oh, look. A giant head with baby arms in a floating chair. "I...guess that's MODOK?" Hey! It isn't like this is an everyday thing for Silk...or for anyone for that matter.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Like a record going SCREEEECH as it comes to a sudden stop, the banter between the trio stops as well as the announcement and the Christmas carol starts to be heard by everyone. She didn't even get to either confirm or deny the usefulness and her need/want for a high quality penset! Alas.

The sight of the children's eyes glowing causes Felicity much concern. Of course, Felicity lets go of her beau's arm to run to the closest one, crouching in front of the little boy in this case, as she puts her hands on his shoulders. "Hey, are you alright? Can you hear me?" she asks, wanting to see if she can at least get through.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen just smirks a bit at Ollie in response. She probably had something wiseass to say, but alas the night isn't going to stay calm to do so.

The Young Avengers already dealt with Toyman trying to steal toy donations. So Emiko is utterly unsurprised by another villain trying to do similar. Really putting the vigilant in vigilante she is. The most you get is a raised brow at the twisted turn the lyrics take.

Then both raised when MODOK makes his his appearance... though in all honestly it's more at the absurdity of his appearance more than anything else. It's gone as quickly as it came. "What the hell is that supposed to be," she utters "A giant evil funko pop?" And of course like a true asshole he goes for the kids.

So much for a quiet seasonal night.

She shifts a bit. Like most modern young women she opts for a backpack over the customary person. There was something much more than cosmetics in the one shifting on her back. Though at first she's looking over the area, trying to see if there's any sources for the musical interruption other than the villain himself.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Silk slinging is met by the giant head on a jet pack cackling. "I am MODOK! The Mental ORganism Designed Only for Killing! But tonight I shall make it CONQUEST! Come, my legion of children! You shall make the world bow down to I, MODOK, eternally!" The massive red hat on his head floating over, glowing with psionic energy around the tip. "So now why don't you make like Rudolph and get lost!" Psionic blast of energy streaking over towards her that's definitely going to get a Spider-Silk sense going!
    As Felicity goes to make her way worriedly towards some nearby children, one of them goes to snap out a giant Nerf gun - or moreso Nerf machine gun from the looks of it, dozens of rubber drilled arts loaded. "MODOK shall reign supreme!" Said with all the earnesty of a fully armed and operational child given the best weaponry plastic could assemble.
    And Caleb and Sheila are nearby when all of those strange Santas go to march on together. "Come on kids!" Each and every Santa looking utterly identical - not in the 'dressed like Santa' style - but each and every one of them seeming to be the exact same! "Time to help make the Christmas rush start! Ho Ho Ho, You All GOtta Go!"

Oliver Queen has posed:
When he suggested it might be nice to get out of the apartment for awhile, to go somewhere other then the Arrowcave, to do something besides patrol the streets of Hell's Kitchen, well, this wasn't really exactly what Oliver Queen had in mind.

But he doesn't always get what he wants.

It is times like this that he somewhat regrets the fact that he has a secret identity to worry about. A part of him just wants to say to hell with it. He would hardly be the only public hero out there.

But the Board of Queen's Consolidated would probably not be all that happy to have their CEO out each night, dressed in green and shooting arrows at criminals. And he has enough problems with trying to run his company without adding that little issue to the mix.

So he pauses and does not dive into that backpack, does not go tugging out his fold out bow, the arrows or other weapons he has tucked inside. Instead he grimaces, slings in back up into place and moves to grab Felicity but the shoulder, to drag her away from the children armed with their plastic weapons that look a little more dangerous then the average toy, spinning her away into the doorway of one of the shops.

"Sorry about this," he murmurs to her before his gaze seeks out his sister. "Emiko," he says simply to her, knowing that she knows very well what to do. Or at least counting on it.

Then Ollie? He bravely, bravely, ducks into that same Christmas shop.

What a hero.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Whoa! What the?! The Silk-Sense practically screams in Cindy's head as the psionic blast arcs towards her. She instinctively drops to the ground, the purplish energy just barely missing. "Let lost like Rudolph? I mean, really, his whole deal was so that Santa wouldn't get lost! Everyone knows that!"

Oh, the quips are coming out. Automatic coping mechanism. Comes with the whole kit and caboodle. Even as Cindy drops, she is already shifting to the offensive, rolling to a open spot and *thwip*...webbing firing out from the fingertips towards the jetpack? Floating chair? whatever the rocket-powered high chair thing that MODOK is on. Apparently Silk is going to take the fight to the giant head.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Oh, a child army, how original," Emiko snarks. "And by original I mean completely unoriginal." At least they're not armed with -real- weapons. Yet.

With less high social obligations to be concerned with Emiko is a little less concerned about acting out, as it were. Though she's not going to just drop everything and dawn the red mask, as she does care about not being used to tie down the other identities of Team Arrow.

But she does take advantage of the situation. As Oliver whiskes Felicity away to safety in one of the shops, she moves in to disarm the kid that was shooting at them of their NERF weapon. Without hurting the kid of course. No one was going to think it was odd for Queen's world travelled half-sister stepping in to protect his prissy playboy butt while he's getting his latest eyecandy out of harm's way, she was known to be protective of her family like that.

That and then turning on the Santas with the pilfered weapon as a distraction is a bit less conspicious that getting out any real weapons, while still drawing attention away from the fleeing pair.

Damn carols, where's some DOOM boss music when it would be appropriate.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
It doesn't take a genius to identify the source of the problem, and Caleb is one to go straight for the jugular.

"Dad, Sheila... Two things: first, we gotta save Christmas", beat, "And second, boy does that thing make the Grinch look like a supermodel!"

"Scatter", he says to Sheila, "Protect dad!"

She nods, but Preston says, "I can also take care of myself, you know?", almost offended.

"You can't stay here!", Caleb replies. "You have a disabled hand."

But before the argument continues, Sheila's already leading him away, "Come on, dad. Caleb knows what he's doing." Or so she hopes...

Next, Caleb pulls out a gun - 3D printed, of his own design - and aims at the big giant head, "Yeah? You look more like a MODORC - Mentally Obtuse Dimwit Only Ruining Christmas!" And he starts firing a few pellets at that big giant head, aiming for the jets, the forehead (shouldn't be hard to miss), which upon contac they break and stick to surfaces. And inside the adhesive... Bombs!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Oliver goes to quickly head over into the toy store. Over inside there's something that is a relic of someone's childhood. A large clanking booth that has plate glass surrounding it and a sliding door. Inside is something that's meant to be held up to one ear and a dial in front to be used to enter a code. On top of the booth it reads 'PHONE' and there's a dial tone. Dare he? DARE HE?
    Cindy's dealing with the night MODOK went conquer-y as she moves to Silk right over at him! The webbing goes to hit the jet booster.. "Fool! You cannot stop MODOK with such an insipid, paltry thing! MODOK shall reign supreme!" The jet booster goes to intensify the heat, even as the webbing is scorched away! "Now MODOK shall obliterate you!" More of those nasty psionic bursts coming at her, the large diadem in the center of MODOK's head glowing with each charge!

The kid that Emiko is facing off with is ready to hold the adults hostage to get themself a better toy. Fortunately, Emiko has plenty of experience dealing with it as she goes to whack the Nerf away. She's immediately swarmed by a half dozen Santas! Santii? Santageddeon? There are a solid group of them, even as they flip and chop over at her as if they were made of rubber! "Come one, come all, now you're going to fall. DOwn at the feet of MULTIPLE SANTA!" He/they would cackle. "So time to bust your head in!" That.. Wasn't very seasonal'y!

The shots from Caleb go up into the air, landing over MODOK's chin and otherwise sticking, then bonking into the jets and instantly melting over from the increased heat. "So, little cretin, you would call MODOK names? MODOK does not respond to such sleights! For MODOK is made out of rubber! And you out of glue! And MODOK shall in turn murderfy you!" Heavy, heavy cackle even as that psi beam goes to blast down over towards Caleb digging a furrow through the ground and scything towards him with pewpew DOOM energy!

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Oh snap. She was NOT expecting for the children to potentially be violent and to have weapons that could potentially be dangerous.

Naturally, Felicity is taken by surprise when Ollie rushes on over to spin her away and bring her towards the inside of the shop.

Should her beau be transforming into the nom-de-plume, Felicity would ask for her drone, an earpiece and then a spot to hide in the store. It would be bad if she got in the way of some murderous hypnotized children. Also, she was not a fan of Children of the Corn.

If all that equipment truly is in that backpack of wonder, she will get setup in order to provide backup and an eagle eye view of things. If not, well, hopefully there's another drone set somewhere in the store that she can use for the same purpose.

Emiko Queen has posed:
That certainly worked in getting their attention. Lets more people focus on the source of the problem.

Emiko grabs the arm of the first Santa that chops at her, flips it over her shoulder and send it probably just bouncing around again. But there's a lot of them, and they manage to land hits while chortling their disturbingly unjolly lines.

Or it's just as likely as Emiko is letting them hit her, so it doesn't look like she's putting up too good of a fight. After a few blows she does kick one out of the pile, but the others continue to flail at her. Occasionally she'll pitch another attack at one, then huddle under the dogpile that follows.

It's arguably harder to purposely NOT fight too good than it is to fight.

But Emiko is really good at deception and misdirection, she'll manage.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Yeah, that's not good...", Caleb mumbles as the death ray comes his way.

And he runs for cover, "What're you complaining about? I'm just trying to help you with a better name!", taunting.

Yeah, it would look like Caleb is nuts, right?

But there's a method to this apparent madness: he's betting that this big 'death ray' cannot be sustained for long, and making MODOK lose his concentration will make him lose his assets - the death ray, and his hold over the children. Either one or both would be a victory for the brace/stupid young man. Either way, he's not alone in trying to stop the villain, so the chances might be better - a little, at least.

He makes the note to count the duration of the beams, and the time they would take to recharge - and once they do... He'll aim for the device's 'nozzle', and fire again...

Oliver Queen has posed:
While he could, in theory take the time to change into his secret identity, that really wasn't what he had in mind amazingly enough. And while the old fashioned phone booth makes Oliver pause for just a moment in consideration, he resists the temptation. The store is hardly deserted either, wide-eyed people watching what's going on outside, pointing, gawking.

At least his backpack won't go completely to waste and he swiftly hands it over to Felicity. "The remote unit is in there. Use it in good health," he says to her quietly, leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to her cheek.

Then the blonde billionaire is whirling away, collecting a cart and loading it up. With weapons? Are ou crazy? This is a Christmas store. Ornaments and knick knacks of all kinds are piled in however and he only pauses at the cash long enough to slap a few bills down on the counter.

Then he's out the door again. Tearing into one of the packages, Ollie quickly palms a number of Christmas Tree ornaments, whipping the balls at the back of those Santa's heads as they start to crowd in on his sister.

So very accurate. So surprisingly effective. So festively violent.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
MODOK looks incredibly ridiculous. MODOK is incredibly ridiculous. But, unfortunately as Caleb is confirming, no matter how ridiculous you look, if you have a massive psionic disintegrator array, then it still means that anyone who says that can be disintegrated. That's why being a supervillain has awesome career payoffs.

Emiko gets all the Santas charging in at her. They're a rough bunch (or he is, given that Multiple Santa is all the same guy Santa'ingly). Maybe he started in retail or fast food, and then went on to supervillainy? Or worst of all, tech support. That could drive most people to it. Also Emiko is finding underneath the Santa-pile that yes VIrginia, Santa is a biter (or at least an attempter). Santa believes in 'it's better to give than it is to receive'. Unfortunately, Santa wants to give PAIN.

Fortunately, Caleb's evasion is enough for him to avoid the psionic disintegrator array as Caleb goes to pop up and fire with the gun as it ceases! Teh pop dart goe sto land over on the barrel, which would fizzle, sizzle, and go quiet. "Fool, you think that you can neutralize MODOK's vast array of weaponry? MODOK mocks you, for you are such a simpleton! Let MODOK display to you what a TRUE armory is like!" MODOK goes to push a button on his arm as dozens upon dozens of panels over on the chair flip open, and it's like the scene from the Jim Carrey movie about the Big Head where sufficient artillery pops out to make anyone, no matter how testosterone 90's action game they are.. "So MODOK wants to know, do you feel lucky punk? Well, do you? Because MODOK doesn't care! MODOK just wants you to DIE!"

Meanwhile, Ollie is like a kid in a candy store (Taht does not make weaponized arrows, alas). But it has everything that the good Kevin McCalister could ever want to have at his beck and call. Spring loaded plastic missiles that launched projectiles at unsafe speeds. Legos. Barricades made out of fruitcake. Which also worked as munitions. Large festive candy canes and fake trees that had sufficient blades on them to qualify as part of your RDA stabby diet, etc.

Emiko Queen has posed:
All it takes is for Ollie to score a hit with his improvised projectiles. That little something to pull the Santa(s) attention in another direction.

It's a few seconds that she can stop pretending, and swing the NERF gun she'd previously plucked from a kid like a club at a Santa's head.

With her full strength. Which is quite high for such a small half-asian woman, thanks to a life of training and having to pull bowstrings.

That should be one hell of a surprise after she was holding back.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
The sight of the drone causes her to smile brightly. After returning the kiss with one of her own, she calls out goodluck.

As Ollie plays Supermarket Sweep in the store, she reaches around and finds her corporate card. Not wanting to be on the wrongside of the law, anymore than she already is, she rushes towards the nearest register and smacks down the corporate card. It's platinum. It has her name.

"Bill everything there. And, could have I have your MOST OBNOXIOUS tinsel, please?" Felicity asks, bringing on over the drone, as she looks back towards the outside window and chews on her bottom lip.

The sight of MODOK is a frightening one, for someone not really used to supervillains, but she's willing to take a risk. It's just a drone after all, and it can destroyed without much repurcussion.

"Yeah, so all the tinsel. All of it. Then we'll tie it to this drone..."

What sort of plan is she planning now with the aid of the workers in the store?

Oliver Queen has posed:
So he has his improvised arsenal now. It might not be the most formidable gathering of weapons in the world but it will do.

The one problem? It's mostly of the short range variety, things he can throw or hit the Santas with. Not really anything that is going to be much of a threat when it comes to dealing with the big floating head that is at the center of this.

One problem at a time though. Deal with the Santas, take one threat off the board and then see how things stand. Between him and Emiko, Ollie is confident that they can control things on the street. And he is confident that Felicity will have a plan of her own to help while they are preoccupied with that.

So giving his sister a little more room to manuever, he continues to pelt the Santas with that improvised barrage or ornamental weapons. At least until a few of the not so jolly St. Nick's turn their attentin his way.

That's when the big candy cane lawn ornaments come out.

The first Santa to approach him gets smacked across the face, surprisingly hard, and the one following immediately after gets gut-shotted by the curved end of his make shift weapon.

"Christmas shopping just gets worse and worse every year. Next year we're getting everything online and delivered."

Take that retail.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Aw, fuck... I'm outta here!", Caleb says, but he goes against what he says, aiming his pellet gun in a reflex action, and emptying the clip at wherever he can find that has the potential to go boom - namely, the exposed missile arrays - before MODOK can fire. That should cause some big, heavy damage... Or so he hopes. "...Hope your bells jingle, asshole!"

And /that/'s when he runs away from his spot!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The beat down of Multiple Santas is quick, vicious, and like a small child given a bludgeon and a thirst for revenge. "OW!" The chimes of a middle aged man in pain fill the air (actually several of them). But it also gets several more Santas going towards her. "Get her guys!" The chant builds through the air. "GET HER!" That's going through a line that's buliding up like a queue at three in the morning at a retail store on Black Friday. There's murder in those veins.

The workers in the store that Felicity is coordinating with are those that have lived through the worst experiences that life can offer. Working retail.

Over the holiday season. They define hardcore in ways beyond anyone that has had to work tech support ever can. They can do whatever she needs of them. THey work as a brigade, rapidly gonig to drag things together. While complaining. Lot sof copmlaining. They're still New Yorkers.

Ollie goes to get ready with his arsenal. For all of the good (at engineering, at least) boys - they get to play with heavy weapons the likes of which the kid with the nerf machien gun earlier could only stare in envy at. If he wasn't already down from being wrapped up in seran wrap. Ollie is getting ready to come out a green-nosed Rambo, taking out Multiple Santas wherever they come! It's a brutal fight - and a pretty easy one. They're just all a middle aged guy that goes down with sufficient bludgeoning from the veteran hero. Emiko's got the last ones outside heading towards her and can handle them. And Felicity is ready to go full Kevin McCalister on them. Suckers don't know what they're in for.

And outside, there's MODOK and Caleb facing off. MODOK with enough firearms on him to give a paranoid survivalist a warm, fuzzy feeling. "MODOK welcomes you to DIE!" Going to start to cackle over as the pellet gun fires off at him! The pellet goes to lodge in the middle of the missile launcher. Then combined wtih Silk's webs.. *BOOM*

Very, very *BOOM*

Emiko Queen has posed:
On the down side, a few swings is enough to bust the NERF gun.

So Emiko just chucks the whole thing at the first of the remaining Santas. It might hit, or he might actually see that coming and duck.

Either way it's a distract. Long enough for Emiko to dash up to him, and with a quip of "Time to jingle your bells!" kicks him.

Right in said 'jingle bells'.
The audience is smart, they probably already figured out what this is an euphemism for.

It's quickly followed by a shoulder check intended to knock him backwards into the other Santas.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
The drone is now bedazzled, be-tinseled, and be-whatever in a very holiday like fashion. It has all the bling to be a blindingly obnoxious flying object.

Hopefully, it's not too heavy to where the quadcopter drone doesn't lift off, but fortunately, the Christmas spirit is with the drone as it starts to fly, giving a bit of a buzz.

That's when the maneuvering begins.

Stepping outside with the remote control, Felicity focuses and concentrates, trying to make the drone not get noticed. She flies it by several decorations, as it gets closer to MODOK. What is she wanting to do exactly? Blind him with Christmas bling, from the tinsel that is really difficult to remove to the ornaments refracting and reflecting light back towards him.

Really, she just wants to block MODOK's sight with something incredibly obnoxious.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Increasingly the Santas are being disposed of and Ollie has a small collection of them down around him. But at least he has done it in rather human fashion, battering the middle-aged men with that blunt candy cane.

His sister proves once again that she is the truly ruthless one in the family and even the blonde billionaire winces a little when she shows the last of her foes the price of causing a disturbance like this.

Right in the jingly bits. That's not very keeping with the spirit of the holiday season.

They're probably just pawns of MODOK in fairness, but they are also complicit in trying to use kids in the plot. That's it's own kind of low, so maybe it's meritted.

Of course, that still does leave them with the big floating head to deal with. Maybe he should have suited up afterall. He sees Felicity's drone moving in, sparkling with all that tinsel and accompaniments. But before he can wonder if it will be enough there is an explosion.

More specifically, MODOK seems to explode.

Peering through the smoke, the firey haze, Ollie tries to see if the little crisis has met its end...

Felicity Smoak has posed:

"Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!"

A smarmy grin curls onto Felicity's lips as she braces herself from any potential shrapnel from the explosion.

Did the drone have anything at all to do with the explosion? The Magic 8-Ball says ASK AGAIN.

But at least, it felt like she without much combat ability or powers contributed to something? That's what she's going to tell herself at least.

And in the resulting splodey time, the drone gets demolished, little bits of tinsel, powderized ornaments, and then the occasional drone part falls to the ground in a very holiday-themed mushroom cloud.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
What is Felicity trying to do? Blind MODOK? WEll, given she's doing it with a drone that she's built and accessorized, she's blinding him with SCIENCE. So score one for the STEM girls! Also horribly, horribly gaudy things as plastic is flunt up and over into the air to land atop the head of MODOK! ... Okay, part of the head. Maybe three quarters of an eye? Probably less. Maybe two thirds? Not quite enough. But it's sorta hanging there! MODOK is screaming, even as he's going to blast massive bolts of Destro-Disks around in every direction! "MODOK shall kill you all! For the indignities that you have inflicted upon MODOK, he sentences you.. TO DEATH!" MODOK is in full evil villain monologue mode, even as the tinsel is melting down his face to give him a gooey, icky looking beard as his giant head is bathed over in fire.

Emiko is playing with the kind of sports bravado that would have her fit in any roller derby team. Or in the words of a known or unknown vigilante with a sports theme for beatings? 'My favorite. Five minutes for unnecessary roughing'. Emiko goes for the windup, the kick.. And moves to stuff Multiple Santa's stocking. He's definitely not gonig to be feeling off that lump of coal she's given him anytime soon.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb doesn't bother to look back as the explosion is heard. He warns people, "MOVE AWAY!! KEEP CLEAR!! GO! GO! GO!!" Damage control is a must here, he thinks, people could be hurt by falling shrapnel.

And that's when he sees them, Sheila and his dad, and an oncoming piece of scrap in flames comes descending their way (!)

"Oh no, no, no...!"

He double huffs it, running in their direction, "LOOK OUT!!", and /jumps/ in their direction, pushing them out of the way just in the nick of time, but not before the shrapnel connects with his shoulder, scraping him.

He grimaces, and groans, his family looking at him in shock, "G-g-g... S-sorry...!"

He drops to the ground, cluching his arm.

Emiko Queen has posed:
If vigilantism was a sport, Emiko would spend a lot of that time in the penalty box, though mostly for giving it to someone that deserved it.

Messing with the holiday spirit and messing with kids are two very big Deserved It as far as she's concerned.

The Fake Santas are down for the counter, just in time for her to turn her attention to MODOK as he rants, and she's got to dodge and roll away from the latest deadly projectile he's spamming like a tantrum.

Which also happens to maneuver her close to Ollie and his now mostly empty shopping cart. But there's something in the bottom that catchs her eye, and she darts over to reach inside.

She pulls out some of those plastic hanging fake icicles.

Someone shouts off to the side as they bravely defend their family, and that just bolsters her farther to put an end to this.

She waggles one icicle at Ollie. "Think he'll finally get the point?" Then starts flinging them at MODOK. They are pointy and sharp, not quite as deadly as actually knives, but Emiko is power throwing them with the same kind of precision none the less. Archery may be her specialty, but she can be quite dangerous with almost any projectile she puts her mind to.

Oliver Queen has posed:
They all make a pretty good team really, even if they cannot truly cut loose. Even without their bows and elaborate high-tech toys mostly stored away in the hidden basement of an apartment complex in Hell's Kitchen.

Improvisation is its own kind of superpower, one that they're demonstrating reasonably well tonight.

While Emiko puts MODOK Claus in her sights, Ollie takes stock of what else they have at their disposal. Which is when he spots it. Bright and garish, it is a long tinsel garland in gold and silver. He quickly loops a couple of strands together, tying them off at the ends before making a loop. And in short order he has an improvised lasso well in hand.

With his sister using the flying monster for target practice and his girlfriend keeping him blind and disoriented with her drone, Oliver looks to restrain him, tossing that loop one and missing, but gathering it up and quickly throwing it again.

And circling the ranting figure, jerking the loop tight and wrapping it around a light stand for leverage. Before he begins to reel him in like some oversized fish, hauling him towards the ground where there's no escape the barrage of icicles from Emiko.

"If you get behind him, I think there's one place you can stick it that he definitely will," he calls back to his sister.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Listening to MODOK's rants, Caleb looks back, "Crap, he's still up...?", and just in time to see those destro-disks coming his - and his family's - way.

He doesn't even think. He goes for the first item he can find a hockey stick from a broken sports store window that looked pretty much like a candy cane in the name of the holiday spirit, and he /swings away/!

"Here's some candy for ya, asshole!!"

And that disk comes flying back in MODOK's direction...

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Click clack. Click clack. That would be the sound of the heels of her boots on the asphalt as she approaches MODOKclass as the unit is pulled down in that tinsel lasso.

Miss Felicity Smoak is not one for violence. She never has, and because it's the holidays, she most certainly wont start now.

Tsk tsk. She shakes her head and watches all sorts of things get sent in MODOK's direction, wincing in sympathy at the projectiles. Most certainly it hurts, and even evil brains need some compassion and love, right? Tis the season.

"If you say you're sorry, I'm sure Santa will give you something other than coal." she says, channeling her maternal side as she looks over the unit. Not seeing anything else, she reaches out to grab the giant gem in the center of his forehead, and she pulls with a grunt, thinking that's some sort of battery for the unit.

"So you be a good boy now and go take a nap, okay?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There's more explosions, and fire, and chaos, and carnage. Things are burning over in the air as the floating dome-head that is MODOK then has the giant psionic focusing array on the center of his giant forehead is yoinked out. Then he goes to cllapse in midair over as if someone dropped a giant boulder on him as his big, fat body goes to hit the ground. Where along ht eway it's impaled on the various droped giant festive poles, gets fake pinecone needles stuck in his eyes, along with lego shrpanel, fruitcakes, and hundreds of crushed cheap plastic ornaments and chachkas where the sun do (and don't) shine. And dozens upon dozens of disks have flung through the air by Caleb's immense accuracy, embedding themsekves into the skull like darts, where they would all start to explode, various electronics and cybernetics within the skull-dome also cooking off and going on fire! It's all way too pucked up. Rolling through a large set of neon lights that would be plugged in to the center of the boardwalk flashing 'MERRY CHRISTMAS (and Happy Holidays)' in the middle.

There's a loud ZORTTT that accompanied MODOK's body flashing up showing a giant skull and adorable little small arm and leg bones along it dangling and flailing uselessly.

Then it slumps down and.. It flashes again. The writing is small but legible.

Eat.. At Joes.

... That explains an awful lot, honestly.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen dusts her hands off. "That'll teach them. Mess with the holiday and it's your halls that are getting decked." Followed by a short sigh, a glance at the Bad Santas sprawled about the street, then up to Ollie. "Think we can leave them for the cops to clean up? You already tied a bow on the head butthead."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I think we've done our bit," Ollie says to his sister, glancing around. They're just everyday, regular citizens. Nothing to see here.

In the chaos on the street, the specifics will likely be lost and really nothing makes them stand out all that much aside from the fact that they did not, in the end, bravely run away. That doesn't mean that he has any interest in spending the ret of the night answering questions down at the station. "Lets go. Maybe we can find somewhere with fewer giant floating evil heads to do any last minute shopping."

Then again this is New York so that's far from a certainty.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb approaches MODOK, or what remains of him anyways, along with his family. He looks at the remains coldly; if he could shoot it again, he would.

"Is it over?", the father asks.

Caleb nods, "Yeah. It's done."

Sheila looks at him, and it's not a good look. "You idiot!", she yells, bumping his arm, "You could've died!!"

"I was doing what I had to keep you guys safe", the young man replies. He looks at Felicity, whom he recognizes, and offers a wave; the same goes for those who seem to be with her. To them, he says, "Concerned citizens' civic duty, right?"

Preston doesn't seem all that happy himself; he rests his hand over his good shoulder, "Come on, son. Let's get that arm of yours checked out. Paramedics should be here anytime soon."