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Latest revision as of 17:09, 22 December 2023

Mistletoe, Mistlefoe, Missile-TOW
Date of Scene: 22 December 2023
Location: 4B - Mark and Bunny's Apartment
Synopsis: Bunny, Mark and Sunny have a quiet night indoors, discussing discovering their powers, presents and their relationship.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow, Bunny Macleod

Mark Grayson has posed:
Despite what is going on with his father, Mark is still trying to push ahead with Xmas coming up in a few days. With some lo-fi holiday music playing in the background, there's a small pile of packages that he needs to work on wrapping and set under the tree before Bunny returns home.

There's also a couple of packages for Sunny, set in a bag and tucked to the side to be wrapped later. Currently, however? Mark is floating off the ground, in the space between the living area and the kitchen and is working on tacking up a small sprig of mistletoe.

Dressed in a pair of pajama pants of plain grey and a black t-shirt, his feet are bare as he moves back and forth slightly, making sure that the little plant is set up exactly in the middle of the corridor.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
The christmas spirit wasn't going to be killed off, even by Viltrumite invasions. At least, not for Sunny!

Of course, with the permission to stay over? Sunny was here!

Wrapped around her form was a deep red sundress, her hair was tied back and...as she came into the room with her own wrapped gifts tucked in her arms.

Floating along, it seemed she too was trying to be sneaky!

Mark Grayson has posed:
When Sunny comes around the corner and comes up on Mark at the intersection of the public and private part of the house, Mark wasn't paying attention until Sunny is practically upon her! Turning around to face her, he lowers the hammer he had and grins.

"Hey." comes the warm greeting, as he scoots slightly to the side to make room for Sunny to pass by. "Sorry. Was just ah..." His eyes drift upwards.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Well, she didn't exactly look like Santa, colors aside...she comes to float down to the ground, exhaling a breath. "Ahh, crap."

Blushing a little and lifting her hands with gifts still born. "I was trying to leave some suprise gifts but..."

A shrug, biting her lift with a little giggle she offers a box towards him. "Surprise?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
She is far too curvy and gorgeous to be Santa. Mark laughs and shakes his head. "I apologize. Was just hanging some mistletoe and didn't clear out of the way in time!" he admits with an amused smile as he floats down to join her and accepts the box. "Oh! Thank you..." he says as he takes it.

"Did you want me to open it now, or wait until Christmas Day? I assumed you would be over to celebrate with us." comes the quiet admission. "I should show you what I got Bunny for Christmas."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean, these ones you can open now..." she grins, the blonde beaming with all the nergy of her namesake. "I uh...probably should have warned you I go a little overboard when it comes to enjoying holidays like this. You should have seen me on Halloween." The admission? Well, she grins, tucking the other box behind her back and leaning forwards up towards his height. "I mean, I kinda assumed I was going to be here to celebrate with you too so...guess you're stuck with me."

What he got Bunny? She grins, nodding excitedly. "Absolutely...though, maybe we should check you put that mistletoe up correctly first?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I'm trying to totally not be the boyfriend that shows up at Walgreen's on Midnight of Christmas Eve to find you a gift." Mark promises with a laugh as he shakes his head. "Though I am having to change the original gift I was going to get you." His expression changes just a little. A bit of a cloud. It probably had something to do with his dad.

"I'll open it in a moment then." Stay focused on the pretty blonde smiling to beat the devil. He sets the box to the side when he chuckles. "I don't think I'd agreed to date you with Bunny if I thought we were stuck." Pointed out, when she mentions checking to make sure the mistletoe's right, he feels a little heat on his check. Not embarassment. Excitement, perhaps? "We should totally make sure it's set up correctly." he agrees with her, closing the distance between the two of them.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
She could probably figure out it out, and the sweetness behind the thought wasn't quite smothered down by circumstance, coming to bring a soft little blush and heart-flutter of appreciation before she came to grin and lean inwards, closing the last of the distance to claim the little kiss, sweet as it was. Who really cared if the holiday tradition was just an excuse, right?

She lets the kiss linger for a moment before she gently draws back, a breath exhaled and a little giggle following. "I...think it might be working."

Mark Grayson has posed:
When Sunny leans in for the kiss, Mark meets her halfway. Their kiss is soft and lingering, a gentle play of their mouths as he breathes in Sunny's scent. It feels all too brief when she pulls away and he licks his lips as she pulls back and he laughs. "Oh yeah. Totally working." he admits, slightly gobsmacked for a moment.

Reaching to lace his fingers with Sunny's, he tugs gently. "Come on, you can tell me if you want to see Bunny's gift first or open what you got me?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Her scent was...well, possibly a hint to her gift. The scent of baked goods, vanilla...some sort of berries perhaps? Either way she she draws back and shifts Bunny's gift to her free hand before she keeps her other hand with fingers interlaced with Marks and gestures with a tilt of her head. "Show me what you got her, so I can be -super- excited waiting to see how she reacts, obviously!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
Leading Sunny over to the couch, Mark settles in, releasing her hand only to set aside the box and pull out a larger box. When he sets it down, the young man opens it. Within? A pair of vintage, 80s style skates.

The red wheels have white print on them reading 'Care Bears'. The white leather has Tenderheart Bear sliding down a rainbow with hearts splashed across it. Red laces and a red brake pad complete the skates, "We've been together for four months now... so I wanted to do something heartfelt without you know, overselling my hand?" He looks to Sunny for her thoughts on the matter.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sitting herself down, the young woman blinks, eyes opening wide at the skates and a little joyful giggle of excitement escaping her lips. "Those are amazingly perfect! So very Bunny!" she offers before lifting a hand to gently give a stroke with her fingers to one of the wheels, setting it spinning lightly and then looking up to the other Viltrumite. "I'm sure, she'll be thrilled with them, really."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Yeah. You should see our old place. The one underneath the piano bar." Mark says as he grins as he notices Sunny's excitement. "She had this whole wall with old skates on them. I'm getting her that, and I'm working on a piano that I found on Craigslist for free... getting it tuned up and hopefully will be ready for Christmas."

"Now I just have to figure out what to get you that will make you equally as thrilled." he teases, before he takes up the box that was offered to him. "Alright. I'm not ruining anything if I open this, right?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean, only if you were planning on making some food," Sunny offers with a grin, patting the box left for Bunny. "They were more like...wake up and find suprise rather than 'wait till Christmas morning' things." A gesture with her hand, she points towards the direction of the bedroom. "I thought about leaving them outside your door, but I also figured that sleepy first steps outside might have led to unintented smooshing."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Oh totally. I'm a complete zombie before I have coffee in the morning." Mark admits and then works on opening the box that was offered up to him. "Never expect me to cook for you. I can do bacon and eggs and heat stuff in the oven. Outside of that, we have... plenty of fast food apps." he admits with a laugh as he opens the box to see...

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I'll forgive you for that one," she teases lightly, even as he opens the box to find an assortment of...well, lots. Sugar cookies, a mini-tart, a chocolate slice, all in christmasy shapes and tiny chibi animals. "But only because you're cute. I guess I'll have to cover your food making...and you'll have to keep be around, if only for the snacks."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark can't resist and before he can stop, he comments. "You are quite the snack, Sunny." His eyes meet hers for a moment, but he takes up one of the cookies to snack on. "I'm sure Bunny would agree with me and with you that we totally need to keep you around for the treats!" he offers with an amused smile.

Finishing off the cookie, he draws in a breath. "So. What would you like for Christmas?" he asks her. His idea is no longer any good. He needs a feeder line to know what to get her.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"What would I like for Christmas?" Sunny repeats, his little teasing comment earning a little playful shove before she considers. "I mean, I'm in a relationship now, trial or not, with two people I adore...I'm finally getting some super materials to put into at least one outfit...I got to pet a super cute dinosaur...I joined a team..." she lists off on her fingers before shrugging her shoulders lightly. "I think I'm kinda at a loss as to what I could possibly want more..."

Grinning, she gently considers before shrugging. "I don't need anything really. Take me somewhere fun, the three of us. Get me a cute plushie or have Bunny help you pick out a cute hoodie or something..." Sunny offers, perhaps hinting she trusted Bunny's fashion sense slightly more than Mark's. "I like cute things...that's probably why you two have to deal with me being around so much!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark and Sunny are sitting on the couch together. Mark has a small box of cookies and other treats in his lap as he grins widely at how well Sunny describes how her life has gone in the last month.

Conviently, she left out the flip side of that, and the issue they are facing together now.

"Oh yes, Bunny is much better at clothes than I am. I'm totally of the mall shopping class. She knows all the fun quirky stuff. But mostly vintage. So I hope you like that." He does make a note of plushes. "I got Bunny a couple of squishmellows."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny's fashion sense was superior because Mark's mom bought most of his present wardrobe.

    And Bunny's been picking her own since she was eight.

    "WHO SAID ANYTHING--" ker WHAP. THe door shuts. "About vintage clothing? Have you been peeking in my present pile?" she asks out loud as she struggles in with two large canvas sacks. She doesn't struggle carrying them. THey're just weirdly balanced.

    "And no one likes vintage stuff in this household, especially not colorful vintage stuff and ESPECIALLY not the blondes." she states, bypassing the couch to head directly to the bedroom so that no one can see what she brought home.

    "These are absolutely just a pile of rubber ducks."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Suddenly Bunny...also busted, leading to the red sundress (despite the weather) wearing Sunny to blink. "Did we all just..." she begins, realising that each of them had just stumbled into each other bringing gifts around for the others (and hanging decorations in Mark's case). Laughing lightly, at the call from the other girl Sunny leans back on the couch. "So you -don't- want a hand in there?" she asks lightly, grinning a little and stepping up off the couch to lurk near the bedroom hallway.

One might think she was trying to peek, but she was trying to give Mark a chance to hide his gift to Bunny, concealing her own little 'pre-day' gift behind her back as she waited.

Of course, it would be -purely- accidental if she found herself waiting under the mistletoe Mark had hung, right?

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I have absolutely not looked and do not have any knowledge of your love of cute and vintage things, Bunny!" Mark calls after her as she retreats with the two bags. "That's a lot of rubber ducks." he points out with a smirk.

When Sunny runs over to keep Bunny busy, Mark takes the time to shove things into boxes after setting the cookies aside. Once they are back in their shippng box, he shoves it back into its hiding place - between the couch and the wall. She'll never check there!

"Sunny was just telling me about wanting to do more baking over here!" Totally innocent.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "So many rubber ducks for me to slingshot into spaaaaaaaaaaaaace." Bunny calls back, fading out her voice as if she's going far away before she hides the bags in a closet. Mark'll never look there!

    "Hey Sun-Sun, hey Mark-Mark." she states as she comes out, wearing a T-shirt with 'MERRY SOLSTICE YOU THIEVING CHRISTIAN BASTARDS' and a very grumpy looking 'Father Christmas' in a green coat on it, and gives a grin as she offers a hug to the other blonde. "Just baking, huh? Our kitchen that much better than the diner's?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean, it's not older than I am and constantly neglected to be cleaned by another shift so..." Sunny grins, bringing around her hands to a small 'wrapped' present that was actually just a box styled to look that way. "These were going to be a breakfast thing, but Mark caught me sneaking them in so...only fair you get yours too. Early holiday treat?"

Of course the box is offered in both hands before she lifts her gaze upwards with a little smirk. "Of course, I walked in on him hanging those."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Hey, sweetheart." Mark offers to Bunny as he recovers his box to take out the tart to pop into his mouth. Chew chew. "That's a pretty powerful slingshot." comes his decision on Bunny's idea of what to do with rubber ducks.

"She wanted to leave them outside our bedroom door and I had to warn her that I'm a shambling zombie until I have that first cup of coffee in the morning."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Oooooooh holiday treat." Bunny replies to Sunny, and she gives a small smile. "Well, you're welcome here to use the kitchen. As long as you clean up afterwards, or get Mark to do dishes." she pauses. "In his underwear." she gives a bright smile at THAT thought.

    Hey, people love a man who does household chores. And then she pauses. She looks up.

    "Is that mistletoe?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Now -that- is definately better than Joe's," Sunny nods, sharing that smile and perhaps a little glimps of mischief over her shoulder at the man in question before looking back towards Bunny and her question, lowering her box with a little shrug and a playful grin. "I'm not sure. Lemme check?" she jests before leaning in lightly, most of the way to insinuate she was wanting to share a kiss or plant one on Bunny, but held back enough that Bunny could turn her cheek and move away with ease should she wish.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark /snorts/, a hint of heat in his cheeks. "If you want me in my underwear, you just need to ask!" he calls back as he glances upward as realization dawns on Bunny on what Mark has stuck up on the cieling.

"A-yup." he drawls, before adding, "The house brownie must have realized that we needed a little something extra." His tone is light and affectionate, even as he pops in another cookie in his mouth. They're really good!

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny turns bright red. Her left foot bounces a little on the floor as she appears to contemplate, -- and then she hops up. She throws her arms around Sunny's neck (provided Sunny doesn't headbutt her by mistake!) and presses an oh-so-sweet kiss to Sunny's lips -- if she lets Bunny do so.

    Mistletoe indeed. At least they don't have Mistlefoe hung up. Otherwise someone's hall was gonna get... DECKED.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
The jump was unexpected, the box of cookies recieving their best attempt to be saved...but if Indestructibelle was going to lose them? Well, it was worth it as she wraps an arm around Bunny to support her weight and returns the kiss happily, letting that sweet moment linger until they pull back with the blonde bright red and a nervous giggle dipped in her clear joy escaping her lips.

"Wow...okay, yep. Mistletoe."

And to think she thought -she- was the one bringing an early christmas treat!

Mark Grayson has posed:
Or missile-TOW, that would be totally explosive kisses!

Mark laughs and sets his box to the side, patting the couch so that Bunny will hopefully join him. And bring Sunny along. "I think she's been waiting on that since we all started dating, BunBun." he comments lightly to her.

"Should give us plenty of ideas on how to make her Christmas." A shrug of his shoulders and a lean back. Abs ahoy!

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Must be mistletoe. Extra lucky."

    Bunny gives a bright grin as she dismounts Sunny's grasp, and stretching her arms makes her way towards the couch so she can sit down.

    "So, we can check Super Strength off that list. That was definitely at least seventy-five pounds of Rubber Ducks to be Spaced and not a sweat broken out." she replies, and flops against Mark.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Huh..." Sunny had been dancing around asking about sideeffects, albeit partially for having been absent spending time with family, but still she comes to a little blink.

"Well, better than how I found out about my strength. I went to toss something on my bed...put it through the wall."

The blonde girl moves up, coming towards the couch and dropping hers down the other side of Mark to lazily lean against his other side. "But that's super cool Bunny."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Yeah... you weren't here the other night when Bunny nearly floated off." Mark comments when Bunny comes over and flops against his side, and he wraps an arm around her before kissing the side of her head. "Seventy-five pounds, huh? That is an awful lot of ducks." A grin at that before Sunny comes over and settles on the other side.

His other arm moves to settle around the other Viltrumite, snuggling in with both women. "I figure at some point, we need to take Bunny out, help her learn to fly - figure out how fast she can go. And then see how much she can lift. The only other thing is the..." And Mark laughs. "You realize, you get durability as well, you will totally have to get a new super alias that starts with I. Like Invuneribelle or something."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I went into a girl's room for a tinkle and accidentallied the toilet paper holder off the wall." Bunny admits. "But saying 'wow those rubber ducks to be spaced felt SO LIGHT' was much cooler and less embarrassing" she admitted.

    And she wrinkles her nose. "What if I don't get the better durability? do I just skip the I? I mean how many other 'I' superheroes are there? And obvs I'm not at you guys levels!"

    And she looks to SUnny, clearly embarrassed "I almost floated out of the bathroom window in my PJ's. I held onto the light and the fan until a friend came by and popped the lock because I was scared Mark would *wreck* the door."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Hey!" Sunny pouts at the comment of 'Invuneribelle' before poking Mark gently. "To be fair, I picked 'Indestructibelle' -before- I knew you were a thing...and because 'Incredibelle' seemed super egotistical." Sunny begins before Bunny's admission brings a little undignified snort of laughter from Sunny only for her to belatedly cover her mouth.

"I'm sorry it's not funny but...It's kinda also amazingly funny."

Would they have to go out and test what Bunny could do? Absolutely...although it -might- have made Sunny's plans of taking the other girl for a flight a little less impressive!

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I don't know, I think you're pretty incredible, Sunny." Mark squirms at Sunny's poke and gives her a wink and he chuckles softly at Bunny's comment. "Okay, my turn, I guess. I was working at the Burger Mart back home, one of those 'earn extra money to buy my own stuff' jobs, right?"

"Boss loved making me take out the trash. It was gross." Mark explains, moving his arms to caress both women's shoulders with his hands. "So one night, was taking out this really big bag of trash - and I was frustrated and just /yeeted/ it into low orbit. It actually came back to Earth three days later." He chuckles at that. "So that's how I found out."

"If you don't get all of our powers, I won't complain. I wanted you well before you took those pills." he points out. "I'm just glad you're okay... and we're all here together now.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "The place with the baller strawberry shakes is where you found out your strength powers came in?" Bunny asks. And she tapes her thigh a moment.

    "I suppose better than how my mutant powers came in." she ventures. "Me and my younger siblings were caught in the crossfire of two gangs. I used my body to shield them." she shrugs. "Didn't really matter if I lived or died. I was pretty down then. Which is why every day's a Bonus Day. My mutant powers activated and I found out I was Bulletproof."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Compared to the teenage drama of the two members of the alien warrior race, Bunny's story is obviously the more heart-stopping. Still she comes to lean over Mark's chest and gently draws her hand over to offer a light squeeze of Bunny's hand in comfort. "Well...I'm sure both Mark and I are happy for every single bonus day around you."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark has heard the story before. When they were new to dating and learning about each other. Doesn't mean he doesn't feel it every time he hears it. When Sunny reaches for her, Mark instead lifts Bunny up, turning and sitting her sideways in his lap so that she is draping across both Viltrumites.

"Your father is an idiot for not realizing what you did. And do." he comments firmly, hugging her to him with one arm, the other hand squeezing Sunny's side at the upper torso. "Now you're getting all the bonuses. Bonus days, bonus friends... bonus people who want you in their lives for a relationship..." he doesn't venture further, because he's already blushing.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "... ohmigod my dad would flip out if he found out I was in a bisexual threesome with TWO aliens, NEITHER of whom are archetects!" Bunny acts mock-shocked, but she's turned, draped over the two stronger heroes, and she gives a small smile.

    "HEy that's why my spirit's unbreakable. Not even Omni-Man has the strength to break this!" she states, and she flops dramatically over Sunny and Mark.

TAnd she squeezes Sunny's hand.

    "Bulletproof is also such a cool name."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"We...do kinda sound like a tabloid article, don't we?" Sunny considers, grinning a little and looking between the pair. With drapped Bunny across their legs and a snuggling of all three of them she nuzzles into Mark's shoulder and lets her other hand rest across Bunny's leg. "But as far as crazy impossible things that could happen? This has -got- to be the best one that has ever happened to me."

"Bulletproof IS super cool. Our Bulletproof Bunny..."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Oh, we'll just have to make sure he also doesn't know we may all see each other naked someday." Mark comments with a smirk. He really does not like Bunny's dad, that much is clearly obvious. "We're only a tabloid article if we go out flaunting it or something." he reaches up, the hand on Bunny lightly playing with her hair.

"Bulletproof is a good name. I still like Prisma. You're colorful, bright, and just... you make my life better. You both do."